Projectfork uninstall issue - joomla

When I uninstalled (or disabled only) a projectfork
component for joomla 2.5 I got the 404. error. What should I do for properly and complete uninstalling this component?

To properly uninstall any extension, it's the same process.
Go to the admin Panel
Go to Extension Manager
Click on the "Manage" button
Select the extension and click "Uninstall"
If the extension has been developed properly, it should delete all references from the database as well as the files from the folders. If it doesn't, you will just have to manually delete the files that are still there and delete the SQL tables and a row from #__extensions


Installshield won't update files after component has been removed

Basic .msi project.
Installshield 2010.
Im my installation project v1.0.0.0 i have added some components:
1. Went to "Installation designer" tab -> "Organization" menu category -> "Components" sub menu.
2. Right click "Components" -> "New component".
3. I append a new folder name "dir1" to the [INSTALLDIR] destination.
4. Then i add a file.
5. Went to "Organization" -> "Setup design"
6. Created a new feature
7. Right click the feature and select "Assign components"
8. I select the component
Build, Install.
Then i up the version of my installation to v1.0.0.1
1. Added new component again.
2. Appended destination with a different directory name [INSTALLDIR]dir2
3. Added a file.
4. Went to "Setup design"
5. Right click the feature and select "Assign components"
6. Selected the second component i created.
7. Then went to "Components" and deleted the first component.
Build, install.
At this point, nothing updated. I still see the Dir1 and there is no Dir2 in the application installation directory.
If i try to uninall, it will remove the application for the "Uninstall programs" list, but none of the files are removed at all.
What did i do wrong and how do i fix this?
google has zero help on this. I might not know what search words to use for this kind of problem.
If i completely uninstall my project and manually delete all the files, and then install the new version, then it is all ok and it creates dir2, but i need this to work not only with fresh install, but update too.
SOLUTION (for me at least)
While the M F solution is good for when you have not yet done damage to your installshield project, i will document my own steps on how i fixed this after the damage has been done and there is no backup saved.
In the 'Installation Designer' view:
1. Installation information -> General Information -> Product code, i click on Generate a new GUID button.
2. Media -> Upgrades -> Prepare setup for Upgrade Scenarios -> Upgrade Windows Installer Setup. Right click it and select Add major upgrade item.
3. Common -> Major upgrade. Leave the Products sharing my Upgrade Code checked.
4. Common -> Product Version. Select Within a specific range of versions and input current build version into 'max' box.
Now when application is being installed with this new install file, it will automatically uninstall the older version with all of its components and install the new version with new components.
You cannot remove components between minor installs.
You can set the component condition to '0' so that the condition does not install and delete any files that are in the component. But leave the component as part of the project.
If you want to remove the files installed as part of the original component then add the files to the component with remove files settings.
If you output a verbose log you will see in the log file that it complains that a component was removed. Or if you validate the new build against the old build it will says that you cannot remove a component.

Remove component from palette

I've been using an ActiveX control for VNC Viewer support in a legacy application for a few years now. The ActiveX control is called Smartcode ViewerX VNC Viewer. After a bit of trouble connecting to one of our systems, I decided to update to the latest version (which was available on the Smartcode website). This didn't resolve the issue and moreover had a nag dialog because I had forgotten our 1-year upgrade license had lapsed.
After uninstalling the latest version I would now like to start again but try as I might, I cannot re-install the previous version because there is already a TCSC_ViewerControl component on the ActiveX palette. How do I remove this so I can start again?
When I select control, there is no option to delete it.
I tried moving the component to a separate page (ie. removing it from the ActiveX page). Then I tried deleting this page, but I get the message:
A page must be empty before it can be deleted.
You have installed this component into the dclusr70 package. You will need to open up that package file (open its .dpr file) and remove the units that relate to this file. Then compile the package and install it again.

