Updated Git but still showing old version - macos

I downloaded and installed Git from this link: http://git-scm.com/downloads. However, when I run git --version from the Terminal I get:
[~/workspace/ruby]: git --version
git version
I've tried restarting the terminal and my computer. I then tried using the info at https://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/wiki/Uninstall. I did the following in the terminal from within /usr:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/git
sudo rm /etc/paths.d/git
sudo rm /etc/manpaths.d/git
I then ran the new git .dmg file again but am still getting when I run git --version. I suppose there's something going on here with the Mac filesystem that I don't understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Run the command:
which git
You'll probably see /usr/bin/git -- the Apple supplied version. This will be because /usr/bin appears in your PATH environment variable before /usr/local/git/bin. You can verify this by running the command:
echo $PATH
If that is the case then run this command:
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
and then try git --version again. You should now get This hasn't fixed it permanently yet though. You'll need to add the export PATH=... line to your ~/.bashrc so that it gets set for every shell.


Replace Xcode's git with downloaded latest 1.8.3

I want to use latest version of git (1.8.3).
Currently when I make git --version it shows me git version (Apple Git-37) which was installed together with Xcode I suppose.
I installed newest version but still bash uses Xcode one..
Please advice me how to override xcode git with the path that is installed to usr/local/bin?
Edit ~/.bash_profile and add
alias git=/usr/local/bin/git
Source the bash_profile file or restart bash (source ~/.bash_profile)
See what git --version prints.
I am not sure if this affects XCode. I never use versioning tools in IDEs, I do it from the command line
Or you add /usr/local/bin to $PATH to your bash_profile. I do this with macports or better said macports alters your bash_profile automatically.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
Use a symbolic link to make Xcode use the /usr/local/bin/git instead of its built-in git
cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/
sudo mv git xcodeGIt
sudo ln -s git /usr/local/git
Disclaimer: typed inline -- but thats how it works. Done it and it works fine for me

How to update my version of git on OSX 10.8

I'm on OSX 10.8.2 and I'm running git git v1.7.4.4
I just installed git on a remote server and it's version 1.11.x. I'm I would like to be running the same version of the software but I cannot figure out how to update git on my laptop.
I attempted to follow the steps listed here, which instruct to download the git-OSX-installer, run the install (which ran smoothly) and then do:
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/git/bin/git /usr/local/bin/git
But after this I do git --version and it's still Did I just reinstall the same version? Or did I install a newer version somewhere else?
I've been reading similar questions and I think the issue is that OSX ships with an old version of git installed in a different location then where the git-osx-installer or mac ports will put it. But I'm not sure how to correct this. Thanks in advance for your advice.
which git returns:
echo $PATH returns:
ESL ~/Downloads$ export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
ESL ~/Downloads$ which git
ESL ~/Downloads$
ESL ~/Downloads$ git --version
git version
It appears I installed the newer git version in local. So should I add the export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to my .bash_profile? Is it a problem that both versions of git are installed?
I added export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH to the bottom of my ~/.bash_profile and now the new version of git runs.
The best way to update any binary on a Mac OSX machine is to use the package(s) developed specifically for Mac (a .dmg or .pkg download).
In the case of git this is at: http://git-scm.com/download/mac
(clicking on this link should automatically start the download of the latest version of git for Mac).
However, in this case (at least for my 10.8.3 MacBook) this was not quite the whole story: the package installs git in /usr/local/git and then adds that path at the end of $PATH - which defeats the whole purpose IMO.
I have manually modified my .bashrc so as to have something similar to what suggested above:
export PATH=/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
Once you do that, you should see the correct version of git being picked:
$ git --version
git version
Note that this won't work for any app that is launched interactively (eg, via the docking bar) - you'll have to run the additional script provided in the downloaded package; see the README for instructions.
Since /usr/bin shows up before /usr/local/bin in your path, the git executable in /usr/bin will be given precedence.
try this in your shell:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
which git
On a side note, I'd strongly recommend using homebrew for managing installations such as this on macos
I had a similar issue in Cygwin (linux environment compiled for windows). I would do
which git
and it would respond with the correct location of the updated git compiled from source, but wouldn't actually use it until I did
hash -r git
I don't claim to understand what this did or why it had to be done, but after that git --version replied with '1.8.2.rc0.22.gb3600c3' which was clearly no longer the old git shipped with Cygwin. This may not apply to OSX, but give it a shot if which git is locating the updated binary.

