Detecting Notification Balloons - windows

Using WinXP. What I need to do (pref in VB or c#) is to detect when another (closed source) program displays a notification balloon in the tray - and grab the details. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

In similar situations, I have used the Microsoft tool Spy++ to grab the window information and then uses pinvoke calls to FindWindow to detect when the window is present.
I've not tried with a notification balloon, but I imagine that a pinvoke call to GetText would retrieve the contents.

I think you'll need to use pinvoke to do this from a .net language.
On the system I'm using now (Vista Business SP2), balloon windows always seem to have window class #32769 (reserved for desktop windows) and the windows style bit TTS_BALLOON set.
The following might work: Determine the parent window for all notification balloons by creating a temporary one, getting its hWnd, and calling GetParent() before deleting it. You could then periodically poll the children of this parent hwnd (using EnumWindows() or FindWindowEx()) looking for windows with the required class and style.
This seems highly non-portable to me, and likely to require a lot of testing on a variety of platforms. and spy++ might be useful.
Good luck!

You will definitely need to use Win API calls to achieve this. If this is the only thing you're trying to do, you'd be better off using straight C or C++ so you don't have to do a bunch of platform invoke for C# or VB.
Since andyjohnson identified that the window class for all notification balloons is #32769, and that they have the TTS_BALLOON style set, you could use a CBT hook (if you're not familiar with Win32 hooks, you might want to read up on them), to get a callback whenever a window is created, and check for windows of that class and with that style.
I'm not sure, though, if a new balloon window is created for second and subsequent popups or if the same one is just hidden and reshown. If this is the case, you might need a CallWndProc hook, to get WM_SHOWWINDOW messages.
I should mention that the hooks that I've mentioned cannot be implemented in .NET. Except for the low-level keyboard and mouse hooks, global system hooks must be implemented in a native (unmanaged) DLL. Windows will load this DLL into other processes, and if a managed DLL gets loaded into a process that doesn't have the .NET CLR loaded, it will crash that process. (Even if the CLR is loaded, it might be at a different address, also causing a crash.)
So you must build your hooks in a native (unmanaged) DLL. It's possible to interface from here to a managed application, such as Michael Kennedy has done on Code Project, but to do it properly, and handle the hook types I've mentioned above, you'd need to use interprocess communication, a step that Michael Kennedy left out. All in all, for the purpose you've described, it would probably be easier to just build the whole thing in native code.


Drag/drop files between explorer windows on windows 7

This is a kind of a complex query as it look it from outside. I would like to get notification about any drag/drop operation performed in windows explorer with exact number of files being dragged from source to target folder.
I have tried setwindowshookex in my application but the drag/drop events doesn't appears in callback function although I am getting resize, forgroundwindows, selection on items etc. events.
NOT sure what is wrong, it might seems impossible to Hook drag/drop events in windows.
Have anyone can help with this.
Drag&Drop operations inside of Windows Explorer do not use window messages, they use the IDropSource and IDropTarget COM interfaces via the DoDragDrop() function. You can't hook that with SetWindowsHookEx(). You would likely need to write some code into a DLL and inject it directly into Windows Explorer so it can then hook DoDragDrop() directly, such as with a detour, so any call to it will go through your hook code first. That way you can gain access to the COM interfaces that are passed to it, as well as detect whether the drag&drop was successful or canceled.

Win32: CreateDialog instead of multiple calls to CreateWindow - any downsides?

