Adding logs in stored procedure to display number of records inserted in DB - oracle

I have a shell script which calls a stored procedure which is inserting data in the Oracle DB. I takes 4-5 hours to run the procedure. I want to add a log in the stored procedure which would display the no. of records inserted in the DB after a particular interval of time (say in evrey 20 minutes).
Is there a way to add logs in the stored procedure?

It depends how you're doing it. If you're just doing a straight insert only insert into ... select ... then no, there's no way. However, if you have some sort of looping in there you can use the dbms_application_info package to record your actions in the V$SESSION view.
I normally do something like this:
dbms_application_info.set_module('Updating Blah','Total: ' || <index var>);
The first parameter is the module_name, which you can view on the module column and the second parameter is action_name, which is the action column in V$SESSION.
Alternatively you can always insert or update a smaller table which tracks what you're doing and can therefore by asynchronously queried.


Precise difference between statement on Row and on Table

What's the difference between these two blocks and when to use the first or the second?
Create OR Replace trigger trig_before_insert before insert on Employee For each Row
Create OR Replace trigger trig_before_insert before insert on Employee
If you perform an
and that SELECT returns 100 rows so that the INSERT inserts 100 rows, your first trigger will execute 100 times, once for each row. In the same situation, your second trigger will execute only once.
You can use a BEFORE INSERT...FOR EACH ROW trigger to change the values that are being inserted by accessing them via the :NEW variable. E.g.,
:new.column_1 := 'a different value';
You cannot do that in a statement level trigger (which is what your 2nd trigger is).
There are also limitations in row level triggers (which is what your 1st trigger is). In particular, you may not SELECT from the trigger's base table (EMPLOYEES in this case), because that table is said to be "mutating". The exact reasons, as I understand them, go back to the core principles of relational databases -- specifically that the results of a statement (like INSERT INTO...SELECT) should not depend on the order in which the rows are processed. There are workarounds to this limitation, however, which are beyond the scope of your original question, I think.

Oracle PL/SQL Select all Columns from Trigger's :NEW

I have a trigger that calls a stored procedure when activated, passing :NEW values as a parameter. I have about 40 tables that use the same trigger, and I would like to use the same code for each trigger. Therefore, I am trying to pass all columns of a new row. My code is below and shows what I am attempting to do (however, the problem is that :NEW.* is not a valid expression):
MY_STORED_PROC('Trigger Activated: ' || :NEW.*);
Most likely, you can't.
You could write a procedure that uses dynamic SQL to generate the appropriate trigger code for each table. Of course, that would require that you re-run the procedure to re-create the trigger every time the table changes.
I'm a bit hard-pressed, though, to imagine what my_stored_proc might be doing that it would make sense to pass it a string representing every column from 1 of 40 tables with, presumably, 40 different sets of columns. If you're writing to a log table, if you want the data from every column, that generally implies that you want to be able to see the evolution of a particular row over time. But that is extremely hard to do if your log table just has strings in all sorts of different formats from many different tables since you'd constantly have to do things like parsing the string that you logged.

how to save a query result in a temporary table within a procedure

i'm quite new at oracle so i apologize in advance for the simple question.
So i have this procedure, in wich i run a query, i want to save the query result for further use, specifically i want run a for loop wich will take row by row my selection and copy some of the values in another table. The purpose is to populate a child table ( a weak entity ) starting from a parent table.
For the purpose let's imagine i have a query :
select *
from tab
where ...
now i want to save the selection with a local scope and therefore with a lifespan confined to the procedure itself ( like a local variable in a C function basically ). How can i achieve such a result ?
Basically i have a class schedule table composed like this :
subject_code | subject_name | class_starting_date | starting hour | ending hour | day_of_week
so i made a query to get all the subjects scheduled for the current accademic year, and i need to use the function next_day on each row of the result-set to populate a table of the actual classes scheduled for the next week.
My tought was :
I get the classes that need to be scheduled for the next week with a query, save the result somewhere and then trough a for loop using next_day ( because i need the actual date in wich the class take place ) populate the "class_occurence" table. I'm not sure that this is the correct way of thinking, there could be something to perform this job without saving the result first, maybe a cursor, who konws...
Global Temporary tables are a nice solution.. As long as you know the structure of the data to be inserted (how many columns and what datatype) you can insert into the global temp table. Data can only be seen by the session that does the inserts. Data can be dropped or committed by using some of the options.
column1 NUMBER,
column2 NUMBER
This has worked great for me where I need to have data aggregated but only for a short period of time.
Edit: the data is local and temporary, the temp table is always there.
If you want to have the table in memory in the procedure that is another solution but somewhat more sophisticated.

