Listbox item click animation toolkit? - windows-phone-7

Is there some toolkit for the animation when a user clicks on a list box item? The animation that I am referring to is when you tap on a list box item (like an email in your inbox) and the text depresses under your finger (or topple? its kind of hard to describe). I see this in many Windows Phone 7 applications like Yelp, OneBusAway, GoVoice, etc and was wondering if there was some toolkit for this animation or if I have to develop this animation on my own.
If anyone know if such a toolkit exists or not please let me know! I could do this using storyboards but I don't want to reinvent the wheel unless I have to :).

This would be Tilt Effect. Detailed here.
Tilt Effect Overview for Windows Phone

The Silverlight Toolkit has this functionality built in.


How to make your own custom based tile app - not pined to startscreen in windows phone 8

Hey I am looking to make a windows 8 phone app that has a tile look and feel. I am not interested in making it pined to the start screen. I want an app that has it's own functionality in the tiles. Does anyone know how to make that layout - could someone point me in the right direction? dll supports a control named hubtile.
"The latest version of Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit provides Windows Phone HubTile control. This control can make your application stylish by adding animated tiles in it. HubTile can consist of an image, title, message or a notification. In this example we will represent HubTile in two different ways, Static HubTile and Dynamic HubTile".
Best links

Page Transition Style Like Flipboard on Windows Phone 8

I'm searching how to create the flip effect on a wp8 application like the Flipboard style :
could you help me how to proceed to create this effect?
I would recomment using Telerik's SlideView control. You can set a Flip transition. You can download the Telerik sample application and try it out. The phone controls are only $99. Even better is to use Nokia Developer Offers. You get Telerik's phone controls, as well as Infragistics controls, a DevCenter account and BugSense tracking for $99. I know it's not free, but how much is your time worth creating all the controls you get from this?
NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the above companies.
Look here: How to Perform a Card Flip Animation
I have told how to make FlipAnimation, un projections menu there are also other effects that affect XYZ axes - your effect is quite simple.
But if you wan't a whole page transition then i think you should NOT use pages, but use different Views on one page.

Image Slide Show in Windows phone

I am New to Windows Phone Dev. I like to Do one App after Using this App in Windows Phone
EspnCrickinfo App. When I use this App,i seen Very cool feather that Image in gallery Swiping Left and Right. I am trying this Functionally But I am Not Succeed.
I have Some JSON Link Contains Images
For Reference
I follow this MSDN But I am Getting Btns on App bar.
Please can any one suggest Me how can make this Easy.
Hear is the Perfect Answer for This Question...Image Slide Show with Swipe Effect in Windows Phone
Well if you want to have swipe effects go for microsoft toolkit and use gesture listener.
register to a flick event and you have your desired effect. This link will help you.
how to get swipe in windows phone 7

How do I get exactly the same look & feel of native WP7 apps?

One thing I think is important is to give users a consistent look and feel for every page and every app on the Windows phone. I figured out how to do pretty page turns the same way native apps do them, and now I'm trying to figure out how to make all my ListBox items look the same way they do in native apps as well.
For example, when you are in the settings app and you click on an item, the item's text shrinks a little bit while your finger is on it, and when you release the button, the text goes back to normal size and initiates a page navigation.
I can do page navigation. But I want my navigation buttons be exactly the same, not just kinda similar. As a matter of fact, I want my whole app to conform so uniformly to the rest of the OS that the users will think Microsoft built it. Is there a standard library, set of controls, or framework that Microsoft uses that we can have access to? Is there a blog or some other resource devoted to showing us how to mimic Microsoft UI design?
Whilst Silverlight for WP7 makes it easy to create applications that have the same static look as the native apps (email etc...), the Silverlight framework lacks much of the dynamic features, the transitions, animations and other effects. A while back I wrote a Metro In Motion blog series that shows how to mimic the fluid animations that are exhibited by the native applications ...
Metro In Motion Part #1 – Fluid List Animation
Metro In Motion Part #2 – ‘Peel’ Animations
Metro In Motion Part #3 – Flying Titles!
Metro In Motion Part #4 – Tilt Effect
Metro In Motion Part #5 – SandwichFlow
Metro In Motion Part #6 – Rolling List Location Indicator
Metro In Motion Part #7 – Panorama Prettiness and Opacity
Metro In Motion Part #8 – AutoCompleteBox Reveal Animation
Hopefully these will help you achieve the native look and feel you are after.
For example, when you are in the settings app and you click on an item, the item's text shrinks a little bit while your finger is on it, and when you release the button, the text goes back to normal size and initiates a page navigation.
It's TiltEffect that you can use from Silverlight Toolkit
Silverlight for WP7 Toolkit TiltEffect in depth
Some system animation effects you can implement with help of Metro In Motion series
Here is a blog post from the Windows Phone team releasing an icon pack with many commonly used icons in WP7. It should be useful in the quest for UI uniformity.
Here is a list + samples of system text styles you can use.

Is there a way to display HTML in an XNA game on WP7

Is there a way to display a browser control over the top of an XNA game on Windows Phone 7?
Basically I need to display some HTML, and then allow the user to return to the game.
So it can be full-screen if need be. It could even involve switching to Internet Explorer, if there's a way to return to the game from IE?
Is this possible?
It was announced that XNA and Silverlight would be available together in the same app starting with Mango update.
That might allow you to get what you're after.
I am not certain It would be nice if we could pop an html screen like we do on the iPhone. I know if you embed an url you can open ie. but as far as I know you can only get back to your game via the hardware back button.
You are not able to directly display HTML content in your XNA application due to the differences in the UI core. You are able, however, to invoke the WebBrowserTask. All you need to do is add a reference to Microsoft.Phone and then add a using statement for Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.