I'm currently working on a Win32 program which requires a main window containing many child window controls - buttons, listviews and so on. I believe the standard way to build such a window is to first call CreateWindow for the main window, then again for each of the controls.
As an easier option, I'm considering designing the main window using the resource editor's dialog box designer, then using CreateDialog to build the main window in one go.
By using a CLASS statement in the dialog box template, I should be able to get the main window to use a custom window class (and hence a custom window procedure) and thus avoid the window having any dialog-like behaviour. An example of this technique can be found in Charles Petzold's "Programming Windows": the HEXCALC program in chapter 11.
Are there any downsides to creating my main window in this way? If so, what are they? If not, why is this approach rarely used?
You don't get control of your main window message loop - the dialog manager handles it for you. On the other hand, the dialog manager handles keyboard accelerators, tab ordering and a number of other effects.
You'd be surprised what you can do with a standard dialog box - the windows volume control is implemented with about four different dialog boxes - it has a frame dialog box which in turn host hosts a tray window which in turn holds volume control dialog boxes, one for each app volume.
The only downside of CreateDialog I know of (as compared to repeated CreateWindow, not talking about some heavyweight framework, just Win32 vs Win32) is that dialog resources position child windows using dialog units. So the layout is dependent not only on DPI, but also on the user's theme settings (choice and size of font).
If any of your controls need to have fixed sizes in terms of pixels, you won't be happy with the dialog-provided positioning and will need to go through and move all the child windows after the fact.
So yes, you can use CreateDialog as a shortcut for creating a bunch of windows with specified classes and styles. But no, you can't do your layout in the dialog editor.
OTOH, you could store the DLU <-> pixel conversion used on your design machine, and then learn enough about parsing the DIALOG resource internal format to pull out the positioning information, then convert to pixels and correct the positioning in more automated fashion.
You will be able to have the full control over your window, even if it was created with CreateDialog.
Normally, when you create your own window (of your class), the window procedure used is the one that you registered with the class. OTOH windows created via CreateDialog will have the dialog standard window procedure (DefDlgProc), which will mostly invoke your supplied "dialog handler".
If you want to have full control of all the messages you may replace the window proc of the newly created window right after its creation. Just call SetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_WNDPROC parameter. Still, you may do the auto processing of some dialog-specific things by calling IsDialogMessage within your procedure.
There is no downside whatsoever.
Why is it rarely used? Because:
People normally use DialogBox instead, since that is easier for simpler cases.
For more complex cases, people use things like MFC or ATL (or some external library like GTk or Qt), and don't bother with native Win32 graphics.
There are no downsides using the Windows SDK, internally libraries like MFC use the Windows SDK .
People tend to use libraries like MFC over Windows SDK, as libaries have the readymade stuff. However Windows SDK calls are faster than library calls, so in some situations developers call Windows SDK directly .
CButton btnOk ;
btnOK.Create(_T("Press Me"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON,CRect(100,100,300,300), pParentWnd, 1);
is similar to the following code ,
HWND hWnd = CreateWindow("BUTTON","Press Me",WS_CHILD|WS_POPUP|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,100,100,300,300,NULL,NULL,GetModuleHandle(NULL),NULL);

MFC application and a non-MFC modal dialog

I'm writing a Win32 plug-in DLL for a third-party MFC app. The DLL needs to display a modal dialog. When I do this using DialogBox() or other plain Win32 API (e.g. I tried to write my own modal loop), the main application's window doesn't redraw all elements: it redraws standard elements, but not the client area. Modeless dialogs display just fine.
I suspect this happens because MFC doesn't really have modal dialogs in Win32 sense. It can only have one message loop and a separate loop in DialogBox() disrupts its delicate machinery. Here's a CodeProject article that explains this. But this CodeProject article is 9 years old, so maybe things have changed since then. Could somebody shed some light on this? The app uses MFC 8 (i.e. mfc80.dll).
Update. Here's a link to the original question; it may contain some additional information.
Update 2. Thanks everyone; I really appreciate all the advice, it certainly helps me to get the big picture of how things fit together. The first path I'm going to explore is to use native MFC 'modal' dialogs. (Since I do all this from Python, I'll use Python bindings for MFC, pywin32). This will take some time; when it's ready, I'll update the post with results.
Every thread can have a message loop. Put your modal dialog into a separate thread and emulate the standard behavior of Windows by disabling the parent window.
Edit: after some discussion (see below) it appears that the parent code behaves incorrectly.
Still, I think there are possible workarounds. One could be a parent window (to the modal dialog, but child to the one that currently behaves incorrectly) that overlays the erroneous window content, but redraws it from a DC in memory to mimic correct behavior. Of course the parent window still would have to be disabled. Another solution may be to subclass the parent window, to correct the behavior. Since the plugin would run within the same process, the implementation should be straightforward.

