Simple Popularity Algorithm - algorithm

As Ted Jaspers wisely pointed out, the methodology I described in the original proposal back in 2012 is actually a special case of an exponential moving average. The beauty of this approach is that it can be calculated recursively, meaning you only need to store a single popularity value with each object and then you can recursively adjust this value when an event occurs. There's no need to record every event.
This single popularity value represents all past events (within the limits of the data type being used), but older events begin to matter exponentially less as new events are factored in. This algorithm will adapt to different time scales and will respond to varying traffic volumes. Each time an event occurs, the new popularity value can be calculated using the following formula:
(a * t) + ((1 - a) * p)
a — coefficient between 0 and 1 (higher values discount older events faster)
t — current timestamp
p — current popularity value (e.g. stored in a database)
Reasonable values for a will depend on your application. A good starting place is a=2/(N+1), where N is the number of events that should significantly affect the outcome. For example, on a low-traffic website where the event is a page view, you might expect hundreds of page views over a period of a few days. Choosing N=100 (a≈0.02) would be a reasonable choice. For a high-traffic website, you might expect millions of page views over a period of a few days, in which case N=1000000 (a≈0.000002) would be more reasonable. The value for a will likely need to be gradually adjusted over time.
To illustrate how simple this popularity algorithm is, here's an example of how it can be implemented in Craft CMS in 2 lines of Twig markup:
{% set popularity = (0.02 * date().timestamp) + (0.98 * entry.popularity) %}
{% do entry.setFieldValue("popularity", popularity) %}
Notice that there's no need to create new database tables or store endless event records in order to calculate popularity.
One caveat to keep in mind is that exponential moving averages have a spin-up interval, so it takes a few recursions before the value can be considered accurate. This means the initial condition is important. For example, if the popularity of a new item is initialized using the current timestamp, the item immediately becomes the most popular item in the entire set before eventually settling down into a more accurate position. This might be desirable if you want to promote new content. Alternatively, you may want content to work its way up from the bottom, in which case you could initialize it with the timestamp of when the application was first launched. You could also find a happy medium by initializing the value with an average of all popularity values in the database, so it starts out right in the middle.
Original Proposal
There are plenty of suggested algorithms for calculating popularity based on an item's age and the number of votes, clicks, or purchases an item receives. However, the more robust methods I've seen often require overly complex calculations and multiple stored values which clutter the database. I've been contemplating an extremely simple algorithm that doesn't require storing any variables (other than the popularity value itself) and requires only one simple calculation. It's ridiculously simple:
p = (p + t) / 2
Here, p is the popularity value stored in the database and t is the current timestamp. When an item is first created, p must be initialized. There are two possible initialization methods:
Initialize p with the current timestamp t
Initialize p with the average of all p values in the database
Note that initialization method (1) gives recently added items a clear advantage over historical items, thus adding an element of relevance. On the other hand, initialization method (2) treats new items as equals when compared to historical items.
Let's say you use initialization method (1) and initialize p with the current timestamp. When the item receives its first vote, p becomes the average of the creation time and the vote time. Thus, the popularity value p still represents a valid timestamp (assuming you round to the nearest integer), but the actual time it represents is abstracted.
With this method, only one simple calculation is required and only one value needs to be stored in the database (p). This method also prevents runaway values, since a given item's popularity can never exceed the current time.
An example of the algorithm at work over a period of 1 day:
An example of the algorithm at work over a period of 1 year:
If you expect votes to steadily stream in at sub-second intervals, then you will need to use a microsecond timestamp, such as the PHP microtime() function. Otherwise, a standard UNIX timestamp will work, such as the PHP time() function.
Now for my question: do you see any major flaws with this approach?

I think this is a very good approach, given its simplicity. A very interesting result.
I made a quick set of calculations and found that this algorithm does seem to understand what "popularity" means. Its problem is that it has a clear tendency to favor recent votes like this:
Imagine we take the time and break it into discrete timestamp values ranging from 100 to 1000. Assume that at t=100 both A and B (two items) have the same P = 100.
A gets voted 7 times on 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 and 800
resulting on a final Pa(800) = 700 (aprox).
B gets voted 4 times on 300, 500, 700 and 900
resulting on a final Pb(900) = 712 (aprox).
When t=1000 comes, both A and B receive votes, so:
Pa(1000) = 850 with 8 votes
Pb(1000) = 856 with 5 votes
Why? because the algorithm allows an item to quickly beat historical leaders if it receives more recent votes (even if the item has fewer votes in total).
The OP created a nice fiddle that I changed to get the following results:
Item A receives one vote each day from 1970 till 2012 (15339 votes)
Item B receives one vote each month from Jan to Jul 2012 (7 votes)
The result: B is more popular than A.

