Magento change space between main navigation links - magento

This should be easy, but I'm not getting any useful results.
I'm trying to edit the menu and keep it on one line. Either forced one line or edit the spacing on my own.
I changed a bunch of margin/padding settings for the ul(got the ul name from top.phtml, then changed skin/frontend/default/blanco/css/menu1.css, but it isn't changing anything.
Using blanco theme. Any ideas to get me started?
Edit: Had to change the name to 'STORE' so it would show up on the same line for the time being. But if I change it to Online Store, instead of pushing the menu items closer together it defaults to two lines!

It looks like you just need #nav > li{padding:8px 15px;} in menu1.css. Change the 15px value up or down to tune the spacing.
If it isn't making any difference check that the CSS file is not cached anywhere (from Magento back-end right through to your browser).


oracle apex floating Region that is fixed in place while scrolling screen

There are 2 regions on my Oracle apex page, the top one is like a header section, which I want to keep it "floating" on the top the screen while the rest of the page scroll. (like the invoice header info always available when the user scrolls through a long transaction log.)
I have done some google search on this and someone suggested identifying the parent class(e.g. "parent_class") to the Region Header, and add the following CSS to the header of the region
I tried but seems like not working unless I got the parent class wrong.
Can someone please give me some advice on this?
You need to use top instead of margin-top.
Here is the technique I have used in the past...
You wont need the JS stuff I don't think, as that's about switching a region between fixed and static, but the technique may interest you.

Problems with the maximum font size in TinyMCE editor on a Joomla website

I am using TinyMCE as editor on my Joomla website and I have a problem with the maximum font size.
When I insert some text into the TinyMCE editor I can change the font size but the maximum size seems to be: t (36pt), why?
I need to insert larger text into my pages. What can I do to fix?
There are many ways you could tackle this, but I would try one of these first:
You can change the dropdown font options using the theme_advanced_font_sizes option, in general, it is something like this:
theme_advanced_font_sizes : "10px,12px,14px,16px,24px"
For more info on this, look here.
Now, since you're using Joomla, you can try to pass your parameters in an array to the display editor call, like is explained in the official joomla documentation (keep in mind that you need to check this is one of the adjustable parameters) or you could also try to change the setting for the editor you're interested in by adding some javascript to a specific view, but I'm not sure it'll work. It should be something like: tinymce.get('editor_id').settings.theme_advanced_font_sizes="10px,12px,14px,16px,24px";.
Depending on what you want to do, you could also try using tinyMce indepently or duplicating the plugin with your own tweaks, so that it doesn't get overwritten when you update your site.
Don't do anything at all. You can control the appearance of any block by inserting css code directly, just use the code view.

Stop Magento "fixing" html in static blocks

Does anyone know if there's some way to stop Magento "fixing" html that's added via static blocks?
For example, if I wanted to have a space within an existing menu for adding static blocks to, I wouldn't want to use a full < ul > list as it already exists, so I'd just want some additional < li > tags within the block.
However, Magento very helpfully decides to always add in the "missing" < ul > tags for you. Rather annoying.
I've tried tracing this back myself but just can't find where it's happening. I think it could be TinyMce related, as the fixing happens if you hide/show the editor, without a page refresh. I tried changing different instances I found of cleanup:1 to cleanup:0 but none of them so far worked.
Any ideas?
It's not magento that is doing this cleanup but the wysiwyg editor : tiny_mce
You can desactivate this behavior by adding :
cleanup : false
in the js config file (js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js)
But this is totally not recommended as it can break all of your pages is an HTML bug is injected in a block or page and you don't have any other HTML tidier on your project ...
Have a look at the tinymce configuration parameter valid_elements and valid_children.
You can define li-tags as valid elements there and define that li-tags may be childs to other thml nodes.
You can also add
valid_elements: '*[*]',
to js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/setup.js to allow everything.

Magento move search result

For some reason when somebody performs a search on my site the search results do not display underneath the search box, they appear on the far left of the screen.
Any ideas of what file this would be configured in?
Let me correct myself it's not the search results but the search suggestions
I can't offer a direct solution to your problem, but turning on template hints might point you in the right direction. In the Admin, go to System > Configuration, Select your store view from the scope drop down at the top left. Unless you're running multi-store, or have changed the name of the default store it'll be called "Default Store View". Then scroll down to "Developer" and open up the "Debug" section. Turn on both Template Path Hints" and "Add Block Names to Hints". This will add a div with a red border around each template in your layout and a heading which includes the name of the template. It will liklely completely screw up your page layout, but will show you which template generated every tag on the page and help you track down the issue.
The DeveloperToolbar extension makes turning this on/off quickly much easier, but I wouldn't recommend deploying it to a production site.
Alan Storm's indispensable CommerceBug is another tool which is very handly for tracking down front end issues. CommerdeBug can show you the layout handles and the aggregate layout XML used to generate the current page. Both of which are useful for determing why a specific block was (or wasn't) included.
So in case anybody else runs into this or wants to move where their search suggestions display it is in styles.css under .searchautocomplete.

Which file should I edit to change the breadcrumbs starting point?

I wanted to change the breadcrumbs starting point from Home to My title. I edited the file /magento/app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Breadcrumbs.php but it doesn't seem to be working. Is XML playing a role in that?
Your best option is to use Magento's translate feature. Notice how the text in Breadcrumbs.php is wrapped with ->__('text') which instructs Magento to see if there is a translation for text for the current module. If you turn on Translate Inline in System>Config>Admin>Developer, you will be able to edit the text on the page (after refreshing, click the red box then the little book icon). This will then be entered into the database in the core_translate table and replaced in future page renders.
As a general rule, you should never edit files in app/code/code as you will break future upgrades and patches.
turn on Translate Inline in System>Config>Admin>Developer, you will be able to edit the text on the page (after refreshing, click the red box then the little book icon)
