One click download component for joomla - joomla

I am working on one joomla(2.5.1) site and i need one module for one click download option in front end.
Let me clear more.
Admin should be able to upload zip folder from administrator.(There are some files in this zip folder)
User will be able to download that zip folder in front site.
I googled a lot for similar components but i didnt find anything related to this one.
Advise me what would better way for my requirement.
All feedback are welcome.

Some links:
Phoca Download
Downloads category in JED


I want to make a program that can download files automatically from website

There are buttons to click for downloading files in some websites.
So I need to make a program that can automatically download.
or automatically click those buttons.
I need your help. Thank you
I want to know ways to solve that problem or I want to get related url

I can't update Joomla metadata

My Joomla website had been hacked by someone and he modify the website title and description which show in the google search (when i search my site in google I found my site with hacker title and description ) .
I found no changes in the metadata and description in the Joomla site configuration.
Is there other place that override my Joomla setting?
It could be anywhere, but quickly check the template main file(s) usually /templates/your_template/index.php.
Don't spend more than two minutes on this. Your site was hacked: you need to clean it first. Restore a good backup, update it, find out how they got in.
If you don't have a backup, reinstall Joomla! over it and all extensions and template, that may buy you some time.

Redirecting to other Wix site

I want to make a bilingual site but i don't want to do it the "normal" Wix way with buttons because i want to have a drop down menu so I have created 2 sites( one will be on the domain and the other one on a sub domain) and added 2 language images on the sites that I want to link. And this is where i have ran into a problem.
I don't know hot to link from one site to another. Does anyone know the answer to this?
I have tried this but I can't find how to link to other site.
it ca be done with code but there is no need. when you click on link "page" means pages on this site. just pick 'web address' see this link menu. if for some reason you have to it with code you can use see here

File listing in Orchard CMS, client side?

One of my clients is asking to enable a "download section" in Orchard CMS. The idea is when a customer clicks in the download button in the main menu they will see a listing of folders and files. So when they make click in a folder name, the folder will be opened and when they make click in the name of a file the file will be downloaded.
I have searched for a "download module" or "file listing module" in the Orchard gallery without any result.
Any idea about how to approach to the solution? maybe something with jquery but i am not sure if it is compatible with Orchard (I am a complete newbie in Orchard and ASP)
Thanks for the help! :)
I think you missed this module: Filemanager
You can find a demo here

Possible to share WebMatrix-developed site through file system?

I've just finished creating a sample web site that I'd like to show to someone. I could publish it to a web server, but if possible I'd prefer to send it as a .zip file for the other person to view. My site utilizes WebMatrix's SQLite features, otherwise it would be a simple matter.
Is there some way I can share this web site as a .zip file?
Thank you!
Tell the recipient to install WebMatrix, and when they receive your zip files, they should unzip it and then right click on the decompressed folder and choose Open as a Web Site with Microsoft WebMatrix, and then hit the Run button.
