Algorithm to find middle of largest free time slot in period? - algorithm

Say I want to schedule a collection of events in the period 00:00–00:59. I schedule them on full minutes (00:01, never 00:01:30).
I want to space them out as far apart as possible within that period, but I don't know in advance how many events I will have total within that hour. I may schedule one event today, then two more tomorrow.
I have the obvious algorithm in my head, and I can think of brute-force ways to implement it, but I'm sure someone knows a nicer way. I'd prefer Ruby or something I can translate to Ruby, but I'll take what I can get.
So the algorithm I can think of in my head:
Event 1 just ends up at 00:00.
Event 2 ends up at 00:30 because that time is the furthest from existing events.
Event 3 could end up at either 00:15 or 00:45. So perhaps I just pick the first one, 00:15.
Event 4 then ends up in 00:45.
Event 5 ends up somewhere around 00:08 (rounded up from 00:07:30).
And so on.
So we could look at each pair of taken minutes (say, 00:00–00:15, 00:15–00:30, 00:30–00:00), pick the largest range (00:30–00:00), divide it by two and round.
But I'm sure it can be done much nicer. Do share!

You can use bit reversing to schedule your events. Just take the binary representation of your event's sequential number, reverse its bits, then scale the result to given range (0..59 minutes).
An alternative is to generate the bit-reversed words in order (0000,1000,0100,1100,...).
This allows to distribute up to 32 events easily. If more events are needed, after scaling the result you should check if the resulting minute is already occupied, and if so, generate and scale next word.
Here is the example in Ruby:
class Scheduler
def initialize
#word = 0
def next_slot
bit = 32
while (((#word ^= bit) & bit) == 0) do
bit >>= 1;
def schedule
(#word * 60) / 64
scheduler =
20.times do
p scheduler.schedule
Method of generating bit-reversed words in order is borrowed from "Matters Computational
", chapter 1.14.3.
Due to scaling from 0..63 to 0..59 this algorithm tends to make smallest slots just after 0, 15, 30, and 45. The problem is: it always starts filling intervals from these (smallest) slots, while it is more natural to start filling from largest slots. Algorithm is not perfect because of this. Additional problem is the need to check for "already occupied minute".
Fortunately, a small fix removes all these problems. Just change
while (((#word ^= bit) & bit) == 0) do
while (((#word ^= bit) & bit) != 0) do
and initialize #word with 63 (or keep initializing it with 0, but do one iteration to get the first event). This fix decrements the reversed word from 63 to zero, it always distributes events to largest possible slots, and allows no "conflicting" events for the first 60 iteration.
Other algorithm
The previous approach is simple, but it only guarantees that (at any moment) the largest empty slots are no more than twice as large as the smallest slots. Since you want to space events as far apart as possible, algorithm, based on Fibonacci numbers or on Golden ratio, may be preferred:
Place initial interval (0..59) to the priority queue (max-heap, priority = interval size).
To schedule an event, pop the priority queue, split the resulting interval in golden proportion (1.618), use split point as the time for this event, and put two resulting intervals back to the priority queue.
This guarantees that the largest empty slots are no more than (approximately) 1.618 times as large as the smallest slots. For smaller slots approximation worsens and sizes are related as 2:1.
If it is not convenient to keep the priority queue between schedule changes, you can prepare an array of 60 possible events in advance, and extract next value from this array every time you need a new event.

Since you can have only 60 events at maximum to schedule, then I suppose using static table is worth a shot (compared to thinking algorithm and testing it). I mean for you it is quite trivial task to layout events within time. But it is not so easy to tell computer how to do it nice way.
So, what I propose is to define table with static values of time at which to put next event. It could be something like:
00:00, 01:00, 00:30, 00:15, 00:45...

