Algorithm for sequence calculation - algorithm

I'm looking for a hint to an algorithm or pseudo code which helps me calculate sequences.
It's kind of permutations, but not exactly as it's not fixed length.
The output sequence should look something like this:
Every character above represents actually an integer, which gets incremented from a minimum to a maximum.
I do not know the depth when I start, so just using multiple nested for loops won't work.
It's late here in Germany and I just can't wrap my head around this. Pretty sure that it can be done with for loops and recursion, but I have currently no clue on how to get started.
Any ideas?
EDIT: B-typo corrected.

It looks like you're taking all combinations of four distinct digits of length 1, 2, 3, etc., allowing repeats.
So start with length 1: { A, B, C, D }
To get length 2, prepend A, B, C, D in turn to every member of length 1. (16 elements)
To get length 3, prepend A, B, C, D in turn to every member of length 2. (64 elements)
To get length 4, prepend A, B, C, D in turn to every member of length 3. (256 elements)
And so on.
If you have more or fewer digits, the same method will work. It gets a little trickier if you allow, say, A to equal B, but that doesn't look like what you're doing now.

Based on the comments from the OP, here's a way to do the sequence without storing the list.
Use an odometer analogy. This only requires keeping track of indices. Each time the first member of the sequence cycles around, increment the one to the right. If this is the first time that that member of the sequence has cycled around, then add a member to the sequence.
The increments will need to be cascaded. This is the equivalent of going from 99,999 to 100,000 miles (the comma is the thousands marker).
If you have a thousand integers that you need to cycle through, then pretend you're looking at an odometer in base 1000 rather than base 10 as above.

Your sequence looks more like (An-1 X AT) where A is a matrices and AT is its transpose.
A= [A,B,C,D]
AT X An-1 ∀ (n=0)
sequence= A,B,C,D
AT X An-1 ∀ (n=2)
You can go for any matrix multiplication code like this and implement what you wish.

You have 4 elements, you are simply looping the numbers in a reversed base 4 notation. Say A=0,B=1,C=2,D=3 :
first loop from 0 to 3 on 1 digit
second loop from 00 to 33 on 2 digits
and so on
i reversed i output using A,B,C,D digits
loop on 1 digit
0 0 A
1 1 B
2 2 C
3 3 D
loop on 2 digits
00 00 AA
01 10 BA
02 20 CA
03 30 DA
10 01 AB
11 11 BB
12 21 CB
13 31 DB
20 02 AC
21 12 BC
22 22 CC
The algorithm is pretty obvious. You could take a look at algorithm L (lexicographic t-combination generation) in fascicle 3a TAOCP D. Knuth.

How about:
Private Sub DoIt(minVal As Integer, maxVal As Integer, maxDepth As Integer)
If maxVal < minVal OrElse maxDepth <= 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine("no results!")
End If
Dim resultList As New List(Of Integer)(maxDepth)
' initialize with the 1st result: this makes processing the remainder easy to write.
Dim depthIndex As Integer = 0
' find the term to be increased
Dim indexOfTermToIncrease As Integer = 0
While resultList(indexOfTermToIncrease) = maxVal
resultList(indexOfTermToIncrease) = minVal
indexOfTermToIncrease += 1
If indexOfTermToIncrease > depthIndex Then
depthIndex += 1
If depthIndex = maxDepth Then
End If
resultList.Add(minVal - 1)
Exit While
End If
End While
' increase the term that was identified
resultList(indexOfTermToIncrease) += 1
' output
For d As Integer = 0 To depthIndex
Debug.Write(CStr(resultList(d)) + " ")
End Sub
Would that be adequate? it doesn't take much memory and is relatively fast (apart from the writing to output...).


