maven-site-plugin not generating apidocs folder with javadocs - maven

I inherited a project that is supposed to build javadoc files and place them in the site directory. This is not being done. I have looked at all the examples I can find and I can't figure out where the configuration is broken.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

You have bound maven site plugin's site goal to prepare-package phase. You have configured javadoc generation in this plugin configuration.
As such, if you run maven's default lifecycle goals like mvn package or mvn install you should get site report with javadocs.
If you ran mvn site, it would skip prepare-package phase to which your plugin configuration is bound and hence would not generate javadoc.


replace nexus staging maven plugin with maven-deploy-plugin

Our project inherits nexus staging maven plugin from a parent pom which we don't have control on. I have this configuration in my root pom to disable the nexus staging maven plugin and this configuration seems to disabling the default-deploy execution.
and I have the maven deploy plugin defined in my root pom, but the maven-deploy plugin seems to be not kicking off
I am not able to figure out how i can replace the inherited nexus staging maven plugin with the maven deploy plugin. Any help is much appreciated
You may qualify the goal by the plugin groupID:artefactID:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:deploy
I faced a similar issue, and for success disabling of nexus-staging-maven-plugin I only need to add following to my main pom:
And as one of my dependencies was disabling maven-deploy-plugin(I reccomend to check it also in your project) I also need to add:

Maven Jacoco Configuration for multi-module projects [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?
(13 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I was trying to generate code coverage reports using jacoco plugin in maven for a multi module project that I was working on.
I added the following in my parent pom.xml within the build tags.
On running mvn verify, the respective jacoco reports were generated for each module at "project-root\module\target\site\jacoco\"
Is it possible to generate a consolidated jacoco report at the project-root containing the test coverage details of each module?
Please suggest the best possible way to merge the individual module reports.
Sure is!
Took me a while and a few sources to cook this pattern up, but has worked well.
For a multi-module Maven project:
The LIB projects both have their own unit tests.
ROOT pom.xml
<!- properties-->
<!-- build/plugins (not build/pluginManagement/plugins!) -->
LIB projects pom.xml will inherit the the JaCoCo plugins execution, so just need to wire up the argline in the Surefire plugin.
I have an extended answer for rolling up integration tests as well as unit tests for JaCoCo being reported via Sonar, you can see my detailed answer here.
In addition to the steps suggested in markdsievers detailed answer, I had to setup sonarqube-5.3 (supports jdk 7+) in localhost:9000
Setup SonarQube
And use mvn package to generate jacoco.exec files.
Then mvn sonar:sonar to generate report in sonar dashboard.

IT code coverage with sonar

I have the following task at hand:
-- find IT code coverage for a project
Given situation:
-- IT code resides in a repository separate to the actual production code
-- Production code that the tests were created for reside in more than one git repository.
-- all of the above uses maven and are written in Java.
I have tried following different tutorial and blogs but couldnt find a simpler answer.
Can anyone either point me towards the right resource or give me hints for a kick start?
I will try to answer. I will post example with UT (IT is the same thing just not at the same place in the maven livecycle build, and instead of the surefire plugin its the failsafe plugin)
Lets say we use JaCoCo for the code coverage agent.
In my Parent pom, in the profile section (it is a multi module project)
Now when we build our maven project, we add the profile to inject the JaCoCo Agent
clean install -Psonar-coverage
Then we may tell sonar to analyse our project and to use the JaCoCo report with the following command
mvn org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.4:sonar -Dsonar.dynamicAnalysis=reuseReports -Dsonar.forceAnalysis=true -Dsonar.binaries=target/classes -Dsonar.junit.reportsPath=target/surefire-reports -Dsonar.jacoco.reportPath=target/coverage-reports/jacoco-ut.exec -Dsonar.jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -Dsonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:<YOUR SONAR INSTALLATION DB><YOUR SONAR INSTALLATION>

Maven pluginManagement configuration inheritance strange behavior

I'm using pluginManagement element in my parent pom.xml to configure plugins for all its children. For example, I have the following configuration:
The official documentation states that a plugin configured in pluginManagement still has to be added to plugins element in children poms. Indeed, if I remove this from child pom:
then maven-dependency-plugin stops firing at install phase. However, it seems that it does not affect some other plugins, namely, maven-resource-plugin. Even if I do not have
in my child pom, its copy-resources goal still fires at install phase and performs the work it is configured to do.
Why is this behavior present? Is there a list of plugins which are inherited always, or maybe I'm missing something?
The whole POM isn't visible; but given the behavior you're describing this is a jar, war, or ear, correct? The resource plugin is defined for those packaging types by default. It includes an execution that copies resources (as described by #maba).
Since the plugin definition is included in your child POM (even though YOU didn't put it there directly), Maven merges the execution defined in the <pluginManagement> section with the execution provided by Maven.
There is documentation describing the default lifecycle bindings by packaging type. Note the dependency plugin isn't mentioned; but resources is; that's why you observe the difference. Running with -X will show the plugin executions.
Maven always copies resources that are inside src/main/resources by default.
From Maven Getting Started Guide:
The simple rule employed by Maven is this: any directories or files placed within the ${basedir}/src/main/resources directory are packaged in your JAR with the exact same structure starting at the base of the JAR.

Can I modify the Maven deploy phase to replace the maven-deploy-plugin with my own plugin?

I'm pretty new to Maven...
What I'm trying to do is skip the maven-deploy-plugin during the deploy phase, while replacing it with my own plugin (i.e. I'm deploying to a non-repository location).
I realize I could do this in multiple other ways, but the boss wants to be able to run:
mvn deploy
To get the results of my current workaround, which is disabling the maven-deploy-plugin (which seems to be disabling the entire deploy phase), and manually specifying the custom upload goal from the command line.
I'm currently failing to succeed in my mission with:
in the build/plugins/plugin section containing my plugin specification, since the deploy phase is skipped by:
disabling the maven-deploy-plugin (which seems to be disabling the entire deploy phase)
This is not correct. Disabling maven-deploy-plugin doesn't disable the entire deploy phase. This is how it should be done (looks like you're doing it already):
Try this (untested) alternative for disabling the standard deploy plugin:
I want to build on #yegor256's answer a bit... 8 years, 4 months later!
I found myself here getting into the weeds on some legacy Maven configurations that were full of cruft. Coming from a Maven mindset, albeit some years between now and active hacking, I was re-familiarizing myself with the Maven lifecycle.
TLDR... mvn help:effective-pom is your friend. Use your IDE's tools for viewing the effective POM often (NetBeans makes it easy. I added a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ.)
In the configuration I was reviewing, the previous developers had created two (2) deploy-file executions, one war, one jar.
... omitted ...
... omitted ...
I was aware that these executions would be appended to the default-deploy bound to the deploy phase and observed this behavior in the logs. The default-deploy would run, uploading an empty war file, then the deploy-war would run, uploading, and overwriting, the first war file.
Several options exist.
skip and combine.self="override" (my preference)
As presented, using <skip> as a <configuration> option is viable. It is safe and more portable than setting setting the <phase> to none.
However, it will be inherited by the other executions (certainly as presented). To prevent this, you must explicitly tell your additional <execution> configurations to not inherit.
<configuration combine.self="override">
... omitted ...
Override default-deploy
Another option, possibly more verbose and lest esoteric than combine.self="override" is to override the execution of the default-deploy <id> of the plugin.
This will not be inherited by the additional <executions>.
Another option
As #yegor256 notes, but in the additional configurations explicitly state <skip>false</skip> to "reset" the inherited <skip> from the plugin.
