Firefox via SSH tunnel - firefox

I have a question about connecting Firefox via SSH.
There are some websites like the following I need to connect
So When I connect to this website from my office, it will allow me to search documents and download without any authentication. So I guess, it because I am using the office network which has already the authentication done.
However, when I am out of office, it will ask me for authentication and I do not have username and password for the account which office uses. So I need to somehow connect to office network via SSH to access this website.
I already tried to ssh -X and open a firefox -no-remote. But it is really slow.
I would like to know if there is a solution where I can connect directly from SSH through a proxy tunnel or something.
Also is it possible that only for some websites it should use proxy for rest others, it should use normal internet connection.
Thanks for help,

ssh -D port_number office
Then configure your proxy in Firefox to SOCK5: localhost port_number
Should make the trick.


Effectively bypass chatgpt cloudflare by using different proxy package or different cloud service provider in restricted countries

I have an account in chatgpt but as I located in the restricted country, I tried to use AWS proxy (US server) to login chatgpt. Few weeks ago it worked but now I get an error message access denied error code 1020. I used tinyproxy in stealth mode at first but since I was unable to pass through the cloudflare, I guessed probably the proxy was not good enough to disguise itself as a proxy, so I tried squid vpn in stealth mode and algo vpn, but all did not work(Tried other AWS countries server as well other than US). Until now, I figure out chatgpt might probably just banned all connection from amazon or perhaps my proxy is just not smart enough to pass through cloudflare? What are more options? Any recommended free vpn proxy that I could installed into my AWS EC2 or perhaps I should try other less known cloud services instead? e.g. (other non-restricted country's local cloud services) Besides, I have consider using other free proxy from the internet but as I need to login my gmail, is it danger to do so but since its https so my username and password should be encrypted?
I have the same problem, simple ssh tunneling works you can use a jump server to bypass your country first and than use different server to use as proxy because some of your vps servers get banned with IP, so you may have to use another vpn with different proxy
ssh -D "port to make SOCKS 5 Connection like" <10808> -J <"user">#<"jump server IP"> <"user">#<"final server IP">
than you can use "foxyproxy" extention to build SOCKS5 proxy that uses specified port in this example 10808 to route your browser terrafic through tunnel in port 10808 to final server
or you can use something like sshuttle, but i was fine with this simple tunneling method in GFW

How to use proxy internet in windows for Desktop apps like skype, whatsApp

Here I am doing local port forwarding using SSH tunneling to my college server
by using ssh -L port:proxy:port username#ip
then i am using internet using proxy as localhost and port, if i set proxy as localhost and port in browser it is working fine.
but now my question is can we use that proxy internet to skype, whatsApp like Desktop Apps ?
Note : This proxy contains authentication also
Those apps are using the proxy set in Internet Explorer by default, if you set one, they should use it automatically. For some apps you can as well set a specific proxy that won't use the one set in IE.

access a server through url in browser

I have set up a ssh server on my desktop through Cygwin. I can access this remotely through putty. However, should I be able to type ftp://ip address/ code here into a browser and be able to access it. I cant do this at moment so have I configured it wrong.
Never done this before.
To access via ftp protocol like you mention you will need to enable ftpd on your server. SSH access is different to FTP and won't just "work"
More info here Cygwin Manaual

Tunnel to heroku database?

I've got a django project on heroku and it uses postgre database on heroku (ec2). It all works fine, but on one computer I don't have access to postger port 5432 so I need to setup a tunnel from my computer to there. Is that possible?
You will need to have some sort of access to an intermediate host to make it possible. Heroku does not support it out of the box.
Corkscrew does SSH over HTTP proxy. Then you can open a transparent proxy like tsocks. This way you don't necessarily have to know about the firewall.
This all applies to Linux and possibly Mac. On Windows you can pipe your connection through Putty.

Connecting to FTP via VPN

A client has a web server that can only be accessed when on their network.
For example sake, let's say my login details are:
User: user
password: password
for when I am on their company's internet. I use either Cyberduck or FileZilla to connect to their web server.
I'd much rather be able to connect remotely but I just have a lot of trouble setting this up. I have connected to the client's vpn, let's say, and use Cisco AnyConnect to accomplish this.
Beyond this, my knowledge of VPN is limited. In an FTP client, is there anything I should be doing to ensure that it uses the VPN to connect to rather than my home connection?
There two ways around this. I am assuming you are using Windows or a Mac since the AnyConnect client doesn't come in a Linux flavor.
Open a CMD/Terminal and type "route print" or "netstat -r" take note of where is pointing to. Most likely the default route will catch it. In that case you want to add a route to have it go via the VPN interface for any traffic that goes to (After doing this, once you disconnect from the VPN you will not be able to connect to any more unless you connect to the VPN.)
The other way is to connect to the FTP using the local IP of the FTP once connected to the VPN.
As there is no Linux solution I will post my solution. I don't know much about the other side (vpn server side), so this solution might not fit your environment.
I'm using vpnc (installable via package manager on Ubuntu, other systems might work too). You can configure it with a .conf file, my values are
IPSec gateway <server address>
IPSec ID <gateway id>
IPSec secret <kind of group password>
Xauth username <your username>
Xauth password <you password>
If you are using UBUNTU
Install Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN from Ubuntu Software center, then use openconnect command.