Converting to and from a number system that doesn't have a zero digit

Consider Microsoft Excel's column-numbering system. Columns are "numbered" A, B, C, ... , Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, ... where A is 1.
The column system is similar to the base-10 numbering system that we're familiar with in that when any digit has its maximum value and is incremented, its value is set to the lowest possible digit value and the digit to its left is incremented, or a new digit is added at the minimum value. The difference is that there isn't a digit that represents zero in the letter numbering system. So if the "digit alphabet" contained ABC or 123, we could count like this:
(base 3 with zeros added for comparison)
base 3 no 0 base 3 with 0 base 10 with 0
----------- ------------- --------------
- - 0 0
A 1 1 1
B 2 2 2
C 3 10 3
AA 11 11 4
AB 12 12 5
AC 13 20 6
BA 21 21 7
BB 22 22 8
BC 23 100 9
CA 31 101 10
CB 32 102 11
CC 33 110 12
AAA 111 111 13
Converting from the zeroless system to our base 10 system is fairly simple; it's still a matter of multiplying the power of that space by the value in that space and adding it to the total. So in the case of AAA with the alphabet ABC, it's equivalent to (1*3^2) + (1*3^1) + (1*3^0) = 9 + 3 + 1 = 13.
I'm having trouble converting inversely, though. With a zero-based system, you can use a greedy algorithm moving from largest to smallest digit and grabbing whatever fits. This will not work for a zeroless system, however. For example, converting the base-10 number 10 to the base-3 zeroless system: Though 9 (the third digit slot: 3^2) would fit into 10, this would leave no possible configuration of the final two digits since their minimum values are 1*3^1 = 3 and 1*3^0 = 1 respectively.
Realistically, my digit alphabet will contain A-Z, so I'm looking for a quick, generalized conversion method that can do this without trial and error or counting up from zero.
The accepted answer by n.m. is primarily a string-manipulation-based solution.
For a purely mathematical solution see kennytm's links:
What is the algorithm to convert an Excel Column Letter into its Number?
How to convert a column number (eg. 127) into an excel column (eg. AA)
Convert to base-3-with-zeroes first (digits 0AB), and from there, convert to base-3-without-zeroes (ABC), using these string substitutions:
A0 => 0C
B0 => AC
C0 => BC
Each substitution either removes a zero, or pushes one to the left. In the end, discard leading zeroes.
It is also possible, as an optimisation, to process longer strings of zeros at once:
A000...000 = 0BBB...BBC
B000...000 = ABBB...BBC
C000...000 = BBBB...BBC
Generalizable to any base.

