Maven Build Failure -- DependencyResolutionException - maven

I'm installing a package that has Maven dependency and get a DependencyResolutionException when I try to clean it.
After cloning it, I navigate to the directory and run the following to install it with no error:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/massbank.jar -DgroupId=massbank -DartifactId=massbank -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/metfusion.jar -DgroupId=de.ipbhalle.msbi -DartifactId=metfusion -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean package
with the following console output:
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< MassBank2NIST:MassBank2NIST >---------------------
[INFO] Building MassBank2NIST 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.450 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-07T01:08:28-04:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project MassBank2NIST: Could not resolve dependencies for project MassBank2NIST:MassBank2NIST:jar:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:jar:1.8: Failed to read artifact descriptor for edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:jar:1.8: Could not transfer artifact edu.ucdavis.fiehnlab.splash:core:pom:1.8 from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [EBI (, default, releases+snapshots), releases (, default, releases+snapshots)] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
I can post the output of the debug logging switch if necessary, but it's quite long. I can also post the pom.xml, however it refers to the repositories as required from what I can tell.
I've searched for similar posts, but none seem to contain the same series of errors or similar. Can someone help me decipher these errors?

You don't have to downgrade Maven. What happens here is that since 3.8.1, Maven comes with a default configuration to block all HTTP (insecure) repositories. The best way would be to upgrade your repositories and make them secure (HTTPS).
However, you can tell Maven to allow downloading from your insecure repository by adding this mirror to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:
Setting blocked to false will fix your issue. Note that above snippet assumes that the repository at mirrors all insecure HTTP repositories (which is what external:http:* means).
You can also unblock individual repositories. For example, the JasperSoft repository is insecure, I unblock it with:

Open file ${MAVEN_HOME}/conf/settings.xml
And Comment these lines.
<name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>

If you do not have access to ~/.m2/settings.xml because your build is handled by cloud CI/CD or you want to share this solution with your team members. The best way is to create your own maven setting file in the project.
Create .mvn folder in your project.
Create custom-settings.xml file inside .mvn folder with such content (in this example we unblock http connection for mirror):
<settings xmlns=""
Create maven.config file inside .mvn folder with such content:
--settings ../.mvn/custom-settings.xml
Or you can just run mvn clean install --settings .mvn/custom-settings.xml.

The error "Blocked mirror for repositories" is referred to explicitly in Maven's release note for version 3.8.1:
How to fix when I get a HTTP repository blocked?
If the repository is defined in your pom.xml, please fix it in your source code.
If the repository is defined in one of your dependencies POM, you’ll get a message like:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project test: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxx: Failed to collect dependencies at my.test:dependency:version -> my.test.transitive:transitive:version: Failed to read artifact descriptor for my.test.transitive:transitive:jar:version: Could not transfer artifact my.test.transitive:transitive:pom:version from/to maven-default-http-blocker ( Blocked mirror for repositories: [blocked-repository-id (, default, releases+snapshots)]
They go on to offer some ways to avoid the problem:
Options to fix are:
upgrade the dependency version to a newer version that replaced the obsolete HTTP repository URL with a HTTPS one,
keep the dependency version but define a mirror in your settings.
Plus, I suppose, the simpler, shorter-term option would be to roll back your version of Maven to anything prior to 3.8.1.

Use apache-maven-3.6.3, which uses http only

use apache-maven-3.8.1, adding the following in ~/.m2/settings.xml could solve such problem:
<name>Maven Repository Manager running on</name>
Refer to this link to see why the error occurred.

I had a similar problem but with Vaadin.
There is the simplest solution possible, and it is to replace all http:// with https://
This is an example :

This is due to latest maven blocks insecure HTTP connections. One possibility is adding a mirror to maven settings.xml. Best way is updating the pom file to refer to secure HTTPS repository if it is available. For example I faced the same issue with following config in pom.xml.
I was able to resolve the issue by updating URL as bellow. Here I referred to HTTPS repo which was available in my case.

