ClickOnce Applications Won't Install on Windows 7, Application Cannot Be Started, Contact the Application Vendor - windows

I am trying to install Github for Windows which is a ClickOnce application, however I am unable to start any ClickOnce application. I receive a pop up error saying "Application cannot be started, contact the application vendor".
I have seen that other users with this error have solved it by deleting the '2.0' folder in there 'users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Apps/2.0' location. However, I do not have an 'Apps' folder in my 'AppData/Local' location and therefore unable to delete anything from it. I have tried creating an 'Apps' folder there and then trying to install the application but I receive the same error. When I run the following: '%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0' it says that it refers to a location that is unavailable.
I have contacted Github support and they told me the same thing about deleting the '2.0' folder but alas I do not have the 'AppData/Local/Apps' location. They also told me to clear the cache by running this: rundll32 %SystemRoot%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache but that did not solve the problem either.
I do not have any anti-virus or firewall turned on either. I have also tried installing a different ClickOnce application and I received the same error. Is there some other folder I need to delete or some setting I need to change to get ClickOnce applications to start?

By Changing to Net Framework 4.0 got me working, changing and delete 2.0 made no difference but deleted the other apps.
The other apps were reinstalled automatically so no biggy, will try install latest 4.51 later.

I know this is a really old question. You should have a Apps folder at '%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0'. You are probably unable to see the folder because you haven't enabled viewing of hidden folders in windows explorer. To resole this, launch windows explorer "windows key + e", hold down Alt and hit T (tools menu) then click folder options, click the "view" tab and then select:
"show hidden files, folders, and drives"
"Hide empty drives in the Computer folder"
"Hide extensions for known file types"
"Hide protected operating system files (recommended)"
Note, not all of these are required to see the hidden folder "apps", this is how I always configure my setup though.
After this you should be able to see the folder at :
Deleting the 2.0 folder usually works but you are also deleting any other click once applications that have been installed.


Getting "Failed to create IXPlaceholder for app bundle ID" after installing xcode on an external drive

After struggling with space issues I finally bought an external drive for my Mac. I deleted my existing copy of XCode that was installed on the internal drive, downloaded the latest version from the apple developer site, and installed that to the external drive. I can open & build my project just fine, but when it comes to running it in the simulator, I get the following error:
"Failed to create IXPlaceholder for app bundle ID"
I did search on that, and found some answers that boiled down to "run xcode-setup --install", which I did, but it did not fix the issue.
The simulator does come up & run, it just doesn't load my project.
I'm pretty new to Mac/Xcode development, so hoping this is something basic I'm missing.
Delete your derived data first if not work try;
Go to your project and once you are on the build phases tab you should see a section that says Embed App Extensions, click on to extend.
Now that you will see a opened Embed App Extensions you should see a checkbox that says Copy only when installing. You need to check that checkbox.

SystemConfigurationException Read Only

The above error recently started being thrown when I was making updates to an existing C# windows app that saves a folder location for files it uses.
Upon receiving this error, I found that my whole hard drive seems to be set to read only. (recently had to build a new dev system) I have tried changing the folders back to being readable via folder properties. Dialog pops up and goes through all the files as if it were changing the properties. When I open the properties immediately after, the folder is back to read only.
I have also noticed that VS IDE does't save changes to the recent files/projects.
Anyone experience this and have the solution?
Things I have tried:
created a new admin user. Logged in and found the same situation. Not tied to my profile.
Tried command prompt changing folder attributes with attrib command.
Tried changing my users permissions to full control.
uninstalled OneDrive (to eliminate possible syncing issues)
Turns out my AppData folder hidden property was set to true. Setting this folder and all sub folders to not be hidden fixes everything.

Problem loading a referenced assembly in Visual Studio 2010

Here's the official problem reported by the compiler.
Could not load the assembly
This assembly may have been downloaded
from the Web. If an assembly has been
downloaded from the Web, it is flagged
by Windows as being a Web file, even
if it resides on the local computer.
This may prevent it from being used in
your project. You can change this
designation by changing the file
properties. Only unblock assemblies
that you trust. See
for more information.
Now I've been a good programmer and did some research to fix this. Here's what I've tried so far.
Copy the assembly to a FAT32 drive (flash drive) and then back.
Unblock the assembly by hitting the Unblock button in the file properties. (Actually never have been able to get this to work since the button isn't there to begin with)
Use the type command in command prompt
Short of disabling this feature, I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. I should mention that the Q: drive is a network drive on a separate server. My machine is running Windows 7. The assembly Silverlight.dll is a library created by some of the developers here at work. We just placed it on a shared network drive so everyone could find it easily. Even if I log onto the server and look at the file properties, there isn't a Unblock button like in all the tutorials I've read.
Copy the file onto your local drive (maybe somewhere into the solution/project dir) and then right-click the file in Windows-Explorer.
In the file properties window you will find a warning that this file comes from a remote computer and a button to permit access (In German "Zulassen"). Click it! Now rebuilding your Silverlight application will work.
Screen shot:
copy it local (I create a Libs folder for all dlls copied locally).
add it as a reference to your project.
in windows explorer right mouse click on the dll and click the UnBlock button on the main tab.
build Silverlight project.
error goes away.