Combining every column-combination of an arbitrary number of matrices

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a certain "reduction"
I have a varying number of matrices of varying size, e.g
1 2 2 2 5 6...70 70
3 7 8 9 7 7...88 89
1 3 4
2 7 7
3 8 8
9 9 9
44 49 49 49 49 49 49
50 50 50 50 50 50 50
87 87 88 89 90 91 92
What I need to do (and I hope that I'm explaining this clearly enough) is to combine any possible
combination of columns from these matrices, this means that one column might be
Which would reduce down to
The reason why I'm doing this is because I need to find the smallest unique combined column
What am I trying to accomplish
For those interested, I'm trying to find the smallest set of gene knockouts
to disable reactions. Here, every matrix represents a reactions, and the columns represent the indices of
the genes that would disable that reaction.
The method may be as brute force as needed, as these matrices rarely become overwhelmingly large,
and the reaction combinations won't be long either
The problem
I can't (as far as I know) create a for loop with an arbitrary number of iterators, and the number of
matrices (reactions to disable) is arbitrary.
If I have matrices A,B,C with columns a1,a2...b1, what I need
are the columns [a1 b1 c1], [a1, b1, c2], ..., [a1 b1 cn] ... [an bn cn]
Courtesy of Michael Ohlrogge below.
Extension of his answer, for completeness
His solution ends with
MyProd = product(Array_of_ColGroups...)
Which gets the job done
And picking up where he left off
collection = collect(MyProd); #MyProd is an iterator
merged_cols = Array[] # the rows of 'collection' are arrays of arrays
for (i,v) in enumerate(collection)
# I apologize for this line
push!(merged_cols, sort!(unique(vcat(v...))))
# find all lengths so I can find which is the minimum
lengths = map(x -> length(x), merged_cols);
loc_of_shortest = find(broadcast((x,y) -> length(x) == y, merged_cols,minimum(lengths)))
best_gene_combos = merged_cols[loc_of_shortest]
tl;dr - complete solution:
# example matrices
a = rand(1:50, 8,4); b = rand(1:50, 10,5); c = rand(1:50, 12,4);
Matrices = [a,b,c];
toJagged(x) = [x[:,i] for i in 1:size(x,2)];
JaggedMatrices = [toJagged(x) for x in Matrices];
Combined = [unique(i) for i in JaggedMatrices[1]];
for n in 2:length(JaggedMatrices)
Combined = [unique([i;j]) for i in Combined, j in JaggedMatrices[n]];
Lengths = [length(s) for s in Combined];
Minima = findin(Lengths, min(Lengths...));
SubscriptsArray = ind2sub(size(Lengths), Minima);
ComboTuples = [((i[j] for i in SubscriptsArray)...) for j in 1:length(Minima)]
Assume you have matrix a and b
a = rand(1:50, 8,4);
b = rand(1:50, 10,5);
Express them as a jagged array, columns first
A = [a[:,i] for i in 1:size(a,2)];
B = [b[:,i] for i in 1:size(b,2)];
Concatenate rows for all column combinations using a list comprehension; remove duplicates on the spot:
Combined = [unique([i;j]) for i in A, j in B];
You now have all column combinations of a and b, as concatenated rows with duplicates removed. Find the lengths easily:
Lengths = [length(s) for s in Combined];
If you have more than two matrices, perform this process iteratively in a for loop, e.g. by using the Combined matrix in place of a. e.g. if you have a matrix c:
c = rand(1:50, 12,4);
C = [c[:,i] for i in 1:size(c,2)];
Combined = [unique([i;j]) for i in Combined, j in C];
Once you have the Lengths array as a multidimensional array (as many dimensions as input matrices, where the size of each dimension is the number of columns in each matrix), you can find the column combinations that correspond to the lowest value (there may well be more than one combination), via a simple ind2sub operation:
Minima = findin(Lengths, min(Lengths...));
SubscriptsArray = ind2sub(size(Lengths), Minima)
(e.g. for a randomized run with 3 input matrices, I happened to get 4 results with the minimal length of 19. The result of ind2sub was ([4,4,3,4,4],[3,3,4,5,3],[1,3,3,3,4])
You can convert this further to a list of "Column Combination" tuples with a (somewhat ugly) list comprehension:
ComboTuples = [((i[j] for i in SubscriptsArray)...) for j in 1:length(Minima)]
# results in:
# 5-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64},1}:
# (4,3,1)
# (4,3,3)
# (3,4,3)
# (4,5,3)
# (4,3,4)
Ok, let's see if I understand this. You've got n matrices and want all combinations with one column from each of the n matrices? If so, how about the product() (for Cartesian product) from the Iterators package?
using Iterators
n = 3
Array_of_Arrays = [rand(3,3) for idx = 1:n] ## arbitrary representation of your set of arrays.
Array_of_ColGroups = Array(Array, length(Array_of_Arrays))
for (idx, MyArray) in enumerate(Array_of_Arrays)
Array_of_ColGroups[idx] = [MyArray[:,jdx] for jdx in 1:size(MyArray,2)]
MyProd = product(Array_of_ColGroups...)
This will create an iterator object which you can then loop over to consider the specific combinations of columns.

