I need to change the position of div in my magento page
Discount Code should be placed to the left, Middle Shipping Estimation
Based on you selection should come at the bottom horizontally.
You need to find the exact html page what you need to change. But according to the template the file location may change. You can find the location by going to
system ->configuration ->Developer(left bottom) then select Main Web site from the current configuration(left top)
Then you can select YES for the Template Path Hints in the Debug section. with that you will be able to see the file location in your root.
After that you change the div location as you need :)
I create a configurable product, but the dropdwon option is located below the image:
And I want to put it like this one:
How can I achieve this?
You have to edit your css. Inspect that div with firebug or whichever you wish and see the class apply the width you want in your browser first if it works then make changes to your css. If you want to add another class to div, then apply the changes. Then turn on template path hints and see from which template file it is coming and do changes there.
I've inherited a Magento shop site, and the previous developer has gone AWOL. So I'm left with a sheet of paper essentially telling me how to do basic things such as changing the banner on the home page. That's pretty much it.
The person who owns the page now wants to change an advert that's held on the right hand side on the product pages. I've searched in the Admin panel under CMS and drawn a blank. I've navigated through the template files and I've found the 3 column HTML file that I thought contains the actual advert.
It doesn't. Instead, it has the following code:
<div class="col-right sidebar"><?php echo $this->getChildHtml('right') ?></div>
Where can I find the Child HTML? I've searched all of the folders for the file that I'm assuming is called "Right". But I can't seem to find it.
Anyone know where something like this could or would be held?
That is the absolute most root function, anything that is placed in the child "right" will be displayed here and is most certainly not where you want to be doing your editing.
There are literally a hundred different ways content could be posted here and what I would recommend to start with is first determining if it is a static block or a template file.
Go to System -> Configuration -> Developer.
Change "Current Configuration Scope:" to the store you are currently troubleshooting.
Find your IP and place it in "Allowed IPs (comma separated)", this way the next steps will only be visible to you.
Under the "Debug" section you should now see "Template Path Hints" enable this and reload the page.
If that block now has something like: "app/design/base/default/catalog/product/view.phtml" you know it is in a phtml file and you can go there. If it doesn't:
It could be a banner, go to CMS -> Banners and check there.
It could be a static block, go to CMS -> Static Blocks
It could be...any number of things.
You stated that it is on the product page, next step is check catalog.xml in your layout folders. Search for and see if anything inside of there makes sense about what it could be. If the previous developer was any kind of proficient it won't be in catalog.xml but in local.xml OR a custom module's .xml file in the layout directory of the custom theme.
Try doing a search on the code base for the content inside of the block and see if anything pops up. If nothing, use phpmyadmin to search the database for some of the content.
Hope this helps a little.
Search for:
<reference name="right">
For some reason when somebody performs a search on my site the search results do not display underneath the search box, they appear on the far left of the screen.
Any ideas of what file this would be configured in?
Let me correct myself it's not the search results but the search suggestions
I can't offer a direct solution to your problem, but turning on template hints might point you in the right direction. In the Admin, go to System > Configuration, Select your store view from the scope drop down at the top left. Unless you're running multi-store, or have changed the name of the default store it'll be called "Default Store View". Then scroll down to "Developer" and open up the "Debug" section. Turn on both Template Path Hints" and "Add Block Names to Hints". This will add a div with a red border around each template in your layout and a heading which includes the name of the template. It will liklely completely screw up your page layout, but will show you which template generated every tag on the page and help you track down the issue.
The DeveloperToolbar extension makes turning this on/off quickly much easier, but I wouldn't recommend deploying it to a production site.
Alan Storm's indispensable CommerceBug is another tool which is very handly for tracking down front end issues. CommerdeBug can show you the layout handles and the aggregate layout XML used to generate the current page. Both of which are useful for determing why a specific block was (or wasn't) included.
So in case anybody else runs into this or wants to move where their search suggestions display it is in styles.css under .searchautocomplete.
So I have a website that has just two pages. On the home page, there are some things going on, but are not important. There are some links, however, that will need to link to a specific piece of content on the second page.
On the second page, I have content on there and it's all encased in the jcycle plugin.
What I need to do is if someone is on the homepage and they click on a link, it needs to load up the second page and show the correct "slide" that corresponds to what the homepage link is.
If you need any more clarification, please let me know.
In the cycle options reference, I see that there is a startingSlide option. You could set that dynamically. You could either do it with server-side code, e.g. /foo?slide=3 or you could check which anchor reference was used on the incoming link, e.g. /foo#slide3. Or, you could use DHTML to build the slideshow on the homepage when they click the given link.
Also note that there is a slideExpr option that you could use to filter the slides to a smaller set, depending on what they selected.
I wanted to change the breadcrumbs starting point from Home to My title. I edited the file /magento/app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Breadcrumbs.php but it doesn't seem to be working. Is XML playing a role in that?
Your best option is to use Magento's translate feature. Notice how the text in Breadcrumbs.php is wrapped with ->__('text') which instructs Magento to see if there is a translation for text for the current module. If you turn on Translate Inline in System>Config>Admin>Developer, you will be able to edit the text on the page (after refreshing, click the red box then the little book icon). This will then be entered into the database in the core_translate table and replaced in future page renders.
As a general rule, you should never edit files in app/code/code as you will break future upgrades and patches.
turn on Translate Inline in System>Config>Admin>Developer, you will be able to edit the text on the page (after refreshing, click the red box then the little book icon)