Managing lots of Websphere Liberty (websphere-liberty) app servers - websphere-liberty

I wonder if there is a way to manage multiple was liberty profile app servers in one place? Like WAS full profile has a WAS console where you can start , stop, configure, generate-pluging etc. features but something similar ?

Check out the Admin Center feature, available since version


Dashboard for Websphere Instance or JVM status with HTML and php

Am not getting the perfect answer for my requirement. Please find the detailed requirement in Lyman English.
I have an application which is installed in Websphere Application Server 8.5 version.
Got a requirement for me to create a dashboard where in we can see the server status like whether the JVM is up or down, EAR deployed date etc.
Dashboard needs to be accessed from Internet explorer on Windows Desktop.
Could you let me know how to achieve this?
Note: Websphere is installed on Linux and IE is on Windows.
This is quite broad question, so I'll just give you options that you will have to explore further by your own and choose the one that suits you best.
From the easiest one:
Use built-in admin console - WebSphere provides admin gui, if you dont want to allow users to change anything just give the user monitor role. He will be able to check server status, application status etc...
Use monitoring tool already available, like IBM Health Center, JConsole or 3rd party - I know, not the browser solution but maybe will fit your need
Install and use PerfServlet - it will give you WebSphere statistics in XML format. You can write your app to query that servlet for required params, then parse and present output
Finally use MBean API and write your custom monitoring app - the most difficult but also the most flexible.
Looking at your question, I'd suggest you to stay with option 1).

How to make mail notification/alert

I'm using Spring-Insight and Pivotal tc server to deploy and monitor two Spring applications but I have to create some alerts in case of threshold violation. Do you know if this is possible to make this alerting system without creating a customized plugin? I just can't find anything in the documentation.
Finally, I didn't find any solution to my problem but I think this is possible with a customized plugin. I personally chose another option : monitor my application with Dynatrace even if Dynatrace isn't free.

Best Spring MVC,Hibernate,Mysql & Maven application hosting server

I have completed my first web & Mobile project in Spring mvc 3.2.6 + Hibernate + Maven,Mysql & Rest Services.
Now i want to host the application.So that i can hit the webservice via mobile & host the web application.While browsing the google found the following link.
So could you please anyone guide which one of the above server is good to host.Right now i am planning to use FREE version of the above server and in future i may use a paid version.Could anyone please which one is best?
I appreciate your answers & suggestion!!!Thank you.
I can say for Openshift. The best features it gave to you is:
No credit card required
No trial time
Doesn't need to sleep
Can scale, you can use up to 3 small gears on free plan, all loadbalanced by default
Many cartridges (like a pre-built package with servers) like MySQL, Mongo, RedisCloud, AMQPCloud, a bunch of others services using the Marketplace with a lot of free ones
Sleep when nobody is using, when someone hit a request the server goes on again , also auto scale up and down
Easy setup and Java ApplicationServers support (Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly***)
Easy build customization via hooks
You can upgrade to bronze plan without paying a coin using the free gears you have, and you get alot of features
Runs on AWS Infrastructure
Think of Gears as machines, it's just a fancy name they give to it, like Heroku named theirs Dynos
Price plans are located here with side by side comparison. You can check the marketplace offers here. Also they have some quick starters, all Java cartridges comes with Java 7 and Maven 3 installed by default. See here for more detailed tech.
They have a developers site with content to get started, help and documentation
** Small gears are machines with 1 CPU, 512Mb of RAM and 1GB disk
*** Wildfly on a free plan takes so much disk space, then is pratical impossible to use, but for paid plans is awesome

Merging WebSphere Application Server into WebSphere ESB installation

I have an architecture where I have one machine with a Websphere Application Server an another one with an Websphere EBS.
The workload is pretty low, so one single machine (as I have now) would be enough. According to this link,
Because WebSphere ESB is built on WebSphere Application Server,
through their WebSphere ESB license; customers are able to utilize
WebSphere Application Server function.
So, WAS functionality is available in the Websphere ESB.
Is it possible to merge/combine/integrate the code from WAS into the WESB in order to have one license and one server only?
Thanks in advance
You can and it is fairly simple too.
Install WESB and create WESB Profiles and deployed Mediation modules in them and create WAS Profiles and host standard Java EE applications on these profiles.
WESB versions uses typically a older version of WAS so you might have to think through this restriction before proceeding in this path.
You should be able to deploy applications targeted to WAS on WESB without any trouble. The other way round would be risky, though not impossible.
As Manglu said, you'll need to be careful about versions and, if this is for production, you'll need to be aware of what fixes you have installed and make sure your target server is at the same, or higher level than the current WAS installation.
To find this out, use the versionInfo command with the option -maintenancePackages and you'll get a list of the levels of each component and any APARs installed.
Instructions are here:
versionInfo.bat -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris
./ -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt

Running ibm websphere like setup on Apache Tomcat or some open server

Is there a way to mimic IBM web sphere on an open appserver? There are functions we use, ibm's jsecurity_check and their cookie ltpa token. That should be it to get a functioning ibm like server. Would those be available from an open server. Even an open version of ibm websphere.
The usage of j_security_check is defined in the Servlet Specification, so any Java Web Container is compatible with that.
On the other side, LTPA token is an IBM Techology that's only used by IBM Products, so you need to find another way to implement single sign-on. As #Manglu said, that's more a Container concern that shouldn't have any impact in your application.
Some SSO solutions are described in
I am not sure what you mean by open version. If you are looking at free versions of WAS, you should look at WAS Developers edition
If your production is WAS then i would suggest you use this
Deploy your applications with complete fidelity to a WAS production environment, rendering development to production migration a non-issue
How are you using the LTPA token in your application? This should typically be under the hood and you don't necessarily need to be using that in your application. I would be interested in hearing what you do with the LTPA token in your application!
I'm wondering if you're looking for something open, or something smaller. If you're already using WebSphere, but are looking for something smaller/lighter that still supports LTPA tokens, you might want to check out the new Liberty profile in WebSphere Application Server 8.5 (which was just announced). You can get the low-down and download versions to play with from
(disclaimer: I worked on it, I am biased)
