access a server through url in browser - ftp

I have set up a ssh server on my desktop through Cygwin. I can access this remotely through putty. However, should I be able to type ftp://ip address/ code here into a browser and be able to access it. I cant do this at moment so have I configured it wrong.
Never done this before.

To access via ftp protocol like you mention you will need to enable ftpd on your server. SSH access is different to FTP and won't just "work"
More info here Cygwin Manaual


FTP upload returns 530 on Debian/Google Compute Engine, works ok on local Windows

I am uploading a file to an FTP server via a node.js script. Everything works fine on my Windows machine, but once I run the script on a Compute Engine instance, I get Login incorrect.
Since it works ok on a different machine, I suspect it must be a compute engine setting that messes up the connection.
Running the script with sudo doesn't help.
iptables are empty
Firewall rules in the Cloud Console are set to allow all ingress and egress
traffic, on all protocols/ports, all targets.
I am out of ideas where to look and will be grateful for any pointers.
FTP 530 error code indicates that there was issue logging in to the remote FTP server using the provided credentials (i.e. username and password).
530 Not logged in.
Since you actually get a 530 error, it indicates you do not have any egress firewall issue for your connection from the GCE VM to your remote FTP server.
If the script works fine on your Windows machine, ensure the script is not pulling credentials from a location accessible only on your Windows machine.
Also, you can use any command line FTP client directly on your Google Compute Engine instance and verify if you are able to login to the remote FTP server using your credentials. If this works, you will have to debug and verify if the credentials used by the script are the same.

How to convert FTP server to secure SFTP on Amazon EC2

I have FTP server on Amazon EC2 which I can access by giving this URL:
after that username and password to accessing the files from this location.
Now I want to convert into secure FTP like if I will give then it will ask me for username and password and allow me to login into the application.
First of all is this possible?
I tried below instructions for installing vsftd1 vsftd2 but didn't help me.
after doing the changes into this two link I tried to login through WinSCP and selected file protocol as SFTP and typed, in port number 4522 and given username and password but didn't allowed me to log in.
edit 1 :
i have my amazon ec2 instance in centos 64bit.
someone else set-up the ftp connection and now i am taking forward from that point,i will get all the details and will try to modify my question in more specific way.
You didn't specify, what OS are you running. But from a reference to vsftpd, I assume some *nix flavor. You didn't specify, what FTP server you have running, and how did you set it up. Your question is pretty vague. But I'll try to give some hints.
The vsftpd is an FTP server only. It does not support the SFTP. It supports the FTPS (FTP over TLS) though. Do not get confused by its name. While the vsftpd stands for "very secure FTP daemon", it just means, it aims to implement FTP securely, not that it implements the SFTP".
Note that virtually all *nix servers come with an SSH/SFTP server built-in (OpenSSH). It runs on port 22.
For instructions how to connect to the EC2 SFTP server with WinSCP, see (my) guide:
Connecting Securely to Amazon EC2 Server with SFTP.
Also make sure you understand the difference between the SFTP and the FTPS.

Firefox via SSH tunnel

I have a question about connecting Firefox via SSH.
There are some websites like the following I need to connect
So When I connect to this website from my office, it will allow me to search documents and download without any authentication. So I guess, it because I am using the office network which has already the authentication done.
However, when I am out of office, it will ask me for authentication and I do not have username and password for the account which office uses. So I need to somehow connect to office network via SSH to access this website.
I already tried to ssh -X and open a firefox -no-remote. But it is really slow.
I would like to know if there is a solution where I can connect directly from SSH through a proxy tunnel or something.
Also is it possible that only for some websites it should use proxy for rest others, it should use normal internet connection.
Thanks for help,
ssh -D port_number office
Then configure your proxy in Firefox to SOCK5: localhost port_number
Should make the trick.

A script that download a file and rename

I'm facing an little issue here. At the place I live, they shape the download speed by extension (using delaypool). Is there any script that I can run on my web that will let me enter the URL of files that I wanted to download, then it will download the file and rename it to "" (because .abc is not shaped)then save it on my web where I can download it. By the way, I have a paid webhosting service.
I tried the SSH (my web hosting does indeed provide me with shell access) but all I get is a blank page in my browser. No error. Please advice.
Also, reason I choose script on the server instead of SSH because I though that SSH would be slower than direct HTTP download from my webserver. Can anyone point that out if I'm right or wrong with my thinking.
You can write a vbs script or even batch file script that will go to a designated URL, and then download the file, then rename it. Then you can script FTP commands to upload to your webhosting service (I'm sure it has an FTP site for access). You could load this as a scheduled task, or run it manually.
I'd do either one of these routes.
A simpler (once its set up anyway ;) option I can think of is going through a secure tunnel. Whilst this is not quite answering your question I believe this to be simpler while achieving the same thing.
Get an SSH Client (Putty) and get a free Proxy. If your web-server has an SSH-server you can use it as Proxy as well of course, I am using my modified router at home as proxy via DynDns, but the Tor-Network will work, if very slow, so do other official free and paid proxy servers. If you are using an application to download that does not have the option to specify a proxy, get Proxifier Portable.
Use Putty to create the tunnel. Here some how-tos:
And set your application to use your proxy (or actually to use putty which connects via SSH to your proxy) by entering into the proxy settings. Alternatively, if the app does not have an option to enter proxy settings, add to your Proxifier proxy list and add the applications that are supposed to use that connection to Proxifier.
Now you can do pretty much everything without anyone eavesdropping your connection stream being able to tell what it is, as the connection stream is SSH encrypted. This includes surfing websites that your provider/company/mother has blocked, download anything - even if blocked by IP/name/whatever-filters and even play MMORPGs from work (something which I do not recommend because it will get you fired and there is always some way for someone to figure it out, just saying it is possible to do even in secured company/school networks as Port 22 (SSH) is usually one of the 2 Ports which are open on pretty much any network (the other one being port 80)).
Its a wee bit of a pain to set up. Once it is working though, you can even put it on a usb-stick and use it pretty much anywhere as long as you remember what proxy to connect to. And you wont have to rewrite scripts to try to circumvent the delaypool thingy.

Accessing FTP Server using a specific IP Address

I want to access a FTP Server, that is firewall protected meaning only IP addresses that have been added to the safe list may access the FTP file.
And The IP address of my website has been added to the safe list of the firewall.
I am using Filezilla to connect to it, but it is not allowing me to connect to the FTP server since my PC has a different IP.
Please suggest me a way to connect to the FTP server.
Thanks In advance....
If you can ssh/telnet into your host, then you could use the command line ftp.
Another option is to use a web-based ftp client that is installed on your web server (such as if you have PHP).
Run an ftp client on the allowed server; or, persuade the ftp admin to add your PC's IP address to the whitelist, and ensure and/or pray that it doesn't change (maybe pay your ISP extra for a static IP); or, use a proxy on an authorized server. The first option is definitely the most painless, assuming you have shell access to your web server (and if not, what sense does it make to have it on the authorized list?)
Some popular command-line clients you might find installed on the server include ftp (sic), ncftp, curl, wget, lynx, and w3m. The last two are actually terminal-based text-only web browsers.
If you have shell access to your server, you could create a SSH-tunnel like this:
ssh -L 21:
then you can connect to the FTP-server using localhost:21 from your pc.
