Symfony translation inside validation won't work - validation

If I try to use translations inside validation like described here
I get always
as output on Error. It seems like symfony didn't find the message-translation. I placed all my translationfiles inside app/ressources/translations and they are named as
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to place the translationfiles insde each Bundle?
Kind regards
EDIT: Problem ist clear and fixed, but when I try to use "MinLength" I get an strange error:
Attempted to load class "MinLength" from namespace
"Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints" in /var/www/symfony/webprojekt/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Mapping/Loader/AbstractLoader.php line 64.
Do you need to "use" it from another namespace?
I already included
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MinLength;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MaxLength;
AM I missing something?

To translate validation messages you need to create files with the following name structure inside translations folder:
Also, you can check in your config.yml, inside framework, if exists the translator:
translator: { fallback: %locale% }
This is required.

The accepted answer applies to using the magical default translation domain for the validator config. You can also override this in config/packages/validator.yaml
enable_annotations: true
translation_domain: 'validations'
Then in translations/ make a file validations.LANG.yaml, for example translations/validations.en.yaml. You don't need to do this but sometimes it's better to explicitly set these magical bit and know where they're coming from.


Unknown Class – yii\base\UnknownClassException Yii2

I am a beginner in Yii2.I am studying Yii2 from this Yii2 documentation link.When I run this file,its giving me the following error.
I have created a CountryController within C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\frontend\controllers\CountryController.php.
After modifying the namespace in controller,Now am getting issue in View.
The error message is basically saying that it cannot find your Controller. So what you need to do is ensure that your file is stored in the same place as your namespace implies. My suspicion is that they don't align. So...
You are using the namespace of app\controllers but you store your file in yii\frontend\controllers. I suspect yii\frontend\controllers does not correspond to app\controllers. I suspect, all you'll have to do is use the namespace frontend\controllers - but it depends on what aliases you are using.

Bitrix CMS, how to get cached data based on GET parameter in template of standart component?

I'm working with a component bitrix:catalog (which is standard one) and faced an issue. I want to add some extra GET parameters to switch view mode. I think there is no need to rewrite whole component to make such switcher, so I added extra keys in result_modifier in a way similar to:
$this->__component->arResultCacheKeys = array_merge($this->__component->arResultCacheKeys, array('key1', "key2"));
Earlier in the same result_modifier I perform adding those extra keys in $arResult['key1'] etc. They seem to be correctly saved, but only for current inquiry such as ?view=list or view=card, that means only one variable value is saved and it does not react on changing of GET parameter. Is there simple and correct way to make that component to cache and to output data based on GET variable? The only idea which came to my mind is to rewrite component by adding extra parameter and checking of GET, but I think there must more simple and correct solution to make in via template. Human Readable Links are turned on. And I want to have auto-cash being turned on as well. If I turn it off it starts working as planned.
One of possible solutions is to rewrite it cache by SetTemplateCachedData but it still seems to me rough and incorrect way for such simple task.
Bitrix masters please help me to find correct solution, google can't help at the moment.
If you use standard bitrix:catalog component, you may be use standart bitrix:catalog.section. In that component.php used standart component cache.
That means you can describe additional parametr in you custom .parameters.php, and set it in bitrix:catalog.section params.
Standart component cache set cacheId based on arParams.
So you include component should look like this:
"IBLOCK_TYPE" => $arParams["IBLOCK_TYPE"],
"IBLOCK_ID" => $arParams["IBLOCK_ID"],
Of course better way somethink like
"NEW_ADDITIONAL_GET_PARAMS"=> (in_array($_GET['view'],array('list','card'))?$_GET['view']:'list')
But may be you need just set right catalog params: SEF_MODE SEF_FOLDER SEF_URL_TEMPLATES

Custom Symfony2 Validator Constraint Messages

I want to use custom error messages for validation constraints on dozens of fields in my project.
I do not want to set the message on every one of these, because that would be a blatant violation of DRY. Repeating the same string in every declaration like: #NotNull(message="custom msg") would mean that if I decide to change the message in the future I'd have to hunt them all down replace them, but even worse I might use the wrong string on some of them and be inconsistent.
How do you deal with this?
Is the best option really to extend every symfony stock constraint and set my default there, and use my own custom annotation class?
Please note that using the translator is not an option for me, so I am looking for a solution that does not include the symfony translation component.
Thanks a lot for the help in advance.
Assuming you are working with English as the app's language, and you've configured translator: { fallback: en }, you can override these constraint messages universally. Start by creating this file: app/Resources/translations/validators.en.yml
And use the following translation format:
This value should not be blank.: Your custom message here
Whatever the standard message is.: Another custom message
This also works for any other language setting, assuming you've made a validators.lang.yml for it!
You can also place this file in your bundle directory under Resources/translations, and a few other places.
You can read more about this here!

Magento Override Existing Source Model

I want to add one more option in Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Source_Backorders.How do I override this source model?
Is overriding similar to Entity model override?
Correct. The xpath is global/models/cataloginventory/rewrite/source_backorders. Depending on your sorting needs/preference, simply array_merge(), array_unshift(), or array_splice() your option where it needs to go in the overridden toOptionArray() method.
just try to put same folder in your local folder like this
magentodemo\app\code\local\Mage\CatalogInventory\Model\Source\Backorders.php and now write the code you want to add in Backorders.php and then check it out.

what is db_clean in codeigniter?

What is the use of db_clean() with a simple example?
Seems like db_clean() is a customized helper which is calling xss_clean().
See this link, db_clean() is stored in MY_security_helper.php, whereby MY_ is the naming convention to extend native helper.
Provides Cross Site Script Hack filtering. This function is an alias
to the one in the Input class. More info can be found there.
