WHERE xyz LIKE $x OR xyz LIKE $y OR xyz LIKE $z
ORDER BY ((xyz LIKE $x) + (xyz LIKE $y) + (xyz LIKE $z)) DESC
I am able to write the query for pretty much ordey by asd desc but how to write this complex query in codeigniter?
You can write it in plain sql like you have it and execute it with the db->query method.
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM abc
WHERE xyz LIKE ? OR xyz LIKE ? OR xyz LIKE ?
ORDER BY ((xyz LIKE ?) + (xyz LIKE ?) + (xyz LIKE ?)) DESC'
$this->db->query($sql, array($x, $y, $z, $x, $y, $z)); query bindings explains the ?
Maybe you should check ActiveRecord:
$result = $this->db->result_array();
I have a perl code which queries the Oracle 11G database to pull the count of the 'values' from a table.
$sqlStatement="SELECT count(values) FROM Table WHERE values IN ('value1','value2','value3',.... 'valuen')"
How can I pass the values in query through a subroutine's argument?
For example:
$sqlStatement="SELECT count(values) FROM Table WHERE values IN ($values)
Wouldn't it make more sense to pass in the values using an array rather than a scalar?
Then the subroutine could start like this:
sub count_values {
my #values = #_;
my $sql = 'select count(values) from table where values in (';
$sql .= join ',', ('?') x #values;
$sql .= ')';
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $count = ($sth->fetchrow_array)[0];
SELECT * FROM cdr WHERE (Circle LIKE '%D%' OR CLI LIKE '%D%' OR Operator LIKE '%D%') AND Dept = 'Sale'
I just want it like $this->db->like('Circle','%D%') with Dept with 'and'.
You should read the codeigniter doc, it's an easy one :
$this->db->where("(Circle LIKE '%D%' OR CLI LIKE '%D%' OR Operator LIKE '%D%')")
->where("dept", "Sale");
$query = $this->db->get("cdr");
How to use like clause in code iginiter query() WITH BIND PARAMS?
When I use
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %?';
$name = 'foo';
//the clause generated
//SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE id LIKE '%'foo'%'
//I expected this
//SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE id LIKE '%foo'
I don't to put param values inside query and use like below:
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%foo';
Also I can not use $this->db->like() function as my query consists of:
INSERT INTO table SELECT col FROM table2;
Please suggests?
just use CodeIgniter Query Builder
$name = 'foo';
$query = $this
->like('name', $name)
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE ?';
$name = '%foo';
codeigniter will replace ? with 'params' value.
if you write this
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %?';
$name = 'foo';
//$db->this->query($query,array($name)); //you wrote this line wrong.
//it should be like this
it will produce
SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %'foo' //inverse comma after % ,actually before and after foo.
So your right way will be
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE ?';
$name = '%foo';
It will produce
SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%foo'
You wrote this which is wrong
Right way
I am using laravel query builder like this.
$col1 = Input::get('col1','');
$col2 = Input::get('col2','');
$result = DB::table('table1')
->select('id', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->orderBy($orderBy, $orderType) //orderBy=col1, ordeyType=ASC
->skip($ofset)->take($limit) //$ofser=0, $limit=10
I am getting nothing. If I use toSql() function. I am getting this SQL like this
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`
from `table1` where col1 like '%?%' and col2 like '%?%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0
The question marks shouldn't be there. It must replace them with the values. I used this code to debug it.
Log::info(var_export(DB::getQueryLog(), true));
The Logs look like this
2 =>
array (
'query' => 'select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1` where col1 like \'%?%\' and col2 like \'%?%\' order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0',
'bindings' =>
array (
0 => 'k',
1 => '',
'time' => 25.71,
I think bindings doesn't work pr I'm doing something wrong. Because If I try this code in database It works. (In Addition, I want to get the actual sql that send to the database. How do I do that?)
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1`
where col1 like '%k%' and col2 like '%%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0
Figured it out. The ? needs to go by itself, so concatenate the % symbols to your col variables. And put your col variables in an array (assuming you're using Laravel 4)
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->whereRaw("col1 like ?", array('%'.$col1.'%'))
->whereRaw("col2 like ?", array('%'.$col2.'%'))
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", $col1)
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", $col2)
I have getting data from a database and using
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mytable");
echo $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query);
however I want to change the name of my headers for the CSV for first_name is First would I go about doing that?
Try renaming the columns returned by the sql query:
$query = $this->db->query("
first_name as 'First Name', last_name as 'Last Name'
FROM mytable
The downside is that you will have to list the columns instead of a simple *.