Since you can't reschedule events and you don't know in advance how many events will arrive, I suspect your own proposal (with Roman's note of using 01:00) is the best.
However, if you have any sort of estimation on how many events will arrive at maximum, you can probably optimize it. For example, suppose you are estimating at most 7 events, you can prepare slots of 60 / (n - 1) = 10 minutes and schedule the events like this:
00:50 // 10 minutes apart
Note that the last few events might not arrive and so 00:50 has a low probability to be used.
which would be fairer then the non-estimation based algorithm, especially in the worst-case scenario were all slots are used:
00:37 // Only 7 minutes apart

I wrote a Ruby implementation of my solution. It has the edge case that any events beyond 60 will all stack up at minute 0, because every free space of time is now the same size, and it prefers the first one.
I didn't specify how to handle events beyond 60, and I don't really care, but I suppose randomization or round-robin could solve that edge case if you do care.
each_cons(2) gets bigrams; the rest is probably straightforward:
class Scheduler
def initialize
#scheduled_minutes = []
def next_slot
if #scheduled_minutes.empty?
slot = 0
circle = #scheduled_minutes + [#scheduled_minutes.first + 60]
slot = 0
largest_known_distance = 0
circle.each_cons(2) do |(from, unto)|
distance = (from - unto).abs
if distance > largest_known_distance
largest_known_distance = distance
slot = (from + distance/2) % 60
#scheduled_minutes << slot
def schedule
scheduler =
20.times do
p scheduler.schedule


Density of time events

I am working on an assignment where I am supposed to compute the density of an event. Let's say that a certain event happens 5 times within seconds, it would mean that it would have a higher density than if it were to happen 5 times within hours.
I have in my possession, the time at which the event happens.
I was first thinking about computing the elapsed time between each two successive events and then play with the average and mean of these values.
My problem is that I do not know how to accurately represent this notion of density through mathematics. Let's say that I have 5 events happening really close to each other, and then a long break, and then again 5 events happening really close to each other. I would like to be able to represent this as high density. How should I go about it?
In the last example, I understand that my mean won't be truly representative but that my standard deviation will show that. However, how could I have a single density value (let's say between 0 and 1) with which I could rank different events?
Thank you for your help!
I would try the harmonic mean, which represents the rate at which your events happen, by still giving you an averaged time value. It is defined by :
I think its behaviour is close to what you expect as it measures what you want, but not between 0 and 1 and with inverse tendencies (small values mean dense, large values mean sparse). Let us go through a few of your examples :
~5 events in an hour. Let us suppose for simplicity there is 10 minutes between each event. Then we have H = 6 /(6 * 1/10) = 10
~5 events in 10 minutes, then nothing until the end of the hour (50 minutes). Let us suppose all short intervals are 2.5 minutes, then H = 6 / (5/2.5 + 1/50) = 6 * 50 / 101 = 2.97
~5 events in 10 minutes, but this cycle restarts every half hour thus we have 20 minutes as the last interval instead of 50. Then we get H = 6 / (5/2.5 + 1/20) = 6 * 20 / 41 = 2.92
As you can see the effect of the longer and rarer values in a set is diminished by the fact that we use inverses, thus less weight to the "in between bursts" behaviour. Also you can compare behaviours with the same "burst density" but that do not happen at the same frequency, and you will get numbers that are close but whose ordering still reflects this difference.
For density to make sense you need to define 2 things:
the range where you look at it,
and the unit of time
After that you can say for example, that from 12:00 to 12:10 the density of the event was an average of 10/minute.
What makes sense in your case obviously depends on what your input data is. If your measurement lasts for 1 hour and you have millions of entries then probably seconds or milliseconds are better choice for unit. If you measure for a week and have a few entries then day is a better unit.

