how to save a query result in a temporary table within a procedure - oracle

i'm quite new at oracle so i apologize in advance for the simple question.
So i have this procedure, in wich i run a query, i want to save the query result for further use, specifically i want run a for loop wich will take row by row my selection and copy some of the values in another table. The purpose is to populate a child table ( a weak entity ) starting from a parent table.
For the purpose let's imagine i have a query :
select *
from tab
where ...
now i want to save the selection with a local scope and therefore with a lifespan confined to the procedure itself ( like a local variable in a C function basically ). How can i achieve such a result ?
Basically i have a class schedule table composed like this :
subject_code | subject_name | class_starting_date | starting hour | ending hour | day_of_week
so i made a query to get all the subjects scheduled for the current accademic year, and i need to use the function next_day on each row of the result-set to populate a table of the actual classes scheduled for the next week.
My tought was :
I get the classes that need to be scheduled for the next week with a query, save the result somewhere and then trough a for loop using next_day ( because i need the actual date in wich the class take place ) populate the "class_occurence" table. I'm not sure that this is the correct way of thinking, there could be something to perform this job without saving the result first, maybe a cursor, who konws...

Global Temporary tables are a nice solution.. As long as you know the structure of the data to be inserted (how many columns and what datatype) you can insert into the global temp table. Data can only be seen by the session that does the inserts. Data can be dropped or committed by using some of the options.
column1 NUMBER,
column2 NUMBER
This has worked great for me where I need to have data aggregated but only for a short period of time.
Edit: the data is local and temporary, the temp table is always there.
If you want to have the table in memory in the procedure that is another solution but somewhat more sophisticated.


Batch insert: is there a way to just skip on next record when a constraint is violated?

I am using mybatis to perform a massive batch insert on an oracle DB.
My process is very simple: I am taking records from a list of files and inserting them into a specific table after performing some checks on the data.
-Each file contains an average of 180.000 records and I can have more than one file.
-Some records can be present in more than one file.
-A record is identical to another one if EVERY column matches, in other words I cannot simply perform a check on a specific field. And I have defined a constraint in my DB which makes sure this condition is satisfied.
To put it simply I want to just ignore the constraint exception Oracle will give to me in case that constraint is violated.
Record is not present?-->insert
Record is already present?--> go ahead
is this possible with mybatis?Or can I accomplish something at DB level?
I have control on both Application Server and DB so please tell me what's the most efficient way to accomplish this task (even though I'd like to avoid being too much DB dependant...)
of course, I'd like to avoid performing a select* before each insertion...given the number of records I am dealing with it would ruin my application's performances
insert /*+ IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX(table_name index_name) */
into table_name
select * ...
I'm not sure about JDBC, but at least in OCI it is possible. With batch operations you pass vectors as bind variables and you also get back vector(s) of returned IDs and also a vector of error codes.
You can also use MERGE on database server side together with custon collection types. Something like:
merge into t
using ( select * from TABLE(:var) v)
on ( = )
when not matched then insert ...
Where :var is bind variable of SQL type: TABLE OF <recordname>
The word "TABLE" is a construct used to cast from bind variable into a table.
Another option is to use SQL error loggin clause:
DBMS_ERRLOG.create_error_log (dml_table_name => 't');
insert into t(...) values(...) log errors reject limit unlimited;
Then after the load you will have to truncate error loging table err$_t;
another option would be to use external tables
It looks that any solution is quite a lot work to do, when compared to using sqlldr.
Ignore error with error table
into table_name
select *
from selected_table
and error table schema is :
ora_err_number$ number,
ora_err_mesg$ varchar2(2000),
ora_err_rowid$ rowid,
ora_err_optyp$ varchar2(2),
ora_err_tag$ varchar2(2000),
n1 varchar2(128)