beauty of a binary number game

This a fairly known problem ( similar question: number of setbits in a number and a game based on setbits but answer not clear ):
The beauty of a number X is the number of 1s in the binary
representation of X. Two players are plaing a game. There is a number n
written on a blackboard. The game is played as following:
Each time a player chooses an integer number (0 <= k) so that 2^k is
less than n and (n-2^k) is equally as beautiful as n. Then n is removed from
blackboard and replaced with n-2^k instead. The player that cannot continue
the game (there is no such k that satisfies the constrains) loses the
The First player starts the game and they alternate turns.
Knowing that both players play optimally must specify the
Now the solution I came up with is this:
Moving a 1 bit to its right, is subtracting the number by 2^p where ( p = position the bit moved to - 1). Example: 11001 --> 25 now if I change it to 10101 ---> 21 ( 25-(2^2))
A player can't make 2 or more such right shift in 1 round (not the programmatic right shift) as they can't sum to a power of 2. So the player are left with moving the set bit to some position to its right just once each round. This means there can be only R rounds where R is the number of times a set bit can be moved to a more right position. So the winner will always be the 1st player if R is Odd number and 2nd player if R is even number.
Original#: 101001 41
after 1st: 11001 25 (41-16)
after 2nd: 10101 21 (25-4)
after 1st: 1101 13 (21-8)
after 2nd: 1011 11 (13-2)
after 1st: 111 7 (11-4) --> the game will end at this point
I'm not sure about the correctness of the approach, is this correct? or am I missing something big?
Your approach is on the right track. The observation to be made here is that, also as illustrated in the example you gave, the game ends when all ones are on the least significant bits. So we basically need to count how many swaps we need to make the zeros go to the most significant bits.
Let's take an example, say the initial number from which game starts is 12 the the game state is as follows:
Initial state 1100 (12) ->
A makes move 1010 (10) ->
B makes move 1001 (9) ->
A makes move 0101 (5) ->
B makes 0011 (3)
A cannot move further and B wins
This can be programmatically (java program v7) achieved as
public int identifyWinner (int n) {
int total = 0, numZeros = 0;
while (n != 0) {
if ((n & 0x01) == 1) {
total += numZeros;
} else {
n >>= 1;
return (total & 0b1) == 1 ? 1 : 2;
Also to note that even if there are multiple choices available with a player to make the next move, as illustrated below, the outcome will not change though the intermediate changes leading to outcome may change.
Again let us look at the state flow taking the same example of initial number 12
Initial state 1100 (12) ->
A makes move 1010 (10) ->
(B here has multiple choices) B makes move 0110 (6)
A makes move 0101 (5) ->
B makes 0011 (3)
A cannot move further and B wins
A cannot move further as for no k (k >=0 and n < 2**k so k =0, 1 are the only plausible choices here) does n-2^k has same beauty as n so B wins.
Multiple choices are possible with 41 as starting point as well, but A will win always (41(S) -> 37(A) -> 35(B) -> 19(A) -> 11(B) -> 7(A)).
Hope it helps!
Yes, each turn a 1 can move right if there is a 0 to its right.
But, no, the number of moves is not related to number of zeros. Counterexample:
101 (1 possible move)
110 (2 possible moves)
The number of moves in the game is the sum of the total 1's to the left of each 0. (Or conversely the sum of the total 0's to the right of each 1.)
(i.e. 11000 has 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 moves, but 10100 has 1 + 2 + 2 = 5 moves because one 0 has one less 1 to its right)
The winner of the game will be the first player if the total moves in the game is odd, and will be the second player if the number of moves in the game is even.
On any given move a player must choose a bit corresponding to
a 0 immediately to the right of a 1. Otherwise the total number of
1's will increase if a bit corresponding to a different 0 is chosen,
and will decrease if a bit corresponding to a 1 is chosen. Such a move
will result in the 1 to the right of the corresponding chosen bit
being moved one position to its right.
Given this observation, each
1 has to move through every 0 to its right; and every 0 it moves
through consumes one move. Note that regardless of the choices either
