What's the difference between reporting and analysis tools in BI sofwares - reporting

Im' working on a project where I have to use Pentaho. There are lots of tools included (or that can be include) in this solution.
I don't really see the difference between the reporting part (here PRD pentaho report designer) and the analysis part (pentaho analyzer or saiku).
For me, with both tools we can see what's in my DW and do more or less complicate reports about those data. Am i right or did I understand nothing?
thks for your help

Pentaho Reporting (PR) and Analysis tool are two different things. PR is static report, you can create it using sql. Analysis Tool report(AT) such as saiku, jpivot, or stpivot is dynamic . You must create it using MDX. By using AT, we can create analysis report dynamically according to the dimension we want.


Can I use PVS-Studio to analyze an open-source project which I'm not part of?

From the following blog post:
Note that this mode is not intended to evaluate this software. Please
use a demo version or request a temporary license key to try out the
Do I understand it correctly, that I cannot add the following comment section to every source file in the open-source project in order to analyze it with PVS-Studio?
// This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it.
// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java: http://www.viva64.com
Because otherwise it would be a fact of software evaluation and I need to download a demo version of PVS-Studio for that? Considering the fact that I'm not a maintainer of the project I'd like to analyze but only a person who would like to collect the static analysis report and send it to the project's maintainers.
Do I understand it correctly, that I cannot add the following comment
section to every source file in the open-source project in order to
analyze it with PVS-Studio?
The article mentioned that PVS-Studio team considers adding these comments for the analysis, then removing them (without committing to version control) to be inappropriate use of the free mode. As you will not be able to commit these comments, the answer to your question will be, unfortunately, no, you can not.
However, if you take active part in the development of the aforementioned project, you can try applying for the free license for open source projects: https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0600/
So, as I understand you're not a project developer, but you want to help the project by finding bugs with PVS-Studio and sending information about them to developers. Hmm. We didn't think about such a usage scenario. I think, a free PVS-Studio licensing option will be right for you. We provide it for developers of open projects. You can specify your GitHub/Bitbucket profile and get the key for one year. For more information, this and other free licensing options are covered in the article "Ways to Get a Free PVS-Studio License".
Note. I want to just warn you from the following scenario. If you just check the projects and send the analyzer's reports, it will be perceived negatively. If you really want to yield benefits to the project, describe specific errors! Or you can pre-filter the report to weed out false positives and leave only the warnings that are likely to indicate defects. Also see the note. "I've sent a PVS-Studio text log to the project authors! Did I really help?". And if you send the filtered report, it’s best to use the following format of its presentation: PVS-Studio Reports Now in Html , Managing XML Analyzer Report (see the section Converting the analysis results).

How to analyze jmeter dashboard report,any open source tool or framework available which helps in analyzing JMeter Dashboard reports after test run?

I found some solution which helps to analyze a single graph.
Free Open source solutions to analyze a single graph...
JMeter Plugins - look onto custom graphs in this package;
JMeter Result Analysis Plugin
JWeter tool for logs analyzing & visualization
Looking for a solution or open source tool which helps to analyze the JMeter dashboard report which having 23 graphs.
I am not sure to fully understand the question , but I'll try to answer.
Have you generated the HTML report as described here ?
This reports provides the most complete information for analyzing a load test.
Is your question about generating it, in this case I pointed you to the manual.
If not, what is your issue with the HTML report , and why do you write "some of them provide better results reporting out-of-box than JMeter's original ones" ?
Since AFAIK, the HTML report provides the same information with even more graphs and dashboards.
Regarding analysis of the report, this does not exist currently and this is usually the role of a performance/load test expert.
Maybe in the future through IA, that might exist. So for now, try to understand what each graph provides as information and correlate between them, or ask for assistance of a performance tester.

