Redmine Updating Images - ckeditor

Our Redmine server has CKEditor, which allows for inserting images into Wiki pages, documents, etc.
The images are embedded into the pages via a direct link to the image, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
The only way we know of to update this image is to delete it then upload the new image. The problem is that the new image will be at a different directory, i.e. https://redmineserver/attachments/download/89/someimage.png, thus breaking all our previous links to https://redmineserver/attachments/download/94/someimage.png.
There is an extension called CKFinder which will fixes this, but we're looking for a free alternative (without coding our own plugin).
Does anybody know of another plugin to update images without breaking their references?


Image properties dialog in CKEditor 5

I recently upgraded from CKeditor 4 to CKeditor 5.
The old one used to have a very nice image properties dialog where you could configure borders etc.:
Unfortunately, CKeditor 5 only has a text field to paste the image URL, and nothing else. There's also a simple toolbar to change floating etc. of images, and the ckeditor image-styles documentation seems to suggest that they prefer people to use semantic styling instead of just setting borders, sizes, etc. directly.
However, this if a huge mess when you have an existing webapp where people were used to the flexibility the old editor gave them.
Is there a config option I missed (or a plugin that can be enabled) in CKeditor 5 to get these advanced image controls back?
There is a CKFinder plugin for CKEditor5, this should help you get back the functionality that has been lost, here's a link
Here's the features of this plugin
The CKFinder feature provides a bridge between the rich-text editor
and CKFinder, a browser-based commercial file uploader with its
server-side connectors (PHP, Java and ASP.NET).
There are two ways you can integrate CKEditor 5 with the CKFinder file
With the server-side connector only – In this scenario, images dropped
or pasted into the editor are uploaded to the CKFinder server-side
connector running on your server.
With both the server-side connector and the client-side file manager
(recommended) – Images dropped and pasted into the editor are uploaded
to the server (like in the first option).
But there are more cool features available, for instance:
uploading using the full user interface,
browsing previously uploaded images,
editing images (cropping, resizing, etc.),
organizing or deleting images.
I hope this helps :)

Uploading and referencing custom images in BigCommerce/Stencil

Recently started work on a BigCommerce project and on the homepage I want to have a theme area where normal site admin users can upload their own images based on holidays (Xmas, halloween etc) in the theme editor.
I know how to add in some custom elements in the theme editor using the Schema and Config files (headings, text, font colours etc), and how to reference them in the homepage. I'm also fine with referencing set images in the assets folder which aren't going to change, and manually coding references to them.
However I can't quite seem to work out how to add a custom image upload to the theme editor, or how to reference it in a page. Can't seem to find any answers in the Stencil documentation or usual Google searches etc either.
The Stencil Theme Editor currently only supports the file upload data type in the Optimized One-Page Checkout customization settings, but there are a couple of possible workarounds to allow the user to upload their custom background image and then reference it in Theme Editor settings:
One option would be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV, making sure that their image followed a naming convention that you specified. For example, the Halloween image could be required to have the file name halloween.png. You could map that value to a Theme Editor dropdown setting for Holiday Background>Halloween.
Another solution might be to have the user upload their image to WebDAV as mentioned above, but instead of a dropdown menu, you could have the user type their file's name into a text input setting in the Theme Editor. Keep in mind though that there's a 64 character limit for input values.
Hope this helps!
There are 4 ways to get images into the BigCommerce store.
You can:
Upload into the content folder through webdav. Then the images would be referenced like This does require a webdav connection and while everything does point you to using file managers like cyberduck, you can actually map a drive to a network resource to make this super easy. This mean you can create a z drive that is actually your bigcommerce content upload through webdav. It's pretty easy to set up and for customers to use. The drawback is that these files do not get put on a CDN so there's a little loss of performance.
Upload into the theme's images folders. This is complex and would require your client to figure out the stencil local dev connection and push versions up to their store. This would allow the images to be CDN'd but is super complex and your clients won't figure it out... It could also expose you to some long-term version control issues as they may be overwriting you or vice versa.
You can use the media manager to upload images. If you're referring to them in code, an easy trick is when your clients want to replace an image, to delete it and upload a new one with the exact same name... then the reference doesn't break. This is the easiest way to deal with site-wide issues from the client-side. Images are CDN'd this way as well.
You can consider using the marketing banner function for semi-temporary marketing messages. This is what it is made for, the images will be CDN'd and it's full GUI with no techy connections for your clients to figure out. This is perfect for banners that span a single page, but I don't think there is currently a side-wide setting for locations.