trigger insert and update oracle error

Friend, I have question about cascade trigger.
I have 2 tables, table data that has 3 attributes (id_data, sum, and id_tool), and table tool that has 3 attributes (id_tool, name, sum_total). table data and tool are joined using id_tool.
I want create trigger for update info sum_total. So , if I inserting on table data, sum_total on table tool where tool.id_tool = data.id_tool will updating too.
I create this trigger, but error ora-04090.
create or replace trigger aft_ins_tool
after insert on data
for each row
v_stok number;
v_jum number;
select sum into v_jum
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data;
select sum_total into v_stok
from tool
where id_tool=
(select id_tool
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data);
if inserting then
v_stok := v_stok + v_jum;
update tool
set sum_total=v_stok
where id_tool=
(select id_tool
from data
where id_data= :new.id_data);
end if;
please give me opinion.
The ora-04090 indicates that you already have an AFTER INSERT ... FOR EACH ROW trigger on that table. Oracle doesn't like that, because the order in which the triggers fire is unpredictable, which may lead to unpredictable results, and Oracle really doesn't like those.
So, your first step is to merge the two sets of code into a single trigger. Then the real fun begins.
Presumably there is only one row in data matching the current value of id_data (if not your data model is rally messed up and there's no hope for your situation). Anyway, that means the current row already gives you access to the values of :new.sum and :new.id_tool. So you don't need those queries on the data table: removing those selects will remove the possibility of "mutating table" errors.
As a general observation, maintaining aggregate or summary tables like this is generally a bad idea. Usually it is better just to query the information when it is needed. If you really have huge volumes of data then you should use a materialized view to maintain the summary, rather than hand-rolling something.

Adding logs in stored procedure to display number of records inserted in DB

I have a shell script which calls a stored procedure which is inserting data in the Oracle DB. I takes 4-5 hours to run the procedure. I want to add a log in the stored procedure which would display the no. of records inserted in the DB after a particular interval of time (say in evrey 20 minutes).
Is there a way to add logs in the stored procedure?
It depends how you're doing it. If you're just doing a straight insert only insert into ... select ... then no, there's no way. However, if you have some sort of looping in there you can use the dbms_application_info package to record your actions in the V$SESSION view.
I normally do something like this:
dbms_application_info.set_module('Updating Blah','Total: ' || <index var>);
The first parameter is the module_name, which you can view on the module column and the second parameter is action_name, which is the action column in V$SESSION.
Alternatively you can always insert or update a smaller table which tracks what you're doing and can therefore by asynchronously queried.

Executing triggers in Oracle for copying the old values to a Mirror table

We are trying to copy the current row of a table to mirror table by using a trigger before delete / update. Below is the working query
ON CurrentTable FOR EACH ROW
But the problem is we have more than 50 coulmns in the current table and dont want to mention all those column names. Is there a way to select all coulmns like
SELECT * INTO MirrorTable FROM CurrentTable
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Realistically, no. You'll need to list all the columns.
You could, of course, dynamically generate the trigger code pulling the column names from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS. But that is going to be dramatically more work than simply typing in 50 column names.
If your table happens to be an object table, :new would be an instance of that object so you could insert that. But it would be rather rare to have an object table.
If your 'current' and 'mirror' tables have EXACTLY the same structure you may be able to use something like
FROM CurrentTable
WHERE CurrentTable.primary_key_column = :old.primary_key_column
Honestly, I think that this is a poor choice and wouldn't do it, but it's a more-or-less free world and you're free (more or less :-) to make your own choices.
Share and enjoy.
For what it's worth, I've been writing the same stuff and used this to generate the code:
SQL> set pagesize 0
SQL> select ':old.'||COLUMN_NAME||',' from all_tab_columns where table_name='BIGTABLE' and owner='BOB';
If you feed all columns, no need to mention them twice (and you may use NULL for empty columns):
people writing tables with that many columns should have no desserts ;-)

