I am using laravel query builder like this.
$col1 = Input::get('col1','');
$col2 = Input::get('col2','');
$result = DB::table('table1')
->select('id', 'col1', 'col2', 'col3')
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->orderBy($orderBy, $orderType) //orderBy=col1, ordeyType=ASC
->skip($ofset)->take($limit) //$ofser=0, $limit=10
I am getting nothing. If I use toSql() function. I am getting this SQL like this
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`
from `table1` where col1 like '%?%' and col2 like '%?%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0
The question marks shouldn't be there. It must replace them with the values. I used this code to debug it.
Log::info(var_export(DB::getQueryLog(), true));
The Logs look like this
2 =>
array (
'query' => 'select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1` where col1 like \'%?%\' and col2 like \'%?%\' order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0',
'bindings' =>
array (
0 => 'k',
1 => '',
'time' => 25.71,
I think bindings doesn't work pr I'm doing something wrong. Because If I try this code in database It works. (In Addition, I want to get the actual sql that send to the database. How do I do that?)
select `id`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3` from `table1`
where col1 like '%k%' and col2 like '%%'
order by `col1` ASC limit 10 offset 0
Figured it out. The ? needs to go by itself, so concatenate the % symbols to your col variables. And put your col variables in an array (assuming you're using Laravel 4)
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->whereRaw("col1 like ?", array('%'.$col1.'%'))
->whereRaw("col2 like ?", array('%'.$col2.'%'))
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", [$col1])
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", [$col2])
->whereRaw("col1 like '%?%'", $col1)
->whereRaw("col2 like '%?%'", $col2)
I am new to laravel, I am having trouble converting my sql to Laravel Query.
INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) SELECT 'value1', 'value2' WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tabla WHERE campo = 'search');
this is my code
INSERT INTO siryus.presupuesto_anio (id, fk_agencia_id, anyo, estado, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 30,4,2020, 'A', '2021-04-21 10:35:01','2021-04-21 10:35:01' WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM presupuesto_anio WHERE fk_agencia_id = '4');
i want insert only if there is no field with that value. The insert is done only if there are values of the select, and the select will return data only if the WHERE is met.
Inside the WHERE we have a simple SELECT that verifies if the data exists in the table.
I want to convert it to example code
DB::table('presupuesto_anio') ->join('agencia','presupuesto_anio.fk_agencia_id','agencia.id') ->select('presupuesto_anio.*','agencia.descripcion') ->get();
im not understand with your questions, maybe this will help:
$check = Model::where('id', 4)->first();
'column1' => 'value1',
'column2' => 'value2'
Please I need some help with cakephp3 mysql distinct.
My desire result in SQL:
select distinct(date_format(torokuDate,'%Y')) as year
from kani_tbl
where torokuDate >= '2000-01-01'
order by torokuDate ASC
limit 1;
But I get the wrong result:
SELECT (date_format((torokuDate), '%Y')) AS `year`
FROM kani_tbl
WHERE torokuDate > :c0
GROUP BY torokuDate
ORDER BY torokuDate ASC
My model src:
$query = $this->find();
$time = $query->func()->date_format([
'torokuDate' => 'identifier',
"'%Y'" => 'literal'
$yearList = $query->select(['year' => $time])
->from('kani_tbl ')
->order(['torokuDate' => 'ASC'])
->where(['torokuDate >' => '2000-01-01'])
// ->hydrate(false)
// ->toArray();
Please help me to add distinct field in the MySQL command.
As your expected query, you need to distinct result of date_format(torokuDate, '%Y'), not the 'torokuDate' field. So your code should be like this:
$yearList = $query->select(['year' => $time])
->from('kani_tbl ')
->order(['torokuDate' => 'ASC'])
->where(['torokuDate >' => '2000-01-01'])
How to use distinct method: https://api.cakephp.org/3.4/class-Cake.Database.Query.html#_distinct
How to use like clause in code iginiter query() WITH BIND PARAMS?
When I use
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %?';
$name = 'foo';
//the clause generated
//SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE id LIKE '%'foo'%'
//I expected this
//SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE id LIKE '%foo'
I don't to put param values inside query and use like below:
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%foo';
Also I can not use $this->db->like() function as my query consists of:
INSERT INTO table SELECT col FROM table2;
Please suggests?
just use CodeIgniter Query Builder
$name = 'foo';
$query = $this
->like('name', $name)
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE ?';
$name = '%foo';
codeigniter will replace ? with 'params' value.
if you write this
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %?';
$name = 'foo';
//$db->this->query($query,array($name)); //you wrote this line wrong.
//it should be like this
it will produce
SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE %'foo' //inverse comma after % ,actually before and after foo.
So your right way will be
$query = 'SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE ?';
$name = '%foo';
It will produce
SELECT mycol FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%foo'
You wrote this which is wrong
Right way
Overall Task :- I need to retrieve data from 45 fields in system A and dump that data into a temp table which is then picked up by a unix process which produces an xml data file to be imported into system B.
Specific Question : What would be the best way of retrieving the data to be written into the 45 fields. Majority of the data is independent and can't be retrieved using a single statement. The way i currently retrieve this data is as follows (example below)
My temp tables hold the affected properties ID that i need to extract data for. i.e PROP_LIST_TEMP and ASSOC_PROP_TEMP.
