MakeFile error too many arguments - makefile

I am doing a simple make file and iam getting the error too many arguments. I do not know what it is talking about
here is my code
project1: *.cpp *.h
g++ -o main *.cpp
here is what the terminal is saying
unixapps1:project1> project1: *.cpp *.h
project1:: Too many arguments.

I think the problems are two-fold:
You have an awfully large number of source files in your directory — so much so that the length of the names is too long for your shell.
You are mis-executing the makefile as if it was a shell script. The error message is what you'd get if you ran sh makefile and the project1: line was the first (non-blank, non-comment) line in it.
You need to run make or (if the makefile is named make -f
If I've guessed wrong (I hope I have), then you need to clarify what is prompt and what is command line in your question. Conventionally, you use $ as the shell prompt (for sh and relatives; % if you're using C shell or one of its relatives, or # if you're running as root — which you should not be doing if you are programming).


Makefile execution properly [duplicate]

I tried to use a make file in code::blocks but I am doing it wrong. I have the version installed with the compilers included. What do I do with the make file? It starts with:
best, US
You don't tend to execute the make file itself, rather you execute make, giving it the make file as an argument:
make -f
If your make file is actually one of the standard names (like makefile or Makefile), you don't even need to specify it. It'll be picked up by default (if you have more than one of these standard names in your build directory, you better look up the make man page to see which takes precedence).
As paxdiablo said make -f would execute the makefile, if you directly execute it by typing ./, then you would get syntax error.
Also you can just type make if your file name is makefile/Makefile.
Suppose you have two files named makefile and Makefile in the same directory then makefile is executed if make alone is given. You can even pass arguments to makefile.
Check out more about makefile at this Tutorial : Basic understanding of Makefile

Problem executing Makefile for FPGA poject-Vivado

Hi I am new to creating makefile.
I have written the following commands in a makefile but they do not seem to execute when i type make in my terminal.
However, if i type the command separately in the terminal, it works.
I am trying to open a vivado project in this tcl file and do some spyglass analysis on it and save the result in a txt file.The tcl file also runs properly if executed separately.
I cd to my project folder where all the files- sources folder, project folder, makefile is present. I named it "makefile" so that i can execute it by typing make in the terminal.The makefile contents are as follows.
.PHONY : vivado_open
$(info Hello Make)
bsub -Is -q i_soc_rh7 -R "rusage[mem=32000, temp=1GB] affinity[core(8):membind=localonly]" vivado -nolog -nojou -mode batch -source vivado.tcl
Here is the result from the terminal
Hello Make
make: Nothing to be done for `vivado_open'.
Sorry, but there has to be something else going on here, that you haven't told us about. It's simply not possible for you to get that output if you typed make with that makefile.
You are using a variable, not a target named vivado_open, so make would never print nothing to be done for 'vivado_open'. It would say instead something like: nothing to be done for ../projectfiles/test.prj
Further, you didn't answer my question about TABs vs. spaces. If both the info and bsub lines are indented with TABs, there's no possible way that make would print Hello Make, without also printing the bsub command and trying to run it.
You must have another makefile in your directory, maybe named Makefile or GNUmakefile, that is being used instead of makefile. Or maybe you have an environment variable like MAKEFILES set which is causing other makefiles to be read.
If none of those appear to be true, you'll have to run make -d and see if you can figure out what's happening. That output is far too large to post to StackOverflow, so you'll have to try to read it yourself.
OK, the problem is you're using spaces to indent your rules. In make, all recipe lines must be indented with a hard TAB character. Normal spaces don't mean anything special to make. Basically your makefile is interpreted as if you'd written this:
.PHONY : vivado_open
$(info Hello Make)
bsub -Is -q i_soc_rh7 -R "rusage[mem=32000, temp=1GB] affinity[core(8):membind=localonly]" vivado -nolog -nojou -mode batch -source vivado.tcl
This is why you get this message "nothing to be done": you haven't actually defined a recipe for vivaldo_open, so there is literally nothing that make knows to do to update that target.
As an aside, normally you would get a syntax error for the bsub line because make doesn't know what that is. However, if you look carefully at your line you'll see that it contains a :. So, make is interpreting this as a set of targets and set of prerequisites, like this:
bsub ... affinity[core(8) : membind=localonly]" vivado ... vivado.tcl
(make doesn't care about quotes or other special characters like [] etc.)
So. Be sure you indent your recipe lines with TAB characters and you'll be fine. This is probably the single most common issue people have with makefiles.

