Laravel Override View::make namespace, cashier specific - laravel

How would I override the View::make('cashier::receipt'); view so that when that particular namespace is called like that, it checks my folder first and then defaults back to the vendor path.
View::addNamespace('cashier', [
'/path/to/my/views', // check first
'/path/to/original/views' // check second

I believe that's how Laravel handles custom views for packages already. - see Overriding Package Views here.
Laravel registers two locations to load views so they can be easily customised, the standard vendor path and something customisable.
Laravel will first check if a custom version of the view has been provided by you, for example in
Let me know if there was something more specific you were trying to achieve but I believe the info there will get you going.


Laravel 5.7+, How to use helper functions within Blade templates smartly

Since Laravel 5.7, the majority of global Helper functions (specifically the ones related with "Arrays & Objects" and "Strings") are now based on Facades (using Illuminate\Support\Str and Illuminate\Support\Arr classes) instead of being defined as "normal" helper functions, as they were before 5.7 (see difference with previous Laravel 5.6 docs).
Does it really mean that we are not allowed to use them anymore directly within our Blade views? If we do, they have to be obviously prefixed with its full path in any case, resulting in a dirtier Blade views...
Is not this change counter-productive?
Made some googling and found this article that confirms the situation.
Also, I have seen that in 5.8.17 it is planned to include Arr and Str aliases by default within config/app.php (link).
In the meanwhile, I proceed to register Arr and Str aliases in my config/app.php config file to avoid the full path issue.

Laravel: How to find the right blade master template?

To extend a blade template you have to write
This works for standard installation.
I've created a module for the backend and now I can't use my module template because Laravel catches the first record and that is the standard view folder.
My structure looks like this:
-- modules
-- modules\backend
-- modules\backend\views
-- modules\backend\views\layouts\master.blade.php
-- views
-- views\layouts\master.blade.php
So when I'm in the backend and try to display my template:
// app\modules\backend\views\page\index.blade.php
Laravel renders the app\views\layouts\master.blade.php instead of
I've tried many names inside that #extends e.g.
#extends(base_path(). '\app\modules\backend\views\\' . 'layouts.master')
Nothing works.
While using a package or autoloaded module, referring to it's resources is done using the double colon notation. In your case, to access the module's master template you need to use
These conventions are described in the docs, for further info please refer to
Laravel 4 package conventions
Make sure /app/config/view.php has a path entry for where those views are located.
'paths' => array(__DIR__.'/../views'),
'paths' => array(
or whatever represents your actual path.
From here you might want to look into doing the view folder loading via another mechanism if your views are in dynamically generated folders. Maybe a module::boot event that adds the module path to the view paths array? Just an idea.

Magento Override Existing Source Model

I want to add one more option in Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Source_Backorders.How do I override this source model?
Is overriding similar to Entity model override?
Correct. The xpath is global/models/cataloginventory/rewrite/source_backorders. Depending on your sorting needs/preference, simply array_merge(), array_unshift(), or array_splice() your option where it needs to go in the overridden toOptionArray() method.
just try to put same folder in your local folder like this
magentodemo\app\code\local\Mage\CatalogInventory\Model\Source\Backorders.php and now write the code you want to add in Backorders.php and then check it out.

codeigniter routing issue

I had my users profile at
and moved it at
but this required to add most classes functions into the routes.php file in the config and if i want to add new features to my app i will need to add all the functions into the routes.php file which doesnt sound good practice...
What is the best way that other deal with it on CodeIgniter ?
Perhaps, you can do it the other way round - make a whitelist of usernames that can't be taken (those would be names of your controllers, like admin, contact, etc...) and route anything except the whitelist items.
seems i got the answer
what i did is add the below code for every controller i have
$route['controller'] = "controller";
$route['controller/(:any)'] = "controller/$1";
and this code at the bottom
$route['(:any)'] = "user/$1";

Separate layouts and namespaces for frontend/backend in Zend application

I had to develop a CMS using Zend Framework and I used the default namespace defined in my boostrap for my backend:
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Application_"
Now I want to develop the frontend, but I don't know how to do it, since I have access to my backend from the /public/ directory.
Then I would like to use a different layout for my frontend than the one I use for the backend access. So I found this post but I don't know if I have to change/add (and then how to change) the module of my backend, or if I have to create a second module that I will use for my frontend
my file tree is like this :
So if I create a frontend module, shall I create a frontend directory next to the applicationdirectory ?
EDIT : I created 2directories pub and frontend next to the application directory. In pub/index.php I instanciated the bootstrap with the application/configs/application.ini file with a different APPLICATION_FRONT_ENV :
[frontprod : production]
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_FRONT_PATH "/bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_FRONT_PATH "/controllers"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Frontend_"
resources.layout.layout = "layout"
resources.layout.layoutPath = APPLICATION_FRONT_PATH "/layouts/scripts"
[frontdev: frontprod]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
and in the frontend/bootstrap.php I loaded models from applicationdirectory :
public function _initAutoloader(){
$baseAutoload = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array(
'namespace' => 'Application',
'basePath' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../application')
And it seems to be working fine =)
thank you !
In Zend Framework you can organise your app in modules, wich suits very well to your needs. Unfortunately the doc doesn't emphasize enough the importance of this concept, and how you should implement it from day one.
Modules allows you to regroup under a same module folder everything that is related to this module only, and this way to isolate "parts" of your app in logical groups.
In your case it would be "back" and "front", but you could also have a "forum" module or let's say a "shop" module.
In the urls point of view, the default routing of a modular structure is, but using hostname routes you can also have pointing to your "front" module and pointing to your backend.
Have a look at the poor documentation section about modules, and don't panic, you won't have to rename everything if you move your current controllers, views and models in the "default" module.
There is an other alternative that could suit well for a backend/frontend logic, but not if you want to split your code in more logical parts (forum, blog, shop,...). You just create a second application folder (you would name 'frontend') next to the 'application' folder, and a second public directory (where you can symlink your assets folder if you use the sames), and a different namespace.
To be able to autoload your 'Application_' classes in your frontend code, just add and configure a Module Autoloader in your frontend bootstrap. The code is quite simple :
//in your frontend/Bootstrap.php
public function _initAutoloader(){
new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource( array(
'namespace' => 'Application_',
'path' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../application'
For the application.ini config file i would recommend, instead of duplicating it, that you create a section [frontprod : production] section where you override your backend settings (and a matching [frontdev: frontprod] for your local settings).
I hope this helped. There is so much to say about all the topics introduced here that you should first have a look at this, then comment this answer with more specific questions about the problems you may encounter, and i'll extend the answer.