The proposed algorithm is a good approach, and is a special case of an Exponential Moving Average where alpha=0.5:
p = alpha*p + (1-alpha)*t = 0.5*p + 0.5*t = (p+t)/2 //(for alpha = 0.5)
A way to tweak the fact that the proposed solution for alpha=0.5 tends to favor recent votes (as noted by daniloquio) is to choose higher values for alpha (e.g. 0.9 or 0.99). Note that applying this to the testcase proposed by daniloquio is not working however, because when alpha increases the algorithm needs more 'time' to settle (so the arrays should be longer, which is often true in real applications).
for alpha=0.9 the algorithm averages approximately the last 10 values
for alpha=0.99 the algorithm averages approximately the last 100 values
for alpha=0.999 the algorithm averages approximately the last 1000 values

I see one problem, only the last ~24 votes count.
p_i+1 = (p + t) / 2
For two votes we have
p2 = (p1 + t2) / 2 = ((p0 + t1) /2 + t2 ) / 2 = p0/4 + t1/4 + t2/2
Expanding that for 32 votes gives:
p32 = t*2^-32 + t0*2^-32 + t1*2^-31 + t2*2^-30 + ... + t31*2^-1
So for signed 32 bit values, t0 has no effect on the result. Because t0 gets divided by 2^32, it will contribute nothing to p32.
If we have two items A and B (no matter how big the differences are) if they both get the same 32 votes, they will have the same popularity. So you're history goes back for only 32 votes. There is no difference in 2032 and 32 votes, if the last 32 votes are the same.
If the difference is less than a day, they will be equal after 17 votes.

The flaw is that something with 100 votes is usually more meaningful than something with only one recent vote. However it isn't hard to come up with variants of your scheme that work reasonably well.

I don't think that the above-discussed logic is going to work.
p_i+1= (p_i + t) /2
Article A gets viewed on timestamps: 70, 80, 90 popularity(Article A): 82.5
Article B gets viewed on timestamps: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 popularity(Article B): 80.625
In this case, the popularity of Article B should have been more. Firstly Article B was viewed as recently as Article A and secondly, it was also viewed more times than Article A.


Feedback on ranking algorithm options for my website

I am currently working on writing an algorithm for my new site I plan to launch soon. The index page will display the "hottest" posts at the moment.
Variables to consider are:
Number of votes
How controversial the post is (# between 0-1)
Time since post
I have come up with two possible algorithms, the first and most simple is:
controversial * (numVotesThisHour / (numVotesTotal - numVotesThisHour)
Denom = numVotesTuisHour if numVotesTotal - numVotesThisHour == 0
Highest number is hottest
My other option is to use an algorithm similar to Reddit's (except that the score decreases as time goes by):
[controversial * log(x)] - (TimePassed / interval)
x = { numVotesTotal if numVotesTotal >= 10, 10 if numVotesTotal < 10
Highest number is hottest
The first algorithm would allow older posts to become "hot" again in the future while the second one wouldn't.
So my question is, which one of these two algorithms do you think is more effective? Which one do you think will display the truly "hot" topics at the moment? Can you think of any advantages or disadvantages to using one over the other? I just want to make sure I don't overlook anything so that I can ensure the content is as relevant as possible. Any feedback would be great! Thanks!
Am I missing something. In the first formula you have numVotesTotal in the denominator. So higher number of votes all time will mean it will never be so hot even if it is not so old.
For example if I have two posts - P1 and P2 (both equally controversial). Say P1 has numVotesTotal = 20, and P2 has numVotesTotal = 1000. Now in the last one hour P1 gets numVotesThisHour = 10 and P2 gets numVotesThisHour = 200.
According to the algorithm, P1 is more famous than P2. It doesn't make sense to me.
I think the first algorithm relies too heavily on instantaneous trend. Think of NASCAR, the current leader could be going 0 m.p.h. because he's at a pit stop. The second one uses the notion of average trend. I think both have their uses.
So for two posts with the same total votes and controversial rating, but where posts one receives 20 votes in the first hour and zero in the second, while the other receives 10 in each hour. The first post will be buried by the first algorithm but the second algorithm will rank them equally.
YMMV, but I think the 'hotness' is entirely dependent on the time frame, and not at all on the total votes unless your time frame is 'all time'. Also, it seems to me that the proportion of all votes in the relevant time frame, rather than the absolute number of them, is the important figure.
You might have several categories of hot:
Hottest this hour
Hottest this week
Hottest since your last visit
Hottest all time
So, 'Hottest in the last [whatever]' could be calculated like this:
votes_for_topic_in_timeframe / all_votes_in_timeframe
if you especially want a number between 0 and 1, (useful for comparing across categories) or, if you only want the ones in a specific timeframe, just take the votes_for_topic_in_timeframe values and sort into descending order.
If you don't want the user explicitly choosing the time frame, you may want to calculate all (say) four versions (or perhaps just the top 3), assign a multiplier to each category to give each category a relative importance, and calculate total values for each topic to take the top n. This has the advantage of potentially hiding from the user that no-one at all has voted in the last hour ;)