select only new row in oracle

I have table with "varchar2" as primary key.
It has about 1 000 000 Transactions per day.
My app wakes up every 5 minute to generate text file by querying only new record.
It will remember last point and process only new records.
Do you have idea how to query with good performance?
I am able to add new column if necessary.
What do you think this process should do by?
Everyone here is really really close. However:
Scott Bailey's wrong about using a bitmap index if the table's under any sort of continuous DML load. That's exactly the wrong time to use a bitmap index.
Everyone else's answer about the PROCESSED CHAR(1) check in ('Y','N')column is right, but missing how to index it; you should use a function-based index like this:
You'd then query it using the same expression:
The reason to use the function-based index is that Oracle doesn't write index entries for entirely NULL values being indexed, so the function-based index above will only contain the rows with PROCESSED_FLAG = 'N'. As you update your rows to PROCESSED_FLAG = 'Y', they'll "fall out" of the index.
Well, if you can add a new column, you could create a Processed column, which will indicate processed records, and create an index on this column for performance.
Then the query should only be for those rows that have been newly added, and not processed.
This should be easily done using sql queries.
Ah, I really hate to add another answer when the others have come so close to nailing it. But
As Ponies points out, Oracle does have a hidden column (ORA_ROWSCN - System Change Number) that can pinpoint when each row was modified. Unfortunately, the default is that it gets the information from the block instead of storing it with each row and changing that behavior will require you to rebuild a really large table. So while this answer is good for quieting the SQL Server fella, I'd not recommend it.
Astander is right there but needs a few caveats. Add a new column needs_processed CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' and add a BITMAP index. For low cardinality columns ('Y'/'N') the bitmap index will be faster. Once you have the rest is pretty easy. But you've got to be careful not select the new rows, process them and mark them as processed in one step. Otherwise, rows could be inserted while you are processing that will get marked processed even though they have not been.
The easiest way would be to use pl/sql to open a cursor that selects unprocessed rows, processes them and then updates the row as processed. If you have an aversion to walking cursors, you could collect the pk's or rowids into a nested table, process them and then update using the nested table.
In MS SQL Server world where I work, we have a 'version' column of type 'timestamp' on our tables.
So, to answer #1, I would add a new column.
To answer #2, I would do it in plsql for performance.
"astander" pretty much did the work for you. You need to ALTER your table to add one more column (lets say PROCESSED)..
You can also consider creating an INDEX on the PROCESSED ( a bitmap index may be of some advantage, as the possible value can be only 'y' and 'n', but test it out ) so that when you query it will use INDEX.
Also if sure, you query only for every 5 mins, check whether you can add another column with TIMESTAMP type and partition the table with it. ( not sure, check out again ).
I would also think about writing job or some thing and write using UTL_FILE and show it front end if it can be.
If performance is really a problem and you want to create your file asynchronously, you might want to use Oracle Streams, which will actually get modification data from your redo log withou affecting performance of the main database. You may not even need a separate job, as you can configure Oracle Streams to do Asynchronous replication of the changes, through which you can trigger the file creation.
Why not create an extra table that holds two columns. The ID column and a processed flag column. Have an insert trigger on the original table place it's ID in this new table. Your logging process can than select records from this new table and mark them as processed. Finally delete the processed records from this table.
I'm pretty much in agreement with Adam's answer. But I'd want to do some serious testing compared to an alternative.
The issue I see is that you need to not only select the rows, but also do an update of those rows. While that should be pretty fast, I'd like to avoid the update. And avoid having any large transactions hanging around (see below).
The alternative would be to add CREATE_DATE date default sysdate. Index that. And then select records where create_date >= (start date/time of your previous select).
But I don't have enough data on the relative costs of setting a sysdate as default vs. setting a value of Y, updating the function based vs. date index, and doing a range select on the date vs. a specific select on a single value for the Y. You'll probably want to preserve stats or hint the query to use the index on the Y/N column, and definitely want to use a hint on a date column -- the stats on the date column will almost certainly be old.
If data are also being added to the table continuously, including during the period when your query is running, you need to watch out for transaction control. After all, you don't want to read 100,000 records that have the flag = Y, then do your update on 120,000, including the 20,000 that arrived when you query was running.
In the flag case, there are two easy ways: SET TRANSACTION before your select and commit after your update, or start by doing an update from Y to Q, then do your select for those that are Q, and then update to N. Oracle's read consistency is wonderful but needs to be handled with care.
For the date column version, if you don't mind a risk of processing a few rows more than once, just update your table that has the last processed date/time immediately before you do your select.
If there's not much information in the table, consider making it Index Organized.
What about using Materialized view logs? You have a lot of options to play with:
SQL> create table test (id_test number primary key, dummy varchar2(1000));
Table created
SQL> create materialized view log on test;
Materialized view log created
SQL> insert into test values (1, 'hello');
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into test values (2, 'bye');
1 row inserted
SQL> select * from mlog$_test;
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------------
1 01/01/4000 I N FE
2 01/01/4000 I N FE
SQL> delete from mlog$_test where id_test in (1,2);
2 rows deleted
SQL> insert into test values (3, 'hello');
1 row inserted
SQL> insert into test values (4, 'bye');
1 row inserted
SQL> select * from mlog$_test;
---------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------
3 01/01/4000 I N FE
4 01/01/4000 I N FE
I think this solution should work..
What you need to do following steps
For the first run, you will have to copy all records. In first run you need to execute following query
insert into new_table(max_rowid) as (Select max(rowid) from yourtable);
Now next time when you want to get only newly inserted values, you can do it by executing follwing command
Select * from yourtable where rowid > (select max_rowid from new_table);
Once you are done with processing above query, simply truncate new_table and insert max(rowid) from yourtable
I think this should work and would be fastest solution;
