Mountain Lion Notification Center - App icon not showing - cocoa

I have an app that sends a notification. The application bundle has an icon but the icon is not shown in the notification; instead it shows the blank app icon. I haven't been able to find anyone else with this issue. Any ideas?


Missing icon in Mac App Store review screen

I have a Safari App Extension that uses SKStoreReviewController to request the Mac App Store rating screen:
The screen looks like it should have the app icon on the left side, but it doesn’t. I’ve tried setting ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME in Xcode to a valid asset name, but no change. Is this meant to work? If so, how do I get the icon there?
Don't know if it's the same issue but looks like using SKStoreReviewController on iOS seems to trigger similar behaviour. Does this issue also occur in the released version?
SKStoreReviewController not showing app icon in development

Xamarin.Forms.Labs iOS SMS texting issue

I am using Xamarin.Forms.Labs to send SMS messages from my app. It works great on WP and Android but with the iOS it opens up the default texting screen and allows you to send a text but then I am unable to get back to my app. I click cancel or the iPhone button and reopen my app and it is still on the texting screen. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong or why it doesn't return to my app once I have finished texting? Is anyone else having this issue?
This was a bug in the iOS implementation. I just pushed a fix for it and you can use the latest code (master branch) to test it out.
I will get it included in the next release package.

Change OSX Notification Center icon at runtime

Is there (now) a officially supported way to change the OSX Notification Center's Icon for NSUserNotifications while my App is running?
I searched the web, but the answers weren't really "recent", so I just wanted to double check.
I'd like to show the currently playing spotify track's Artwork next to it's title / name
What I tried until now is really ugly:
temporarily replacing the CFBundleIconFile of my app with a IconFamily generated .icns file (I know i shouldn't modify anthing inside the bundle, but I'm not aiming to get the app to the App Store)
restart Notification Center to "forget" it's eventually cached icons
NSRunningApplication* notificationCenter = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:#""];
[notificationCenter terminate];
(i know I REALLY SHOULDN'T do this)
If you are NOT going to submit your app to App Store, there's a private API in 10.9 that does what iTunes did:
NSUserNotification *notification = [NSUserNotification new];
[notification setValue:anImage forKey:#"_identityImage"];

Local Notification only appearing in Notification Center when app is open on iPhone

I'm having a strange issue. My UILocalNotifications are only appearing in the Notification Center when the app is open. If I have the iPhone at the launch screen they don't appear. The icon badge numbers from the notifications do appear though. The exact same code works perfectly on the iPad version of the app. I've verified that the body text is getting set correctly. The app is enabled in Notification Center with all options on as well.
If I have the app open and then tap home to leave the it, the notification disappears from Notification Center as well.
Has anyone else seen this?
My bad, missed one piece of code when merging from the iPad version.

iTunes Connect icon rendering

Upon submitting an OS X application to the Mac App Store via iTunes, I've noticed that viewing the application icon in iTunes Connect shows the icon with rounded corners and dropshadows. This is strange because when viewing application in the Mac App Store it's clear that the rounded corners are entirely optional.
Is there something I should have added to my Info.plist file in order to stop this from happening (similar to the UIPrerenderedIcon key in iOS products), or is this just an oddity of the iTunes Connect website? The icon renders correctly in Finder and via the Activity screen in Xcode.
Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out that the App Store renders icons like this by default. It has no impact on the App Store rendering on the customer facing site.