Simple Popularity Algorithm

As Ted Jaspers wisely pointed out, the methodology I described in the original proposal back in 2012 is actually a special case of an exponential moving average. The beauty of this approach is that it can be calculated recursively, meaning you only need to store a single popularity value with each object and then you can recursively adjust this value when an event occurs. There's no need to record every event.
This single popularity value represents all past events (within the limits of the data type being used), but older events begin to matter exponentially less as new events are factored in. This algorithm will adapt to different time scales and will respond to varying traffic volumes. Each time an event occurs, the new popularity value can be calculated using the following formula:
(a * t) + ((1 - a) * p)
a — coefficient between 0 and 1 (higher values discount older events faster)
t — current timestamp
p — current popularity value (e.g. stored in a database)
Reasonable values for a will depend on your application. A good starting place is a=2/(N+1), where N is the number of events that should significantly affect the outcome. For example, on a low-traffic website where the event is a page view, you might expect hundreds of page views over a period of a few days. Choosing N=100 (a≈0.02) would be a reasonable choice. For a high-traffic website, you might expect millions of page views over a period of a few days, in which case N=1000000 (a≈0.000002) would be more reasonable. The value for a will likely need to be gradually adjusted over time.
To illustrate how simple this popularity algorithm is, here's an example of how it can be implemented in Craft CMS in 2 lines of Twig markup:
{% set popularity = (0.02 * date().timestamp) + (0.98 * entry.popularity) %}
{% do entry.setFieldValue("popularity", popularity) %}
Notice that there's no need to create new database tables or store endless event records in order to calculate popularity.
One caveat to keep in mind is that exponential moving averages have a spin-up interval, so it takes a few recursions before the value can be considered accurate. This means the initial condition is important. For example, if the popularity of a new item is initialized using the current timestamp, the item immediately becomes the most popular item in the entire set before eventually settling down into a more accurate position. This might be desirable if you want to promote new content. Alternatively, you may want content to work its way up from the bottom, in which case you could initialize it with the timestamp of when the application was first launched. You could also find a happy medium by initializing the value with an average of all popularity values in the database, so it starts out right in the middle.
Original Proposal
There are plenty of suggested algorithms for calculating popularity based on an item's age and the number of votes, clicks, or purchases an item receives. However, the more robust methods I've seen often require overly complex calculations and multiple stored values which clutter the database. I've been contemplating an extremely simple algorithm that doesn't require storing any variables (other than the popularity value itself) and requires only one simple calculation. It's ridiculously simple:
p = (p + t) / 2
Here, p is the popularity value stored in the database and t is the current timestamp. When an item is first created, p must be initialized. There are two possible initialization methods:
Initialize p with the current timestamp t
Initialize p with the average of all p values in the database
Note that initialization method (1) gives recently added items a clear advantage over historical items, thus adding an element of relevance. On the other hand, initialization method (2) treats new items as equals when compared to historical items.
Let's say you use initialization method (1) and initialize p with the current timestamp. When the item receives its first vote, p becomes the average of the creation time and the vote time. Thus, the popularity value p still represents a valid timestamp (assuming you round to the nearest integer), but the actual time it represents is abstracted.
With this method, only one simple calculation is required and only one value needs to be stored in the database (p). This method also prevents runaway values, since a given item's popularity can never exceed the current time.
An example of the algorithm at work over a period of 1 day:
An example of the algorithm at work over a period of 1 year:
If you expect votes to steadily stream in at sub-second intervals, then you will need to use a microsecond timestamp, such as the PHP microtime() function. Otherwise, a standard UNIX timestamp will work, such as the PHP time() function.
Now for my question: do you see any major flaws with this approach?
I think this is a very good approach, given its simplicity. A very interesting result.
I made a quick set of calculations and found that this algorithm does seem to understand what "popularity" means. Its problem is that it has a clear tendency to favor recent votes like this:
Imagine we take the time and break it into discrete timestamp values ranging from 100 to 1000. Assume that at t=100 both A and B (two items) have the same P = 100.
A gets voted 7 times on 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800
resulting on a final Pa(800) = 700 (aprox).
B gets voted 4 times on 300, 500, 700 and 900
resulting on a final Pb(900) = 712 (aprox).
When t=1000 comes, both A and B receive votes, so:
Pa(1000) = 850 with 8 votes
Pb(1000) = 856 with 5 votes
Why? because the algorithm allows an item to quickly beat historical leaders if it receives more recent votes (even if the item has fewer votes in total).
The OP created a nice fiddle that I changed to get the following results:
Item A receives one vote each day from 1970 till 2012 (15339 votes)
Item B receives one vote each month from Jan to Jul 2012 (7 votes)
The result: B is more popular than A.
The proposed algorithm is a good approach, and is a special case of an Exponential Moving Average where alpha=0.5:
p = alpha*p + (1-alpha)*t = 0.5*p + 0.5*t = (p+t)/2 //(for alpha = 0.5)
A way to tweak the fact that the proposed solution for alpha=0.5 tends to favor recent votes (as noted by daniloquio) is to choose higher values for alpha (e.g. 0.9 or 0.99). Note that applying this to the testcase proposed by daniloquio is not working however, because when alpha increases the algorithm needs more 'time' to settle (so the arrays should be longer, which is often true in real applications).
for alpha=0.9 the algorithm averages approximately the last 10 values
for alpha=0.99 the algorithm averages approximately the last 100 values
for alpha=0.999 the algorithm averages approximately the last 1000 values
I see one problem, only the last ~24 votes count.
p_i+1 = (p + t) / 2
For two votes we have
p2 = (p1 + t2) / 2 = ((p0 + t1) /2 + t2 ) / 2 = p0/4 + t1/4 + t2/2
Expanding that for 32 votes gives:
p32 = t*2^-32 + t0*2^-32 + t1*2^-31 + t2*2^-30 + ... + t31*2^-1
So for signed 32 bit values, t0 has no effect on the result. Because t0 gets divided by 2^32, it will contribute nothing to p32.
If we have two items A and B (no matter how big the differences are) if they both get the same 32 votes, they will have the same popularity. So you're history goes back for only 32 votes. There is no difference in 2032 and 32 votes, if the last 32 votes are the same.
If the difference is less than a day, they will be equal after 17 votes.
The flaw is that something with 100 votes is usually more meaningful than something with only one recent vote. However it isn't hard to come up with variants of your scheme that work reasonably well.
I don't think that the above-discussed logic is going to work.
p_i+1= (p_i + t) /2
Article A gets viewed on timestamps: 70, 80, 90 popularity(Article A): 82.5
Article B gets viewed on timestamps: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 popularity(Article B): 80.625
In this case, the popularity of Article B should have been more. Firstly Article B was viewed as recently as Article A and secondly, it was also viewed more times than Article A.

