Page Transition Style Like Flipboard on Windows Phone 8 - windows-phone-7

I'm searching how to create the flip effect on a wp8 application like the Flipboard style :
could you help me how to proceed to create this effect?

I would recomment using Telerik's SlideView control. You can set a Flip transition. You can download the Telerik sample application and try it out. The phone controls are only $99. Even better is to use Nokia Developer Offers. You get Telerik's phone controls, as well as Infragistics controls, a DevCenter account and BugSense tracking for $99. I know it's not free, but how much is your time worth creating all the controls you get from this?
NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the above companies.

Look here: How to Perform a Card Flip Animation
I have told how to make FlipAnimation, un projections menu there are also other effects that affect XYZ axes - your effect is quite simple.
But if you wan't a whole page transition then i think you should NOT use pages, but use different Views on one page.


how to make a container like wp's tiles desk

My App has a page contain some tiles layout in a canvas.
Now there is some new needs:
I would like to make these tiles can move and zoom just like wp7 OS desk.
Can you please share with me that if there is any existing control(Library) to achieve the above functionality or otherwise give me a Road Map how to achieve this functionality?
Telerik has got a Control Library for Windows Phone that contains a control called HubTile. Have a look here to see if the control satisfies your needs.

How do I get exactly the same look & feel of native WP7 apps?

One thing I think is important is to give users a consistent look and feel for every page and every app on the Windows phone. I figured out how to do pretty page turns the same way native apps do them, and now I'm trying to figure out how to make all my ListBox items look the same way they do in native apps as well.
For example, when you are in the settings app and you click on an item, the item's text shrinks a little bit while your finger is on it, and when you release the button, the text goes back to normal size and initiates a page navigation.
I can do page navigation. But I want my navigation buttons be exactly the same, not just kinda similar. As a matter of fact, I want my whole app to conform so uniformly to the rest of the OS that the users will think Microsoft built it. Is there a standard library, set of controls, or framework that Microsoft uses that we can have access to? Is there a blog or some other resource devoted to showing us how to mimic Microsoft UI design?
Whilst Silverlight for WP7 makes it easy to create applications that have the same static look as the native apps (email etc...), the Silverlight framework lacks much of the dynamic features, the transitions, animations and other effects. A while back I wrote a Metro In Motion blog series that shows how to mimic the fluid animations that are exhibited by the native applications ...
Metro In Motion Part #1 – Fluid List Animation
Metro In Motion Part #2 – ‘Peel’ Animations
Metro In Motion Part #3 – Flying Titles!
Metro In Motion Part #4 – Tilt Effect
Metro In Motion Part #5 – SandwichFlow
Metro In Motion Part #6 – Rolling List Location Indicator
Metro In Motion Part #7 – Panorama Prettiness and Opacity
Metro In Motion Part #8 – AutoCompleteBox Reveal Animation
Hopefully these will help you achieve the native look and feel you are after.
For example, when you are in the settings app and you click on an item, the item's text shrinks a little bit while your finger is on it, and when you release the button, the text goes back to normal size and initiates a page navigation.
It's TiltEffect that you can use from Silverlight Toolkit
Silverlight for WP7 Toolkit TiltEffect in depth
Some system animation effects you can implement with help of Metro In Motion series
Here is a blog post from the Windows Phone team releasing an icon pack with many commonly used icons in WP7. It should be useful in the quest for UI uniformity.
Here is a list + samples of system text styles you can use.

WP7 alternative to tabs

I have a mobile app. On the two major smartphone platforms, I employ tabbed UI - there are 3-4 screens with pretty much independent functionality, they exchange info very occasionally, most of the time screen switching is performed by the user, in arbitrary order.
Windows Phone 7 does not have a tab control, and page navigation assumes a stack model (you go back to where you came from). What would be a sensible WP7 alternative to that kind of UI?
The general Phone-7 replacement for the tab paradigm would be either a Pivot or a Panorama. Which you choose depends a lot on exactly on what you're showing, but generally speaking the Pivot is probably what you're after.
I would recomend a pivot control
WP7 UI is built around the metro style and it was a deliberate choice to not have a tab control. (have a look at the official guidelines here) I would recommend you use a metro control like panorama or pivot.

How i can NOT handle the selectionchange event in Panoramic View in WP7?

i have developed my own map control (similar Bing Maps control), but when i move this map to right or left, Panorama changes view, but when i move the same bing map, view doesn't change. How i can do the behaviour of my control similarly as in Bing maps
The issue is that your control is trying to handle gestures and so is the Panorama. This was a big issue for a lot of people in the early version of the tools. The standard response was always to avoid this situation as it has implications for usability. Unfortunately there are some situations where you really need this.
The NoDo update (March 2011) included a "fix" to work around this issue for the built in controls. That doesn't help you though.
Fortunately there is a work around.
When contact is made with your control you disable the "IsHitTestVisible" property on the container so that it doesn't also receive the gestures you are capturing. Be sure to set it abck afterwards though.
See for more details.

How to make or use a standard Image Viewer for WP7

I want to make an app that shows pictures. But I want to be able to zoom in and out with gestures. I fixed this by including a toolkit into my project. But my actual question is, can I use or is there a control that's already created for me to show pictures like the picture library of the WP7 phone itself. I thought there wasn't but the Facebook app has a similar way of showing the pictures. Did Facebook rewrite the whole thing or is there a control somewhere that someone made?
The SlideView control in Telerik's RadControls for Windows Phone sounds like what you're looking for.
Have you tried a MultiScaleImage control? It's designed to work with multiple layers, but if you only specify one layer, it might suit what you're trying to do.
