Silverstripe & ReCaptcha formatting - recaptcha

I have a recapture form field added through userforms module for Silverstripe. And if you look at you will see the captcha form looks quite messy.
Using Chrome debugger I noticed that the captcha is adding an extra <tr> field and I've looked everywhere and have no idea how to get rid of it.
Please help!

The reason it looks so messy is the height of the captcha input that it inherits from your page css pushes out the box height. We need to reset the height of this input field.
Add the following to your css:
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_response_field {
height: auto;


vuetify v-text-field prevent height change when showing error/message

When a message or error message is applied to a v-text-field (commonly as a result of form validation) the hight of the element changes slightly. Is there an easy / clean way to avoid this?
The issue is easily observed in the "Password Input" section examples of the Vuetify official docs. Just click back and forth between the two text inputs labeled "Normal with hint text" and "Not visible":
Overriding vuetify's css styling solves the problem:
.v-messages__message {
line-height: 12px;
But seems like a very brittle solution.

Image not loading on Squarespace page

I made a simple change on my Squarespace site today, and for some reason my images on one specific page are not loading anymore. I've tried different browsers, and clearing my cache, but the image won't load and nothing has changed. Any idea what I can do to get to the bottom of this?
If you follow this link you will see what I'm talking about, and image will load for less than a second and then disappear. If you don't see it, try refreshing the page.
It appears that you are applying some custom CSS to the page in question, likely via per-page code injection. The following code is appearing on that page:
.sublogo {
.thumb-image.loaded {
display: none !important;
It is the second rule, .thumb-image.loaded {...} that is causing the image to disappear once it is fully loaded.
Removing that rule should solve the issue. Of course, you'd need to consider why the rule was added in the first place and what other issue it was put there to solve.

Table Align Centre does not Align Centre

I'm building a simple table in CKEditor. If I select Left or Right align, it aligns in the expected side of the view when saved. However, when saved this fails if I select Centre align. It's obviously not the whole page because Centre Align text above and below will display Centre aligned. This issue only becomes apparent when "saved" ... (ie a centre aligned table will centre align in edit).
Can you suggest what's going on?
How is the centering actually performed? If you have configured using the XHTML configuration, this sounds like a class issue - if not, it could be a CSS !important override rule.
I have CKE configured based on the XHTML example, so my CKE produces centering on table cells like this: <td class="JustifyCenter">Twilight Sparkle</td>. So, if you place the HTML generated by CKEditor in an external page, make sure that the JustifyCenter class actually defined in the parent page. Also in Developer tools that not only it the class rule exists, that it is actually correct and applies.
Also in your developer tools and check to see if your CSS style is actually working or is it being overridden. If you have a parent page CSS rule like td {text-align:left !important;} and CKE produces content like <td style="text-align:center">Fluttershy</td>, the parent page is overriding your inline CSS definition.
I'm only guessing here - it would help if you can you show us the final code as it's used when saved and also your CKEditor configuration.
the table align to center CKeditor will generate something like this, <table align="center">
but it is not working.
finally i found a solution by using CSS, here my code
table[align="center"] {
margin: 0 auto;

Disabled textarea and input fields, make font more readable (instead blur)?

In several of my mvc pages, I have disable certain fields like textarea and input boxes with the "disabled" attribute that are uneditable fields. But users are complaining about the text/font being hard to read. It looks blurred and too light.
Anyone have recommendation to make diabled fields more readable?
Well, you can use CSS style for that. I suggest you to use the :disabled selector.
As an example, you can do something like this to change the color for example :
input:disabled { color: #FF0000; background: #ccc; }
You can find a good tutorial here.

How to put divs for text field and button in one line for mailchimp signup form that is in a table?

I've been trying to amend the code provided by Mailchimp which is included on a site I'm developing for the mailing list form.
Basically the code is included within a table and the Mailchimp code is in one cell of the table. The content is title, box to enter email address and "Submit" button. I would like to amend the code so that the contents of the cell are all on one line rather than under each other as is the current case.
The code and CSS can be found here
Hopefully I've just done something stupid, as is often the case, but after hitting my head on my desk for the last hour I thought it best to try and ask for some help rather than cause further brain damage.
Thanks in anticipation of any help.
Both the email and button inputs were being displayed as block and not floated or displayed inline. The code below worked for me.
#mc_embed_signup input.button {
Note: in the attached jsfiddle, I changed the display on both selectors, then added the code below after a comment. For some reason jsfiddle doesn't seem to like css cascaded overrides.