OpenERP basic reports

OpenERP is one of the best ERP applications I ever used.
I found that almost everything must be built from the beginning to meet the specific needs for each one including the analysis reports, but there are some basic packages already built.
Since I am new to OpenERP functionality and still haven't learned how to create reports in OpenERP, I need to know if there is any addons/extra module that provides me some basic and ready to print reports and listings for the several modules. This reports and listings will help me to better understand and learn the functional part of the application and will allow me on a future to better understand how to build reports and listings in OpenERP.
If anyone can provide me a link or repository with such information I will be greatfull.
Thank you very much
Paulo Matos
There are various ways of creating reports with openerp. They are (i've prioritized)
Webkit (for html,web designers - this will be a great utility)
OpenOffice (for any office person with minimal technical skills)
RML (Strictly for programmers :))
Jasper Report (good for people with java-reporting base)
Aeroo (Rich functionality of exporting to excel,word etc, still i am not comfortable in aeroo with openerp 7)
Pentaho Report Designer (A reporting tool from pentaho )
These links will help you in understanding better, setup environment and learn from the sample modules and reports. However you need to design what u need with one of the reporting type.
What's the best way to create a report on OpenERP
Google more. You'll get everything u need. Good Luck!!
Reporting from Odoo / OpenERP can be very frustrating at times. We have found over the years that no single solution is great for every need.
The built in reporting mechanisms mentioned in the first answer (rml / openoffice) have been somewhat deprecated and replaced with qweb reporting which renders similarly in HTML or PDF. They can be difficult to get fine-grained control and alignment, a lot of work to achieve non-regular reporting structures and cross tab reports, but are fast and easy to use for straightforward "document" type reports (such as orders / invoices).
I cannot comment on Jasper or Aeroo, as I have not used them.
Using Pentaho Reports for Odoo can be great because they are primarily reporting engines. They can do wonderful things with data, present them in great ways.
One upside with this connector is its ability to access Data using the object layer, or SQL, or both in one report if necessary (using sub-reports for example), as well as custom methods!
One downside we have found with Pentaho Reporting is that as the code base changes for OpenERP/Odoo, the connector changes, and configuration has to be continually re-vesited.
The latest version supports Odoo version 8 and version 5.4 of Pentaho reporting engine.

Best way to do reporting in mvc3

I am working on MVC3 project. This time i need to go for reporting for my project. My reporting requirements are something like it should be Drill Down support, Graphs(Pie Chart, Bar chart etc). Is there any better tool available based on my requirement at free of cost?
Crystal Reports http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Reports
Is the better tool to cool reports and Graphs and _Drill_Down_. It have a free version. Good luck !
btw.. its eazy to build reports.
take a look to this link http://crystal.brothersoft.com/crystal-report-c.html

Oracle Database to Class Diagram

We are using an oracle database in a project. Most of the tables represents classes or objects in the application. The application currently doesn't have a substantial amount of documentation. I am using StarUML to make up some class diagrams and such for other developers on the project to increase their understanding of the overall project. Using the database tables as a starting guide, and then making modifications to the diagrams as needed would be the absolute easiest and quickest way to get these set up. Is there any free applications that could assist me in pulling the schema out of the Oracle database and create class diagrams from them? Currently, there are 98 "objects" or classes closely modeled in the database and to create these all in a modeling application from scratch would be very time consuming.
You don't say what your target language is.
You can use Hibernate to generate schemas from an object model and mapping.
Middlegen is a tool that can create Java classes from schemas. Maybe those will help.
A 1:1 object-to-table mapping isn't always the best way to do things. It's hardly object-oriented. I'd view it as a starting point only.
I looked (briefly) through the StarUML documentation and don't see any way to import a database definition, so I'm not sure how you do this, sorry.
If you can find a way to get the data into StarURL, you could use Oracle's free SQL Developer tool to get the table definitions out as DDL or XML.
I know that Microsoft's Visio tool (Pro & Enterprise editions) can read selected tables from your Oracle database and generate models from that, but it ain't cheap. I really like Allround Automation's PL/SQL Developer as a reasonably-priced IDE targeted at programmers (vs DBAs) and I know that will generate diagrams locally. But I'm not sure it can save the metadata in a form you could use in StarUML.
Good luck,
-- Stew
It's a shame you didn't bother to respond to replies to your own question. Or am I misunderstanding the standard practice here that people just give points and move on?
