file types grouped, how to ungroup - windows-7

in windows 7, after installed Komodo Edit, i tried to change filetype icon using FileTypesMan from NirSoft, but as weird as it is, as soon as I change desription for .js it changes to the same too for .php and vice-versa the other way too. My guess is, maybe Komodo added it to some file types group, but dunno how to diferentiate them? My primary goal is to have a custom php icon for php and js files (each one different)
any experience anyone, or suggestions?
Newer heard before of such binding between different file extensions

Unfortunately Komodo uses your system file icons so it does not have direct control over what language icons you see. If you'd want to change those icons you would have to do it at the system level.
Note that we will most likely be using our own language icons in one of our next releases, which should solve issues like the one you are having.
Note that if you're feeling really adventurous you could develop an addon or customize the source directly (available at Feel free to join us on IRC if you have any questions - #komodo on
Source: Komodo Dev.


Can you change the theme of an existing powerpoint with Python-pptx?

I was wondering if there was any way I could change the theme of an existing PowerPoint using Python-pptx.
I realise that the easiest way of inserting a specific theme of a powerpoint, you just open a "template powerpoint" with the theme in it. However, I want to automize converting themes of existing PowerPoints, I'm not creating new PowerPoints from scratch.
You might say: just copy and paste slides into the PowerPoint with a specific theme. However, copy and pasting slides is extremely error-prone as well, seeing they work with slide indices which seem quite tricky. And I'm not even sure whether the pasted slides automatically assume the theme of the new document.
Therefore I was wondering if anyone knew of some kind of theme object I could call and change using Python-pptx?
Thanks in advance
The short answer is no. Implementing that would be a fairly big deal and there are no current plans to add it.
If you wanted to do that to several decks, you might explore using Visual Basic for Applications to do it in a Microsoft Windows environment. You might also explore using the win32com interface to control the PowerPoint application from Python, I think that also requires a Windows environment.

Plugins to set Bookmarks with Inherit Zoom in Acrobat (Mac)?

At work, we are required to set "Inherit Zoom" on all bookmarks and links within PDF files (using Adobe Acrobat). I have been surprised at how difficult it is to set this across multiple bookmarks. I.e., the only native way I have found to do this is by manually right-clicking on each link and editing the properties to Inherit Zoom.
This is a problem for a number of reasons. For one, when you set Inherit Zoom on a bookmark, you can no longer direct that bookmark or link to a specific destination within a page (aka an anchor). You must set the bookmark or link to bring you to a page number instead.
I could deal with that and work around it, if there was some way to set Inherit Zoom as the default for a document. Unfortunately, it appears that Acrobat requires you to manually edit every single link and/or bookmark. As you can imagine, this is a huge undertaking when working with large PDFs with many bookmarks and internal links.
I have been reading through forums (Adobe, here, elsewhere) and help pages for hours trying to find an answer and it seems the only successful ones are installing a plug-in that can change these settings throughout a document in one fell swoop. I'm hesitant to install 3rd party plug-ins for both security reasons, and the fact that they are often expensive. We're certainly willing to pay for a plug-in that takes care of this issue, but if there's a better way to do it then I would like to explore other options. There's also the worry that after we buy a 3rd party plug-in, there's no guarantee how long it will be supported by the devs or compatible with newest versions of Acrobat.
This has (apparently) been a common problem and request by Acrobat users for over 5 years. Someone out there has to have a good solution. Any advice or recommendations on a reliable plug-in would be much appreciated!
I have created an open-source (Java-based) app that allows you to apply
Actual size
Fit page
Fit visible
Fit width
Inherit zoom
to all bookmarks within a PDF document or entire directories of PDFs (enclosing subdirectories included) without selecting each item manually:
In case anyone with the same problem finds this, I was able to work around the issue by creating documents in a LaTex editor first, then converting to a PDF. The anchors created in the Latex editor had the Inherit Zoom functionality, if not the explicit settings in properties.
I also used the software Debenu Aerialist, which would have worked for editing links or bookmarks en masse. It's not a perfect solution or product but it worked.

Source of Thunderbird's Default Theme by Arvid Axelsson

I need to edit the original icons from Thunderbird's Default Theme by Arvid Axelsson.
Does Mozilla provides an SVG version?
I need to know the style of the icons, because they're really specific (inner-shadow etc). It's not a simple -moz-effect (CSS). Does anybody know where to find or download the real skin-source or how to view files inside chrome://global/skin?
There are actually three default themes - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. You seem to be talking about the Windows theme which is indeed being attributed to Arvid Axelsson even though he doesn't seem to be working on it (looks like he created the theme around Thunderbird 1.0 and other people took over since).
Looking at the source code repository, the icons are there but their source code isn't. I also checked the bugs associated with icon changes and the source code of these icons indeed doesn't seem to be public. Which means that the only way for you would be contacting the person who designed the icons. That would be Andreas Nilsson, click his name in bug 671236 to send him a mail.

Windows Visual Themes: Gallery of Parts and States?

Microsoft Windows lets programmers draw GUI elements using the look and feel of the current theme using functions like DrawThemeBackground and DrawThemeText. The elements are specified by Class, Part, and State, as described at the Parts and States page at MSDN.
Unfortunately, the page is not very informative (at all!). So the question is: is there somewhere a reference of all these parts and states, preferably with images of the elements (in the default Windows Vista/7 theme)?
I have created a small Windows application, programmed with the table at Parts and States. This application lets the programmer browse and explore all parts and states, using the current OS theme.
It can be downloaded at
The (Delphi, Win32 API) source, which is too long to be posted here (due to hundreds of constants) is found at
You're looking for this.
Mike Lische, who wrote the first Theme support for Delphi (which was later absorbed by Borland) has a very good Theme Explorer demo application:
It's not been updated to support new Windows 7 common controls, but its parts/states explorer is very pretty.
And if i may say, Andreas, a design you might want to copy for yours :)
Much more comprehensive theme explorer: mCtrl Theme Explorer

How to change the theme of a program

I have a piece of software, a winform program developed in c#, that has several different themes. But if one of my team members wants to change the theme they have to ask me, then i have to change it, recompile and send it. Instead I wish for them to be able to freely change the theme. It is like changing the theme in Firefox, etc. Any ideas on how to begin coding such a piece of software?
This seems like a good thing to put into your config file. Have a method that checks the config file for a theme setting. And change the theme based on that. I would also recommend having a default theme in case the config file fails to specify one.
Alternatively, this could go into the admin / settings / options portion of the application. Where you could save it with your other settings. In the registry, or app settings folder, etc.