Only menus shown on MODX Manager

After I changed a setting in the ckeditor plugin, the content of the whole manager doesn't load. Only the menus (top and left) are shown. I've already cleared the cache by deleting the content of the core/cache folder, and the cache from my browser.
Remove the core/components/ckeditor folder and clear cache again. Login in the manager, go to packages Manager and remove the ckeditor and reinstall. This is also a way to remove manually packages in modx.
In such a case, also check if you have enabled the compress_js and compress_css options in the system setting (check them with a database administration tool like phpmyadmin) and set them to false if so.
You can verify that this is your problem by opening the development tools of your browser (f12 for chrome and internet explorer and richght click and push q on the keyboard) and look for any loading errors of js or css files.
Hope that helps :)77

ClickOnce Applications Won't Install on Windows 7, Application Cannot Be Started, Contact the Application Vendor

I am trying to install Github for Windows which is a ClickOnce application, however I am unable to start any ClickOnce application. I receive a pop up error saying "Application cannot be started, contact the application vendor".
I have seen that other users with this error have solved it by deleting the '2.0' folder in there 'users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0' location. However, I do not have an 'Apps' folder in my 'AppData/Local' location and therefore unable to delete anything from it. I have tried creating an 'Apps' folder there and then trying to install the application but I receive the same error. When I run the following: '%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0' it says that it refers to a location that is unavailable.
I have contacted Github support and they told me the same thing about deleting the '2.0' folder but alas I do not have the 'AppData/Local/Apps' location. They also told me to clear the cache by running this: rundll32 %SystemRoot%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache but that did not solve the problem either.
I do not have any anti-virus or firewall turned on either. I have also tried installing a different ClickOnce application and I received the same error. Is there some other folder I need to delete or some setting I need to change to get ClickOnce applications to start?
By Changing to Net Framework 4.0 got me working, changing and delete 2.0 made no difference but deleted the other apps.
The other apps were reinstalled automatically so no biggy, will try install latest 4.51 later.
I know this is a really old question. You should have a Apps folder at '%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0'. You are probably unable to see the folder because you haven't enabled viewing of hidden folders in windows explorer. To resole this, launch windows explorer "windows key + e", hold down Alt and hit T (tools menu) then click folder options, click the "view" tab and then select:
"show hidden files, folders, and drives"
"Hide empty drives in the Computer folder"
"Hide extensions for known file types"
"Hide protected operating system files (recommended)"
Note, not all of these are required to see the hidden folder "apps", this is how I always configure my setup though.
After this you should be able to see the folder at :
Deleting the 2.0 folder usually works but you are also deleting any other click once applications that have been installed.

Magento development environment on windows with debug capability

I have seen hundreds of post on how to setup an Magento development environment for Windows. But nowhere i could find a good tutorial on this works with proper debugging enabled. I have tried many IDE's and debugging frameworks (Zend, Xdebug) but i can't find a way to actually get this to work.
It would be great if i could set a break-point in an .phtml file so i can see what is going on and check all variables/objects.
Any (experienced) Magento developers who can explain on how to setup a proper development environment for Magento on a windows machine.
Hope to get some feedback....
Here is a simple step-by-step
Download the latest version of Z:WAMP
Extract Z:WAMP wherever you like.
Download the XDebug DLL
Copy the XDebug DLL to {zwamp directory}/vdrive/.sys/php/ext/
Add the following text to the bottom of the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/.sys/php/php.ini file
Run {zwamp directory}/zwamp.exe and accept the security messages for Apache and Mysql.
Delete everything under {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web/
Copy your magento project into the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web/ directory
Download the latest version of NetBeans PHP and install it.
Start netbeans and click File > New Project
Click the PHP Category, Select the PHP Application with Existing Sources option
Click Next
Click Browse on the Sources Folder option
Select the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web directory
For PHP Version, Select version 5.3
Click Next
For Project URL enter "" (Magento had/has a problem with names that do not have a TLD)
Click Finish
Wait for the Scanning Projects.. to finish (bottom right status bar, it takes a while)
Open a code file, add a breakpoint, and run in debug mode (Ctrl-F5).
To turn off the 'break on start' option
Select Tools > Options
Select PHP
Select the General tab
Under Debugging, un-check the Stop at first line option
Click Ok
