Configure Nexus connection for maven deployment - maven

Im trying to gain some experience in working with Nexus and TeamCity.
To do so i set both servers up on my local machine and configured a pet project thats located on in a private repo.
But i can't get my TC-Build to run because the Maven deploy step fails with following message.
[14:58:55][Step 2/2] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project Worm: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact org.test.worm:Worm:jar:1.0.0 from/to local_nexus (http://localhost:8081/repository/org.test): Transfer failed for http://localhost:8081/repository/org.test/org/test/worm/Worm/1.0.0/Worm-1.0.0.jar 401 Unauthorized
Seems like it fails due to wrongly configured authorization but i can't find the mistake.
In my projects pom.xml it is configured like this
and in my mavens settings.xml like this
Im using the default admin user (user/pw is correct, logging into nexus with the same user) that is created when installing nexus. Same user that created the repository.
TC running under localhost:8080 and Nexus under localhost:8081
Please tell me what i configured wrongly or what i forgot.

Using mvn help:effective-settings i could confirm that the settings.xml was configured correctly. But it made me realize that my TeamCity Server was using a different (its own) maven instance than my local machine. So the solution was to either set the maven-home for TeamCity or to configure the settings.xml of the other maven instance.
Stupid mistake i should have noticed way sooner.


Maven fails to publish artifact to AWS S3

I am trying to upload a jar to S3 via gitlab CI pipeline.
On deploy stage a run a job with a script.
- mvn -s ../aws-settings.xml deploy
my aws-settings.xml file looks like this (AWS access keys are set in gitlab CI as environment variables)
and in my pom.xml I set distribution managment as
my pipeline fails on deploy stage with the following output
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project <my-project-name>: Failed to deploy artifacts/metadata: Cannot access s3://<myartifactbucketname>/ with type default using the available connector factories: BasicRepositoryConnectorFactory: Cannot access s3://<myartifactbucketname>/ using the registered transporter factories: WagonTransporterFactory: java.util.NoSuchElementException
I need some hints to configure the connection to aws properly (without adding additional plugins if possible). Thank you in advance.
I didn't manage to publish artifact to S3 via maven deploy , but I implemented AWS CLI commands in my pipeline script

Maven settings.xml with an Artifactory <server/> using SSH keys for authentication

Using the Artifacory generated maven settings I can run mvn deploy, the build completes, and artifacts are deployed successfully.
With the ability to upload a public key to Artifactory (see:, I was hoping to swap out the username/password in the generated ~/.m2/settings.xml with a privateKey/passphrase pair (see:
Unfortunately, switching from username/password to privateKey/passphrase I get the following "Not authorized" error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project my-project: Failed to retrieve remote metadata com.test:my-project:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer metadata com.test:my-project:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to my-artifactory ( Not authorized -> [Help 1]
Does Artifactory support privateKey/passphrase authentication from Maven? Or, is it possible to use something other than username/password (API Key maybe?) to allow Maven to authenticate?
I don't know about getting public key authentication to work with Artifactory and Maven, but at least with Artifactory 6.15.1 you can use the Artifactory API Key for your account instead of the password. In the Artifactory web UI, click on your login name to open your profile, enter your current password to unlock your profile, then copy the API Key and paste it in to the <servers> section of your Maven settings.xml, replacing ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME and ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY in the sample below:

Deploy from Maven to Nexus got error: ReasonPhrase:Forbidden
I am following the above link to setup Maven and Nexus, everything new. I couldn't left a new comment there so I post here.
After so long, I am in another company, when I tried to setup a simple sample in my local PC, I got this error in "mvn deploy" to the simple Maven my-app sample. I installed the simple Nexus Open Source w/o Tomcat.
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata from/to snapshots (localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots): Access denied to: localhosts:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/com/mycompany/app/my-app/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden.
In your settings.xml located in MAVEN_HOME/conf you have to add in servers section
And in your pom must looks like
Ids have to be the same.
Richard Seddon resolved my issue in nexus-users group.
Add this to nonProxyHosts:
You need to be authorized to run deployment. This is done by having the server section in your settings.xml. Check out the Nexus eval guide, specifically the publishing section and the sample projects in there for more detail.

Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

Im' getting an error when deploying an artifact in my own repository in a Nexus server: "Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact" "Failed to transfer file http:///my_artifact. Return code is: 400"
I have Nexus running with one custom repository my_repo with the next maven local configuration:
<name>Repo Mirror</name>
user has permissions to create/read/write into my_repo -
and then I execute
mvn deploy
and get the error. Any idea?
A couple things I can think of:
user credentials are wrong
url to server is wrong
user does not have access to the deployment repository
user does not have access to the specific repository target
artifact is already deployed with that version if it is a release (not -SNAPSHOT version)
the repository is not suitable for deployment of the respective artifact (e.g. release repo for snapshot version, proxy repo or group instead of a hosted repository)
Check those and if you still run into trouble provide more details here.
Just to create a separate answer. The answer is actually found in a comment for the accepted answer.
Try changing the version of your artefact to end with -SNAPSHOT.
400 Bad Request will be returned if you attempt to:
Deploy a snapshot artifact (or version) ending in -SNAPSHOT to a release repository
Deploy a release artifact (version not ending in -SNAPSHOT) to a snapshot repository
Deploy the same version of a release artifact more than once to a release repository
Cause of problem for me was -source.jars was getting uploaded twice (with maven-source-plugin) as mentioned as one of the cause in accepted answer. Redirecting to answer that I referred:
Maven release plugin fails : source artifacts getting deployed twice
In the rare event that you need to redeploy the SAME STABLE artifact to Nexus, it will fail by default. If you then delete the artifact from Nexus (via the web interface) for the purpose of deploying it again, the deploy will still fail, since just removing the e.g. jar or pom does not clear other files still laying around in the directory. You need to log onto the box and delete the directory in its entirety.
I had this exact problem today and the problem was that the version I was trying to release:perform was already in the Nexus repo.
In my case this was likely due to a network disconnect during an earlier invocation of release:perform. Even though I lost my connection, it appears the release succeeded.
I had the same problem today with the addition "Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Bad Request." which turned out to be the "artifact is already deployed with that version if it is a release" problem from answer above enter link description here
One solution not mentioned yet is to configure Nexus to allow redeployment into a Release repository. Maybe not a best practice, because this is set for a reason, you nevertheless could go to "Access Settings" in your Nexus repositories´ "Configuration"-Tab and set the "Deployment Policy" to "Allow Redeploy".
in the parent pom application==> Version put the tag as follows: x.x.x-SNAPSHOT
example :0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
"-SNAPSHOT" : is very important
Ensure that not exists already (artifact and version) in nexus (as release). In that case return Bad Request.
For 400 error, check the repository "Deployment policy" usually its "Disable redeploy". Most of the time your library version is already there that is why you received a message "Could not PUT put 'https://yoururl/some.jar'. Received status code 400 from server: Repository does not allow updating assets: "your repository name"
So, you have a few options to resolve this.
1- allow redeploy
2- delete the version from your repository which you are trying to upload
3- change the version number
If any of the above answers worked out, You can create new artifact directly from the admin side of (NEXUS Screen shot attached below).
Login to nexus UI http://YOUR_URL:8081/nexus( username: admin
default password: admin123 )
Click repositories on the left side then click the repo, For eg: click release.
Choose artifact Upload (last tab).
Choose GAV definition as GAV Param- Then enter your groupid , artifact id and version .
Choose Jar file.
Click upload artifact.
Thats it !
Now you will be able to add the corrsponding in your project.(screenshot below)
This can also happen if you have a naming policy around version, prohibiting the version# you are trying to deploy. In my case I was trying to upload a version (to release repo) 2.0.1 but later found out that our nexus configuration doesn't allow anything other than whole number for releases.
I tried later with version 2 and deployed it successfully.
The error message definitely dosen't help:
Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Repository does not allow updating assets: maven-releases-xxx. -> [Help 1]
A better message could have been version 2.0.1 violates naming policy
I was getting the same 400 response status, and the issue was resolved by adding -Dresume=false.
mvn -B release:prepare release:perform -Dresume=false
In my case, the release:prepare target was being skipped and the following message was logged in the output.
[INFO] Release preparation already completed. You can now continue with release:perform, or start again using the -Dresume=false flag
I suspect that I may have made changes in the pom.xml that required forcing the release:prepare to run again before running release:perform.
Server id should match with the repository id of maven settings.xml
What worked for me was disabling the ReleaseProfile that comes with the release plugin and skipping the deployment in the deploy plugin
Use mvn help:effective-pom
Watch our for your CI doing a deploy after your release:prepare step. For us it was recent introduction of the official Bitbucket Server Integration plugin in Jenkins that was instantly firing on the push from release:prepare.
The fix was to add a step in the plugin for "Polling ignores commits with certain messages" with: ^(?s)\[maven-release-plugin\].* (from

