Magento adding set of attributes/properties to products - magento

I need to add something similar to the Review system already available on Magento. I mean, I want to add a couple of texts, reviewing capacities and alike. It should have an administration side on the backend to be able to reject/accept/edit those texts. I still do not have all the things clear so I want to ask before I embark into a wrong/closed path.
Should I reuse the existing code by copying core files into local and modifying at will?
Or should I add my own tables and link to EAV model using product ID?
On this SO question the accepted answer posts a code on how to add a new custom attribute to all products. I could use this but I would still need to add the reviews part.
I've searched for a similar functionality but can not find anything.


Umbraco 7.5.x developing for custom data

In Umbraco 7.5, I want to develop a custom 'module' (or whatever it is called in Umbraco) to maintain a product catalog. Products can have images, categories and attributes. Of course, I could make some document types and templates but I don't want to add products as content items. I need to be able to maintain a list of products in the back-end, and then use those products on content pages.
The umbraco documentation for developers is seriously lacking, and the most important pages are throwing 404 errors. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
There is not single place to get all those knowledge. Following articles will be helpful to you to getting started.
Extending backoffice:
Using petapoco (ORM):
I think Ucommerce is the best to use in your situation and it works great with Umbraco.
Here are few links. Hope it helps!
Ucommerce Developer Section
Products Catalog doc

How to apply a custom option to all products in Magento

I'm having problem with my new magento site, I want to apply a custom option to all the products on my site. Basically I want to add the custom pricing option for large sizes (my site is about motorcycle leather jackets etc), so if someone chooses a size that requires extra amount, there should be an option for that. I can apply this option to one product at a time. Does somebody know how to apply this to all products at one? Here's the link for my site:
Thanks in advance.
If you want to add custom options to multiple products,same functionality is provided by following extension which could help to save your time to assign custom options to multiple products.
You can also set custom option for different sizes(large sizes).
If you want to do this completely for free without relying on extensions you can use Magmi. It takes a little while to get used to but it allows you to import almost anything for your product database - here's the link to the Magmi tutorial:
Link to the Custom Options upload instructions:
There's no simple hack to do this.
However, there is a free extension to copy custom options to multiple products which could help you to save lots of work:
Update: extension isn't free anymore.

adding data directly to a magento database

I am adding regions of a country to the database in Magento so when a user selects their country a relevant list of regions will be available in a drop down menu. To do this I believe I need to add information to directory_country_region and directory_country_region_name.
The tutorial I've been looking at states that I should add them directly to the database using sql, however I remember reading that you should not place information directly into the database using raw sql when working with Magento.
My questions are:
1- to keep in line with best practices do I need to use some magento functions to add the required information to my database or can they be dropped in using raw sql?
2- if I need to use some Magento functions how do I work out which I need to use (I have heard off and noticed the lack of documentation) or is there some online reference, even if it is limited?
3- if I am not to use a sql query why is it considered bad practice to do so in Magento?
Hello, if you want to add the information just once, you can use raw sql (faster and no drawbacks), also you are right about the 2 tables (if the country is already in directory_country). If you want to make something that will be available for more Magento instalations you have to crate a new Magento module and add the sql using the installer you can read more here
Magento wiki is a good place to start, also there are lots of blog posts.
It's considered a bad practice because Magento has its own ORM and most of the time for your new tables (entities) you only need to create models that extend magento core models and you will have access to CRUD without any development and everyone that uses your new module will understaind what's going on.
Example for a region you can use the class Mage_Directory_Model_Region or for a collection of regions Mage_Directory_Model_Resource_Region_Collection

Joomla extension for people posts with categories

Are there any type of extensions that let people post what they want with categories. So they need to sign-up and sign-in, and then create a new post, then select the relative category that the post will be shown in to other people.
I may need to show posts by geo-localisation restriction, for example, posts appears in just US or UK.
I'm a PHP developer. I can achieve this system, but I wondered if it does already exist some CMS like Joomla doing what I need, to save time. I may also be able to develop such Joomla modules if it's allowed. Please need a push around these requirements since I don't have too much experience with Joomla.
I would recommend you use the article section of joomla which is a built in one. I think the things available in joomla package will suit your category, post and signin and signup requirements.
For geo-localisation restrictions I think your php knowledge is more than enough to change or modify few parts of the code in the joomla. I think this way will help you save some time. I have done these before.They have worked fine for me. Hope this helps you.

Magento custom attributes failing to install

I followed the tutorial at step by step to make my module install a couple of custom attributes, using Magento CE 1.4. I get to see the custom attributes on the product edit page, but whenever I try to save them I get an SQL error complaining that column "myattrid" does not exist. I know that:
this column is part of the flat product tables and indeed, it is not there
a lot of people give the advice to create by hand, but this bypasses the point of automatic installation
Is the tutorial I followed outdated? If so, what extra steps do I need to take?
An alternative approach is outlined in this blog post. You could try that.
I agree that you should avoid creating the attributes manually, there are many keys, indexes and relationships that Magento needs to be aware of which might be bypassed if you go straight to the database.