Algorithm for the allocation of work with dynamic programming

The problem is this:
Need to perform n jobs, each characterized by a gain {v1, v2,. . . , vn}, a time required for its implementation {t1, t2,. . . , tn} and a deadline for its implementation {d1, d2,. . . , dn} with d1<=d2<=.....<=d3. Knowing that the gain occurs only if the work is done by that time and that you have a single machine. Must describe an algorithm that computes the maximum gain that is possible to obtain.
I had thought of a recurrence equation with two parameters, one indicating the i-th job and the other shows the moment in which we are implementing : OPT(i,d) , If d+t_i <= d then adds the gain t_i. (then a variant of multiway choice ..that is min for 1<=i<=n).
My main problem is: how can I find jobs that previously were carried out? I use a data structure of support?
As you would have written the equation of recurrence?
thanks you!!!!
My main problem is: how can I find jobs that previously were carried out? I use a data structure of support?
The trick is, you don't need to know what jobs are completed already. Because you can execute them in the order of increasing deadline.
Let's say, some optimal solution (yielding maximum profit) requirers you to complete job A (deadline 10) and then job B (deadline 3). But in this case you can safely swap A and B. They both will still be completed in time and new arrangement will yield the same total profit.
End of proof.
As you would have written the equation of recurrence?
You already have general idea, but you don't need a loop (min for 1<=i<=n).
max_profit(current_job, start_time)
// skip this job
result1 = max_profit(current_job + 1, start_time)
// start doing this job now
finish_time = start_time + T[current_job]
if finish_time <= D[current_job]
// only if we can finish it before deadline
result2 = max_profit(current_job + 1, finish_time) + V[current_job];
return max(result1, result2);
Converting it to DP should be trivial.
If you don't want O(n*max_deadline) complexity (e.g., when d and t values are big), you can resort to recursion with memoization and store results in a hash-table instead of two-dimensional array.
If all jobs must be performed, but not all will be paid for, the problem stays the same. Just push jobs you don't have time for (jobs you can't finish before deadline) to the end. That's all.
First of all I would pick the items with the biggest yield. Meaning the jobs that have the
biggest rate in value/time that can match their deadline (if now+t1 exceeds d1 then it is bogus). Afterwards I check the time between now+job_time and each deadline obtaining a "chace to finish" of each job. The jobs that will come first will be the jobs with biggest yield and lowest chance to finish. The idea is to squeeze the most valuable jobs.
If a job with a yield of 5 needs 10 seconds to finish and it's deadline comes in 600 seconds and a job with the same yield needs 20 seconds to finish and it's deadline comes in 22 seconds, then I run the second one.
If a job with a yield of 10 needs 10 seconds to finish and it's deadline comes in 100 seconds while another job has a yield of 5 needs 10 seconds to finish and it's deadline comes in 100 seconds,I'll run the first one.
If their yield is identical and they take same time to finish while their deadline comes in 100 seconds,respectively 101 seconds, I'll run the first one as it wins more time.
.. so on and so forth..
Recursion in this case refers only to reordering the jobs by these parameters by "Yield" and "Chance to finish".
Remember to always increase "now" (+job_time)after inserting a job in the order.
Hope it answers.
I read the upper comments and understood that you are not looking for efficiency you are looking for completion, so that takes the yield out of the way and leaves us with just ordering by deadline. It's the classic problem done by
Divide et Impera Quicksort

