How to move block to the left - right-to-left

I would like to move the block "Business Listings" to the left so that it is aligned with the left side of the page on the site:
Can someone please tell me how to do this.
I am trying to make the site rtl. Thanks!

Add float:left to the section-head div and clear-both to the article element below.


Index positioning to left with respect to main content using Asciidoctor

I am creating an Index document using Asciidoctor which enlists all my subsequent collection of documents. The output that is generated lists the indexes on top of the main content at the center of the page.
I visited
Asciidoctor User Manual and tried using :toc: left to move the index to the left, but the said thing didn't happen. It still renders the index at the top of the main content and not to the left of the main content.
How should I move further?
Help much appreciated
Thanks in advance!
The attribute toc: left was overridden by the Gradle script which was used to build it. Everytime the value at compilation was overridden to toc: '' to an empty string, which by default renders it in the center of the page. Hence it wasn't working.
Removed the dependency, and now it works. :)

Magento div position changing

I need to change the position of div in my magento page
Discount Code should be placed to the left, Middle Shipping Estimation
Based on you selection should come at the bottom horizontally.
You need to find the exact html page what you need to change. But according to the template the file location may change. You can find the location by going to
system ->configuration ->Developer(left bottom) then select Main Web site from the current configuration(left top)
Then you can select YES for the Template Path Hints in the Debug section. with that you will be able to see the file location in your root.
After that you change the div location as you need :)

Can anyone tell me why on one of my pages, the footer appears twice?
On my portolio site I have used ajax to animate content load, but am wondering how I can make the transitions smoother as each page differes in length, and also why does the footer appear twice on the linked page above? This is the tutorial I followed:
Looks like you're using a master page and have called the footer from both the master and child.

Article not following site's layout (Joomla)

please go to first and notice how the second article has been 'crushed' to the left - half of the article's normal width.
Anyway, I don't think I can explain much more, my question is very clear: Why is this happening? I do want mention that the content of the article itself has nothing to do (or maybe just a bit), as I tried changing it, and the text did expand to the article's normal width; however, the bar on top (with the article's title "Espacio Asir" and the PDF, print & mail icons was still only at half-width).
I also tried changing the site back to Joomla's default theme, but this did not help. I guess it could be a Joomla 1.5 bug, but I really don't think such obvious error would be present in this version.
I'd really appreciate any help in advance, and if I did not explain myself clear enough, please let me know and I'll add the info needed and post some screens.
It's a feature, not a bug. If you add a third article, the third one will be on the second row, to the right of the second article, also "crushed". -- Or "1/2 column" rather than full column width.
Information on overriding the default layout. For more help, ask in the Joomla forums.
This how Joomla shows a blog layout. Its working properly.
If you want to change the layout type, you need to go to the Main Menu, and edit the Home menu item. You will see that its set to blog layout. You can click on the change type button to choose a different one.

Is there an AJAX Anchor Link?

I want to use the classic anchor link to have a top nav link towards the bottom of the page. Is there an AJAX alternative for this to make it look cleaner and better?
I believe you are confused between the terms Javascript and Ajax... I'm guessing you neeed an anchor link to smoothly animate or slide the scroller to the bottom/top of the page or to the anchor tag... check out this plugin here
Try the jQuery LocalScroll plugin. There's a nice demo to see all the ways to make scrolling nicer.
