Best way to do reporting in mvc3 -

I am working on MVC3 project. This time i need to go for reporting for my project. My reporting requirements are something like it should be Drill Down support, Graphs(Pie Chart, Bar chart etc). Is there any better tool available based on my requirement at free of cost?

Crystal Reports
Is the better tool to cool reports and Graphs and _Drill_Down_. It have a free version. Good luck !
btw.. its eazy to build reports.
take a look to this link


OpenERP basic reports

OpenERP is one of the best ERP applications I ever used.
I found that almost everything must be built from the beginning to meet the specific needs for each one including the analysis reports, but there are some basic packages already built.
Since I am new to OpenERP functionality and still haven't learned how to create reports in OpenERP, I need to know if there is any addons/extra module that provides me some basic and ready to print reports and listings for the several modules. This reports and listings will help me to better understand and learn the functional part of the application and will allow me on a future to better understand how to build reports and listings in OpenERP.
If anyone can provide me a link or repository with such information I will be greatfull.
Thank you very much
Paulo Matos
There are various ways of creating reports with openerp. They are (i've prioritized)
Webkit (for html,web designers - this will be a great utility)
OpenOffice (for any office person with minimal technical skills)
RML (Strictly for programmers :))
Jasper Report (good for people with java-reporting base)
Aeroo (Rich functionality of exporting to excel,word etc, still i am not comfortable in aeroo with openerp 7)
Pentaho Report Designer (A reporting tool from pentaho )
These links will help you in understanding better, setup environment and learn from the sample modules and reports. However you need to design what u need with one of the reporting type.
What's the best way to create a report on OpenERP
Google more. You'll get everything u need. Good Luck!!
Reporting from Odoo / OpenERP can be very frustrating at times. We have found over the years that no single solution is great for every need.
The built in reporting mechanisms mentioned in the first answer (rml / openoffice) have been somewhat deprecated and replaced with qweb reporting which renders similarly in HTML or PDF. They can be difficult to get fine-grained control and alignment, a lot of work to achieve non-regular reporting structures and cross tab reports, but are fast and easy to use for straightforward "document" type reports (such as orders / invoices).
I cannot comment on Jasper or Aeroo, as I have not used them.
Using Pentaho Reports for Odoo can be great because they are primarily reporting engines. They can do wonderful things with data, present them in great ways.
One upside with this connector is its ability to access Data using the object layer, or SQL, or both in one report if necessary (using sub-reports for example), as well as custom methods!
One downside we have found with Pentaho Reporting is that as the code base changes for OpenERP/Odoo, the connector changes, and configuration has to be continually re-vesited.
The latest version supports Odoo version 8 and version 5.4 of Pentaho reporting engine.

What's the difference between reporting and analysis tools in BI sofwares

Im' working on a project where I have to use Pentaho. There are lots of tools included (or that can be include) in this solution.
I don't really see the difference between the reporting part (here PRD pentaho report designer) and the analysis part (pentaho analyzer or saiku).
For me, with both tools we can see what's in my DW and do more or less complicate reports about those data. Am i right or did I understand nothing?
thks for your help
Pentaho Reporting (PR) and Analysis tool are two different things. PR is static report, you can create it using sql. Analysis Tool report(AT) such as saiku, jpivot, or stpivot is dynamic . You must create it using MDX. By using AT, we can create analysis report dynamically according to the dimension we want.

Are there any example or resources or even framework which consists of MVP + Sandcastle + TDD/Nunit + Fitnesse?

our dev team is currently using 2.0 and after a lot of browsing and cross site referencing i found that the new in thing is the MVC but found that there's a few things that it can't do such as support controls, view state.
i'm not sure what are the other limitation besides the total change of paradigm where each page will now link to the controller which will be linked to a certain view. so in order to make the learning curve to be less steep, i wanted to pick up on MVP first as i think by just being able to take out the application and domain layer out and make them testable is already a big help to our total process without being too much of a hassle.
after more browsing around, i find that the ndoc is a bit outdated now and is being replaced by sandcastle which has an additional add in call docproject so that should covers the auto generation of the documentation in the codes very well.
and to handle the acceptance test, i find this tool call fitnesse which is based on FIT which should helps.
so being totally new to all of this, i'm wondering if this is a good process overall to have this tool in to cover our team's development process. and if there's other sample/resources/framework out there which covers all of these steps and does a better job than trying to piece in the gap by using several tools, i.e. a framework?
basically my question is is my
overall process above well covered
by the tools that i've researched?
and is there a better way to do the tdd + auto doc generation +
acceptance testing?
any advice/feedback is appreciated.
thanks!! :)
Yes, ASP.NET MVC with NUnit and FitNesse are reasonable choices for an 'agile' approach. Just not sure where auto-doc generation fits into this. Will anyone read this generated documentation or will they just look at the code? If you haven't read it yet, get Robert Martin's 'Clean Code' for some good tips on how to make code maintainable and understandable without lots of comments and generated documents.

What are the best features of Visual Studio Team System?

Microsoft has a lot of stuff in there, but I'm wondering what features of Visual Studio Team System people really like and really use.
I'm specifically thinking about Team System as opposed to plain old Visual Studio.
What makes it worth the price?
I use the Development version of VSTS2005 and evaluating 2008. My top picks:
Coding guidelines -- rules enforcement part
My favorite
Integrated Testing Environment: I know a lot of people prefer other test frameworks but having the integration is just sweet.
Some of the best features come from adding Team Foundation Server:
Continuous integration builds can be set up to run unit tests on every build
Code coverage figures can be gathered based on the unit test run
Reports of build success, unit test success, code coverage %, etc. can be produced daily
Code check-in can mark a work item (bug report) fixed, or can start the workflow to do so
It not only gives the developers a better idea what's going on with their code, and of how to fix it (unit tests, code coverage, code analysis), it also gives Management an overall picture of the same, without having to come around and bug the developers individually.
I like the line-by-line blame, profiler (as mentioned), but more importantly, I like the reports it produces, such as defect rates over time.
However, even though there are plenty of features that I like, I certainly don't think it provides good value for money.

Is there any way to do JIRA-Dashboard style project management/overview with Bugzilla?

I need roadmap view, overall bug graphs, multiple pieces of information on one screen - can this work with Bugzilla? Eclipse-based plugins etc are usable... but solutions like yoxel that need access to the Bugzilla SQL DB itself are probably not workable.
That may be a little off-course, but have you looked at Deskzilla? You can build project breakdown or roadmap using nested queries and tabular distribution. It doesn't have graphs though.
Disclaimer: I work for ALM Works, the company behind Deskzilla.
