meteorite error Cloning Mac - macos

This is the error I keep getting when I try to run meteorite
$ mrt
Stand back while Meteorite does its thing
✓ router
throw "There was a problem cloning repo: " + self.url;
There was a problem cloning repo:
I've tried sudo -H npm install -g meteorite
I've installed and reinstalled it a bunch of times
I have git installed, I have Xcode installed, I have Homebrew installed and I have meteor.
All of those work.
This is my $PATH
This is which Git
This is which mrt
Not sure if this is relevant but I have two drives in my Mac one that has the user folder and the other that has system files.
Any help? I'm a unix newb so please be very clear on solutions. Thanks

Found the Error, make sure the Volume name has no SPACES. Mine had a few spaces and Meteorite git.js doesn't account for that. Just rename the Volume with no SPACES and it should work.

try running it as root:
$ sudo mrt
I always have to do this when using Meteorite to bundle on remote machines.
You might also need to create a symbolic link on mrt..
$ ln -s /usr/local/bin/mrt /usr/bin/mrt

It might be solved already, but I had the same error.
It turned out that Apple wanted me to agree on Terms, which I found out after running:
git --version
I had to run this as a administrator
sudo git --version
And agree upon the long list of Apple Terms. Afterwards my meteorite (and GIT for that matter) was running like a charm again.


macOS 13 upgraded the xcode git commandline tools always try to find old SDK, even installed git it still claims I need to install

xcodebuild: error: SDK "/Applications/" cannot be located.
git: error: Failed to determine realpath of '/Applications/' (errno=No such file or directory)
this caused a dead lock, git can not found this path, and it can not be installed, then it ask to install, I installed, it can not foud this path, and it can not be installed.....
what should I do?
CAUTION: This is not a final fix but a quick one that worked for me.
Hi there,
I tried to delete CommandLine Tools and change the path to Xcode but nothing worked.
When you run xcrun --show-sdk-path it'll look for MacOSX12.3.sdk for some reason, the quickest solution now is to make a link and name it MacOSX12.3.sdk by running the following commands:
cd /Applications/
ln -s ./MacOSX.sdk ./MacOSX12.3.sdk
Running sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools at least enabled xcrun --show-sdk-pathto find something instead of throwing an error.
But still it only finds the old MacOSX12.3.sdk

How to start over with Homebrew?

I recently replaced my Intel Macbook with an M2 Mac, using my Time Machine backup to initialize the hard drive. That, of course, dutifully copied all the Intel code.
I had brewed onto the old system. Today running brew upgrade gives me:
Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)!
Please create a new installation in /opt/homebrew using one of the
"Alternative Installs" from:
You can migrate your previously installed formula list with:
brew bundle dump
So of course I ran brew bundle dump and that didn't give me any more direction. I'm ready to wipe the entire slate clean with something like rm -rf xxx and start over, but I feel like I should be choosy about xxx.
FWIW, brew --version returns:
Homebrew 3.6.5-10-gbde685a
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision d6fa8906828; last commit 2022-10-11
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 576798b72f; last commit 2022-10-12)
Any real help would be welcome (except "switch to macports").
It turns out that just running "brew bundle dump" is only the first step. Follow that wit "brew bundle install --file Brewfile", as explained very clearly in
Don't rush to follow my advice, or accept my answer. Someone else may give you something better if you are patient...
You should be able to get a list of installed packages in the current setup then it'll be easier to install the same packages in the new one. Try this and see if it looks correct:
brew ls > ~/oldbrewpackages.txt
You need to find where your current casks and stuff are installed. Like this:
brew config
and look for HOMEBREW_PREFIX. Snuffle around in there and see if it looks like where all your packages are.
Next, I would look around for anything to do with homebrew in my login profiles, comment it out by putting a hash (#) at the start of the line, save the file and check you can still start a new Terminal without errors:
grep -i homebrew -/.*
Now, rather than removing all your homebrew stuff under HOMEBREW_PREFIX, I would try renaming it. You may need to turn off "System Integrity Protection" first.
Then if your homebrew stuff is under /opt/homebrew, you could do:
sudo mv /opt/homebrew /opt/homebrew.unused
Then you'll want to reboot.
Now you should be able to install a new homebrew without it detecting the old one... hopefully.
To install your previous packages in your new homebrew, you want:
brew install $(cat -/oldbrewpackages.txt)
If everything looks good and works well, make a backup and then type the command to delete your old stuff, and read it very carefully 3x before hitting Enter
sudo rm -rf /opt/homebrew.unused

Git hanging after installing osx credential helper

I'm having the same problem as this thread: Git hangs indefinitely - broke with osx credential helper I think
Basically -- had been running git without problems, then installed the credential-osxkeychain and git began hanging indefinitely after any command. e.g., running git init results in a hanging prompt and any input creates an error: bad input
I tried following the advice to delete git from usr/bin/git but now it doesn't recognize anything. I tried reinstalling git but now it doesn't seem to recognize it.
I ran which git and it returns: /usr/local/git/bin/git
I'm somewhat new at this and don't have the balls to just start running sudo commands and moving things around in the /usr/bin directory.
Any ideas what I can do to fix this?
I had the same problem and fixed it thusly:
uninstall git via the that comes with the install
reinstall git via the installer
run which git and cd to the folder containing git (eg. cd /usr/local/git/bin/)
run curl -O
run chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain
run git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Still not totally sure what I actually did to fix this problem, but resetting the terminal ended up getting it to work.
I had the same problem.
I didnt have git 1.7.10 or later installed. Messed everything up.
To fix, I had to delete git and install a newer version.
I used homebrew to install, after deleting.
is working again.
To fix this I reinstalled git from
and then added /usr/local/git/bin to the top of the file /etc/paths

