Maven pluginManagement configuration inheritance strange behavior - maven

I'm using pluginManagement element in my parent pom.xml to configure plugins for all its children. For example, I have the following configuration:
The official documentation states that a plugin configured in pluginManagement still has to be added to plugins element in children poms. Indeed, if I remove this from child pom:
then maven-dependency-plugin stops firing at install phase. However, it seems that it does not affect some other plugins, namely, maven-resource-plugin. Even if I do not have
in my child pom, its copy-resources goal still fires at install phase and performs the work it is configured to do.
Why is this behavior present? Is there a list of plugins which are inherited always, or maybe I'm missing something?

The whole POM isn't visible; but given the behavior you're describing this is a jar, war, or ear, correct? The resource plugin is defined for those packaging types by default. It includes an execution that copies resources (as described by #maba).
Since the plugin definition is included in your child POM (even though YOU didn't put it there directly), Maven merges the execution defined in the <pluginManagement> section with the execution provided by Maven.
There is documentation describing the default lifecycle bindings by packaging type. Note the dependency plugin isn't mentioned; but resources is; that's why you observe the difference. Running with -X will show the plugin executions.

Maven always copies resources that are inside src/main/resources by default.
From Maven Getting Started Guide:
The simple rule employed by Maven is this: any directories or files placed within the ${basedir}/src/main/resources directory are packaged in your JAR with the exact same structure starting at the base of the JAR.


Generate Javadoc for multimodule project

I have read everything I can find on solving this and my attempts still fail. The best I can do is to get the Javadoc of exactly one module to show up--the last one built. (For now, I'm not trying to bundle Javadoc into any JARs. I'm also not trying to do anything "site".) I just want to put Javadoc for easy access into a subdirectory under the project root.
Here's what's in my parent pom.xml:
What I'm putting into subordinate pom.xml files is identical to the above except for
I have played with replacing the <execution> in the parent and sometimes subordinate pom.xml files with:
but it makes no difference.
I think the following configuration is the reason your reports get overwritten:
All module builds will be written to the same directory, hence overwriting the previous build.
The solution is to use the default output directory and configure the output directory for the aggregated javadoc instead. This way the reactor build will create javadoc output files in each module's target directory. These can then be used by the aggregate goal to be combined.
This can be done by configuring your parent POM as follows:
<!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
<!-- Specific configuration for the aggregate report -->
(there is no need for any additional configuration in the module POM files)
The aggregated javadoc can now be created by running
mvn compile javadoc:javadoc javadoc:aggregate
(note that the compile or package goal is required for reactor to resolve inter-module dependencies)

Maven parent version ${revision} expansion in cross project inheritance

I'm using maven 3.5 and have a 'master' aggregator project which has 4 modules (uses both aggregation and inheritance).
I also have 30 separate child projects, both single and multi-module, which each inherit from one of those 4 modules.
I'd like to use ${revision} in the <parent><version> tag of the child projects but what I observe is maven trying to resolve the parent before expanding ${revision} (to the value specified in <properties><revision>). This results in maven being unable to resolve the parent since it's looking for the literal "${revision}" version of the parent project.
Is it true that ${revision} does not work for cross project inheritance ?
is there any work around ? (while trying to avoid maven-versions plugin)
Note: I'm able to use ${revision} without any problems in a single multi-module project - that's not the issue.
I just ran into the same issue, but it works for me with maven 3.8.2.
I ran across this issue and had to use a flatten plugin in my parent pom. First, you add the revision in the properties
Then add this plugin to the build section

Where do generated DEPENDENCIES files come from?

In quite a lot of Apache project there is a file called DEPENDENCIES which is generated from the POM and all POMs of transitive dependencies. However I couldn't find any information about how these files are generated. I suspect there is a Maven plugin for this...
Here is an example:
How can I generate such a file?
I have made an example to show how this works:
The tricky plugin is the maven-remote-resouces-plugin which can handle velocity templates which will to the trick here.

maven-site-plugin not generating apidocs folder with javadocs

I inherited a project that is supposed to build javadoc files and place them in the site directory. This is not being done. I have looked at all the examples I can find and I can't figure out where the configuration is broken.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
You have bound maven site plugin's site goal to prepare-package phase. You have configured javadoc generation in this plugin configuration.
As such, if you run maven's default lifecycle goals like mvn package or mvn install you should get site report with javadocs.
If you ran mvn site, it would skip prepare-package phase to which your plugin configuration is bound and hence would not generate javadoc.

In a Maven multi-module project, how can I disable a plugin in one child?

I have a maven multi-module project (boy, I've written that opening way too many times on this site). Almost all the modules (that is, the ones that have code in them) should run the maven-site-plugin to generate reports about code coverage, etc. These have a detailed shared configuration -- which reports to run, which files to cover/exclude for certain plugins, etc.
However, there are a few modules that deal with packaging -- running the assembly plugin to generate a tarball, etc. These gain nothing from running a site report -- there's no code to analyze, no tests to report on.
So I have a lot of modules that need to share plugin configuration, and a few modules that need to not run the plugin, preferably at all. I can do the former (share configuration) if I put the plugin in the <build> section of the parent POM, but I can't seem to turn off the plugin when I need to in this case. I can do the latter (avoid running the plugin) if I push configuration down to each module's own POM, but I can't figure out a good way to share the configuration information in this case.
Is what I want -- shared configuration, for a plugin that's sometimes disabled by a child module -- even possible? If so, how?
By "run the plugin", I'm assuming you mean that the plugin is bound to a lifecycle phase, and you'd like to unbind it in some modules. First, you could consider changing your POM inheritance so that the modules that don't need the plugins have one parent and the ones that do have a different parent. If you don't want to do that, then you can explicitly set the execution phase to "nothing" in a child module. E.g. if you had a parent pom configuration like this:
... lots of configuration
Then in a child module, you could do this:
Because it's the same plugin and the same execution id, it overrides the configuration specified in the parent, and now the plugin isn't bound to a phase in the child project.
Ryan Stewart's answer works if execution that you wish to suppress in the parent pom is tagged with an id. If, however, the parent pom doesn't tag the execution with an id (and, of course, you can't edit that parent pom) then I found that doing the following suppresses the parent pom's action.
First set the phase of the execution to none
Create another execution, give it an id and do in it what you need it to do.
run mvn help:effective-pom to confirm that it has correctly suppressed what you needed suppressed from the parent pom.
Here's an example:
This is how my parent pom looked like:
I needed to change the goal to jar-no-fork. Note that the execution in parent pom doesn't have an id that I could use to disable it. So here's what added to my child pom:
As a result this is how the effective-pom looks like:
This ensured that the goal jar never runs and only the goal jar-no-fork executes -- which is what I wanted to achieve.