SELECT SUBSTR (pro.pro_propref, 1, 25) UPRN,
(SELECT SUBSTR (adr_building, 1, 100)
FROM addresses, address_usages
WHERE aus_adr_refno = adr_refno
AND aus_aut_far_code = 'PHYSICAL'
AND aus_aut_fao_code = 'PRO'
AND (aus_end_date IS NULL OR aus_end_date > SYSDATE)
AND aus_pro_refno = pro.pro_refno)
WHEN (adr_street_number like 'BLOC%'
OR adr_street_number like '%-%'
OR adr_street_number like '%/%')
ELSE regexp_replace (adr_street_number, '[^[:digit:]]+')
FROM addresses, address_usages
WHERE aus_adr_refno = adr_refno
AND aus_aut_far_code = 'PHYSICAL'
AND aus_aut_fao_code = 'PRO'
AND (aus_end_date IS NULL OR aus_end_date > SYSDATE)
AND aus_pro_refno = pro.pro_refno)
WHEN (adr_street_number like 'BLOC%'
OR adr_street_number like '%-%'
OR adr_street_number like '%/%')
THEN SUBSTR (adr_street_number, 1, 20)
ELSE REGEXP_REPLACE (adr_street_number, '[^[:alpha:]]+', '')
FROM addresses, address_usages
WHERE aus_adr_refno = adr_refno
AND aus_aut_far_code = 'PHYSICAL'
AND aus_aut_fao_code = 'PRO'
AND (aus_end_date IS NULL OR aus_end_date > SYSDATE)
AND aus_pro_refno = pro.pro_refno)
(SELECT SUBSTR (ptv_pty_code, 1, 3)
FROM prop_type_values
WHERE ptv_refno = pro.pro_hou_ptv_refno)
FROM properties pro
WHERE pro_refno IN (select * from PIMSS_PROP_LIST_TEMP
select * from PIMSS_ASSOC_PROP_TEMP)
AND pro.pro_hou_hrv_hot_code IN
(SELECT frv_code
FROM first_ref_values
WHERE frv_frd_domain IN ('ASS_OWN_REF')
AND frv_current_ind = 'Y');
Since the where clauses of the subqueries in the select statement are identical, you could simply pull that out into the where clause, like so:
SELECT SUBSTR (pro.pro_propref, 1, 25) UPRN,
SUBSTR (addr.adr_building, 1, 100) BUILDING_NAME,
CASE WHEN (addr.adr_street_number like 'BLOC%'
OR addr.adr_street_number like '%-%'
OR addr.adr_street_number like '%/%')
ELSE regexp_replace (addr.adr_street_number, '[^[:digit:]]+')
CASE WHEN (addr.adr_street_number like 'BLOC%'
OR addr.adr_street_number like '%-%'
OR addr.adr_street_number like '%/%')
THEN SUBSTR (addr.adr_street_number, 1, 20)
ELSE REGEXP_REPLACE (addr.adr_street_number, '[^[:alpha:]]+', '')
(SELECT SUBSTR (ptv_pty_code, 1, 3)
FROM prop_type_values
WHERE ptv_refno = pro.pro_hou_ptv_refno) HOUSE_TYPE
FROM properties pro,
(select adr_building,
FROM addresses, address_usages
WHERE aus_adr_refno = adr_refno
AND aus_aut_far_code = 'PHYSICAL'
AND aus_aut_fao_code = 'PRO'
AND (aus_end_date IS NULL OR aus_end_date > SYSDATE)) addr
WHERE pro.pro_refno = aus_pro_refno
and pro_refno IN (select * from PIMSS_PROP_LIST_TEMP
select * from PIMSS_ASSOC_PROP_TEMP)
AND pro.pro_hou_hrv_hot_code IN (SELECT frv_code
FROM first_ref_values
WHERE frv_frd_domain IN ('ASS_OWN_REF')
AND frv_current_ind = 'Y');
You might possibly need an outer join if there's a chance that no rows could be returned from the addr subquery.
I have a table birds.
I want to count each kind of birds in a single query.
I want to combine these queries into a single query in Eloquent if possible.
select count(id) as count1 from birds where kind = a;
select count(id) as count2 from birds where kind = b;
select count(id) as count2 from birds where kind = c;
I tried something like
$first = DB::table('birds')->selectRaw('count(id) as count1')->where('kind','a');
DB::table('birds')->selectRaw('count(id) as count2')->where('kind','b')->unionAll($first)->get();
i don't think union is giving me what i want.
i just need something like
DB::raw(' (select count(id) from birds where kind = a) as count1 ', ' (select count(id) from birds where kind = a) as count2 ', ' (select count(id) from birds where kind = a) as count3 ')
i want to combine the queries
Select ( select count(id) from birds where kind = 'a') as count1, ( select count(id) from birds where kind = 'b') as count2, ( select count(id) from birds where kind ='c') as count3 from birds ;
. please give me a tip how to achieve it.
Learn SQL, group by and aggregates in particular.
This is what you need in Laravel:
->selectRaw('count(id) as count, kind')
->lists('count', 'kind');
// or get()
lists will return an array like below:
'kind_1' => '15',
'kind_2' => '10',
get would return an array of stdObjects so probably not what you would like:
0 => StdObject {
'kind' => 'kind_1',
'count' => '15'
1 => StdObject {
'kind' => 'kind_2',
'count' => '10'
If you want to get only particular kinds of birds, then use whereIn:
->selectRaw('count(id) as count, kind')
->whereIn('kind', ['kind_1', 'kind_2', 'kind_3'])
->lists('count', 'kind');