OSX Homebrew error: uninitialized constant MACOS

I've searched around a bit and can't seem to find any record of anyone else with this problem.
Whenever I try to run
$ brew update
I am rewarded with
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
This isn't my machine and I normally develop on Linux systems so this is all a bit odd to me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please tell me if there is any additional info I should provide. Again, I'm not used to homebrew or OSX.
at the request of JameA
xiao:~ patrick$ brew doctor
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
xiao:~ patrick$ brew --config
/usr/local/bin/brew:34: uninitialized constant MACOS (NameError)
...Not sure I like this whole "here, use this macbook for the project, it works better" thing...
I'm pretty sure the root cause of this is a failed upgrade attempt to Homebrew 0.9.5 from a much earlier version. Basically, if you run brew update as opposed to sudo brew update a portion of files are updated, while others are not. Here's what worked for me:
Edit /usr/local/bin/brew (it's just a Ruby file, not a compiled binary, so any text editor will do). You'll find a block like:
abort <<-EOABORT.undent
Homebrew requires Leopard or higher. For Tiger support, see:
Comment this out. Even if you don't know Ruby, you can probably intuit what this is doing—it's checking to see if you have a current version of OSX. Assuming that you do in fact have this version, this sanity check isn't necessary. Brew is still broken, but at least now it will load far enough to give error messages.
Run sudo brew update, spoiler alert: it fails, but this time with a meaningful error message:
$ brew update
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
[giant list of files here]
Well, today I learned that brew update is just a wrapper for git pull because anyone who has worked with git knows that error message. We can fix this too.
Switch into the homebrew git repository with cd /usr/local and give the command git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD.
This piece found here.
Give the command sudo brew update. Homebrew should now update successfully and work properly!
Once the system is working again, you can actually kind of see why an error like this would have occurred. For one, usr/local/bin/brew has been completely rewriten and isn't even Ruby anymore, and most of its configuration has been moved into /usr/local/Library/brew.rb which no longer uses the constants MACOS or MACOS_VERSION constants, as they have been replaced by the more object oriented OS.mac and MacOS.version.
The MACOS constant is set in globals.rb. It seems like you may have a borked installation of Homebrew.
Check the output of brew doctor for any suggestions.
If that doesn't help please update with the results of brew --config.
If all else fails you may want to try re-installing Homebrew.
Since this was a previous user's machine make sure your user is the owner of /usr/local and everything within. Fix it with sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local.
I had a similar issue, when I Killed an install mid-way with Ctrl-D.
Post that whenever I tried installing anything it gave the following error
uninitialized constant Homebrew::CLI::Parser::ARGV_WITHOUT_MONKEY_PATCHING
As a fix, I went to the directory I had where homebrew was installed, and reset the HEAD.
cd /usr/local/Homebrew
git status
git checkout .
And then it started working magically.
I had a similar error with a "borked" installation of brew. I removed the small 5 line block of code in the /usr/local/bin/brew script starting with the MACOS line. That did the trick to allow me to uninstall and eventually reinstall it.
In addition to Matt Korostoff's answer.
On point 3 (resetting the repo), for recent version of Homebrew, the repo is no longer /usr/local, do cd "$(brew --repo)" instead.

RVM "ERROR: Unable to checkout branch ." single-user

I'm having trouble installing RVM on a new Debian 6 VirtualBox VM. I've installed all the needed packages and downloaded the install script fine using
(curl -s > rvm
, but when running it as a single user
bash rvm
I get the following error message:
ERROR: Unable to checkout branch .
Installation stops here, and (as far as I can tell) none of RVM's files are installed.
If I run the script as root (for a multi-user install), I get the other message:
Successfully checked out branch ''
The installer continues and indiciates success, but .rvm directories are not added and even after modifying my .bash_profile(s), I get 'rvm: command not found'.
I'm really stumped here. I don't have a ton of experience in either bash or with git, so I'm not sure if the fact that 'branch' is blank is the problem, or how to continue debugging. I'm here to learn, so please don't hesitate to ask questions so we can figure this out.
I had a /etc/rvmrc lying around that was confusing it. The rvm-installer was trying to install into /usr/local and failing. Deleting it fixed it.
Had the same problem.
Checked for /etc/rvmrc - but did not exist.
Did a ls -al, and found .rvm in my home directory.
Ran rm -rf .rvm
For the syntax error when install rvm on windows.
1. curl -s
2. sh rvm
and that did it!
You can try this. (it worked for me)
Set the rvm_path to be user-facing:
appuser$ echo 'rvm_path="$HOME/.rvm"' >> ~/.rvmrc
Now install RVM,
appuser$ curl -s -o rvm-installer ; chmod +x rvm-installer ; ./rvm-installer
source :