slot machine payout calculation

There's this question but it has nothing close to help me out here.
Tried to find information about it on the internet yet this subject is so swarmed with articles on "how to win" or other non-related stuff that I could barely find anything. None worth posting here.
My question is how would I assure a payout of 95% over a year?
Theoretically, of course.
So far I can think of three obvious variables to consider within the calculation: Machine payout term (year in my case), total paid and total received in that term.
Now I could simply shoot a random number between the paid/received gap and fix slots results to be shown to the player but I'm not sure this is how it's done.
This method however sounds reasonable, although it involves building the slots results backwards..
I could also make a huge list of all possibilities, save them in a database randomized by order and simply poll one of them each time.
This got many flaws - the biggest one is the huge list I'm going to get (millions/billions/etc' records).
I certainly hope this question will be marked with an "Answer" (:
You have to make reel strips instead of huge database. Here is brief example for very basic 3-reel game containing 3 symbols:
3xA = 5
3xB = 10
3xC = 20
Reels-strip is a sequence of symbols on each reel. For the calculations you only need the quantity of each symbol per each reel:
A = 3, 1, 1 (3 symbols on 1st reel, 1 symbol on 2nd, 1 symbol on 3rd reel)
B = 1, 1, 2
C = 1, 1, 1
Full cycle (total number of all possible combinations) is 5 * 3 * 4 = 60
Now you can calculate probability of each combination:
3xA = 3 * 1 * 1 / full cycle = 0.05
3xB = 1 * 1 * 2 / full cycle = 0.0333
3xC = 1 * 1 * 1 / full cycle = 0.0166
Then you can calculate the return for each combination:
3xA = 5 * 0.05 = 0.25 (25% from AAA)
3xB = 10 * 0.0333 = 0.333 (33.3% from BBB)
3xC = 20 * 0.0166 = 0.333 (33.3% from CCC)
Total return = 91.66%
Finally, you can shuffle the symbols on each reel to get the reels-strips, e.g. "ABACA" for the 1st reel. Then pick a random number between 1 and the length of the strip, e.g. 1 to 5 for the 1st reel. This number is the middle symbol. The upper and lower ones are from the strip. If you picked from the edge of the strip, use the first or last one to loop the strip (it's a virtual reel). Then score the result.
In real life you might want to have Wild-symbols, free spins and bonuses. They all are pretty complicated to describe in this answer.
In this sample the Hit Frequency is 10% (total combinations = 60 and prize combinations = 6). Most of people use excel to calculate this stuff, however, you may find some good tools for making slot math.
Proper keywords for Google: PAR-sheet, "slot math can be fun" book.
For sweepstakes or Class-2 machines you can't use this stuff. You have to display a combination by the given prize instead. This is a pretty different task, so you may try to prepare a database storing the combinations sorted by the prize amount.
Well, the first problem is with the keyword assure, if you are dealing with random, you cannot assure, unless you change the logic of the slot machine.
Consider the following algorithm though. I think this style of thinking is more reliable then plotting graphs of averages to achive 95%;
if( customer_able_to_win() )
customer_able_to_win() is your data log that says how much intake you have gotten vs how much you have paid out, if you are under 95%, payout, then customer_able_to_win() returns true; in that case, calculate_how_to_win() calculates how much the customer would be able to win based on your %, so, lets choose a sampling period of 24 hours. If over the last 24 hours i've paid out 90% of the money I've taken in, then I can pay out up to 5%.... lets give that 5% a number such as 100$. So calculate_how_to_win says I can pay out up to 100$, so I would find a set of reels that would pay out 100$ or less, and that user could win. You could add a little random to it, but to ensure your 95% you'll have to have some other rules such as a forced max payout if you get below say 80%, and so on.
If you change the algorithm a little by adding random to the mix you will have to have more of these caveats..... So to make it APPEAR random to the user, you could do...
if( customer_able_to_win() && payout_percent() < 90% )
calculate_how_to_win(); // up to 5% payout
With something like that, it will go on a losing streak after you hit 95% until you reach 90%, then it will go on a winning streak of random increments until you reach 95%.
This isn't a full algorithm answer, but more of a direction on how to think about how the slot machine works.
I've always envisioned this is the way slot machines work especially with video poker. Because the no_win() function would calculate how to lose, but make it appear to be 1 card off to tease you to think you were going to win, instead of dealing with a 'fair' game and the random just happens to be like that....
Think of the entire process of.... first thinking if you are going to win, how are you going to win, if you're not going to win, how are you going to lose, instead of random number generators determining if you will win or not.
I worked many years ago for an internet casino in Australia, this one being the only one in the world that was regulated completely by a government body. The algorithms you speak of that produce "structured randomness" are obviously extremely complex especially when you are talking multiple lines in all directions, double up, pick the suit, multiple progressive jackpots and the like.
Our poker machine laws for our state demand a payout of 97% of what goes in. For rudely to be satisfied that our machine did this, they made us run 10 million mock turns of the machine and then wanted to see that our game paid off at what the law states with the tiniest range of error (we had many many machines running a script to auto playing using a script to simulate the click for about a week before we hit the 10 mil).
Anyhow the algorithms you speak of are EXPENSIVE! They range from maybe $500k to several million per machine so as you can understand, no one is going to hand them over for free, that's for sure. If you wanted a single line machine it would be easy enough to do. Just work out you symbols/cards and what pay structure you want for each. Then you could just distribute those payouts amongst non-payouts till you got you respective figure. Obviously the more options there are means the longer it will take to pay out at that respective rate, it may even payout more early in the piece. Hit frequency and prize size are also factors you may want to consider
A simple way to do it, if you assume that people win a constant number of times a time period:
Create a collection of all possible tumbler combinations with how much each one pays out.
The first time someone plays, in that time period, you can offer all combinations at equal probability.
If they win, take that amount off the total left for the time period, and remove from the available options any combination that would payout more than you have left.
Repeat with the reduced combinations until all the money is gone for that time period.
Reset and start again for the next time period.