Algorithm to determine most popular article last week, month and year?

I'm working on a project where I need to sort a list of user-submitted articles by their popularity (last week, last month and last year).
I've been mulling on this for a while, but I'm not a great statitician so I figured I could maybe get some input here.
Here are the variables available:
Time [date] the article was originally published
Time [date] the article was recommended by editors (if it has been)
Amount of votes the article has received from users (total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Number of times the article has been viewed (total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Number of times the article has been downloaded by users (total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Comments on the article (total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Number of times a user has saved the article to their reading-list (Total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Number of times the article has been featured on a kind of "best we've got to offer" (editorial) list (Total, in the last week, in the last month, in the last year)
Time [date] the article was dubbed 'article of the week' (if it has been)
Right now I'm doing some weighting on each variable, and dividing by the times it has been read. That's pretty much all I could come up with after reading up on Weighted Means. My biggest problem is that there are some user-articles that are always on the top of the popular-list. Probably because the author is "cheating".
I'm thinking of emphasizing the importance of the article being relatively new, but I don't want to "punish" articles that are genuinely popular just because they're a bit old.
Anyone with a more statistically adept mind than mine willing to help me out?
I think the weighted means approach is a good one. But I think there are two things you need to work out.
How to weigh the criteria.
How to prevent "gaming" of the system
How to weigh the criteria
This question falls under the domain of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Your approach is the Weighted Sum Model. In any computational decision making process, ranking the criteria is often the most difficult part of the process. I suggest you take the route of pairwise comparisons: how important do you think each criterion is compared to the others? Build yourself a table like this:
c1 c2 c3 ...
c1 1 4 2
c2 1/4 1 1/2
c3 1/2 2 1
This shows that C1 is 4 times as important as C2 which is half as important as C3. Use a finite pool of weightings, say 1.0 since that's easy. Distributing it over the criteria we have 4 * C1 + 2 * C3 + C2 = 1 or roughly C1 = 4/7, C3 = 2/7, C2 = 1/7. Where discrepencies arise (for instance if you think C1 = 2*C2 = 3*C3, but C3 = 2*C2), that's a good error indication: it means that you're inconsistent with your relative rankings so go back and reexamine them. I forget the name of this procedure, comments would be helpful here. This is all well documented.
Now, this all probably seems a bit arbitrary to you at this point. They're for the most part numbers you pulled out of your own head. So I'd suggest taking a sample of maybe 30 articles and ranking them in the way "your gut" says they should be ordered (often you're more intuitive than you can express in numbers). Finagle the numbers until they produce something close to that ordering.
Preventing gaming
This is the second important aspect. No matter what system you use, if you can't prevent "cheating" it will ultimately fail. You need to be able to limit voting (should an IP be able to recommend a story twice?). You need to be able to prevent spam comments. The more important the criterion, the more you need to prevent it from being gamed.
You can use outlier theory for detecting anomalies. A very naive way of looking for outliers is using the mahalanobis distance. This is a measure that takes into account the spread of your data, and calculates the relative distance from the center. It can be interpreted as how many standard deviations the article is from the center. This will however include also genuinely very popular articles, but it gives you a first indication that something is odd.
A second, more general approach is building a model. You could regress the variables that can be manipulated by users against those related to editors. One would expect that users and editors would agree to some extent. If they don't, then it's again an indication something is odd.
In both cases, you'll need to define some treshold and try to find some weighting based on that. A possible approach is to use the square rooted mahalanobis distance as an inverse weight. If you're far away from the center, your score will be pulled down. Same can be done using the residuals from the model. Here you could even take the sign into account. If the editor score is lower than what would be expected based on the user score, the residual will be negative. if the editor score is higher than what would be expected based on the user score, the residual is positive and it's very unlikely that the article is gamed. This allows you to define some rules to reweigh the given scores.
An example in R:
Code :
#Test data frame generated at random
test <- data.frame(
quoted = rpois(100,12),
seen = rbinom(100,60,0.3),
download = rbinom(100,30,0.3)
#Create some link between user-vars and editorial
test <- within(test,{
editorial = round((quoted+seen+download)/10+rpois(100,1))
#add two test cases
test[101,]<-c(20,18,13,0) #bad article, hyped by few spammers
test[102,]<-c(20,18,13,8) # genuinely good article
# mahalanobis distances
mah <- mahalanobis(test,colMeans(test),cov(test))
# simple linear modelling
mod <- lm(editorial~quoted*seen*download,data=test)
# the plots
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
hist(mah,breaks=20,col="grey",main="Mahalanobis distance")
legend("topright",legend=c("high rated by editors","gamed"),
hist(resid(mod),breaks=20,col="grey",main="Residuals model",xlim=c(-6,4))
There are any number of ways to do this, and what works for you will depend on your actual dataset and what outcomes you desire for specific articles. As a rough reworking though, I would suggest moving the times it has been read to the weighted numbers and dividing by age of the article, since the older an article is, the more likely it is to have higher numbers in each category.
For example
// x[i] = any given variable above
// w[i] = weighting for that variable
// age = days since published OR
// days since editor recommendation OR
// average of both OR
// ...
score = (x[1]w[1] + ... + x[n]w[n])/age
Your problem of wanting to promote new articles more but not wanting to punish genuinely popular old articles requires consideration of how you can tell whether or not an article is genuinely popular. Then just use the "genuine-ness" algorithm to weight the votes or views rather than a static weighting. You can also change any of the other weightings to be functions rather than constants, and then have non-linear weightings for any variables you wish.
// Fw = some non-linear function
// (possibly multi-variable) that calculates
// a sub-score for the given variable(s)
score = (Fw1(x[1]) + ... + FwN(x[n]))/FwAge(age)

Formula for popularity? (based on "like it", "comments", "views")

