Top and Bottom 5% elements from data stream - algorithm

Given a digital input stream,
The average value of the last last k value is required, and in the calculation,
it is required to remove top5% and bottom5% of the k numbers.
Can we do it in linear time. A O(n log k) solution would be through using priority queues but I am not able to think of a more optimal solution.

Here is O(n log(k)) approach. I used a deque to hold the last k values in input order and a ordered set to maintain a sorted version of the last k values:
deque<T> d;
set<T> s; // e.g., red-black tree
for each new value x {
if (d.size() > k) {
old = d.front(); d.pop_front();
// s holds sorted k-values
// traverse to find mean
// traverse in order, pass over the first and last 0.05*k values


Find the top K elements in O(N log K) time using heaps

Let's say if i have a list containing:
lst = [4,0,8,3,1,5,10]
and I'm planning to use a heap structure to help me retrieve the top k largest number where k is a user input.
I understand that heap sort is O(N log N) where we first take O(N) time to place them in a min/max heap and the O(log N) time to retrieve elements.
But the problem I'm facing now is that I'm required to retrieve the top k users in O(N log K) time. If my k is 4, i would have:
as my output. The thing I'm confused about is, at the early stage of forming the heap, am i supposed to heap the entire list in order to retrieve the top k elements?
The log K term would suggest that you would only want a heap of size K. Here is one possible solution.
Start with an unsorted array. Convert the first K elements to a min-heap of size K. At the top of the heap will be your smallest element. Successively replace the smallest element with each of the remaining N - K elements in the array (that do not constitute a part of the heap), in O(log K) time. After O(N) such operations, the first K elements in the array (or, the K elements of the heap you created) will now have the K largest elements in your array.
There are other solutions but this is the most straightforward.
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
for (int i : your_arraylist){
pq.add(i); //add to queue
if(pq. size() > k){
pq.poll(); //remove the top element, smallest in this case, once the queue
// reaches the size K

How to build a binary tree in O(N ) time?

Following on from a previous question here I'm keen to know how to build a binary tree from an array of N unsorted large integers in order N time?
Unless you have some pre-conditions on the list that allow you to calculate the position in the tree for each item in constant time it is not possible to 'build', that is sequentially insert, items into a tree in O(N) time. Each insertion has to compare up to Log M times where M is the number of items already in the tree.
OK, just for completeness... The binary tree in question is built from an array and has a leaf for every array element. It keeps them in their original index order, not value order, so it doesn't magically let you sort a list in linear time. It also needs to be balanced.
To build such a tree in linear time, you can use a simple recursive algorithm like this (using 0-based indexes):
//build a tree of elements [start, end) in array
//precondition: end > start
buildTree(int[] array, int start, int end)
if (end-start > 1)
int mid = (start+end)>>1;
left = buildTree(array, start, mid);
right = buildTree(array, mid, end);
return new InternalNode(left,right);
return new LeafNode(array[start]);
I agree that this seems impossible in general (assuming we have a general, totally ordered set S of N items.) Below is an informal argument where I essentially reduce the building of a BST on S to the problem of sorting S.
Informal argument. Let S be a set of N elements. Now construct a binary search tree T that stores items from S in O(N) time.
Now do an inorder walk of the tree and print values of the leaves as you visit them. You essentially sorted the elements from S. This took you O(|T|) steps, where |T| is the size of the tree (i.e. the number of nodes). (The size of the BST is O(N log N) in the worst case.)
If |T|=o(N log N) then you just solved the general sorting problem in o(N log N) time which is a contradiction.
I have an idea, how it is possible.
Sort array with RadixSort, this is O(N). Thereafter, use recursive procedure to insert into leafs, like:
node *insert(int *array, int size) {
if(size <= 0)
return NULL;
node *rc = new node;
int midpoint = size / 2;
rc->data = array[midpoint];
rc->left = insert(array, midpoint);
rc->right = insert(array + midpoint + 1, size - midpoint - 1);
return rc;
Since we do not iterate tree from up to down, but always attach nodes to a current leafs, this is also O(1).

