Merging WebSphere Application Server into WebSphere ESB installation - websphere

I have an architecture where I have one machine with a Websphere Application Server an another one with an Websphere EBS.
The workload is pretty low, so one single machine (as I have now) would be enough. According to this link,
Because WebSphere ESB is built on WebSphere Application Server,
through their WebSphere ESB license; customers are able to utilize
WebSphere Application Server function.
So, WAS functionality is available in the Websphere ESB.
Is it possible to merge/combine/integrate the code from WAS into the WESB in order to have one license and one server only?
Thanks in advance

You can and it is fairly simple too.
Install WESB and create WESB Profiles and deployed Mediation modules in them and create WAS Profiles and host standard Java EE applications on these profiles.
WESB versions uses typically a older version of WAS so you might have to think through this restriction before proceeding in this path.

You should be able to deploy applications targeted to WAS on WESB without any trouble. The other way round would be risky, though not impossible.
As Manglu said, you'll need to be careful about versions and, if this is for production, you'll need to be aware of what fixes you have installed and make sure your target server is at the same, or higher level than the current WAS installation.
To find this out, use the versionInfo command with the option -maintenancePackages and you'll get a list of the levels of each component and any APARs installed.
Instructions are here:
versionInfo.bat -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris
./ -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt


Managing lots of Websphere Liberty (websphere-liberty) app servers

I wonder if there is a way to manage multiple was liberty profile app servers in one place? Like WAS full profile has a WAS console where you can start , stop, configure, generate-pluging etc. features but something similar ?
Check out the Admin Center feature, available since version

Where's Websphere Clustering?

I've downloaded WAS 8.5 trail for Windows, in order to prepare for an application server migration; I cannot find, as documented in IBM Red Book, the option Servers > Clusters which could be used to manage a WAS cluster.
Do I need to download an additional product, or simply clustering it's not available without a license ? That could be a pity since I'd need testing an application on WAS clustering before deciding if we can get rid of other issues we currently have with another application server.
You need ND (Network Deployment) version to have access to clustering options

Running ibm websphere like setup on Apache Tomcat or some open server

Is there a way to mimic IBM web sphere on an open appserver? There are functions we use, ibm's jsecurity_check and their cookie ltpa token. That should be it to get a functioning ibm like server. Would those be available from an open server. Even an open version of ibm websphere.
The usage of j_security_check is defined in the Servlet Specification, so any Java Web Container is compatible with that.
On the other side, LTPA token is an IBM Techology that's only used by IBM Products, so you need to find another way to implement single sign-on. As #Manglu said, that's more a Container concern that shouldn't have any impact in your application.
Some SSO solutions are described in
I am not sure what you mean by open version. If you are looking at free versions of WAS, you should look at WAS Developers edition
If your production is WAS then i would suggest you use this
Deploy your applications with complete fidelity to a WAS production environment, rendering development to production migration a non-issue
How are you using the LTPA token in your application? This should typically be under the hood and you don't necessarily need to be using that in your application. I would be interested in hearing what you do with the LTPA token in your application!
I'm wondering if you're looking for something open, or something smaller. If you're already using WebSphere, but are looking for something smaller/lighter that still supports LTPA tokens, you might want to check out the new Liberty profile in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 (which was just announced). You can get the low-down and download versions to play with from
(disclaimer: I worked on it, I am biased)

Difference between IBM Websphere Application Server and IBM Websphere Process Server?

Im currently looking into the difference between IBM Websphere Application Server and IBM Websphere Process Server?
I am aware that the Process Server is like a higher level layer ontop of the App server, but was wondering if development using either would be the same or similar. I have been working with integration developer and App server for a while now, and was wondering if the skills transfered across for Process server.
thanks for any help :)
The process server has a built in WAS.
You can build and deploy standard Java EE applications on both servers this part carries over.
The process server is an extended ESB. If you want to create mediations and process flows, etc, with the full WID feature set then you require the process server. These can be created with the WebSphere Integration Developer as well. However I doubt that you where using these as they won't run on a simple WAS.
Creating mediations and process flows is totally different from the standard Java EE programming.
Udo's answer is correct but i would like to add a few more things to this.
WPS is superceded with the release of IBM BPM V7.5 which was released in June this year. IBM BPM is a merger of two BPM products - WPS and WebSphere Lombardi edition.
Do note that both WPS and BPM 7.5 will use typically a older version of WAS (currently they use a WAS 7.x version) while WAS 8 has been in the marketplace for a longer period of time.
To do Java EE stuff, you are better off using WAS as they will keep up pace with the Java EE specs while WPS and BPM 7.5 lags and you will not be able to take advantage as they lag for a good period of time.
WAS's focuses on Java EE and providing the base for products like WPS, WESB, WebSphere Portal etc. WPS and BPM 7.5 focus on providing a BPM platform for users to build and deploy their BPM solutions.
Hope this gives some clarity

IBM ESB mediation without WID

I have to integrate my web service with IBM Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
I think that there should not be any mediation because this service has only one location
and do not have to change requests.
Is it true? Can ESB administrator simply connect web service to the bus?
If it is necessary to write mediation code:
are there any free tutorials and tools to create such mediation
or I have to buy WebSphere Integration Developer (WID)?
This mediation should be simple and I don't want to spend money on something
used once.
Disclaimer: I'm a WebSphere ESB consultant for IBM.
The answer to your question depends on what you're expecting WebSphere ESB (WESB) to do for you. If you're simply trying to connect a Web Service consumer to a Web Service provider, you don't need need WESB to do that. However, typically folks want to use WESB because they either want to put some logic between the two (maybe transforming from one Web Service interface to another, for example), or because they might want to later. In either case, you'll need to create a mediation module to do that - there is no bus per se that you just connect services to.
In practice, you will need WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) to do that - it would be a lot of work to create the mediations manually, it's not documented, and it's not supported by IBM either. Your local IBM client team should be able to advise you, but these products are typically purchased together.
Hope that helps.
There are several ESB's in IBM's portfolio. The only one that don't really need WID is IBM WebSphere DataPower (I don't know enough about Lombardi to comment). If you have choice, I would use that to get your company started down this path.