I have some pages on a website and I have to create an ordering based on "popularity"/"activity"
The parameters that I have to use are:
views to the page
comments made on the page (there is a form at the bottom where uses can make comments)
clicks made to the "like it" icon
Are there any standards for what a formula for popularity would be? (if not opinions are good too)
(initially I thought of views + 10*comments + 10*likeit)
Actually there is an accepted best way to calculate this:
You may need to combine 'likes' and 'comments' into a single score, assigning your own weighting factor to each, before plugging it into the formula as the 'positive vote' value.
from the link above:
Score = Lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a
Bernoulli parameter
We need to balance the proportion of positive ratings with
the uncertainty of a small number of observations. Fortunately, the
math for this was worked out in 1927 by Edwin B. Wilson. What we want
to ask is: Given the ratings I have, there is a 95% chance that the
"real" fraction of positive ratings is at least what? Wilson gives the
answer. Considering only positive and negative ratings (i.e. not a
5-star scale), the lower bound on the proportion of positive ratings
is given by:
(Use minus where it says plus/minus to calculate the lower bound.)
Here p̂ is the observed fraction of positive ratings, zα/2 is the
(1-α/2) quantile of the standard normal distribution, and n is the
total number of ratings. The same formula implemented in Ruby:
require 'statistics2'
def ci_lower_bound(pos, n, confidence)
if n == 0
return 0
z = Statistics2.pnormaldist(1-(1-confidence)/2)
phat = 1.0*pos/n
(phat + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.sqrt((phat*(1-phat)+z*z/(4*n))/n))/(1+z*z/n)
pos is the number of positive ratings, n is the total number of
ratings, and confidence refers to the statistical confidence level:
pick 0.95 to have a 95% chance that your lower bound is correct, 0.975
to have a 97.5% chance, etc. The z-score in this function never
changes, so if you don't have a statistics package handy or if
performance is an issue you can always hard-code a value here for z.
(Use 1.96 for a confidence level of 0.95.)
The same formula as an SQL query:
SELECT widget_id, ((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) -
1.96 * SQRT((positive * negative) / (positive + negative) + 0.9604) /
(positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative))
AS ci_lower_bound FROM widgets WHERE positive + negative > 0
ORDER BY ci_lower_bound DESC;
There is no standard formula for this (how could there be?)
What you have looks like a fairly normal solution, and would probably work well. Of course, you should play around with the 10's to find values that suit your needs.
Depending on your requirements, you might also want to add in a time factor (i.e. -X points per week) so that old pages become less popular. Alternatively, you could change your "page views" to "page views in the last month". Again, this depends on your needs, it may not be relevant.
You could do something like what YouTube does - just have it sorted by largest count per category. For example - most viewed, most commented, most liked. In each category a different page could come first, though the rankings might likely be correlated. If you only need a single ranking, then you would have to come up with a formula of some sort, preferably derived empirically by analyzing a bunch of data you already have and deciding what should be calculated as good/bad, and working backwards to fit an equation that fits your decision.
You could even attempt a machine learning approach to "learn" what a good weighting is for combining each of these numbers as in your example formula. Doing it manually might also not be too hard.
I use,
(C*comments + L*likeit)*100/views
where you must use C and L depending on how much you value each attribute.
I use C=1 and L=1.
This gives you the percentage of views that generated a positive action, making the items with
higher percentage the most "popular".
I like this because it makes it possible for newer items to be very popular at first, showing up first and getting more views and thus becoming less popular (or more) until stabilizing.
i hope it helps.
PS: Of it would work just the same without the "*100" but i like percentages.
I would value comments more than 'like it's if the content invites a discussion. If it's just stating facts, an equal ration for comments and the like count seems ok (though 10 is a bit too much, I think...)
Does visit take into account the time the user spent somehow? You might use that, as well, as a 2 second view means less than a 3 minute one.
Java code for Anentropic's answer:
public static double getRank(double thumbsUp, double thumbsDown) {
double totalVotes = thumbsUp + thumbsDown;
if (totalVotes > 0) {
return ((thumbsUp + 1.9208) / totalVotes -
1.96 * Math.sqrt((thumbsUp * thumbsDown) / totalVotes + 0.9604) /
totalVotes) / (1 + (3.8416 / totalVotes));
} else {
return 0;

