Can anyone tell me why on one of my pages, the footer appears twice? - ajax
On my portolio site I have used ajax to animate content load, but am wondering how I can make the transitions smoother as each page differes in length, and also why does the footer appear twice on the linked page above? This is the tutorial I followed:

Looks like you're using a master page and have called the footer from both the master and child.


How can I stop Dashing from updating widgets outside of viewport

I have set up a Home-automation dashboard using Shopify/Dashing as base.
Dashing uses Gridster.js to allocate the large amount of widgets I have in columns & pages. The pages are being switched with Dashing.cycleDashboards(). The widgets are binded to an EventSource socket with Batman.js (installed as Ruby Gem, which gets it's data from OpenHab through mqtt)
I've chosen not to create multiple dashboards because of the outdated browser the dashboard is running on and split them in gridster divs as said. This is where my question is about;
Although only one Gridster div is displayed at a time, all are being updated in the DOM. Because the browser is so unstable this takes up a lot of memory and browser chrashes.
I'd like to stop Dashing from updating the hidden Gridster divs. Of course the div should get updated after switching to it. (After the switch I would like to execute state updates per widget with jQuery XHR calls.)
Is the above possible? And if so, please point me in the right direction. What file(s) do I need to change? Sample code would be great.
Thanks in advance.
I did not fix this issue. I have rewritten the complete HTML structure to accomplish what I needed. Closing this thread!

How to make a base layout (header, footer, sidebar) using codeigniter

I am just wondering if any of you know or has a link that could let me know the step by step of making a layout of pages or simply as just letting me create header, footer and sidebar that I could call every time I create new page using codeigniter. So that I will not encode it with every pages I make. Thank you guys :) I always appreciate your answers :)
put the design that you want for header in one .php page
put this code in your view page where you want to show the header
do the same for footer, slidebar and all other pages that you want to include in different pages

PyroCMS: How to include one page inside another

I have a site with an "About us" page which is divided into multiple sections.
About Us
+The Company
+Our services
+Future plans
I want to have a floated block on the right hand side of each of these pages which contains links to every other page.
Ideally, what I would like is to create a page titled AboutUsSidebar, and then be able to include this page in all of the about sections through some kind of tag, ie..
Is there anything like this in PyroCMS? Or perhaps a better way to do it?
You should use view partials.
Create your sidebar with it's HTML and save it into addons/shared_addons/themes/yourtheme/views/partials/sidebar.html and then you can include it in your layouts as so:
{{ theme:partial name="sidebar" }}
It looks like page types are the way to go, I didn't see the page types button at the top of the page before.
In the end what I was able to achieve the desired result by using a page type.
I have a page type called "About" which contains the sidebar html, then I use pages on top of that page type for each of the sections.
Worked very nicely.

loading content on separate page that's encased in the jcycle plugin

So I have a website that has just two pages. On the home page, there are some things going on, but are not important. There are some links, however, that will need to link to a specific piece of content on the second page.
On the second page, I have content on there and it's all encased in the jcycle plugin.
What I need to do is if someone is on the homepage and they click on a link, it needs to load up the second page and show the correct "slide" that corresponds to what the homepage link is.
If you need any more clarification, please let me know.
In the cycle options reference, I see that there is a startingSlide option. You could set that dynamically. You could either do it with server-side code, e.g. /foo?slide=3 or you could check which anchor reference was used on the incoming link, e.g. /foo#slide3. Or, you could use DHTML to build the slideshow on the homepage when they click the given link.
Also note that there is a slideExpr option that you could use to filter the slides to a smaller set, depending on what they selected.

Should I load an entire html page with AJAX?

My designer thought it was a good idea to create a transition between different pages. Essentially only the content part will reload (header and footer stay intact), and only the content div should have a transitional effect (fade or some sort). To create this sort of effect isn't really the problem, to make google (analytics) happy is...
Solutions I didn't like and why;
Load only the content div with ajax: google won't see any content, meaning the site will never be found, or only the parts which are retrieved by ajax, which arent't full pages at all
show the transitional effect, then after that 'redirect' the user to the designated page (capture the click event of a elements): effect is pretty much the same as just linking to another page, eg. user will still see a page being reloaded
I thought of one possible solution:
When a visitor clicks a link, capture the event, load the target with ajax, show the transitional effect in the meantime, then just rewrite the entire document with the content fetched with the ajax request.
At least this will work and has some advantages; the page reload will look seamless, no matter how slow your internet connection is, google won't really mind because the ajax content is a full html page itself, and can be crawled as is, even non-javascript browsers (mobile phones et al.) won't mind, they just reload the page.
My hesitation to implement this method is that i would reload an entire page using ajax. I'm wondering if this is what ajax is meant to do, if it would slow things down. Most of all, is there a better solution, eg. my first 'bad' solution but slightly different so google would like it (analytics too)?
Thanks for your thoughts on this!
Short answer: I would not recommend loading an entire page in this manner.
Long answer: Not recommended. whilst possible, this is not really the intent of XHR/Ajax. Essentially what you're doing is replicating the native behaviour of the browser. Some of the problems you'll encounter:
Support for the Back/Forward
button. You'll need a URI # scheme
to solve.
The Browser must parse
the entire page through AJAX.
This'll slow things down. E.g. if
you load a block of HTML into the
browser, then replace the DOM with
it, only then will any scripts, CSS
or images contained therein begin
Memory - the
browser's not changing pages. Over
time (depending on the browser), I'd
expect the memory usage to increase.
Accessibility. Screen readers
will need to be notified whenever
the page content is updated. Might
not be a concern for you but worth
Caching. Browser
would not know which page to cache
(beyond the initial load).
Separation of concerns - your View
is essentially broken into
server-side pieces to render the
page's content along with the static
HTML for the page framework and
lastly the JS to combined the server
piece with the browser piece.
This'll make maintenance over time
problematic and complex.
Integration with other components -
you're already seeing problems with
Google Analytics. You may encounter
issues with other components related
to the timing of when the DOM is
Whether it's worth it for the page transition effect is your call but I hope I've answered your question.
you can have AJAX and SEO: Google's proposal .
i think you can learn something from Gmail's design.
This may be a bit strange, but I have an idea for this.
Prepare your pages to load with an 'ifarme' GET parameter.
When there is 'iframe' load it with some javascript to trigger the parent show_iframe_content()
When there is no 'iframe' just load the page, with a hidden iframe element called 'preloader'
Your goal is to make sure every of your links are opened in the 'preloader' with an additional 'iframe' get parameter, and when the loading of the iframe finishes, and it calls the show_iframe_content() you copy the content to your parent page.
Like this: Link clicked -> transition to loading phase -> iframe loaded -> show_iframe_content() called -> iframe content copied back to parent -> transition back to normal phase
The whole thing is good since, if a crawler visit ary of your pages, it will do it without the 'iframe' get parameter, so it can go through all your pages like normal, but when you use it in a browser, you make your links do the magic above.
This is just a sketch of it, but I'm sure it can be made right.
EDIT: Actually you can do it with simple ajax, without iframe, the thing is you have to modify the page after it has been loaded in the browser, to load the linked content with ajax. Also crawlers should see the links.
Example script:
$.fn.initLinks = function() {
$("a",this).click(function() {
var url = $(this).attr("href");
// transition to loading phase ...
// Ajax post parameter tells the site lo load only the content without header/footer
$.post(href,"ajax=1",function(data) {
// transition to normal phase ...
return false;
$(function() {
Google analytics can track javascript events as if they are pageviews- check here for implementation:
