Algorithm to find non-dominated pairs - algorithm

Given are pairs of integers (a1,b1),...,(an,bn). Pair i is "dominated" by pair j if ai < aj and bi < bj. What is an algorithm to quickly determine the list of pairs that are not dominated by any other pair?
We can check all the pairs, and for each pair, check whether it is dominated by any other pair by going through all the pairs again. This algorithm is order n^2. Is there an algorithm of order n or n log n?

We can find the non-dominated pairs in O(n log n) time.
Sort the pairs by decreasing order of a_i and then iterate over the pairs. Also, keep
track of the maximum b value seen so far, b_max. At each step, if the next (a_i,b_i)
pair has a b value greater than b_max, append it to the answer list and update b_max. The final answer list will be the non-dominated pairs.
Correctness: a pair is dominated if and only if some pair has a larger a
value and a larger b. When we consider a pair, we are comparing its b value precisely
to the maximum b value among pairs with larger a’s, so we add a pair to the list
if and only if it is not dominated.
Runtime: sorting the pairs by a value takes O(n log n) time. The iteration
takes O(n) time, so the overall runtime is O(n log n).

if I understand it correctly, a not dominated pair is one such that either a or b are greater or equal to the maximum value for a and b respectively.
So you just need to find such max values (a for loop O(n)) for both a and b, then execute another loop to find any couple satisfying the condition above stated. in summary, O(n) time complexity.
A small example in Java, returning an ArrayList of indexes for 'not dominated' pairs:
ArrayList<Integer>result=new ArrayList<Integer>();
int maxX=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int maxY=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int i=arrayOfPairs.length;
* get the max value
int x=arrayOfPairs[i][0];
int y=arrayOfPairs[i][1];
if (x>maxX)
if (y>maxY)
int[] pair=arrayOfPairs[i];
if (pair[0]>=maxX||pair[1]>=maxY)
result.add(new Integer(i));
return result;


Top and Bottom 5% elements from data stream

Given a digital input stream,
The average value of the last last k value is required, and in the calculation,
it is required to remove top5% and bottom5% of the k numbers.
Can we do it in linear time. A O(n log k) solution would be through using priority queues but I am not able to think of a more optimal solution.
Here is O(n log(k)) approach. I used a deque to hold the last k values in input order and a ordered set to maintain a sorted version of the last k values:
deque<T> d;
set<T> s; // e.g., red-black tree
for each new value x {
if (d.size() > k) {
old = d.front(); d.pop_front();
// s holds sorted k-values
// traverse to find mean
// traverse in order, pass over the first and last 0.05*k values

Find an algorithm for sorting integers with time complexity O(n + k*log(k))

Design an algorithm that sorts n integers where there are duplicates. The total number of different numbers is k. Your algorithm should have time complexity O(n + k*log(k)). The expected time is enough. For which values of k does the algorithm become linear?
I am not able to come up with a sorting algorithm for integers which satisfies the condition that it must be O(n + k*log(k)). I am not a very advanced programmer but I was in the problem before this one supposed to come up with an algorithm for all numbers xi in a list, 0 ≤ xi ≤ m such that the algorithm was O(n+m), where n was the number of elements in the list and m was the value of the biggest integer in the list. I solved that problem easily by using counting sort but I struggle with this problem. The condition that makes it the most difficult for me is the term k*log(k) under the ordo notation if that was n*log(n) instead I would be able to use merge sort, right? But that's not possible now so any ideas would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Here is a possible solution:
Using a hash table, count the number of unique values and the number of duplicates of each value. This should have a complexity of O(n).
Enumerate the hashtable, storing the unique values into a temporary array. Complexity is O(k).
Sort this array with a standard algorithm such as mergesort: complexity is O(k.log(k)).
Create the resulting array by replicating the elements of the sorted array of unique values each the number of times stored in the hash table. complexity is O(n) + O(k).
Combined complexity is O(n + k.log(k)).
For example, if k is a small constant, sorting an array of n values converges toward linear time as n becomes larger and larger.
If during the first phase, where k is computed incrementally, it appears that k is not significantly smaller than n, drop the hash table and just sort the original array with a standard algorithm.
The runtime of O(n + k*log(k) indicates (like addition in runtimes often does) that you have 2 subroutines, one which runes in O(n) and the other that runs in O(k*log(k)).
You can first count the frequency of the elements in O(n) (for example in a Hashmap, look this up if youre not familiar with it, it's very useful).
Then you just sort the unique elements, from which there are k. This sorting runs in O(k*log(k)), use any sorting algorithm you want.
At the end replace the single unique elements by how often they actually appeared, by looking this up in the map you created in step 1.
A possible Java solution an be like this:
public List<Integer> sortArrayWithDuplicates(List<Integer> arr) {
// O(n)
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(arr);
Map<Integer, Integer> freqMap = new HashMap<>();
for(Integer i: arr) {
freqMap.put(i, freqMap.getOrDefault(i, 0) + 1);
List<Integer> withoutDups = new ArrayList<>(set);
// Sorting => O(k(log(k)))
// as there are k different elements
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(Integer i : withoutDups) {
int c = freqMap.get(i);
for(int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
// return the result
return result;
The time complexity of the above code is O(n + k*log(k)) and solution is in the same line as answered above.