player makes on any given move, the total number of moves in the game
remains fixed.
Since Harshdeep has already posted a correct solution looping over each bit (the O(n) solution), I'll post an optimized divide and conquer O(log(n)) solution (in C/C++) reminiscent of a similar algorithm to calculate Hamming Weight. Of course using Big-Oh to describe the algorithm here is somewhat dubious since the number of bits is constant.
I've verified that the below code on all 32-bit unsigned integers gives the same result as the linear algorithm. This code runs over all values in order in 45 seconds on my machine, while the linear code takes 6 minutes and 45 seconds.
bool FastP1Win(unsigned n) {
unsigned t;
// lo: 0/1 count parity
// hi: move count parity
// 00 -> 00 : 00 >>1-> 00 &01-> 00 ; 00 |00-> 00 ; 00 &01-> 00 &00-> 00 *11-> 00 ^00-> 00
// 01 -> 01 : 01 >>1-> 00 &01-> 00 ; 01 |00-> 01 ; 01 &01-> 01 &00-> 00 *11-> 00 ^01-> 01
// 10 -> 11 : 10 >>1-> 01 &01-> 01 ; 10 |01-> 11 ; 10 &01-> 00 &01-> 00 *11-> 00 ^11-> 11
// 11 -> 00 : 11 >>1-> 01 &01-> 01 ; 11 |01-> 11 ; 11 &01-> 01 &01-> 01 *11-> 11 ^11-> 00
t = (n >> 1) & 0x55555555;
n = (n | t) ^ ((n & t & 0x55555555) * 0x3);
t = n << 2; // move every right 2-bit solution to line up with the every left 2-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x44444444) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 2-bit solution into the left 2-bit solution
t = (n << 4); // move every right 4-bit solution to line up with the every left 4-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x40404040) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 4-bit solution into the left 4-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 4 bits)
t = n << 8; // move every right 8-bit solution to line up with the every left 8-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t & 0x40004000) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 8-bit solution into the left 8-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 8 bits)
t = n << 16; // move every right 16-bit solution to line up with the every left 16-bit solution
n ^= ((n & t) << 1) ^ t; // merge the right 16-bit solution into the left 16-bit solution (stored in the high 2 bits of every 16 bits)
return (int)n < 0; // return the parity of the move count of the overall solution (now stored in the sign bit)
To find number of moves in the game, one can divide the problem into smaller pieces and combine the pieces. One must track the number of 0's in any given piece, and also the number of moves in any given piece.
For instance, if we divide the problem into two 16-bit pieces then the following equation expresses the combination of the solutions:
totalmoves = leftmoves + rightmoves + (rightzeros * (16 - leftzeros)); // 16 - leftzeros yields the leftones count
Since we don't care about the total moves, just weather the value is even or odd (the parity) we only need to track the parity.
Here is the truth table for the parity of addition:
even + even = even
even + odd = odd
odd + even = odd
odd + odd = even
Given the above truth table, the parity of addition can be expressed with an XOR.
And the truth table for the parity of multiplication:
even * even = even
even * odd = even
odd * even = even
odd * odd = odd
Given the above truth table, the parity of multiplication can be expressed with an AND.
If we divide the problem into pieces of even size, then the parity of the zero count, and the one count, will always be equal and we need not track or calculate them separately.
At any given stage of the algorithm we need to know the parity of the zero/one count, and the parity of the number of moves in that piece of the solution. This requires two bits. So, lets transform every two bits in the solution so that the high bit becomes the move count parity, and the low bit becomes the zero/one count parity.
This is accomplished with this computation:
unsigned t;
t = (n >> 1) & 0x55555555;
n = (n | t) ^ ((n & t & 0x55555555) * 0x3);
From here we combine every adjacent 2-bit solution into a 4-bit solution (using & for multiplication, ^ for addition, and the relationships described above), then every adjacent 4-bit solution into a 8-bit solution, then every adjacent 8-bit solution into a 16-bit solution, and finally every adjacent 16-bit solution into a 32-bit solution.
At the end, only the parity of the number of moves is returned stored in the second least significant bit.