Algorithm to calculate a page importance based on its views / comments

I need an algorithm that allows me to determine an appropriate <priority> field for my website's sitemap based on the page's views and comments count.
For those of you unfamiliar with sitemaps, the priority field is used to signal the importance of a page relative to the others on the same website. It must be a decimal number between 0 and 1.
The algorithm will accept two parameters, viewCount and commentCount, and will return the priority value. For example:
GetPriority(100000, 100000); // Damn, a lot of views/comments! The returned value will be very close to 1, for example 0.995
GetPriority(3, 2); // Ok not many users are interested in this page, so for example it will return 0.082
You mentioned doing this in an SQL query, so I'll give samples in that.
If you have a table/view Pages, something like this
views:int - indexed
comments:int - indexed
Then you can order them by writing
(0.3+LOG10(10+views)/LOG10(10+(SELECT MAX(views) FROM Pages))) +
(0.7+LOG10(10+comments)/LOG10(10+(SELECT MAX(comments) FROM Pages)))
I've deliberately chosen unequal weighting between views and comments. A problem that can arise with keeping an equal weighting with views/comments is that the ranking becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - a page is returned at the top of the list, so it's visited more often, and thus gets more points, so it's shown at the stop of the list, and it's visited more often, and it gets more points.... Putting more weight on on the comments reflects that these take real effort and show real interest.
The above formula will give you ranking based on all-time statistics. So an article that amassed the same number of views/comments in the last week as another article amassed in the last year will be given the same priority. It may make sense to repeat the formula, each time specifying a range of dates, and favoring pages with higher activity, e.g.
0.3*(score for views/comments today) - live data
0.3*(score for views/comments in the last week)
0.25*(score for views/comments in the last month)
0.15*(score for all views/comments, all time)
This will ensure that "hot" pages are given higher priority than similarly scored pages that haven't seen much action lately. All values apart from today's scores can be persisted in tables by scheduled stored procedures so that the database isn't having to aggregate many many comments/view stats. Only today's stats are computed "live". Taking it one step further, the ranking formula itself can be computed and stored for historical data by a stored procedure run daily.
EDIT: To get a strict range from 0.1 to 1.0, you would motify the formula like this. But I stress - this will only add overhead and is unecessary - the absolute values of priority are not important - only their relative values to other urls. The search engine uses these to answer the question, is URL A more important/relevant than URL B? It does this by comparing their priorities - which one is greatest - not their absolute values.
// unnormalized - x is some page id
un(x) = 0.3*log(views(x)+10)/log(10+maxViews()) +
// the original formula (now in pseudo code)
The maximum will be 1.0, the minimum will start at 1.0 and move downwards as more views/comments are made.
we define un(0) as the minimum value, i.e. (where views(x) and comments(x) are both 0 in the above formula)
To get a normalized formula from 0.1 to 1.0, you then compute n(x), the normalized priority for page x
(1.0-un(x)) * (un(0)-0.1)
n(x) = un(x) - ------------------------- when un(0) != 1.0
= 0.1 otherwise.
Priority = W1 * views / maxViewsOfAllArticles + W2 * comments / maxCommentsOfAllArticles
with W1+W2=1
Although IMHO, just use 0.5*log_10(10+views)/log_10(10+maxViews) + 0.5*log_10(10+comments)/log_10(10+maxComments)
What you're looking for here is not an algorithm, but a formula.
Unfortunately, you haven't really specified the details of what you want, so there's no way we can provide the formula to you.
Instead, let's try to walk through the problem together.
You've got two incoming parameters, the viewCount and the commentCount. You want to return a single number, Priority. So far, so good.
You say that Priority should range between 0 and 1, but this isn't really important. If we were to come up with a formula we liked, but resulted in values between 0 and N, we could just divide the results by N-- so this constraint isn't really relevant.