Divide and conquer algorithm

I had a job interview a few weeks ago and I was asked to design a divide and conquer algorithm. I could not solve the problem, but they just called me for a second interview! Here is the question:
we are giving as input two n-element arrays A[0..n − 1] and B[0..n − 1] (which
are not necessarily sorted) of integers, and an integer value. Give an O(nlogn) divide and conquer algorithm that determines if there exist distinct values i, j (that is, i != j) such that A[i] + B[j] = value. Your algorithm should return True if i, j exists, and return False otherwise. You may assume that the elements in A are distinct, and the elements in B are distinct.
can anybody solve the problem? Thanks
My approach is..
Sort any of the array. Here we sort array A. Sort it with the Merge Sort algorithm which is a Divide and Conquer algorithm.
Then for each element of B, Search for Required Value- Element of B in array A by Binary Search. Again this is a Divide and Conquer algorithm.
If you find the element Required Value - Element of B from an Array A then Both element makes pair such that Element of A + Element of B = Required Value.
So here for Time Complexity, A has N elements so Merge Sort will take O(N log N) and We do Binary Search for each element of B(Total N elements) Which takes O(N log N). So total time complexity would be O(N log N).
As you have mentioned you require to check for i != j if A[i] + B[j] = value then here you can take 2D array of size N * 2. Each element is paired with its original index as second element of the each row. Sorting would be done according the the data stored in the first element. Then when you find the element, You can compare both elements original indexes and return the value accordingly.
The following algorithm does not use Divide and Conquer but it is one of the solutions.
You need to sort both the arrays, maintaining the indexes of the elements maybe sorting an array of pairs (elem, index). This takes O(n log n) time.
Then you can apply the merge algorithm to check if there two elements such that A[i]+B[j] = value. This would O(n)
Overall time complexity will be O(n log n)
I suggest using hashing. Even if it's not the way you are supposed to solve the problem, it's worth mentioning since hashing has a better time complexity O(n) v. O(n*log(n)) and that's why more efficient.
Turn A into a hashset (or dictionary if we want i index) - O(n)
Scan B and check if there's value - B[j] in the hashset (dictionary) - O(n)
So you have an O(n) + O(n) = O(n) algorithm (which is better that required (O n * log(n)), however the solution is NOT Divide and Conquer):
Sample C# implementation
int[] A = new int[] { 7, 9, 5, 3, 47, 89, 1 };
int[] B = new int[] { 5, 7, 3, 4, 21, 59, 0 };
int value = 106; // 47 + 59 = A[4] + B[5]
// Turn A into a dictionary: key = item's value; value = item's key
var dict = A
.Select((val, index) => new {
v = val,
i = index, })
.ToDictionary(item => item.v, item => item.i);
int i = -1;
int j = -1;
// Scan B array
for (int k = 0; k < B.Length; ++k) {
if (dict.TryGetValue(value - B[k], out i)) {
// Solution found: {i, j}
j = k;
// if you want any solution then break
// scan further (comment out "break") if you want all pairs
Console.Write(j >= 0 ? $"{i} {j}" : "No solution");
Seems hard to achieve without sorting.
If you leave the arrays unsorted, checking for existence of A[i]+B[j] = Value takes time Ω(n) for fixed i, then checking for all i takes Θ(n²), unless you find a trick to put some order in B.
Balanced Divide & Conquer on the unsorted arrays doesn't seem any better: if you divide A and B in two halves, the solution can lie in one of Al/Bl, Al/Br, Ar/Bl, Ar/Br and this yields a recurrence T(n) = 4 T(n/2), which has a quadratic solution.
If sorting is allowed, the solution by Sanket Makani is a possibility but you do better in terms of time complexity for the search phase.
Indeed, assume A and B now sorted and consider the 2D function A[i]+B[j], which is monotonic in both directions i and j. Then the domain A[i]+B[j] ≤ Value is limited by a monotonic curve j = f(i) or equivalently i = g(j). But strict equality A[i]+B[j] = Value must be checked exhaustively for all points of the curve and one cannot avoid to evaluate f everywhere in the worst case.
Starting from i = 0, you obtain f(i) by dichotomic search. Then you can follow the border curve incrementally. You will perform n step in the i direction, and at most n steps in the j direction, so that the complexity remains bounded by O(n), which is optimal.
Below, an example showing the areas with a sum below and above the target value (there are two matches).
This optimal solution has little to do with Divide & Conquer. It is maybe possible to design a variant based on the evaluation of the sum at a central point, which allows to discard a whole quadrant, but that would be pretty artificial.