For me, I had to downgrade to the older version 3.6.3 from the site and the crazy problem is gone, hope maven community can fix this problem without us doing anything to our settings.xml.

apache-maven-3.6.3-bin will resolve the maven-default-http-blocker (http // blocked Issue (fixed for me) it works for me

New mvn versions do not support http (insecure repos)

ultimately had to downgrade to mvn 3.5
brew uninstall maven
Instructions to install mvn 3.5 can be found at


How to force Maven to use a specific repository (and only that)?

I am setting up a local Nexus repository and am trying to convince my local Maven setup to access that repo as the one and only. That Nexus repo has a group maven-central defined that (quoting from the Nexus manual:) "...accesses the Central Repository, formerly known as Maven Central." and is also supposed to cache the downloaded data.
I thus entered my local Nexus repo into my [home]\.m2\settings.xml like this:
<name>Nexus Repo on Synology NAS</name>
But for some strange reason, when I run Maven it starts downloading everything from instead of from the local URL, as I would have expected:
[INFO] Downloading from :
[INFO] Downloading from :
[INFO] Downloaded from : (998 B at 7.3 kB/s)
[INFO] Downloading from :
[INFO] Downloading from :
[INFO] Downloaded from : (121 kB at 1.4 MB/s)
My questions thus:
First: any idea anyone, why the requests to obviously don't work? I am using a freshly downloaded and installed Nexus v3.18.0 here. The Maven-central proxy is already predefined and I have nothing special configured. Apparently that doesn't work "out-of-the-box".
Second: where does Maven have the URL from that it is using as alternative? Is that hardcoded into Maven as fall-back if a repo doesn't work? Can one suppress that so that it ONLY accesses the repo defined in settings.xml?
You need to configure a mirror in the settings.xml that will override the repository definitions in the superpom and in other pom files:

Are all maven mirrors the same?

I have following error when using mvn clean install to build janusgraph examples
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for
Could not find artifact org.janusgraph:janusgraph:pom:0.4.0 in alimaven
and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
# line 3, column 13 -> [Help 2]
According to the error, I opened my setting.xml of maven, The mirror conf is
<name>aliyun maven</name>
It says it could not find in this mirror, so would it work if I change another mirror? Are all the mirrors the same (except for the network speed)?
No, there is a large number of different Maven repositories with different content. Usually, though, you draw most of your content from MavenCentral:

Why is maven not downloading artifacts from specified repository

I am running Maven 3.5 on Windows 10. Set two repositories in .m2/settings.xml
<snapshots />
Now I need to create a project from a custom quickstart archetype which was published in maven-release repo.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.lgc.dist -DarchetypeArtifactId=com.lgc.dist.core.msp.quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=0.1 -DinteractiveMode=false -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DserviceName=FirstService
The quickstart artifact com.lgc.dist.core.msp.quickstart is available at Same goes for jar.
However the output of the mvn command shows it is trying to download from maven repository which was not defined anywhere in settings.xml file
[INFO] Generating project in Batch mode
[WARNING] Archetype not found in any catalog. Falling back to central repository.
[WARNING] Add a repsoitory with id 'archetype' in your settings.xml if archetype's repository is elsewhere.
[WARNING] The POM for com.lgc.dist:com.lgc.dist.core.msp.quickstart:jar:0.1 is missing, no dependency information available
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.488 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-08-03T21:46:38-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 15M/170M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: The desired archetype does not exist (com.lgc.dist:com.lgc.dist.core.msp.quickstart:0.1) -> [Help 1]
I ran mvn -X to check which settings file it is using and it shows it was .m2/settings.xml. Why is it not working? Is there any special setup for windows 10? The same command works on a Linux VM with the same settings.
For some reason the archetypes weren't found in the repositories or the repositories could not be contacted then it says:
Archetype not found in any catalog. Falling back to central repository.
You can avoid this behaviour if you set your repositories as mirrors.
because of security reasons, in the maven 3.x version, maven-archetype-plugin 3.x is not possible to particular repository from command line argument. you can refer this link you can use look below version