How to get dot product of two sparsevectors in O(m+n) , where m and n are the number of elements in both vectors

I have two sparse vectors X and Y and want to get the dot product in O(m+n) where m and n are the numbers of non-zero elements in X and Y. The only way I can think of is picking each element in vector X and traverse through vector Y to find if there is element with the same index. But that would take O(m * n). I am implementing the vector as a linked list and each node has an element.
You can do it if your vectors are stored as a linked list of tuples whith each tuple containing the index and the value of a non zero element and sorted by the index.
You iterate through both vectors, by selecting the next element from the vector where you are at the lower index. If the indexes are the same you multiply the elements and store the result.
Repeat until one list reaches the end.
Since you have one step per non zero element in each list, the complexity is O(m+n) as required.
Footnote: The datastructure doesn't have to be linked list, but must provide a O(1) way to access the next non 0 element and it's index.
Sorted lists
Given that your nonzero elements are sorted by coordinate index in both vectors, it is achieved by merge algorithm. That is a standard algorithm in computer science, which merges two sorted sequences into one sorted sequence, and it works in O(M + N).
There are two ways to do it. The first one is to check for equal elements inside merge. And it is indeed the best way.
The second way is to merge first, then check for equals (they must be consecutive then):
std::pair<int, double> vecA[n], vecB[m], vecBoth[n+m];
std::merge(vecA, vecA+n, vecB, vecB+m, vecBoth);
double dotP = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i+1 < n+m; i++)
if (vecBoth[i].first == vecBoth[i+1].first)
dotP += vecBoth[i].second * vecBoth[i+1].second;
Complexity of std::merge is O(M + N).
Example above assumes that the data is stored in arrays (which is the best choice for sparse vectors and matrices). If you want to use linked lists, you can also perform merge in O(M + N) time, see this question.
Unsorted lists
Even if your lists are unsorted, you can still perform dot product in O(M + N) time. The idea is to put all the elements of A into hash table first, then iterate through elements of B and see if there is an elements in hash with same index.
If indices are very large (e.g. more than million), then perhaps you should really use a nontrivial hash function. However, if your indices are rather small, then you can avoid using hash function. Simply use array of size greater than dimension of your vectors. In order to clear this array fast, you can use the trick with "generations".
//global data! must be threadlocal in case of concurrent access
double elemsTable[1<<20];
int whenUsed[1<<20] = {0};
int usedGeneration = 0;
double CalcDotProduct(std::pair<int, double> vecA[n], vecB[m]) {
usedGeneration++; //clear used array in O(1)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
elemsTable[vecA[i].first] = vecA[i].second;
whenUsed[vecA[i].first] = usedGeneration;
double dotP = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
if (whenUsed[vecB[i].first] == usedGeneration)
dotP += elemsTable[vecB[i].first] * vecB[i].second;
return dotP;
Note that you might need to clear whenUsed once per billion dot products.
Use Map to store each vector.
Each entry of map has index as key and value as the vector value at the particular index. Insert only the non zero values
Iterate on one map and for each entry check whether the particular key is present in the other map.If yes update the product else ignore the current key
Time Complexity : n -> vector size
O(n) - for map construction
O(n) - for iteration
Space Complexity : O(n) - for maps

Algorithm to find non-dominated pairs

Given are pairs of integers (a1,b1),...,(an,bn). Pair i is "dominated" by pair j if ai < aj and bi < bj. What is an algorithm to quickly determine the list of pairs that are not dominated by any other pair?
We can check all the pairs, and for each pair, check whether it is dominated by any other pair by going through all the pairs again. This algorithm is order n^2. Is there an algorithm of order n or n log n?
We can find the non-dominated pairs in O(n log n) time.
Sort the pairs by decreasing order of a_i and then iterate over the pairs. Also, keep
track of the maximum b value seen so far, b_max. At each step, if the next (a_i,b_i)
pair has a b value greater than b_max, append it to the answer list and update b_max. The final answer list will be the non-dominated pairs.
Correctness: a pair is dominated if and only if some pair has a larger a
value and a larger b. When we consider a pair, we are comparing its b value precisely
to the maximum b value among pairs with larger a’s, so we add a pair to the list
if and only if it is not dominated.
Runtime: sorting the pairs by a value takes O(n log n) time. The iteration
takes O(n) time, so the overall runtime is O(n log n).
if I understand it correctly, a not dominated pair is one such that either a or b are greater or equal to the maximum value for a and b respectively.
So you just need to find such max values (a for loop O(n)) for both a and b, then execute another loop to find any couple satisfying the condition above stated. in summary, O(n) time complexity.
A small example in Java, returning an ArrayList of indexes for 'not dominated' pairs:
ArrayList<Integer>result=new ArrayList<Integer>();
int maxX=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int maxY=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int i=arrayOfPairs.length;
* get the max value
int x=arrayOfPairs[i][0];
int y=arrayOfPairs[i][1];
if (x>maxX)
if (y>maxY)
int[] pair=arrayOfPairs[i];
if (pair[0]>=maxX||pair[1]>=maxY)
result.add(new Integer(i));
return result;