Finding all unique elements from a big sorted array in log n time?

I have a very big sorted array. How can I count or print all the unique elements of an array??
Suppose my array is [2,3,3,3,4,6,6,7]
then output should be 2,3,4,6,7
I know to do it in a n(complexity) time. But interviewer asked me to do this in log n time??
Is it possible?
Here is an algorithm which requires O(logn*k) where k is unique elements:-
set uniQ
int ind = 0;
do {
ind = BinSearchGreater(arr,arr[ind],ind+1);
if(ind >= arr.length)
} while(true);
BinSearchGreater(arr,key,start_ind) : returns index of first element greater than key in subarray starting at start_ind
Time complexity :-
Note this algorithm is only good when no of unique elements are small.
This is asymptotically O(n*logn) if all are unique so worse than linear.
I would like to know how he (the interviewer) counts every unique element in the array [1,2,3,4,5] without picking at least every element. In this case you have to pick every element to count every element and this will be done in O(n). In my opinion impossible to get a complexity of O(log n), if there are no other requirements to the given array.

Very hard sorting algorithm problem - O(n) time - Time complextiy

Since the problem is long i can not describe it at title.
Imagine that we have 2 unsorted integer arrays. Both array lenght is n and they are containing interegers between 0 - n^765 (n power 765 maximum) .
I want to compare both arrays and find out whether they contain any same integer value or not with in O(n) time complexity.
no duplicates are possible in the same array
Any help and idea is appreciated.
What you want is impossible. Each element will be stored in up to log(n^765) bits, which is O(log n). So simply reading the contents of both arrays will take O(n*logn).
If you have a constant upper bound on the value of each element, You can solve this in O(n) average time by storing the elements of one array in a hash table, and then checking if the elements of the other array are contained in it.
The solution you may be looking for is to use radix sort to sort your data, after which you can easily check for duplicate elements. You would look at your numbers in base n, and do 765 passes over your data. Each pass would use a bucket sort or counting sort to sort by a single digit (in base n). This process would take O(n) time in the worst case (assuming a constant upper bound on element size). Note that I doubt anyone would ever choose this over a hash table in practice.
By assuming multiplication and division is O(1):
Think about numbers, you can write them as:
Number(i) = A0 * n^765 + A1 * n^764 + .... + A764 * n + A765.
for coding number to this format, you should just do Number / n^i, Number % n^i, if you precompute, n^1, n^2, n^3, ... it can be done in O(n * 765)=> O(n) for all numbers. precomputation of n^i, can be done in O(i) since i at most is 765 it's O(1) for all items.
Now you can write Numbers(i) as array: Nembers(i) = (A0, A1, ..., A765) and know you can radix sort items :
first compare all A765, then ...., All of Ai's are in the range 0..n so for comparing Ai's you can use Counting sort (Counting sort is O(n)), so your radix sort is O(n * 765) which is O(n).
After radix sort you have two sorted array and you can simply find one similar item in O(n) or use merge algorithm (like merge sort) to find most possible similarity (not just one).
for generalization if the size of input items is O(n^C) it can be sorted in O(n) (C is fix number). but because the overhead of this way of sortings are big, prefer to using quicksort and similar algorithms. Simple sample of this question can be found in Introduction to Algorithm book, which asks if the numbers are in range (0..n^2) how to sort them in O(n).
Edit: for clarifying how you can find similar items in 2-sorted lists:
You have 2 sorted list, for example in merge sort how do you can merge two sorted list to one list? you will move from start of list 1, and list 2, and move your head pointer of list1 while head(list(1)) > head(list(2)), and after that do this for list2 and ..., so if there is a similar item your algorithm will stop (before reach the end of lists), or in the end of two lists your algorithm will stop.
it's as easy as bellow:
public int FindSimilarityInSortedLists(List<int> list1, List<int> list2)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
while (i < list1.Count && j < list2.Count)
if (list1[i] == list2[j])
return list1[i];
if (list1[i] < list2[j])
return -1; // not found
If memory was unlimited you could simply create a hashtable with the integers as keys and the values the number of times they are found. Then to do your "fast" look up you simple query for an integer, discover if its contained within the hash table, and if found check that the value is 1 or 2. That would take O(n) to load and O(1) to query.
I do not think you can do it O(n).
You should check n values whether they are in the other array. This means you have n comparing operations at least if the other array has just 1 element. But as you have n element it the other array as well, you can do it just O(n*n)