Maven: unresolvable build extension

I've been looking at google and nothing really points to this problem. When I run "mvn clean install" it returns the following error.
[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Plugin
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:3.8 or one of its
dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to collect dependencies for
org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:jar:3.8 ()
I'm trying to figure out how to import the maven plugin flexmojos but there are no clear directions on how to do this.
How would I import this plugin into my project?
The dependency you are looking for does exist.
To troubleshoot this problem further we'd need to see your POM and the rest of your build output.
Taking a stab in the dark:
Is this the first time you're running this build on this machine? If so, a very common "gotcha" is a corporate firewall preventing access to Maven Central. The solution in this case is setup a Maven repository manager like Nexus, or configure Maven to use a HTTP proxy.
I had a similar problem. I set up the proxy in Eclipse then I discovered I also set up the proxy in my settings.xml. I deleted the proxy from settings.xml and all worked out.
I hope my situation will help!
I solved this by adding another profile parameter from my pom.xml to my mvn command, e.g. "-Pprofile-name" pointing to a non-Maven repo definition embedded inside that profile, since Maven might be looking for repo definitions to be standing alone in a settings.xml, which isn't always the case.
I resolved this by adding a settings.xml file in the ~\.m2 directory, with the appropriate configuration pointing to our internal libraries.
If this Problem is displayed in the Eclipse Environment, this is because the m2e Connector tries to download the Plugins in to your ~\.m2\ repository
to solve this, open your Eclipse Settings: Window->Preferences and go to the ->Maven->User Settings Section.
Check if either Global Settings or User Settings is connected to the settings.xml File that your Maven uses.
Generally: Maven or your m2e connector tries to download these plugins via the plugin-repositories configured in your settings.xml it's can't find them because the repository is unknown or not reachable because you are behind a proxy or so:
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failed to build parent project for
08.11.18, 15:54:47 MEZ: [WARN] Failure to transfer org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of tycho has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin/maven-metadata.xml from/to tycho (
go to your settings.xml file and add:
Mirrors (in this example: central repository. Do so for any other repos accordingly e.g. tycho):
<name>Our mirror for central repo</name>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/repositories/central/</url>
<url>http://<your host to>/nexus/content/groups/public/</url>
this should fix your problems:
Eclipse Specific: if Errors prevails (e.g. unknown packaging) add lifecycle mappings via Window->Preferences->Maven->Discovery->Open Catalog and add Tycho Connector
Further you can add the lifecycle-mapping plugin that handles these lifecycle mappings in the eclipse environment: eclipse m2e lifecycle mappings
Maybe you end up here because you are running nexus for a long time.
I finally found the error Summary tab in the Repositories page.
At some point Maven Central decided to require https: and the URL listed in my configuration still was using http:.
Update the URL to use https:, Save and everything worked smoothly again!
