Multiple errors staging a release in Maven? - maven

While trying to push a release to Maven, I am getting several errors including:
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The git-commit command failed.
Command output:

So this is really just a brain dump of the process I had to go through to push a release for an open source project hosted on git into the Sonatype maven repo. Almost everything here has been covered in separate StackOverflow questions, but for those (like me) doing this for the first time, an overview is useful.
The whole process is actually just two commands:
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform
However, it's the fiddly details that caught me out. So this is the process I needed to follow:
Check in all changes to your project. Maven will complain if there any any unpushed local changes.
Make sure you have a SSH public key in git. This will fix or prevent the Permission denied (publickey). error.
Make sure you project's version is a SNAPSHOT and delete the file if it exists. This will fix or prevent the The git-commit command failed. error.
Run the Maven commands listed above.
I added the GPG key details to ~/.m2/settings.xm. The complete file is listed below.
At this point you will have unsigned artefacts waiting in the staging area. I was uploading a parent POM file only, so I needed to sign then with the command mvn -Pgpg gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -Durl= -DrepositoryId=sonatype-nexus-staging -DpomFile=pom.xml -Dfile=pom.xml
Now release it with the instructions at
This is the ~/.m2/settings.xml file.


Maven Build Failure -- DependencyResolutionException

I'm installing a package that has Maven dependency and get a DependencyResolutionException when I try to clean it.
After cloning it, I navigate to the directory and run the following to install it with no error:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/massbank.jar -DgroupId=massbank -DartifactId=massbank -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/metfusion.jar -DgroupId=de.ipbhalle.msbi -DartifactId=metfusion -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean package
with the following console output:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< MassBank2NIST:MassBank2NIST >---------------------
[INFO] Building MassBank2NIST 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.450 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-07T01:08:28-04:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project MassBank2NIST: Could not resolve dependencies for project MassBank2NIST:MassBank2NIST:jar:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:jar:1.8: Failed to read artifact descriptor for edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:jar:1.8: Could not transfer artifact edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:pom:1.8 from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [EBI (, default, releases+snapshots), releases (, default, releases+snapshots)] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
I can post the output of the debug logging switch if necessary, but it's quite long. I can also post the pom.xml, however it refers to the repositories as required from what I can tell.
I've searched for similar posts, but none seem to contain the same series of errors or similar. Can someone help me decipher these errors?
You don't have to downgrade Maven. What happens here is that since 3.8.1, Maven comes with a default configuration to block all HTTP (insecure) repositories. The best way would be to upgrade your repositories and make them secure (HTTPS).
However, you can tell Maven to allow downloading from your insecure repository by adding this mirror to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:
Setting blocked to false will fix your issue. Note that above snippet assumes that the repository at mirrors all insecure HTTP repositories (which is what external:http:* means).
You can also unblock individual repositories. For example, the JasperSoft repository is insecure, I unblock it with:
Open file ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/settings.xml
And Comment these lines.
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
If you do not have access to ~/.m2/settings.xml because your build is handled by cloud CI/CD or you want to share this solution with your team members. The best way is to create your own maven setting file in the project.
Create .mvn folder in your project.
Create custom-settings.xml file inside .mvn folder with such content (in this example we unblock http connection for mirror):
<settings xmlns=""
Create maven.config file inside .mvn folder with such content:
--settings ../.mvn/custom-settings.xml
Or you can just run mvn clean install --settings .mvn/custom-settings.xml.
The error "Blocked mirror for repositories" is referred to explicitly in Maven's release note for version 3.8.1:
How to fix when I get a HTTP repository blocked?
If the repository is defined in your pom.xml, please fix it in your source code.
If the repository is defined in one of your dependencies POM, you’ll get a message like:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project test: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxx: Failed to collect dependencies at my.test:dependency:version -> my.test.transitive:transitive:version: Failed to read artifact descriptor for my.test.transitive:transitive:jar:version: Could not transfer artifact my.test.transitive:transitive:pom:version from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [blocked-repository-id (, default, releases+snapshots)]
They go on to offer some ways to avoid the problem:
Options to fix are:
upgrade the dependency version to a newer version that replaced the obsolete HTTP repository URL with a HTTPS one,
keep the dependency version but define a mirror in your settings.
Plus, I suppose, the simpler, shorter-term option would be to roll back your version of Maven to anything prior to 3.8.1.
Use apache-maven-3.6.3, which uses http only
use apache-maven-3.8.1, adding the following in ~/.m2/settings.xml could solve such problem:
<name>Maven Repository Manager running on</name>
Refer to this link to see why the error occurred.
I had a similar problem but with Vaadin.
There is the simplest solution possible, and it is to replace all http:// with https://
This is an example :
This is due to latest maven blocks insecure HTTP connections. One possibility is adding a mirror to maven settings.xml. Best way is updating the pom file to refer to secure HTTPS repository if it is available. For example I faced the same issue with following config in pom.xml.
I was able to resolve the issue by updating URL as bellow. Here I referred to HTTPS repo which was available in my case.
For me, I had to downgrade to the older version 3.6.3 from the site and the crazy problem is gone, hope maven community can fix this problem without us doing anything to our settings.xml.
apache-maven-3.6.3-bin will resolve the maven-default-http-blocker (http // blocked Issue (fixed for me) it works for me
New mvn versions do not support http (insecure repos)
ultimately had to downgrade to mvn 3.5
brew uninstall maven
Instructions to install mvn 3.5 can be found at