Now, the first thing we need to decide is the relative weight of Comments vs Views.
If page A has 100 comments and 10 views, and page B has 10 comments and 100 views, which should have a higher priority? Or, should it be the same priority? You need to decide what's right for your definition of Priority.
If you decide, for example, that comments are 5 times more valuable than views, then we can begin with a formula like
Priority = 5 * Comments + Views
Obviously, this can be generalized to
Priority = A * Comments + B * Views
Where A and B are relative weights.
But, sometimes we want our weights to be exponential instead of linear, like
Priority = Comment ^ A + Views ^ B
which will give a very different curve than the earlier formula.
Priority = Comment ^ A * Views ^ B
will give higher value to a page with 20 comments and 20 views than one with 1 comment and 40 views, if the weights are equal.
So, to summarize:
You really ought to make a spreadsheet with sample values for Views and Comments, and then play around with various formulas until you get one that has the distribution that you are hoping for.
We can't do it for you, because we don't know how you want to value things.
I know it has been a while since this was asked, but I encountered a similar problem and had a different solution.
When you want to have a way to rank something, and there are multiple factors that you're using to perform that ranking, you're doing something called multi-criteria decision analysis. (MCDA). See:
There are several ways to handle this. In your case, your criteria have different "units". One is in units of comments, the other is in units of views. Futhermore, you may want to give different weight to these criteria based on whatever business rules you come up with.
In that case, the best solution is something called a weighted product model. See:
The gist is that you take each of your criteria and turn it into a percentage (as was previously suggested), then you take that percentage and raise it to the power of X, where X is a number between 0 and 1. This number represents your weight. Your total weights should add up to one.
Lastly, you multiple each of the results together to come up with a rank. If the rank is greater than 1, than the numerator page has a higher rank than the denominator page.
Each page would be compared against every other page by doing something like:
p1C = page 1 comments
p1V = page 1 view
p2C = page 2 comments
p2V = page 2 views
wC = comment weight
wV = view weight
rank = (p1C/p2C)^(wC) * (p1V/p2V)^(wV)
The end result is a sorted list of pages according to their rank.
I've implemented this in C# by performing a sort on a collection of objects implementing IComparable.
What several posters have essentially advocated without conceptual clarification is that you use linear regression to determine a weighting function of webpage view and comment counts to establish priority.
This technique is pretty easy to implement for your problem, and the basic concept is described well in this Wikipedia article on linear regression models.
A quick summary of how to apply it to your problem is:
Determine the parameters of the line which best fits the view and comment count data for all your site's webpages, i.e., use linear regression.
Use the line parameters to derive your priority function for the view/count parameters.
Code examples for basic linear regression should not be hard to track down if you don't want to implement it from scratch from basic math formulas (use the web, Numerical Recipes, etc.). Also, any general math software package like Matlab, R, etc., comes with linear regression functions.
The most naive approach would be the following:
Let v[i] the views of page i, c[i] the number of comments for page i, then define the relative view weight for page i to be
r_v(i) = v[i]/(sum_j v[j])
where sum_j v[j] is the total of the v[.] over all pages. Similarly define the relative comment weight for page i to be
r_c(i) = c[i]/(sum_j c[j]).
Now you want some constant parameter p: 0 < p < 1 which indicates the importance of views over comments: p = 0 means only comments are significant, p = 1 means only views are significant, and p = 0.5 gives equal weight.
Then set the priority to be
p*r_v(i) + (1-p)*r_c(i)
This might be over-simplistic but its probably the best starting point.