Stored Procedure does not use available index on table (Oracle)

A SELECT query in my stored procedure takes 3 seconds to execute when the table queried has no indexes. This is true in both when executing the query in Toad Editor and when calling the stored procedure. The Explain Plan shows that a full table scan is done.
When an index is added, the same query in Toad Editor returns results instantaneously (just a few milliseconds). The Explain Plan shows that the index is used. However, even when the index is present, the query still takes 3 seconds in the stored procedure. It looks like the query uses a full table scan when executed in stored procedure despite having an index that can speed it up. Why?
I have tried with indexes on different columns with different orders. The same results persist in all cases.
In the stored procedure, the results of the query are collected using BULK COLLECT INTO. Does this make a difference? Also, The stored procedure is inside a package.
The query is a very simple SELECT statement, like this:
/* this line is only in stored proc */ BULK COLLECT INTO mycollection
WHERE ANOTHER_COL = '123' /* or ANOTHER_COL = filterval (which is type NUMBER) */
Without source code we can only guess...
So I suspect it's because in Toad you get just first 500 rows (500 is default buffer size in Toad) but in stored proc you fetch ALL rows into collection. So fetching probably takes most of 3 sec time. Especially if there are nested loops iny our query.
Update: It might also be implicit type conversion in where condition

Return REF CURSOR to procedure generated data

I need to write a sproc which performs some INSERTs on a table, and compile a list of "statuses" for each row based on how well the INSERT went. Each row will be inserted within a loop, the loop iterates over a cursor that supplies some values for the INSERT statement. What I need to return is a resultset which looks like this:
The STATUS is determined by how the INSERT went. For instance, if the INSERT caused a DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception indicating there was a duplicate row, I'd set the STATUS to "Dupe". If all went well, I'd set it to "SUCCESS" and proceed to the next row.
By the end of it all, I'd have a resultset of N rows, where N is the number of insert statements performed and each row contains some identifying info for the row being inserted, along with the "STATUS" of the insertion
Since there is no table in my DB to store the values I'd like to pass back to the user, I'm wondering how I can return the info back? Temporary table? Seems in Oracle temporary tables are "global", not sure I would want a global table, are there any temporary tables that get dropped after a session is done?
If you are using Oracle 10gR2 or later then you should check out DML error logging. This basically does what you want to achieve, that is, it allows us to execute all the DML in a batch process by recording any errors and pressing on with the statements.
The principle is that we create an ERROR LOG table for each table we need to work with, using a PL/SQL built-in package DBMS_ERRLOG. Find out more. There is a simple extension to the DML syntax to log messages to the error log table. See an example here. This approach doesn't create any more objects than your proposal, and has the merit of using some standard Oracle functionality.
When working with bulk processing (that is, when using the FORALL syntax) we can trap exceptions using the built-in SQL%BULK_EXCEPTIONS collection. Check it out. It is possible to combine Bulk Exceptions with DML Error Logging but that may create problems in 11g. Find out more.
"Global" in the case of temporary tables just means they are permanent, it's the data which is temporary.
I would define a record type that matches your cursor, plus the status field. Then define a table of that type.
TYPE t_record IS
status VARCHAR2(30)
TYPE t_table IS TABLE OF t_record;
FUNCTION insert_records
p_rows_to_insert IN SYS_REFCURSOR
RETURN t_table;
Even better would be to also define the inputs as a table type instead of a cursor.
