Where's Websphere Clustering? - websphere

I've downloaded WAS 8.5 trail for Windows, in order to prepare for an application server migration; I cannot find, as documented in IBM Red Book, the option Servers > Clusters which could be used to manage a WAS cluster.
Do I need to download an additional product, or simply clustering it's not available without a license ? That could be a pity since I'd need testing an application on WAS clustering before deciding if we can get rid of other issues we currently have with another application server.

You need ND (Network Deployment) version to have access to clustering options


Dashboard for Websphere Instance or JVM status with HTML and php

Am not getting the perfect answer for my requirement. Please find the detailed requirement in Lyman English.
I have an application which is installed in Websphere Application Server 8.5 version.
Got a requirement for me to create a dashboard where in we can see the server status like whether the JVM is up or down, EAR deployed date etc.
Dashboard needs to be accessed from Internet explorer on Windows Desktop.
Could you let me know how to achieve this?
Note: Websphere is installed on Linux and IE is on Windows.
This is quite broad question, so I'll just give you options that you will have to explore further by your own and choose the one that suits you best.
From the easiest one:
Use built-in admin console - WebSphere provides admin gui, if you dont want to allow users to change anything just give the user monitor role. He will be able to check server status, application status etc...
Use monitoring tool already available, like IBM Health Center, JConsole or 3rd party - I know, not the browser solution but maybe will fit your need
Install and use PerfServlet - it will give you WebSphere statistics in XML format. You can write your app to query that servlet for required params, then parse and present output
Finally use MBean API and write your custom monitoring app - the most difficult but also the most flexible.
Looking at your question, I'd suggest you to stay with option 1).

Best Spring MVC,Hibernate,Mysql & Maven application hosting server

I have completed my first web & Mobile project in Spring mvc 3.2.6 + Hibernate + Maven,Mysql & Rest Services.
Now i want to host the application.So that i can hit the webservice via mobile & host the web application.While browsing the google found the following link.
So could you please anyone guide which one of the above server is good to host.Right now i am planning to use FREE version of the above server and in future i may use a paid version.Could anyone please which one is best?
I appreciate your answers & suggestion!!!Thank you.
I can say for Openshift. The best features it gave to you is:
No credit card required
No trial time
Doesn't need to sleep
Can scale, you can use up to 3 small gears on free plan, all loadbalanced by default
Many cartridges (like a pre-built package with servers) like MySQL, Mongo, RedisCloud, AMQPCloud, a bunch of others services using the Marketplace with a lot of free ones
Sleep when nobody is using, when someone hit a request the server goes on again , also auto scale up and down
Easy setup and Java ApplicationServers support (Tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly***)
Easy build customization via hooks
You can upgrade to bronze plan without paying a coin using the free gears you have, and you get alot of features
Runs on AWS Infrastructure
Think of Gears as machines, it's just a fancy name they give to it, like Heroku named theirs Dynos
Price plans are located here with side by side comparison. You can check the marketplace offers here. Also they have some quick starters, all Java cartridges comes with Java 7 and Maven 3 installed by default. See here for more detailed tech.
They have a developers site with content to get started, help and documentation
** Small gears are machines with 1 CPU, 512Mb of RAM and 1GB disk
*** Wildfly on a free plan takes so much disk space, then is pratical impossible to use, but for paid plans is awesome

What is the business benefit for Oracle Weblogic Server over OC4J?