Generating a set of random events at a predefined frequency

I have a set of events that must occur randomly, but in a predefined frequency. i.e over a course of (totally) infinite events, event A should have occured 10% of the times, event B should have occured 3%, and so on... Of course the total sum of the percentages of the event list will add upto 100.
I want to achieve this programmatically. How do I do this?
You haven't specified a language, so here comes some pseudo-code
You basically want a function which will call other functions with various probabilities
Function RandomEvent
float roll = Random() -- Random number between 0 and 1
if roll < 0.1 then
else if roll < 0.13 then
interesting description. Without specific details constricting impementation, I can only offer an idea that you can modify to fit into the choices you've already made about your implementation. If you have a file for which every line contains a single event, then construct the file to have 10% A lines, 3% B lines, etc. Then when choosing an event, get an integer randomly generated to select a line number from the file.
You have to elaborate a little more on what you mean. If you just want the probabilities to be as you described, just pick a random number between 1-100 and map it to the events. That is, if the random number is 1-10, do Event A. If it's 11-13, do Event B, etc.
However, if you require things to come out exactly with those proportions at all times (not that this is really possible), you have to do it differently. Please confirm which meaning you are looking for and I'll edit if needed.
For each event, generate a random number between 0 and 100. If event A should occur 10% of the times, map values 0 - 10 to event A, and so on.
For instance, for 2 events:
n = 0 - 10 ==> Event A
n = 11 - 99 ==> Event B
If you do this, you can have your events occur at random times, and if the running time is long enough (and your RNG is good enough), event frequencies will add up to the desired percentage.
Generate a sequence of events in the exact proportions you want.
For each event, randomly generate a timestamp when each event should be delivered, within your time bounds.
Sort by that timestamp
Run through the list, delivering each event at the appropriate time.
Choose a random number from 1 to 100 inclusive. Assign each event a unique set of integers that represents the frequency that it should occur. If you randomly generated number falls within that particular selected range of numbers fire the associated event.
In the example above the event that should show 10% of the time you would assign it a range of integers 10 integers long (1-10, 12-21, etc...). How you store these integer rangess is up to you.
Like Michael said, since these are random numbers there is no way to guarantee said event fires exactly 10% of the time but over the long run it should...given an even distribution of random numbers.