Git hanging after installing osx credential helper

I'm having the same problem as this thread: Git hangs indefinitely - broke with osx credential helper I think
Basically -- had been running git without problems, then installed the credential-osxkeychain and git began hanging indefinitely after any command. e.g., running git init results in a hanging prompt and any input creates an error: bad input
I tried following the advice to delete git from usr/bin/git but now it doesn't recognize anything. I tried reinstalling git but now it doesn't seem to recognize it.
I ran which git and it returns: /usr/local/git/bin/git
I'm somewhat new at this and don't have the balls to just start running sudo commands and moving things around in the /usr/bin directory.
Any ideas what I can do to fix this?
I had the same problem and fixed it thusly:
uninstall git via the uninstall.sh that comes with the install
reinstall git via the installer
run which git and cd to the folder containing git (eg. cd /usr/local/git/bin/)
run curl -O http://github-media-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/osx/git-credential-osxkeychain
run chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain
run git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Still not totally sure what I actually did to fix this problem, but resetting the terminal ended up getting it to work.
I had the same problem.
I didnt have git 1.7.10 or later installed. Messed everything up.
To fix, I had to delete git and install a newer version.
I used homebrew to install, after deleting.
is working again.
To fix this I reinstalled git from http://git-scm.com/download/mac
and then added /usr/local/git/bin to the top of the file /etc/paths

How to fix git config issue where all commands go to blank line?

I am not new to git but I am newer to github and still a beginner with bash. I was trying to set some config stuff and ending up breaking git on my local machine. Here's what I did following these instructions on github for password caching.
$ git config --global user.name 'myusername'
$ git config --global user.email 'myemail#email.com'
$ git credential-osxkeychain
git: 'credential-osxkeychain' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
$ curl -s -O http://github-media-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/osx/git-credential-osxkeychain
$ chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain
$ which git
$ sudo mv git-credential-osxkeychain /usr/bin/git
$ git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
After this command git I received no response, just a new line which I eventually ctrl+c'ed out of. Now, whenever I do a git command in any repo, not just this one, the cursor just moves to a new line. I'm unable to push/pull/clone or do use of the commands I normally use.
I've tried reinstalling the latest version of git and still have the problem. What should I do?
I've tried unsetting credential.helper and uninstalling and reinstalling git. Still seeing the same behavior. I noticed that if I run just $ git the response is Usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>. At this point, I just want to delete credential-osxkeychain. Still unsuccessful.
As requested, the output of which -a git is:
$ which -a git
When you ran this command:
$ sudo mv git-credential-osxkeychain /usr/bin/git
You overwrote the existing git executable with the git-credential-osxkeychain executable. That script is only meant to be run as a sub-command of Git, not standalone.
If you use Time Machine, you can try to restore the old /usr/bin/git from a backup. Otherwise, you'll need to reinstall Git.
Based on the comments below, it appears that /usr/bin/git is actually still git-credential-osxkeychain, probably because Git installed itself into /usr/local instead of /usr/bin.
If you don't care about the keychain behavior anymore, you can remove the current git executable altogether:
$ sudo rm /usr/bin/git
That may cause Git to start working for you immediately if /usr/local/git/bin is in your path. Or you could simply move it to /usr/local/git/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain:
$ sudo mv /usr/bin/git /usr/local/git/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
which (again, assuming your path is correct) should allow you to use it as a credential helper like you originally wanted.

Trying to install git on OSX: cannont exec 'git-credential-osxkeychain': Permission denied`

I'm attempting to install Git on my new MBP and am following the documentation # https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git.
I seem to have hit a snag at the point where it says : If you do not have the helper, you can download it and copy it to /usr/local/bin
I navigated to /usr/local/bin in terminal and did a sudo wget [link to osxkeychain]. When I try to do a git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain I get a fatal: cannont exec 'git-credential-osxkeychain': Permission denied.
What did I do wrong?
Download the git-credential-osxkeychain file to your desktop(!).
Open the Terminal application.
Type in the following:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/git-credential-osxkeychain /usr/local/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/git-credential-osxkeychain
sudo git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Test it with:
sudo git credential-osxkeychain
See the sudo prefix? It seems to be required for the credential stuff... It should now output Usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>
Make the downloaded file executable:
chmod 755 git-credential-osxkeychain
Homebrew's git package sets this up; just:
brew install git
and you're away.
Tried sudo?
/usr/bin is protected. Or you could try downloading git executables somewhere on your laptop and add that location to your PATH.
One of the common mistakes made by people starting on git is that they have the wrong executable for the operating system.
Please make sure that when you go to git help setup page you click on the right link
for example the following link has MAC | WINDOWS | LINUX | ALL options in the top of the page which is small enough to be ignored by many.
This has happened to many of my team member to install osx for ubuntu and end up getting the error mentioned above