Visual Studio Publish Failed: "Unable to delete file ... Access to the path ... is denied."

I've recently switched from a Windows XP machine to Windows 7. I use Subversion and TortoiseSVN.
I cannot publish my .NET application in Visual Studio. I get over a thousand errors like this:
Unable to delete file
Access to the path
is denied.
Why is Subversion giving me trouble? How do I fix it?
I disabled the file indexing of my bin and obj folders. But, that didn't work.
I noticed that my folders were read-only. I changed that.
It worked! Publish succeeded.
I believe your issue is related to the default permissions assigned the to C: drive in windows 7 (and Vista).
Open explorer and find the c:\code folder
Right click on the c:\code folder
and select properties
select the security tab
select the user ID "Users"
In the permissions box, tick the
"modify" allow box
Select OK, OK until permision dialog
boxes close
That should resolve the permission issue
I had this same problem, and none of the previous solutions worked. What worked for me was to take the bin and obj folders out of repository. After doing that, I was able to publish.
The most likely cause is a permissions issue. The path in question may have been created while you were running with elevated permissions and hence requires admin permissions to delete. Try running Visual Studio as an admin and see if the problem goes away.
If so then the best solution is to do the following
Save the changes to that directory (check in if necessary)
Delete the repository
Re-check out the repository and ensure you are not running as an admin when doing so
I just deleted the existing folders at the publish destination which then allowed publishing to work. Un-setting read-only didn't seem to work. (Not sure why this started occurring).
What actually works is the solution that Zack Peterson gave? Thanks Zack!
I am writing an application that will automatically remove all of the .SVN folders and files during deployment. While doing so, I was getting the same error as described above.
Once I changed the folder to NOT be Read Only, I was able to delete files and folders programmatically.
My next step is to set the attribute programmatically on NOT Read Only so that I can accomplish the entire installation with the click of a button.
Oddly enough, I tried building an old project with Visual Studio 2010. It gave me the error that it failed due to my access being denied. I tried to remove the read-only off the directory and had no luck.
Although, when I opened it in Visual Studio 2015, it gave me the error that my certificate was expired.
Upon creating a new certificate and rebuilding - everything was fine.
For me, the windows service was running in the background. closing the service from the task manager and then rebuilding the project did the job for me.
If you are being denied access to any specific folder, then it is being used by some other application.Check if any other application is using that path to reference that folder of any file in that folder.
In my case , my application was reference a file inside the bin folder. So every time i publish and delete the old one. error will be thrown that bin folder can not be deleted. access denied.
i went in my application. checked in the refrenced path of each dll, removed the ones which referenced the publish path and BOOM
Issue solved.
My problem resolved after doing:
Close VS and Restart your machine.
Update all your softwares to latest stable versions at Manage Nuget package for solution
Run your test now.
Hope this helps.
Right click on the shortcut you start the IDE from and select properties. Click advanced and click'Run as Administrator'. Worked as charm for me.

.app file not get install using package installer

I have created a package installer using Xcode's PackageMaker. I want to install a .app file into the applications folder, but when i am running installer package, it's showing that the software is installed succesfully. When i checked the applications folder, the application i m installing is not there. Can anybody help me to solve this?
While the Installer is still running you can select the Window menu and choose the Installer Log option. In the Installer Log dialog select the 'Show All Logs' from the drop down control. This might help you determine where the Installer put your .app or what happened.
BTW I'm seeing the same thing with a .pkg I have written and would love to hear if you find a solution.
I ended up getting things working with my .pkg by making it install into /Applications/ with the trailing slash. I had previously been just using /Applications. Maybe that works for your package?
The issue is that the installer can upgrade packages even if their not located in /Applications. So if there is an application with the same name or it already exists on your hard drive it will try and install over that. To fix it click on the item your trying to install in the content pane then click on the components tab and make sure the "allow relocation" check box is unchecked. Should work perfect after that