Configure Nexus connection for maven deployment

Im trying to gain some experience in working with Nexus and TeamCity.
To do so i set both servers up on my local machine and configured a pet project thats located on in a private repo.
But i can't get my TC-Build to run because the Maven deploy step fails with following message.
[14:58:55][Step 2/2] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project Worm: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact org.test.worm:Worm:jar:1.0.0 from/to local_nexus (http://localhost:8081/repository/org.test): Transfer failed for http://localhost:8081/repository/org.test/org/test/worm/Worm/1.0.0/Worm-1.0.0.jar 401 Unauthorized
Seems like it fails due to wrongly configured authorization but i can't find the mistake.
In my projects pom.xml it is configured like this
and in my mavens settings.xml like this
Im using the default admin user (user/pw is correct, logging into nexus with the same user) that is created when installing nexus. Same user that created the repository.
TC running under localhost:8080 and Nexus under localhost:8081
Please tell me what i configured wrongly or what i forgot.
Using mvn help:effective-settings i could confirm that the settings.xml was configured correctly. But it made me realize that my TeamCity Server was using a different (its own) maven instance than my local machine. So the solution was to either set the maven-home for TeamCity or to configure the settings.xml of the other maven instance.
Stupid mistake i should have noticed way sooner.

Binding nexus credentials to maven deploy job in jenkins build

I have a maven pom project with defined distributionManagement section in pom.xml
in the settings.xml file I have set up the servers section
in jenkins, I binded the credentials to these variables
But doing mvn clean deploy gives me following error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project XY:
Failed to deploy artifacts:
Could not transfer artifact XY:pom:1.0.0 from/to my-repo (
Failed to transfer file:
Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]
When I echoed the variable ${CI_DEPLOY_USERNAME} in shell before build, it gave me **** output -> I think that is ok.
Where else should I provide the variables? Is my project's settings.xml get used in maven deploy command?
Using environment variables as properties in Maven requires that they're prefixed with env., so it should be:

nexus-staging-maven-plugin returns 401 without information

I am working on getting Anonimatron available as libary in the central Maven Repository. In order to do that I followed the documentation in the sonatype documentation. The nexus staging plugin gives me a 401 error when running mvn deploy and I can't figure out why because it does not tell me what is going on.
I have a working account at, and I have created a user access token there. The access token is stored in the servers section of my maven ~/.m2/settings.xml like so (token removed for reasons):
Then, in my maven file I added the nexus staging plugin:
When I run mvn deploy, I get the error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.7:deploy (injected-nexus-deploy) on project anonimatron: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact com.rolfje.anonimatron:anonimatron:jar:javadoc:1.9.3-20180512.204932-1 from/to sonatype-snapshots ( Failed to transfer file: Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]
To check wether my token is indeed valid, I tried uploading with curl:
--request PUT --data target/anonimatron-1.9.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
This succeeds and I can see the uploaded jar appear in the Nexus Repository Manager.
I have executed the same steps as in this question but since I have not uploaded anything yet, version numbers can not collide, although I did do a manual javadoc upload at the end. Since that is a snapshot, and it worked, I think my problem is with the nexus-staging-maven-plugin.
What I am searching for is a way to debug the nexus-staging-maven-plugin so that I know why it is failing. It does not tell me which credentials it is using, wether it loaded those from the settings.xml file, and what exact steps it is taking, even if I run mvn with -e and -X flags.
Executing a deploy with the standard maven-deploy plugin, as #khmarbaise mentioned, did seem to work. I reported this problem to sonatype as part of issues
OSSRH-39766 and OSSRH-39777.
Joel regenerated my permissions and now the nexus release plugin seems to be working. Note that this could also be caused by the maven-deploy which might have "primed" something.
All in all, the nexus release plugin could do with some improvements on the logging, particularly:
What profile is used to execute the steps
What step (exactly) is being executed
If there is a 401, tell which userid was used to execute that step and from which environment that was fetched (command line, settings.xml, etc).
I see some people struggling with the nexus plugin, while the plugin should actually make life easier.
Thanks to SonaType for the fast and helpful responses!
Add the following in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:
Also, update your pom.xml:
Make sure repository id and server id matches.
In this example, the id is "ossrh".
Also, note that the username and password should be same as your jira login. That's it mvn clean deploy will now upload your jar to sonatype repoditory. Happy Deploying!!

Deploy from Maven to Nexus got error: ReasonPhrase:Forbidden
I am following the above link to setup Maven and Nexus, everything new. I couldn't left a new comment there so I post here.
After so long, I am in another company, when I tried to setup a simple sample in my local PC, I got this error in "mvn deploy" to the simple Maven my-app sample. I installed the simple Nexus Open Source w/o Tomcat.
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata from/to snapshots (localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots): Access denied to: localhosts:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/com/mycompany/app/my-app/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden.
In your settings.xml located in MAVEN_HOME/conf you have to add in servers section
And in your pom must looks like
Ids have to be the same.
Richard Seddon resolved my issue in nexus-users group.
Add this to nonProxyHosts:
You need to be authorized to run deployment. This is done by having the server section in your settings.xml. Check out the Nexus eval guide, specifically the publishing section and the sample projects in there for more detail.
