Is calling DispatchMessage in win32 programs necessary? - windows

Win32 programs generally have a message loop that loops calling GetMessage or PeekMessage, and then calls DispatchMessage to dispatch the message to the window proceedure of the relevant window.
But is there any need to actually do this? Can I instead just look in the MSG object directly in the message loop and perform the actions needed there without calling DispatchMessage? I'm talking about cases where I have one single window with no other window controls, for example if the window is only used as a direct3d display window, so messages will always be directed at the only window.
Mostly I'm just curious but also it might lead to certain aspects of my code being cleaner too.

You call DispatchMessage to have the message delivered to proper window, to its "window proc". You think you have one window only, but is it really the only one? COM will create helper windows, other subsystems might create helper hidden windows as well, who is going to deliver messages posted to shared message queue and addressed to those windows. Without having to think a lot about these details you have API to dispatch them. And you have to do it because those subsystems are relying on presence of message pump.
Spy++ Windows SDK tool might help you with seeing how many windows you really have.
Still if you indeed have the only window, it does not make much of a difference whether you handler is called from DispatchMessage internals, or directly by your message pump.


Preventing WM_SETCURSOR and WM_NCHITTEST messages from being generated

I'm making an application that hooks itself in to a target application and, when activated by the user, prevents all keyboard and mouse window messages from reaching the target application's window proc. My application does this by translating the incoming input messages, such as WM_MOUSEMOVE, to WM_NULL, so that the window proc is unaware input happened.
The problem is that Windows also automatically sends WM_SETCURSOR and WM_NCHITTEST to the window proc (e.g. when the application calls PeekMessage) when mouse input occurs. These messages aren't posted to the window's message queue, so I can't change them to WM_NULL.
I initially worked around this by subclassing the window proc and simply ignoring WM_SETCURSOR and WM_NCHITTEST there, but subclassing seems to have compatibility issues with some of the applications I'm hooked in to.
My question is: How do I prevent WM_SETCURSOR and WM_NCHITTEST from being generated in the first place OR how do I prevent them from reaching the application's window proc.
Some Ideas to Try
I just finished implementing a global/system wide CallWndRetProc with a WH_CALLWNDPROCRET Windows Hook (like it describes in the past post of the link below).
Using that in combination with hiding all the system cursors using SetSystemCursor has effectively hidden the cursor for most applications.
If you wanted to continue hacking at this target application, you could try using API Monitor to diagnosis what is going on:
The guy at rohitab hints at releasing his source code eventually; his site seems to have some of the better forums about Hooking, Subclassing, Injecting, etc.
It sounds like you successfully used SetWindowLongPtr(), but there are a few different ways to get into the address space of the program you are working on...
Have you tried SetCapture()?
Other Links
Here are a few other links that may be useful:
Hope that helps. Good luck.

Why does the SendMessage() function not work?

I try to send a WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages to a window( simulating mouse clicks without moving the cursor ).
My program is working very good on many windows, but there are a few that don't work :(
Like Registry Editor, Yahoo Messenger, some Firefox sites, etc...
How can I make to work with those from above ??
NOTE#1: I use Win7
NOTE#2: My code is just calling the api and functions and aply them on the specific window handle. Its working ok but not on all windows :(
It is another aspect of UAC, called UIPI or User Interface Privacy Isolation that could cause this trouble. Designed to prevent a program that run un-elevated from hijacking the capabilities of an elevated one. That certainly explains the trouble with Regedit.exe, clearly UAC would be ineffective if a program could commandeer it to poke stuff into the registry. You'd have to run your program elevated to bypass this restriction.
Another one is that SendMessage() doesn't properly simulate mouse input. The messages you are sending are normally posted to the message queue. You need to use PostMessage() instead. You should also emulate WM_MOUSEMOVE.
The proper way to simulate mouse input is through SendInput(). That one exactly emulates the mouse driver behavior, there's no way for a program to tell the difference. But with the added requirement that you have to make sure that whatever program you are trying to automate runs in the foreground. That's very difficult, SetForegroundWindow() isn't reliable enough. So only consider SendInput() if you actually only want to send mouse messages to the foreground window, whatever it might be.
You can call SwitchToThisWindow instead of SetForegroundWindow, which is much better and it works most of the times, and then either call SendInput or mouse_event, which is much more comfortable, because you're not dealing with structs at all.

