Location of website images and text in joomla 1.5 package - image

A joomla 1.5 website was hacked and i was commissioned to rebuild it from scratch as the current build was unusable.
the hosting company "cleaned" it and rendered it unusable.
I personally never used joomla and i just downloaded the Joomla files and folders hoping i could find the original text and images used when the website was still up and running.
No such luck.
Does anyone know where the client uploaded images and text is in a joomla 1.5 folder tree?
Thanks in advance.

The text is stored in the database in #__content. Each article will be in a new row. The user uploaded images are stored in the images subfolder of the joomla installation. However remember some may be stored within a component or modules sub-folders if installed with them.


image goes upto tmp folder but is not uploaded in product image Magento

I updated my website theme and just a week back backend admin product image upload functionality completely stopped working. I am not able to view or upload images at all. I have checked the permissions made changes to Uploader.php in lib it goes up to tmp folder but doesnot upload. my Magento version is mentioned. I tried disabling modules. Adding Dull uploader / Maven HTML5 Uploader none of which seems to work. I have gone through most questions on Stack but no solution seems to work. Any help pointing me towards a good solution is appreciated
it seems that the theme update may be causing this issue.
First thing you can try is changing the theme to magento's default theme.
If this is not helping, you can try going into the image upload page in magento backend and inspect the page, see if there are any error messages.If this isn't helping you can try contacting the theme's support team to help you, or ask them for older version of the theme so you revert it.

I can't update Joomla metadata

My Joomla website had been hacked by someone and he modify the website title and description which show in the google search (when i search my site in google I found my site with hacker title and description ) .
I found no changes in the metadata and description in the Joomla site configuration.
Is there other place that override my Joomla setting?
It could be anywhere, but quickly check the template main file(s) usually /templates/your_template/index.php.
Don't spend more than two minutes on this. Your site was hacked: you need to clean it first. Restore a good backup, update it, find out how they got in.
If you don't have a backup, reinstall Joomla! over it and all extensions and template, that may buy you some time.

Redmine Updating Images

Our Redmine server has CKEditor, which allows for inserting images into Wiki pages, documents, etc.
The images are embedded into the pages via a direct link to the image, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
The only way we know of to update this image is to delete it then upload the new image. The problem is that the new image will be at a different directory, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/89/someimage.png, thus breaking all our previous links to https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
There is an extension called CKFinder which will fixes this, but we're looking for a free alternative (without coding our own plugin).
Does anybody know of another plugin to update images without breaking their references?

Where are uploaded images stored in Magnolia CMS 5.0?

I have created a custom dialog in Magnolia CMS 5.0 to upload images, in theory, to the DAM repository. However, after I upload those pictures, I cannot find where they are stored. They are not in the Assets module as fat as I have seen.
Does anyone of you have an idea of where I can access what I upload in Magnolia? Thanks in advance.
Have a look at http://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Basic+upload
Your image ends up as binary node directly under the node created by your dialog.
It might be better solution to create a link field that point to the DAM and use DAMs own upload functionality that will become available once you open selection of image from DAM.

One click download component for joomla

I am working on one joomla(2.5.1) site and i need one module for one click download option in front end.
Let me clear more.
Admin should be able to upload zip folder from administrator.(There are some files in this zip folder)
User will be able to download that zip folder in front site.
I googled a lot for similar components but i didnt find anything related to this one.
Advise me what would better way for my requirement.
All feedback are welcome.
Some links:
Phoca Download
Downloads category in JED