Apart from Technology support , what are all the business benefits for oracle web logic server. For example in area of security,support etc.
What are all the new features supported by weblogic ?
Support is great when you open ticket with Oracle Support (Weblogic strictly).
Great admin/read-only user implementation. We authenticate to Windows Active Directory. Developers get read-only accounts, reduces churn for them to wait for ops to transfer logs and validate settings.
Dashboard useful out-of-box to do real-time monitoring without additional tools or installs. Easily accessed by any one who is authenticated to login. We could give it to our CIO if he wanted in about 3 minutes by adding him to the right authorized group in AD.
Easier to clone environments.
I haven't worked with OC4J but I believe Oracle's roadmap is picking Weblogic as their preferred Java application server. You can see it is the base technology for some of their other products, such as Oracle Service Bus, Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), and Oracle Line Planning.
I have opened 3 Oracle tickets in the past month. I was surprised at how fast they answered. For a Severity 3 ticket (medium), they usually have responded in 2-3 days. I can't say the same for their other services (over 2 weeks for a ticket on OEM).
Security is a pretty broad scope... so you'd have to be a little more specific on some of the topics of security.
One thing that is pretty awesome is the Dashboard. http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/web.1111/e13714/dashboard.htm You can obviously add read-only monitor accounts so other users can get insight to the performance. We add developers to this so that they can validate any settings, or see performance whenever there is a production issue.
We used Microsoft Active Directory authentication in our Weblogic domains. People are not using the default weblogic administrator user so configuration changes are audited. When someone's account gets disabled when leaving the company, it disables their access to Weblogic similarly. You don't have to change the password.
Other useful settings I like in it is the ability to automatically archive config changes. Each time someone makes a config change, a backup is automatically created. This allows me to go fix something when developers break their environment without having to majorly reverse-engineer what they did.
I also like the fact that you can pack and unpack the domains. I've used it to move entire domains from staging to production with some minor changes... i.e. change all stg to prod variables. This should likewise make it easier to 'clone' environments when you want to build out a new one.
Although not related, I should mention Oracle Enterprise Manager. We are an Oracle shop because they seem to have given us a good deal on licencing. So we get to run Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is a tool slowly becoming more and more useful. The agent also reports how our RedHat Linux hosts are behaving, network input/output, CPU utilization, memory utilization, java heap stacks. We are going to move to defining groups within that has all the targets related to an application stack. This will give our operations team the insight to see where the bottleneck might be... the Oracle Weblogic web layer, network, Oracle Service Bus, or Oracle Database performance.
Supposedly, you can add jBoss, other JMX monitoring as well to OEM. It's on our to-do list for non-Weblogic instance. We're slowly rolling OEM out.

Merging WebSphere Application Server into WebSphere ESB installation

I have an architecture where I have one machine with a Websphere Application Server an another one with an Websphere EBS.
The workload is pretty low, so one single machine (as I have now) would be enough. According to this link,
Because WebSphere ESB is built on WebSphere Application Server,
through their WebSphere ESB license; customers are able to utilize
WebSphere Application Server function.
So, WAS functionality is available in the Websphere ESB.
Is it possible to merge/combine/integrate the code from WAS into the WESB in order to have one license and one server only?
Thanks in advance
You can and it is fairly simple too.
Install WESB and create WESB Profiles and deployed Mediation modules in them and create WAS Profiles and host standard Java EE applications on these profiles.
WESB versions uses typically a older version of WAS so you might have to think through this restriction before proceeding in this path.
You should be able to deploy applications targeted to WAS on WESB without any trouble. The other way round would be risky, though not impossible.
As Manglu said, you'll need to be careful about versions and, if this is for production, you'll need to be aware of what fixes you have installed and make sure your target server is at the same, or higher level than the current WAS installation.
To find this out, use the versionInfo command with the option -maintenancePackages and you'll get a list of the levels of each component and any APARs installed.
Instructions are here:
versionInfo.bat -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt
AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris
./versionInfo.sh -maintenanacePackages >versioninfo.txt

Difference between IBM Websphere Application Server and IBM Websphere Process Server?

Im currently looking into the difference between IBM Websphere Application Server and IBM Websphere Process Server?
I am aware that the Process Server is like a higher level layer ontop of the App server, but was wondering if development using either would be the same or similar. I have been working with integration developer and App server for a while now, and was wondering if the skills transfered across for Process server.
thanks for any help :)
The process server has a built in WAS.
You can build and deploy standard Java EE applications on both servers this part carries over.
The process server is an extended ESB. If you want to create mediations and process flows, etc, with the full WID feature set then you require the process server. These can be created with the WebSphere Integration Developer as well. However I doubt that you where using these as they won't run on a simple WAS.
Creating mediations and process flows is totally different from the standard Java EE programming.
Udo's answer is correct but i would like to add a few more things to this.
WPS is superceded with the release of IBM BPM V7.5 which was released in June this year. IBM BPM is a merger of two BPM products - WPS and WebSphere Lombardi edition.
Do note that both WPS and BPM 7.5 will use typically a older version of WAS (currently they use a WAS 7.x version) while WAS 8 has been in the marketplace for a longer period of time.
To do Java EE stuff, you are better off using WAS as they will keep up pace with the Java EE specs while WPS and BPM 7.5 lags and you will not be able to take advantage as they lag for a good period of time.
WAS's focuses on Java EE and providing the base for products like WPS, WESB, WebSphere Portal etc. WPS and BPM 7.5 focus on providing a BPM platform for users to build and deploy their BPM solutions.
Hope this gives some clarity