How do win32 apps using sigc and glib implements Message loop

If an Win32 app has its UI designed using sigc and glibmm,
how does it implement its message loops?
does it still use win32 API such as GetMessage, DispatchMessage, TranslateMessage, etc?
or they use other functions to finish this?
And the default WinProc is still there?
sigc+glibmm is the C++ level on top of the GTK C Framework callbacks/main loop which is on top of the native callback/main loop (NSRunLoop for MacOSX and GetMessage on Windows).
GetMessage must be called by every GUI application on Windows to get the absolute basics like a window handle, key presses and mouse movements.
TranslateMessage is not required because accelerator keys are handled with GTK's own implementation.
SendMessage is used very rare, most calls that require SendMessage are calls to a client control like a button or text field widget. In GTK they are implemented as GtkButton and GtkEntry and GTK can directly use the C implementation without going through the windows message dispatching.
All Windows GUI apps have to run a message pump based on GetMessage, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessage. Frameworks typically shield you from the implementation details, but somewhere in the framework will be a message pump.
The same is true for window procedures. Although you may never have to write one or interact with one, the framework will have to provide window procedures for top-level windows, and possibly for child windows depending on how the framework is implemented.

Is it possible to use Windows Raw Input API without a window (ie from a console application)?

Is it possible to use Windows Raw Input API without a window (ie from a console application)?
I've tried using RegisterRawInputDevices but my message loops doesn't seem to get any events from GetMessage and hence just 'hangs' there.
That way I did it (not sure it is the most comfortable way...):
I have started a thread (for the task of filling my input buffer).
In this thread I have created a message-only window (its hidden, and can get input datas) with an appropriate window-class.
Then registered the raw input devices.
This thread has its own message handler loop.
In the WindowProc of the window-class I've handled the inputs.
(For buffer, You can use boost:circular_buffer, it ROCKS! :D)
In this solution You did need have a window, but it looks like You don't. :)
I hope this can help.
Do you mean RegisterRawInputDevices?
Since the RAWINPUTDEVICE structure requires you to specify an HWND to receive the WM_INPUT messages, no it's not possible to do this without a window.
Console applications can create windows, and the window probably can receive WM_INPUT while hidden, but you do need a window.

Detecting Notification Balloons

Using WinXP. What I need to do (pref in VB or c#) is to detect when another (closed source) program displays a notification balloon in the tray - and grab the details. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
In similar situations, I have used the Microsoft tool Spy++ to grab the window information and then uses pinvoke calls to FindWindow to detect when the window is present.
I've not tried with a notification balloon, but I imagine that a pinvoke call to GetText would retrieve the contents.
I think you'll need to use pinvoke to do this from a .net language.
On the system I'm using now (Vista Business SP2), balloon windows always seem to have window class #32769 (reserved for desktop windows) and the windows style bit TTS_BALLOON set.
The following might work: Determine the parent window for all notification balloons by creating a temporary one, getting its hWnd, and calling GetParent() before deleting it. You could then periodically poll the children of this parent hwnd (using EnumWindows() or FindWindowEx()) looking for windows with the required class and style.
This seems highly non-portable to me, and likely to require a lot of testing on a variety of platforms. and spy++ might be useful.
Good luck!
You will definitely need to use Win API calls to achieve this. If this is the only thing you're trying to do, you'd be better off using straight C or C++ so you don't have to do a bunch of platform invoke for C# or VB.
Since andyjohnson identified that the window class for all notification balloons is #32769, and that they have the TTS_BALLOON style set, you could use a CBT hook (if you're not familiar with Win32 hooks, you might want to read up on them), to get a callback whenever a window is created, and check for windows of that class and with that style.
I'm not sure, though, if a new balloon window is created for second and subsequent popups or if the same one is just hidden and reshown. If this is the case, you might need a CallWndProc hook, to get WM_SHOWWINDOW messages.
I should mention that the hooks that I've mentioned cannot be implemented in .NET. Except for the low-level keyboard and mouse hooks, global system hooks must be implemented in a native (unmanaged) DLL. Windows will load this DLL into other processes, and if a managed DLL gets loaded into a process that doesn't have the .NET CLR loaded, it will crash that process. (Even if the CLR is loaded, it might be at a different address, also causing a crash.)
So you must build your hooks in a native (unmanaged) DLL. It's possible to interface from here to a managed application, such as Michael Kennedy has done on Code Project, but to do it properly, and handle the hook types I've mentioned above, you'd need to use interprocess communication, a step that Michael Kennedy left out. All in all, for the purpose you've described, it would probably be easier to just build the whole thing in native code.