Non-recursive Grey code algorithm understanding

This is task from algorithms book.
The thing is that I completely don't know where to start!
Trace the following non-recursive algorithm to generate the binary reflexive
Gray code of order 4. Start with the n-bit string of all 0’s.
For i = 1, 2, ... 2^n-1, generate the i-th bit string by flipping bit b in the
previous bit string, where b is the position of the least significant 1 in the
binary representation of i.
So I know the Gray code for 1 bit should be 0 1, for 2 00 01 11 10 etc.
Many questions
1) Do I know that for n = 1 I can start of with 0 1?
2) How should I understand "start with the n-bit string of all 0's"?
3) "Previous bit string"? Which string is the "previous"? Previous means from lower n-bit? (for instance for n=2, previous is the one from n=1)?
4) How do I even convert 1-bit strings to 2-bit strings if the only operation there is to flip?
This confuses me a lot. The only "human" method I understand so far is: take sets from lower n-bit, duplicate them, invert the 2nd set, add 0's to every element in 1st set, add 1's do every elements in 2nd set. Done (example: 0 1 -> 0 1 | 0 1 -> 0 1 | 1 0 -> 00 01 | 11 10 -> 11 01 11 10 done.
Thanks for any help
The answer to all four your questions is that this algorithm does not start with lower values of n. All strings it generates have the same length, and the i-th (for i = 1, ..., 2n-1) string is generated from the (i-1)-th one.
Here is the fist few steps for n = 4:
Start with G0 = 0000
To generate G1, flip 0-th bit in G0, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 1 = 0001b. G1 = 0001.
To generate G2, flip 1-st bit in G1, as 1 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 2 = 0010b. G2 = 0011.
To generate G3, flip 0-th bit in G2, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 3 = 0011b. G3 = 0010.
To generate G4, flip 2-nd bit in G3, as 2 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 4 = 0100b. G4 = 0110.
To generate G5, flip 0-th bit in G4, as 0 is the position of the least significant 1 in the binary representation of 5 = 0101b. G5 = 0111.

