Git hanging after installing osx credential helper - macos

I'm having the same problem as this thread: Git hangs indefinitely - broke with osx credential helper I think
Basically -- had been running git without problems, then installed the credential-osxkeychain and git began hanging indefinitely after any command. e.g., running git init results in a hanging prompt and any input creates an error: bad input
I tried following the advice to delete git from usr/bin/git but now it doesn't recognize anything. I tried reinstalling git but now it doesn't seem to recognize it.
I ran which git and it returns: /usr/local/git/bin/git
I'm somewhat new at this and don't have the balls to just start running sudo commands and moving things around in the /usr/bin directory.
Any ideas what I can do to fix this?

I had the same problem and fixed it thusly:
uninstall git via the that comes with the install
reinstall git via the installer
run which git and cd to the folder containing git (eg. cd /usr/local/git/bin/)
run curl -O
run chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain
run git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

Still not totally sure what I actually did to fix this problem, but resetting the terminal ended up getting it to work.

I had the same problem.
I didnt have git 1.7.10 or later installed. Messed everything up.
To fix, I had to delete git and install a newer version.
I used homebrew to install, after deleting.
is working again.

To fix this I reinstalled git from
and then added /usr/local/git/bin to the top of the file /etc/paths


Updated Git but still showing old version

I downloaded and installed Git from this link: However, when I run git --version from the Terminal I get:
[~/workspace/ruby]: git --version
git version
I've tried restarting the terminal and my computer. I then tried using the info at I did the following in the terminal from within /usr:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/git
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/git
sudo rm /etc/manpaths.d/git
I then ran the new git .dmg file again but am still getting when I run git --version. I suppose there's something going on here with the Mac filesystem that I don't understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Run the command:
which git
You'll probably see /usr/bin/git -- the Apple supplied version. This will be because /usr/bin appears in your PATH environment variable before /usr/local/git/bin. You can verify this by running the command:
echo $PATH
If that is the case then run this command:
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
and then try git --version again. You should now get This hasn't fixed it permanently yet though. You'll need to add the export PATH=... line to your ~/.bashrc so that it gets set for every shell.

meteorite error Cloning Mac

This is the error I keep getting when I try to run meteorite
$ mrt
Stand back while Meteorite does its thing
✓ router
throw "There was a problem cloning repo: " + self.url;
There was a problem cloning repo:
I've tried sudo -H npm install -g meteorite
I've installed and reinstalled it a bunch of times
I have git installed, I have Xcode installed, I have Homebrew installed and I have meteor.
All of those work.
This is my $PATH
This is which Git
This is which mrt
Not sure if this is relevant but I have two drives in my Mac one that has the user folder and the other that has system files.
Any help? I'm a unix newb so please be very clear on solutions. Thanks
Found the Error, make sure the Volume name has no SPACES. Mine had a few spaces and Meteorite git.js doesn't account for that. Just rename the Volume with no SPACES and it should work.
try running it as root:
$ sudo mrt
I always have to do this when using Meteorite to bundle on remote machines.
You might also need to create a symbolic link on mrt..
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/mrt /usr/bin/mrt
It might be solved already, but I had the same error.
It turned out that Apple wanted me to agree on Terms, which I found out after running:
git --version
I had to run this as a administrator
sudo git --version
And agree upon the long list of Apple Terms. Afterwards my meteorite (and GIT for that matter) was running like a charm again.

Accidentally delete /usr/bin/git file and now I cannot work with git on the terminal

I had a problem with git on my machine and I accidentally deleted the /usr/bin/git from my system.
My git was installed through the XCode Command Line Tools and I cannot find a way to reinstall it.
The git was not uninstalled, the git file was removed.
Is there a way from XCode or somewhere else to reinstall the command line tools? or somewhere Where I can get the original git file to add to /usr/bin again?
sudo cp /Applications/ /usr/bin/git
I don't know why /usr/bin/git isn't just a symlink to that file, but on my system it's a separate (identical) copy.

Trying to install git on OSX: cannont exec 'git-credential-osxkeychain': Permission denied`

I'm attempting to install Git on my new MBP and am following the documentation #
I seem to have hit a snag at the point where it says : If you do not have the helper, you can download it and copy it to /usr/local/bin
I navigated to /usr/local/bin in terminal and did a sudo wget [link to osxkeychain]. When I try to do a git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain I get a fatal: cannont exec 'git-credential-osxkeychain': Permission denied.
What did I do wrong?
Download the git-credential-osxkeychain file to your desktop(!).
Open the Terminal application.
Type in the following:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/git-credential-osxkeychain /usr/local/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
sudo git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Test it with:
sudo git credential-osxkeychain
See the sudo prefix? It seems to be required for the credential stuff... It should now output Usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>
Make the downloaded file executable:
chmod 755 git-credential-osxkeychain
Homebrew's git package sets this up; just:
brew install git
and you're away.
Tried sudo?
/usr/bin is protected. Or you could try downloading git executables somewhere on your laptop and add that location to your PATH.
One of the common mistakes made by people starting on git is that they have the wrong executable for the operating system.
Please make sure that when you go to git help setup page you click on the right link
for example the following link has MAC | WINDOWS | LINUX | ALL options in the top of the page which is small enough to be ignored by many.
This has happened to many of my team member to install osx for ubuntu and end up getting the error mentioned above

override git from Xcode with homebrew version

I've installed XCode and therefore git is there as well. Since i want to have a newer version of git I installed using homebrew.
But the homebrew version of git is never called since my PATH looks like this
which means the /usr/bin/git is allways called before /usr/local/bin/git.
Is there a way to change that without changing the PATH?
Xcode is actually using the GIT that is stored in /Applications/ The same version of GIT gets installed in /usr/bin when you installed the command line tools as part of Xcode installation. So, you won't be able to change what Xcode is using (unless you are willing to muck with the contents of the Xcode package). If, from a terminal application, you want to use the homebrew-installed GIT then you have two options:
Reference GIT with the full path as /usr/local/bin/git ... For this case you can create an alias like alias mgit=/usr/local/bin/git and then use mgit ... from the terminal
Change the path as PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH either in your .bashrc or .zshrc if you use zsh file (or each time you start a terminal at the command line).
Since Xcode hard coded its own version of git which is installed on /Applications/, I managed to use this work around trick:
change into the Xcode directory:
cd /Applications/
rename the Xcode's git like this:
sudo mv ./git ./git-xcode-usr-bin
link my own git which is installed through homebrew:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git ./git
And I did the same thing with /usr/bin/git
This will acctually link /usr/local/Cellar/git/1.8.0/bin/git (because I'm use git 1.8.0 at the present)
Certainly this may cause some other problems, such as when I upgrade the homebrew's verion git in the future, it would not work for me :( and I have to make a new link then.
I do it like this because I want to solve my own problem here 13177203. And after search StackOverFlow for a long time, I finally got this solution.
If you are using fish shell instead of bash, you can point to your preferred git binary by adding the following to ~/.config/fish/
function git
/usr/local/bin/git $argv;
