spacing virtuemart cart - joomla

Im having problems spacing out my virtuemart cart.
I was hoping someone could have a look and see what my problem could be. I know this is a very broud question but I dont know where else to turn to.
As you can see nothing is really lined up.
You might need to add to cart and all that to actually view the shopping cart.
Any references, or help would be amazing.

I'm answering this off what is quite a broad question, so if it's not what you're after let me know and I'll try and answer better.
Try doing the following 2 edits, I did them using firebug and it improved the appearance of your cart dramatically: - This file near line 55 change the following:
width: 90%;
width: 20%;
This accompanied with giving your table TD elements the following:
style="padding:5px 0;"
This is obviously using inline-styles as I don't wish to dictate as to where you put your CSS though in a .css file is recommended for these styles.
Hope this helps.


Unwanted Scrollbar error in Magento

I Installed Magento and a theme from envato . However it was working with out any issue and at some point of time it started giving an additional unwanted verical scrollbar in my template
Please check the URL : with 2 scrollbar on the right hand side .
Can any one point out the problem ?![enter image description here][1] Screen shot Link
I have tried to disable or comment
at line 4378
overflow-x: hidden;
which removes the scroller . But this gives out another bug .
There is unusual Gap below the footer and the footer of website do not stick to its place .
This is a screen shot after i try to edit css from firebug
Any one with a good advice ???
Thats a css issue. overflow property problem. I think they have set(theme providers) multiple time the same property. Anyway just open the below file,
at line 4378 remove or comment this css property
overflow-x: hidden;
That's it. If you have any doubt comment here.

Gravity Forms with Ajax - multiple ajax preloaders appearing when user clicks Next

I'm using Gravity Forms integrated with Paypal and Stripe, allowing users to directly pay from the product page without the need for a checkout page.
With all the different product options, I've had to use a multi page form with quite a bit of conditional logic.
I'm wanting to use Ajax to avoid the user having to reload the page.
However, when a user clicks "Next" on the multipage form, rather than there being one preloading spinner there are between 2 and 4.
This looks a complete mess, but I have no idea how to fix it.
If anyone has any suggestions as to why there are so many of the preloaders at one time, that would be really helpful, but I suspect it has something to do with how many conditional logic fields I've used.
In a perfect world I'd be able to find a solution to get it back down to only the one preloader. However, I accept it is probably an easier solution to just remove the preloader icon altogether.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks so much. This has been driving me crazy!
I realize you posted this a month ago, but I solved a similar issue with CSS:
.gform_ajax_spinner {
display: none;
.gform_ajax_spinner:nth-child(1) {
display: block;

Magento change space between main navigation links

This should be easy, but I'm not getting any useful results.
I'm trying to edit the menu and keep it on one line. Either forced one line or edit the spacing on my own.
I changed a bunch of margin/padding settings for the ul(got the ul name from top.phtml, then changed skin/frontend/default/blanco/css/menu1.css, but it isn't changing anything.
Using blanco theme. Any ideas to get me started?
Edit: Had to change the name to 'STORE' so it would show up on the same line for the time being. But if I change it to Online Store, instead of pushing the menu items closer together it defaults to two lines!
It looks like you just need #nav > li{padding:8px 15px;} in menu1.css. Change the 15px value up or down to tune the spacing.
If it isn't making any difference check that the CSS file is not cached anywhere (from Magento back-end right through to your browser).

Silverstripe & ReCaptcha formatting

I have a recapture form field added through userforms module for Silverstripe. And if you look at you will see the captcha form looks quite messy.
Using Chrome debugger I noticed that the captcha is adding an extra <tr> field and I've looked everywhere and have no idea how to get rid of it.
Please help!
The reason it looks so messy is the height of the captcha input that it inherits from your page css pushes out the box height. We need to reset the height of this input field.
Add the following to your css:
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_response_field {
height: auto;

What's the best way to highlight a required field on a web form?

I don't find the oft-used "*" to be very nice looking - can anyone suggest a nicer-looking method or point me to an example?
I tried making the field highlighted in red as one person suggested but I did not like the look.
Bold labels might do the trick.
But I really like the idea of "Required" being shown in grey in the field until text is added. Does anyone have code for this?
Generally speaking, the best web forms are the simplest ones that require me to think the least. The "standard" that has evolved is that required fields have an asterisk (*) next to them. Sometimes the asterisk is red to help it stand out a bit.
Why fight the standard? Don't make your users think too much. Go with the standard and keep your creativity for more important things.
If you're going to use colour to highlight the field, bear in mind that some people are colour-blind (so maybe provide another indicator too)
If you use stylesheets to format your HTML, then you can create a style for .mandatory. As an example, set the mandatory input to use this style, then you can play with it more easily until you have the right mix of color, border, and other style elements to suit your overall design.
<input id="username" type="text" class="mandatory" />
.mandatory {
color: red;
font-size: 12pt;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
I also use the asterisk as the OP mentioned as a "backup".
Sometimes it really is justifiable to mark fields as mandatory and optional. However, before you do so, you should question whether it is reasonable to ask the user any non-mandatory information. This applies especially in registration forms.
In registration forms and such, it is much better to ask only the minimum information. After the registration the user can, at will, fill out optional information in separate forms.
After all the unnecessary cruft has been taken out from the form, you might see that there is no need to mark fields as mandatory; either everything is mandatory, or it might be so obvious to the user which fields are optional, that there would be no need to give visual cues about it.
add style="border: thin red solid;" to the element
I've found the answers on to be the most useful. because there isn't a simple solution here. It depends on what percentage of the fields are required, how many fields are in your form, and how long your labels are. For the vast majority of the web, people understand bold to be required, and normal-weight to be optional (if any options are bolded). Only after form validation fails would I present the user with the required-yet-skipped input boxes highlighted.
I typically have no objections to seeing (required) in a smaller font either right below the field name or adjacent to the entry field.
I could also see using a "textbox watermark" to have the field say "required" in it until they bring focus to the field and start typing.
I like the way it is done in the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit for the ValidatorCallout control:
Might want to check out - His Professional Validation Package rocks for validating and formatting of controls. He has tutorials for using and numerous examples as well as a detailed manual.