Algorithm in hardware to find out if number is divisible by five

I am trying to think of an algorithm to implement this for a given n bit binary number. I tried out many examples, but am unable to find out any pattern. So how shall I proceed?
How about this:
Convert the number to base 4 (this is trivial by simply combining pairs of bits). 5 in base 4 is 11. The values base 4 that are divisible by 11 are somewhat familiar: 11, 22, 33, 110, 121, 132, 203, ...
The rule for divisibility by 11 is that you add all the odd digits and all the even digits and subtract one from the other. If the result is divisible by 11 (which remember is 5), then it's divisible by 11 (which remember is 5).
For example:
123456d = 1 1110 0010 0100 0000b = 132021000_4
The even digits are 1 2 2 0 0 : sum = 5d
The odd digits are 3 0 1 0 : sum = 4d
Difference is 1, which is not divisble by 5
Or another one:
123455d = 1 1110 0010 0011 1111b = 132020333_4
The even digits are 1 2 2 3 3 : sum = 11d
The odd digits are 3 0 0 3 : sum = 6d
Difference is 5, which is a 5 or a 0
This should have a fairly efficient HW implementation because it's mostly bit-slicing, followed by N/2 adders, where N is the number of bits in the number you're interested in.
Note that after adding the digits and subtracting, the maximum value is 3/4 * N, so if you have 16-bit numbers max, you can get at most 12 as a result, so you only need to check for 0, ±5 and ±10 explicitly. If you're using 32-bit numbers then you can get at most 24 as a result, so you need to also check if the result is ±15 or ±20.
Make a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) to implement the divisibility check and implement the DFA in hardware.
Creating a DFA for divisibility by 5 is easy. You just need to notice the remainders and check what 2r (mod 5) and 2r + 1(mod 5) map to. There are many websites that discuss this. For example this one.
There are well-known examples to convert DFA to a hardware representation as well.
Well , I just figured out ...
number mod 5 = a0 * 2^0 mod 5 + a1 * 2^1 mod 5 +a2* 2^2 mod 5 + a3 * 2^3 mod 5 + a4 * 2^4 mod 5 + ....
= a0 (1) + a1(2) +a2 (-1) +a3 (-2) +a4 (1) repeats ...
Hence difference of odd digits + 2 times difference of even digits = divisible by 5
for example ... consider 110010
odd digits differnce = 0-0+1 = 1 or 01
even digits difference = 1-0+1 = 2 or 10
difference of odd digits + 2 times difference of even digits = 01 + 2*(10)=01 + 100 = 101 is divisible by 5 .
The contribution of each bit toward being divisible by five is a four bit pattern 3421.
You could shift through any binary number 4 bits at a time adding the corresponding value for positive bits.
take 0011
apply the pattern 0021
sum 3
next four bits 0010
apply the pattern 0020
sum = 5
We can design a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) for the same. The DFA, then can be implemented in Hardware. This is similar to this answer.
We will simulate a Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) that accepts Binary Representation of Integers which are divisible by 5
Now, by accept, we mean that when we are done with scanning string, we should be in one of the multiple possible Final States.
Approach to Design DFA : Essentially, we need to divide the Binary Representation of Integer by 5, and track the remainder. If after consuming/scanning [From Left to Right] the entire string, remainder is Zero, then we should end up in Final State, and if remainder isn't zero we should be in Non-Final States.
Now, DFA is defined by Quintuple/5-Tuple (Q,q₀,F,Σ,δ). We will obtain these five components step-by-step.
Q : Finite Set of States
We need to track remainder. On dividing any integer by 5, we can get remainder as 0,1, 2, 3 or 4. Hence, we will have Five States Z, O, T, Th and F for each possible remainder.
Q={Z, O, T, Th, F}
If after scanning certain part of Binary String, we are in state Z, this means that integer defined from Left to this part will give remainder Zero when divided by 5. Similarly, O for remainder One, and so on.
Now, we can write these three states by Euclidean Division Algorithm as
Z : 5m
O : 5m+1
T : 5m+2
Th : 5m+3
F : 5m+4
where m is Integer.
q₀ : an initial/start state from set Q
Now, start state can be thought in terms of empty string (ɛ). An ɛ directly gets into q₀.
What remainder does ɛ gives when divided by 5?
We can append as many 0s in left hand side of a Binary Number. In the similar fashion, we can append ɛ in left hand side of a Binary String. Thus, ɛ in left can be thought of as 0. And 0 when divided by 5 gives remainder 0. Hence, ɛ should end in State Z. But ɛ ends up in q₀.
Thus, q₀=Z
F : a set of accept states
Now we want all strings which are divisible by 5, or which gives remainder 0 when divided by 5, or which after complete scanning should end up in state Z, and gets accepted.
Σ : Alphabet (a finite set of input symbols)
Since we are scanning/reading a Binary String. Hence,
δ : Transition Function (δ : Q × Σ → Q)
Now this δ tells us that if we are in state x (in Q) and next input to be scanned is y (in Σ), then at which state z (in Q) should we go.
If the string upto this point gives remainder 3/Th when divided by 5, and if we append 1 to string, then what remainder will resultant string give.
Now, this can be analyzed by observing how magnitude of a binary string changes on appending 0 and 1.
In Decimal (Base-10), if we add/append 0, then magnitude gets multiplied by 10 . 53, on appending 0 it becomes 530
Also, if we append 8 to decimal, then Magnitude gets multiplied by 10, and then we add 8 to multiplied magnitude.
In Binary (Base-2), if we add/append 0, then magnitude gets multiplied by 2 (The Positional Weight of each Bit get multiplied by 2)
Example : (1010)2 [which is (10)10], on appending 0 it becomes (10100)2 [which is (20)10]
Similarly, In Binary, if we append 1, then Magnitude gets multiplied by 2, and then we add 1.
Example : (10)2 [which is (2)10], on appending 1 it becomes (101)2 [which is (5)10]
Thus, we can say that for Binary String x,
We will use these relation to analyze Five States
Any string in Z can be written as 5m
- On 0, it becomes 2(5m), which is 5(2m), nothing but state Z.
- On 1, it becomes 2(5m)+1, which is 5(2m)+1, that is O. [This can be read as if a Binary String is presently divisible by 5, and we append 1, then resultant string will give remainder as 1]
Any string in O can be written as 5m+1
- On 0, it becomes 2(5m+1) = 10m+2, which is 5(2m)+2, state T.
- On 1, it becomes 2(5m+1)+1 = 10m+3, which is 5(2m)+3, that is state Th.
Any string in T can be written as 5m+2
- On 0, it becomes 2(5m+2) = 10m+4, which is 5(2m)+4, state F.
- On 1, it becomes 2(5m+2)+1 = 10m+5, which is 5(2m+1), state Z. [If m is integer, so is (2m+1)]
Any string in Th can be written as 5m+3
- On 0, it becomes 2(5m+3) = 10m+6, which is 5(2m+1)+1, state V.
- On 1, it becomes 2(5m+3)+1 = 10m+7, which is 5(2m+1)+2, that is state T.
Any string in F can be written as 5m+4
- On 0, it becomes 2(5m+4) = 10m+8, which is 5(2m+1)+3, state Th.
- On 1, it becomes 2(5m+4)+1 = 10m+9, which is 5(2m+1)+4, that is state F.
Hence, the final DFA combining Everything (creating using Tool)
We can even write code [in High Level Language] for the same. But it would go beyond main aim of this question. If readers wish to see the same, they can check here.
As any assignment this would have been an answer for is bound to be way overdue a year later:
in the binary representation of a natural divisible by five the parities of bits 4n and 4n+2 equal, as well as those for bits 4n+1 and 4n+3.
(This is entirely equivalent to the answers of JoshG79, notsogeek, or james: 4≡-1(mod 5), 3≡-2(mod 5) (with reduced hand-waving about recursion in argumentation, and no dispensable handling of carries in circuitry))
