Magento Override Existing Source Model - magento

I want to add one more option in Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Source_Backorders.How do I override this source model?
Is overriding similar to Entity model override?

Correct. The xpath is global/models/cataloginventory/rewrite/source_backorders. Depending on your sorting needs/preference, simply array_merge(), array_unshift(), or array_splice() your option where it needs to go in the overridden toOptionArray() method.

just try to put same folder in your local folder like this
magentodemo\app\code\local\Mage\CatalogInventory\Model\Source\Backorders.php and now write the code you want to add in Backorders.php and then check it out.


Laravel Override View::make namespace, cashier specific

How would I override the View::make('cashier::receipt'); view so that when that particular namespace is called like that, it checks my folder first and then defaults back to the vendor path.
View::addNamespace('cashier', [
'/path/to/my/views', // check first
'/path/to/original/views' // check second
I believe that's how Laravel handles custom views for packages already. - see Overriding Package Views here.
Laravel registers two locations to load views so they can be easily customised, the standard vendor path and something customisable.
Laravel will first check if a custom version of the view has been provided by you, for example in
Let me know if there was something more specific you were trying to achieve but I believe the info there will get you going.

Symfony translation inside validation won't work

If I try to use translations inside validation like described here
I get always
as output on Error. It seems like symfony didn't find the message-translation. I placed all my translationfiles inside app/ressources/translations and they are named as
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to place the translationfiles insde each Bundle?
Kind regards
EDIT: Problem ist clear and fixed, but when I try to use "MinLength" I get an strange error:
Attempted to load class "MinLength" from namespace
"Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints" in /var/www/symfony/webprojekt/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Mapping/Loader/AbstractLoader.php line 64.
Do you need to "use" it from another namespace?
I already included
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MinLength;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MaxLength;
AM I missing something?
To translate validation messages you need to create files with the following name structure inside translations folder:
Also, you can check in your config.yml, inside framework, if exists the translator:
translator: { fallback: %locale% }
This is required.
The accepted answer applies to using the magical default translation domain for the validator config. You can also override this in config/packages/validator.yaml
enable_annotations: true
translation_domain: 'validations'
Then in translations/ make a file validations.LANG.yaml, for example translations/validations.en.yaml. You don't need to do this but sometimes it's better to explicitly set these magical bit and know where they're coming from.

Is there a way to get the current object and method with CodeIgniter?

I'm looking for a function that would tell me the current object and method by way of the URI. Normally, I would use $this->uri->uri_string(), however, I do not want to pass any "dynamic" segments. For example, a URI of 'products/shoes/123', would be 'products/view_product'.
I want to be able to do this so I can create a config file containing page titles... since I use a model to output my page header. It is called from MY_Controller.php in the construct. For example: $this->template->overall_header($title = "View Product")...
but in the construct, it would be:
$this->template->overall_header($title = $this->config->item($object_method_string));
Anybody have any solutions? Thanks for your time.
for current method
$method= $this->router->fetch_method();
I hope you are talking about this
To expand on Nishant's answer you can access the attributes from the router class.
So for current object;
And for current method;

Extend a Varien Form Element for a Custom Module

Improving on this question:
Is it good practice to add own file in lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element folder
The accepted answer shows how to extend a Varien form element, but this will not work if you want to package it into a custom module.
What would be the proper method of extending the Varien form element in a module? A simple XML setting I'm hoping?
Thanks Vinai for the response. Although that does work, I was hoping to extend the form element somehow. My extension is using the base File form element to allow administrators to upload files to categories. So, I'm not directly adding the form elements to the fieldset myself.
I suppose it's possible to to check for the file input on my category block on the backend: Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes , and then change the form element if it is 'file' to 'mycompany_file' -- but this seems like a workaround.
Is there an easier way? Thanks again Vinai.
On the Varien_Data_Form instance you can specify custom element types like this:
$fieldset->addType('custom', 'Your_Module_Model_Form_Element_Custom');
Then, add your element with
$fieldset->addField('the_name', 'custom', $optionsArray);
If you are using a form without fieldsets you can do the same on the Varien_Data_Forminstance, too.
EDIT: Expand answer because of new additional details in the question.
In the class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form::_setFieldset() there is the following code:
$rendererClass = $attribute->getFrontend()->getInputRendererClass();
if (!empty($rendererClass)) {
$fieldType = $inputType . '_' . $attribute->getAttributeCode();
$fieldset->addType($fieldType, $rendererClass);
Because of this the attribute frontend_input_renderer on the attributes can be used to specify custom element classes.
This property can be found in the table catalog_eav_attribute, and luckily enough it isn't set for any of the category image attributes.
Given this, there are several ways to apply customizaton.
One option is to simply set the element class in the table using an upgrade script.
Another would be using an observer for the eav_entity_attribute_load_after event and setting the input renderer on the fly if the entity_type_id and the input type matches.
So it is a little more involved then just regular class rewrites in Magento, but it is quite possible.
You don't necessarily need to have a file in the lib/Varien/ directory in order to extend it. If you needed to add an element to that collection, you should be able to extend one of the Elements in your app/code/local module. The answer to the question you referenced seems to also indicate this is the case. I would create your custom field, extending its highest-level function set (i.e., lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/File.php).
If you want to override the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes block, then you should extend that block in your module and then reference the new one. You may wish to extend the block using an event observer rather than an XML rewrite, for compatibility purposes.

get magento module config data in Observer

I created a module with an observer for the sales module with event hook ‘sales_order_shipment_save_after’ ,
My module has the following files
there are four fields in the modules admin configuration fields
I want to get those saved data in the Observer class.
using $this->getConfigData(’password’); gives a
Call to undefined method
Any suggestions?
Magento uses a static method on the global Mage application object to get configuration values
$config = Mage::getStoreConfig('section_name/group/field'); //value
$config = Mage::getStoreConfig('section_name/group'); //array
An amendment to Alan's completely correct answer.
Along with path as first parameter, getStoreConfig also accepts storeid as second parameter(optional).
Well, this is useful when you want to retrieve store-wise values.
Alan has mentioned this point in his own tutorial. I guess, he has not mentioned here just because OP has not mentioned this requirement in his question.
Please refer this
In a shipment module I can use $this->getConfigData for fields in system.xml, but in another kind of modules sometimes not, e.g. extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract, than I must use getStoreConfig. So the answer is you don't have to use always getStoreConfig. But I don't know why ...
Answer: getConfigData is just defined in a shipment class and uses getStoreConfig too. A little confusing that some functions are extra defined and unneeded in fact ...