Using a Makefile for Debain packages

I'm trying to put together a Makefile that will create a folder and clone repositories from GIT
I'm having trouble putting it all together so I'm starting with a generic Makefile
My makefile:
$(shell mkdir -p myDir)
The shell script that I am trying to get to invoke
REPOSRC="my bitbucket repo URL"
# We do it this way so that we can abstract if from just git later on
if [ ! -d $LOCALREPO_VC_DIR ]
git pull $REPOSRC
# End
When I run make I'm getting the following error:
Makefile:2: *** missing separator. Stop.
Also, is this the correct way to go about this task?
What you have is not a makefile. It's really a shell script written in makefile syntax (and, as you've discovered from the errors, not correct makefile syntax).
Make is a tool that allows commands to be run to update a set of target files, or not run if any of the target files don't need to be updated, based on comparing timestamps of the target files and their prerequisite files. These dependency relationships can be chained.
That's all that make is for.
To prototypical example is compiling a program: if any of the source files have been modified then you need to recompile the object files for those sources; if object files are updated then libraries might need to be re-created; if object or library files are updated then programs might need to be re-linked.
If your problem space doesn't map, or can't be made to map, to that mechanism, then make and makefiles are not the correct tool for the job you have in mind. Based on your description of your problem, make is not the right tool for this job.
You should just write a shell script, as you've basically done here already, and move forward.
If you do want to write a makefile you should spend some time understanding the syntax of makefiles and how they work, rather than just searching on Stack Overflow and trying to put together a makefile based on the answers. For example, try reading at least the introduction of the GNU make manual.
With $(shell ...) construct you substitute shell command output into the makefile. Of course after calling mkdir or invoking git the output is not a valid makefile.
Your makefile should be like this
mkdir -p myDir
note that indentation after all: has to be done with tabs.
And it looks like you don't need make for your task. Just shell script would be enough.

expected asm before string

so I'm new here and i have this problem
I have a project where I have to do a makefile
also I have 3 files , but let's take one at least
this is makefile
333.o: 333.c
gcc -c 333.c
clean: rm *.o hell
this is file I want to compile
echo "enetered number $1 threshold $2"
Error c:1:2 invalid preprocessing directive #!
c:2: expected '=', ',',';','asm' or '_attribute' before string constant
what is wrong? can't figure out
thank you
You are trying to pound a nail with a screwdriver - you are using the wrong tool for the job.
You are trying to speak mandarin to (mono-lingual) frenchman - you are using the wrong language.
The contents of file you are trying to compile indicate that it is a shell script and not a c file. However when make sees that the file has a .c extension, it will try to compile it as if it were a c file, which its contents patently are not.
Before you go further I suggest you look at the differences between compiled and interpreted languages
bash is an interpreted language - there is no need for a compiler at all. Just give the file execute permissions and run it. bash will parse and interpret the file line by line and take the necessary actions
c is a compiled language. Before the source that defines a c program can run, it must be compiled. The compiler parses the .c files and generates binary object files, which contain machine instructions that your CPU directly understands.
To run your bash shell script, I would do the following:
mv 333.c ; # rename to prevent any confusion
chmod +x ; # give the bash script executable permissions
./ 42 69 ; # run the script - give it some args, since your script references $1 and $2

How to make a failing $(shell) command interrupt Make

I have a Makefile that starts by running a tool before applying the build rules (which this tool writes for me). If this tool, which is a python script, exits with a non-null status code, I want GNU Make to stop right there and not go on with building the program.
Currently, I do something like this (top level, i.e. column 1):
$(info Generating build rules...)
$(shell python
But this does not stop make if exits with a status code of 1. This also captures the standard output of but does not print it out, so I have the feeling I'm looking in the wrong direction.
If at all possible, the solution should even work when a simple MS-DOS shell is the standard system shell.
Any suggestion?
There might be a better way, but I tried the following and it works:
$(if $(shell if your_command; then echo ok; fi), , $(error your_command failed))
Here I did assume that your_command does not give any output, but it shouldn't be hard to work around such a situation.
Edit: To make it work with the default Windows shell (and probably any decent shell) you could write your_command && echo ok instead of the if within the shell function. I do not think this is possible for (older) DOS shells. For these you probably want to adapt your_command or write a wrapper script to print something on error (or success).
Ok, here's my own solution, which is unfortunately not based on the status code of the script, but which Works For Me (TM) and lets me see any output that the script produces:
SHELL_OUTPUT := $(shell python 2>&1)
ifeq ($(filter error: [Errno %],$(SHELL_OUTPUT)),)
$(info $(SHELL_OUTPUT))
$(error $(SHELL_OUTPUT))
The script is written so that any error produces an output beginning with "collect_sources: error:". Additionally, if python cannot find or execute the given script, it outputs an error message containing the message "[Errno 2]" or similar. So this little piece of code just captures the output (redirecting stderr to stdout) and searches for error messages. If none is found, it simply uses $(info) to print the output, otherwise it uses $(error), which effectively makes Make stop.
Note that the indentation in the ifeq ... endif is done with spaces. If tabs are used, Make thinks you're trying to invoke a command and complains about it.
You should use a regular target to create
python $< >$#
This is the standard trick to use when automatically generating dependencies.
echo Generating build rules...)
python $< >$#
$(MAKE) -f
Make sure you're not invoking make/gmake with the -k option.