How to rank stories based on "controversy"?

I'd like to rank my stories based on "controversy" quotient. For example, currently has "controversial" section:
When a story has a lot of up and a lot of down votes, it's controversial even though the total score is 0 (for example). How should I calculate this quotient score so that when there's a lot of people voting up and down, I can capture this somehow.
I would recommend using the standard deviation of the votes.
A controversial vote that's 100% polarised would have equal numbers of -1 and +1 votes, so the mean would be 0 and the stddev would be around 1.0
Conversely a completely consistent set of votes (with no votes in the opposite direction) would have a mean of 1 or -1 and a stddev of 0.0.
Votes that aren't either completely consistent or completely polarised will produce a standard deviation figure between 0 and ~1.0 where that value will indicate the degree of controversy in the vote.
The easiest method is to count the number of upvote/downvote pairings for a given comment within the timeframe (e.g. 1 week, 48 hours etc), and have comments with the most parings appear first. Anything more complex requires trial-and-error or experimentation on the best algorithm - as always, it varies on the content of the site and how you want it weighted.
Overall, it's not much different than a hotness algorithm, which works by detecting the most upvotes or views within a timeframe.
What about simply getting the smaller of the two values (up or down) of a point in time? If it goes up a lot and goes down a little, or the other way around it, is not controversial.
If for example the items has 10 ups and 5 downs, the "controversiality level" is 5, since there is 5 people disagreeing about liking it or not. On the other hand if it has either 10 ups or 10 downs, the "controversiality level" is 0, since no one is disagreeing.
So in the end the smaller of both items in this case defines the "hotness" or the "controversiality". Does this make sense?
// figure out if up or down is winning - doesn't matter which
if (up_votes > down_votes)
win_votes = up_votes;
lose_votes = down_votes;
win_votes = down_votes;
lose_votes = up_votes;
// losewin_ratio is always <= 1, near 0 if win_votes >> lose_votes
losewin_ratio = lose_votes / win_votes;
total_votes = up_votes + down_votes;
controversy_score = total_votes * losewin_ratio; // large means controversial
This formula will produce high scores for stories that have a lot of votes and a near 50/50 voting split, and low scores for stories that have either few votes or many votes for one choice.