Why might IsDialogMessage() never return?

I am debugging an application which, in its message loop, calls IsDialogMessage(). Occasionally, IsDialogMessage() never returns (where never is an interval greater than 1 hour). Based on the symbols for user32.dll available from Microsoft's symbol server, it appears to be stuck in GetNextDlgGroupItem() (or an internal variant of the same), iterating over some set of windows.
The application is multithreaded and frequently receives notification of external events, which arrive as DCOM calls. I suspect that such a call is handled incorrectly in a way that corrupts some window state. If I can learn what sort of state corruption might cause an infinite loop in IsDialogMessage(), I think I will be more easily able to identify the source of the corruption.
I know this is old, but answering for posterity since no one here mentioned it.
More than likely what is going on is trouble with the windows manager determining where to forward a message. If you have a hierarchy of windows, as you probably do, then you need to ensure that non-top-level windows that contain controls themselves must have the WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT style set. If it is a dialog, you use the DS_CONTROL style. The presence of these flags modify the behavior of IsDialogMessage; they identify a window as having its own controls which can receive focus and handle tab order, etc, rather than just being a control itself.
For example, if you have a main frame window, which has a child window with WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, which has a child window without WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, which has a child window that has focus, and you hit TAB, you will likely encounter an infinite loop at the same place you mention.
Setting the second child's extended style to include WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT will resolve the issue.
Are you maybe disabling controls (using ::EnableWindow()) without checking first whether that control has the focus? If yes, then the focus gets lost and GetNextDlgGroupItem() gets confused.
Another reason this can happen is if you reparent a modeless dialog. At least this can happen with wxWidgets...
I've made some investigation, trying to answer this question. But only in situation, when parent window is in native MFC project and child is a managed C# Windows Forms. If you have such situation, then you may try 3 resolutions:
Run MFC dialog message loop on Windows Forms side. Here is more info: Integrate Windows Forms Into Your MFC Applications Through C++ Interop
Create 2 threads: one for Windows Forms dialog and one for native dialog. Here you can create dialog in Windows Forms, then with SetParent() set it's parent to native dialog. But be ware: if you add TabControl to Windows Forms, than hang with "IsDialogMessage() never return" will occur.
Make a wrapper for Windows Forms dialog to use in native project. For ex., wrapper may be WPF, see here: Windows Form as child window of an unmanaged app
I've taken information mostly from:
And the temporary cure can be to change focus behavior. For example, disable them, or SetFocus() to parent or child windows only. But I strongly recommend to investigate the real reason, why IsDialogMessage() never return in your case.

Painting directly on the Windows desktop

I'd like to play animations on the Windows desktop without relying on 3rd-party products such as StarDock DeskScapes or Windows DreamScene. What APIs should I look into?
you can read this thread...
it is long, but in it, is a discussion of writing to the desktop...
hope this helps...
I've never done this, but here's the approach I'd take.
Inject a dll into explorer via SetWindowsHookEx.
Grab a handle by using GetDesktopWindow.
Subclass the Desktop using GetWindowLongPtr & SetWindowLongPtr.
Do all your fancy rendering in the new WndProc you've hooked up.
Be aware that breaking the Desktop window will probably lock up your machine, as all its decedent windows (read: every window for that User) will likely be adversely affected.
Also, given the um rich compatibility history of Windows, be on the lookout for dummies meant to absorb abuse. In particular, I wouldn't be at all surprised if GetDesktopWindow does not in fact return the Desktop window you're looking for. You might have to do some digging with Spy++ or the like, basically.