Downloading jar from github repo fails while using maven compile

I am new to Maven. Using the instructions mentioned here:, I created a github maven repo for third-party jar. I can see the jar (and the corresponding pom) here:
My pom.xml has these two entries corresponding to the above jar:
When I do mvn compile, I get the following warning:
[WARNING] Checksum validation failed, expected
which further leads to the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project DataIndex: Could not resolve dependencies for project DataIndex:DataIndex:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.rapid_i:rapidminer:jar:5.3.006 in wiki-keyword-extraction ( -> [Help 1]
If I manually go to the location, I can see the files. So I fail to understand why maven is unable to download the jar/pom from that location.
Any ideas?
First off, please read this post
Second, using a source control system as a Maven Repository is a really bad plan. The recommended thing to do is use a Maven Repository Manager. There are at least three implementations available and there is even an on-line hosting service.
Thirdly, if you insist on following this misguided plan, you need to tell Maven the https path to the raw files in the GitHub repo, not the HTML rendering of the file content with line numbers etc

Maven: unresolvable build extension

I've been looking at google and nothing really points to this problem. When I run "mvn clean install" it returns the following error.
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:3.8 or one of its
dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to collect dependencies for
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:jar:3.8 ()
I'm trying to figure out how to import the maven plugin flexmojos but there are no clear directions on how to do this.
How would I import this plugin into my project?
The dependency you are looking for does exist.
To troubleshoot this problem further we'd need to see your POM and the rest of your build output.
Taking a stab in the dark:
Is this the first time you're running this build on this machine? If so, a very common "gotcha" is a corporate firewall preventing access to Maven Central. The solution in this case is setup a Maven repository manager like Nexus, or configure Maven to use a HTTP proxy.
I had a similar problem. I set up the proxy in Eclipse then I discovered I also set up the proxy in my settings.xml. I deleted the proxy from settings.xml and all worked out.
I hope my situation will help!
I solved this by adding another profile parameter from my pom.xml to my mvn command, e.g. "-Pprofile-name" pointing to a non-Maven repo definition embedded inside that profile, since Maven might be looking for repo definitions to be standing alone in a settings.xml, which isn't always the case.
I resolved this by adding a settings.xml file in the ~\.m2 directory, with the appropriate configuration pointing to our internal libraries.
If this Problem is displayed in the Eclipse Environment, this is because the m2e Connector tries to download the Plugins in to your ~\.m2\ repository
to solve this, open your Eclipse Settings: Window->Preferences and go to the ->Maven->User Settings Section.
Check if either Global Settings or User Settings is connected to the settings.xml File that your Maven uses.
Generally: Maven or your m2e connector tries to download these plugins via the plugin-repositories configured in your settings.xml it's can't find them because the repository is unknown or not reachable because you are behind a proxy or so:
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failed to build parent project for
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of tycho has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from/to tycho (
go to your settings.xml file and add:
Mirrors (in this example: central repository. Do so for any other repos accordingly e.g. tycho):
<name>Our mirror for central repo</name>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/repositories/central/</url>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/groups/public/</url>
this should fix your problems:
Eclipse Specific: if Errors prevails (e.g. unknown packaging) add lifecycle mappings via Window->Preferences->Maven->Discovery->Open Catalog and add Tycho Connector
Further you can add the lifecycle-mapping plugin that handles these lifecycle mappings in the eclipse environment: eclipse m2e lifecycle mappings
Maybe you end up here because you are running nexus for a long time.
I finally found the error Summary tab in the Repositories page.
At some point Maven Central decided to require https: and the URL listed in my configuration still was using http:.
Update the URL to use https:, Save and everything worked smoothly again!