Silverstripe 3.1.2 Issue saving FocusPoint when module used with Gallery module

I'm using two great modules for Silverstripe 3 but there is a conflict somewhere which I can't work out. I've asked the developers but they have not found the solution yet.
FocusPoint which allows you to choose where the image crops from. Great!
Gallery, popular gallery module.
Both work fine. But Focus points do not "save" within the gallery section of a Gallery page. You can edit and choose the focus point but after saving it snaps back to the previous position. You can alter the focus point in the Files tab of the CMS so it must be how Gallery saves each image.
I have updated the template to CroppedFocusedImage but this is not a template issue.
It would be a very helpful addition.
Can you please provide some details of failure? Do you see any warning or error messages if you run in dev mode? Any small black error box on left-top when you save?
If FocusPoint module does not work, you can have a look at folder permissions or maybe any PHP libraries like ImageMagick, GD support etc. Maybe you you changed something during upgrade?
If both modules work individually, but the problem is cropped image is not saved in correct directory, it is another issue although it could still be permission issue.
You can set which folder it needs to save into, same as how you set in normal UploadField. But it wouldn't change just because of your upgrade.
For anyone looking for the answer it has been resolved here:

Magento: Can't understand uploading images via desktop instead of via FTP client

I am pretty new to Magento and I had a quick question.
I am struggling to understand how I can upload an image straight from my desktop to my website via the Magento backend without adding it to my FTP client first, and it still show up on other peoples computers when they access the website?
To elaborate on this, in the backend location System/Configuration/GENERAL/Design/HTML Head/Favicon Icon, to add the Favicon Icon you simply search your desktop for the image you want, were with other images, I have to add them to my FTP client first. Why is this and what happens if I were to delete the chosen Favicon Icon off my desktop, would the image still appear on my website?
Short (only?) answer: Magento is fairly inconsistent when it comes to administering these specific files. Some options (favicon, email logo, logos for PDFs) can be uploaded directly via form input in System Configuration. Others (such as header logo) cannot.
If I were forced to explain the logic (though I'm not sure it's intentional): favicon, email logos, and PDF logo image assets are not subject to theme design factors such as element layout and CSS. Whereas this is the case though I would think that Magento would not provide the option to change the path for the header logo.

Making TinyMCE image pick dialog point to a default folder on Plone

Plone 4.1.
What would be the easiest way to make TinyMCE image picker dialog point to a site default folder (/image-bank) instead of current folder?
This + folder display as album would provide a rudimentary image bank support for Plone easily.
I'd hope to achieve this feature for
All Plone out of the box content types (ATContentTypes)
My custom AT content types
MY custom Dexterity content types
Portlet editor WYSIWYG (is it zope.formlib?)
If it's difficult to edit Python code all over the places, it's accetable just to a Javascript snippet patching TinyMCE settings on the client side.
Mikko: What a coincidence. I'm just trying to achieve the same thing. I managed to create a more specific adapter than `Products/TinyMCE/adapters/Upload/Upload`.
This new adapter changes the upload folder (by setting self.context) to the central-images-folder and then updates radio button listing (and image preview) with the central-folder images (and just uploaded image). This is done by defining an uploadOk method inside the new adapter.
However, to change the initial folder, I think the only way is to customize or ploneimage.js inside the skins/tinymce/plugins/ploneimage folder. But changing any of these two large files (which might change in the future), could make new releases of TinyMCE not to work with your changes. So you will be forced to re-customize them again.
My idea (which I already emailed this morning to Four Digits) is to provide this feature with TinyMCE out-of-the-box, via a configuration option. This way the package files would be always aware of this feature and future changes won't harm this new functionality.
