Only menus shown on MODX Manager - ckeditor

After I changed a setting in the ckeditor plugin, the content of the whole manager doesn't load. Only the menus (top and left) are shown. I've already cleared the cache by deleting the content of the core/cache folder, and the cache from my browser.

Remove the core/components/ckeditor folder and clear cache again. Login in the manager, go to packages Manager and remove the ckeditor and reinstall. This is also a way to remove manually packages in modx.

In such a case, also check if you have enabled the compress_js and compress_css options in the system setting (check them with a database administration tool like phpmyadmin) and set them to false if so.
You can verify that this is your problem by opening the development tools of your browser (f12 for chrome and internet explorer and richght click and push q on the keyboard) and look for any loading errors of js or css files.
Hope that helps :)77


VS2015 Multiple startup projects - prevent page showing

I have recently had to reinstall my development machine so I'm unsure how I did this before.
A solution which I have currently has 3 projects that are needed for startup for debugging, this works fine, when I run the solution I get 3 pages open up in the browser which makes logical sense, however on my previous installation of my machine I only had one page open up, the API and MVC projects didn't show in the browser, but they were running so the entire application worked.
Is there a way to suppress the unneeded pages from opening up in the browser?
I found the option after a while, it was in the project properties, not the solution properties!
Here are the details if anyone is interested:
Right-click on the Project
Choose Properties
Go to the Web tab
In the Start Action section select the 'Don't open a page.
Wait for a request from an external application.' option.

Suddenly lost the System menu option from Magento Admin Panel

I am using Magento CE 1.9.1.
Everything was working well a while ago and all of a sudden, the "Systems" menu from the admin panel navigation menu disappeared.
I cleared the "var" folder manually but still the problem is the same.
When I googled around, I do not see any one getting this weird error and am sure there is something wrong am doing which am not able to figure out.
Will appreciate if someone can assist on this.
You need to go to your root magento:
Here you have to enable the disabled modules again ->
Open the specific xml-module-file, in your favorite notepad editor e.g:
-> Find the line false
Change false > true and SAVE and upload file back to server.
Repeat this on all the disabled files and empty cache and try login/logout.
Let me know how is works.
To Resolve this issue, you will have to do debugging as follow:
Step 1: Disable all module in local and community folder
First, disable the whole module in local and community folder.
For disabling local modules, please follow this tutorial link
For disabling community modules, please follow below tutorial link
After that check your admin section. if all things are working fine. then undo all changes above.
And now for disabling all module's of local and community folder.
Go to app/etc/modules
Disable the module
Step 3: When you will find which module has an issue, resolve the same.
Go to yourwebsite/magento/downloader/ ( Magento Connect )
Re-install all
I dont know which one did it, but I reinstalled all of them and i worked!

Accessing ExternalStoragePublicDirectory in Google Chrome ARC app

We have a feature in our app which can save file to ExternalStoragePublicDirectory. Below is the directory path we are using.
It looks like file is getting saved in the directory. But I cant locate the saved file in Desktop or Chromebook. Can anybody please point me to right direction?
Under ARC, your external storage files are being read and written to the HTML5 filesystem. Under Chrome app (yours included) gets its own filesystem.
You can view this filesystem with Chrome (desktop or Chromebook) using some experimental developer tools. You have to enable them and then restart the browser. Here is how:
Visit "chrome://flags" in your browser.
Search for "Enable Developer Tools experiments", and click the "Enable" link.
A prompt to restart your browser should have appeared. Go ahead and click it to restart your browser.
Go ahead and launch your app. It needs to be running so that you can browse the filesystem.
Next visit the "chrome://inspect/#apps" page in your browser, and find your app in the list. Click the "inspect" link to bring up the inspector window.
Click the gear icon in the upper right of the window.
Click the "Experiments" tab listed on the left side of the popup. This is only visible if you enabled the experimental features at all.
Click the "Filesystem Inspection" checkbox to enable the filesystem viewer.
Finish up by closing the options page with the "x" at the top left.
Now you can view your app's filesystem.
From the inspector window for your app, click the "Resources" tab along the top.
You should see a "FileSystem" option appear in the list on the left side. Click it to expand it.
Click the "persistent -chrome extension:" subpanel.
You should be able to then navigate to the download directory by expanding the view that appears. I believe for downloads you want "/storage/sdcard/Download".
Selecting the directory will display basic metadata on all the files in the directory. Selecting the file might display it if it is supported. Or you might just get a "Binary File" message if not.
If you want to actually manipulate the data beyond that, you will need to connect with the browser with the Android adb command/shell, and you should be able to "adb pull" the file. See to get going on that.
You can also add {"enableExternalDirectory": true} to your application's metadata. Enabling this option means that ARC will prompt you for the directory to use for for the external directory, and you can pick a real directory on your system to use. But if you already download a file prior to enabling this feature, you will have to download it again.

Files not uploading via Aptana 3

I'm new to Aptana 3. I recently switched from using an FTP (Filezilla) and text editor just to speed the file editing process up a bit.
I'm dealing mainly with Wordpress sites on a shared Godaddy hosting account, and am having some trouble uploading the files I have edited via Aptana to my live site.
i.e. I've edited several lines in my "main.css" file. I save it in my "Project Explorer" window in Aptana, have my FTP connection all set up and working, and click the "Upload" icon. I refresh my browser and nothing has changed, and I can see the website is still pulling in the old css. I've also tried "synchronizing" my files and hitting the "Publish" button, but that doesn't work either?
I've also tried just editing the file in a new Remote Connection tab, but no joy either.
I've hunted all over for simple walkthrough for deployment or file sync guides for Aptana, and watched a few video tutorials but nothing has worked so far.
Hold Control+F5 for a few seconds in your browser. You probably are just running a cached version of the CSS in your browser. That should prune it.
I had the same problem. What I found I had to do was an initial synchronization, I know you mention that you did this but it may be that it didn't fully sync as its not always clear what is going on with the Aptana sync.
What I did:
Make sure your Project has a connection in it and that it points to the server location that you want to sync with
Select the Remote tab and right-click on a file within the chosen connection, choose File Transfer...
This will open the sync window and it will initiate a compare, this is where confusion set in for me, if the folder structure is not identical it will propose to create and delete lots of files. I found I was deselecting items to be safe but meant that it did not correctly sync. Make sure you are syncing from the same root level and then let it do a full sync, this seems to register or record a link between the local and remote files.
Run the sync. when it is complete you will now be able to upload individual files successfully from the Project tab using the upload icon (before a successful sync this will not work - even though it looks like it is doing an upload).
Hope this helps.

Download file is blocked using WatiN even after modifying registry settings

I'm doing an IE automation using WatiN.
When a file to be downloaded is clicked, I get the following in the Internet Explorer Information bar:
To help protect your security,
Internet Explorer has blocked this
site from downloading files to you
I added a registry key to,
then a REG_DWORD value named "http" with value==2 as given in Programmatically add trusted sites to Internet Explorer
but still facing same issues. Can some1 advice on this....
In Internet Explorer, click Tools.
Click Internet Options.
Under the Security tab, click Custom Level.
Scroll to the Downloads section. Then set Automatic prompting for file downloads to Enable.
try setting your security 'zone' to trusted sites, adding the site you're downloading from to your trusted sites, and setting the security level to low. seems to work for me