Find median value from a growing set

I came across an interesting algorithm question in an interview. I gave my answer but not sure whether there is any better idea. So I welcome everyone to write something about his/her ideas.
You have an empty set. Now elements are put into the set one by one. We assume all the elements are integers and they are distinct (according to the definition of set, we don't consider two elements with the same value).
Every time a new element is added to the set, the set's median value is asked. The median value is defined the same as in math: the middle element in a sorted list. Here, specially, when the size of set is even, assuming size of set = 2*x, the median element is the x-th element of the set.
An example:
Start with an empty set,
when 12 is added, the median is 12,
when 7 is added, the median is 7,
when 8 is added, the median is 8,
when 11 is added, the median is 8,
when 5 is added, the median is 8,
when 16 is added, the median is 8,
Notice that, first, elements are added to set one by one and second, we don't know the elements going to be added.
My answer.
Since it is a question about finding median, sorting is needed. The easiest solution is to use a normal array and keep the array sorted. When a new element comes, use binary search to find the position for the element (log_n) and add the element to the array. Since it is a normal array so shifting the rest of the array is needed, whose time complexity is n. When the element is inserted, we can immediately get the median, using instance time.
The WORST time complexity is: log_n + n + 1.
Another solution is to use link list. The reason for using link list is to remove the need of shifting the array. But finding the location of the new element requires a linear search. Adding the element takes instant time and then we need to find the median by going through half of the array, which always takes n/2 time.
The WORST time complexity is: n + 1 + n/2.
The third solution is to use a binary search tree. Using a tree, we avoid shifting array. But using the binary search tree to find the median is not very attractive. So I change the binary search tree in a way that it is always the case that the left subtree and the right subtree are balanced. This means that at any time, either the left subtree and the right subtree have the same number of nodes or the right subtree has one node more than in the left subtree. In other words, it is ensured that at any time, the root element is the median. Of course this requires changes in the way the tree is built. The technical detail is similar to rotating a red-black tree.
If the tree is maintained properly, it is ensured that the WORST time complexity is O(n).
So the three algorithms are all linear to the size of the set. If no sub-linear algorithm exists, the three algorithms can be thought as the optimal solutions. Since they don't differ from each other much, the best is the easiest to implement, which is the second one, using link list.
So what I really wonder is, will there be a sub-linear algorithm for this problem and if so what will it be like. Any ideas guys?
Your complexity analysis is confusing. Let's say that n items total are added; we want to output the stream of n medians (where the ith in the stream is the median of the first i items) efficiently.
I believe this can be done in O(n*lg n) time using two priority queues (e.g. binary or fibonacci heap); one queue for the items below the current median (so the largest element is at the top), and the other for items above it (in this heap, the smallest is at the bottom). Note that in fibonacci (and other) heaps, insertion is O(1) amortized; it's only popping an element that's O(lg n).
This would be called an "online median selection" algorithm, although Wikipedia only talks about online min/max selection. Here's an approximate algorithm, and a lower bound on deterministic and approximate online median selection (a lower bound means no faster algorithm is possible!)
If there are a small number of possible values compared to n, you can probably break the comparison-based lower bound just like you can for sorting.
I received the same interview question and came up with the two-heap solution in wrang-wrang's post. As he says, the time per operation is O(log n) worst-case. The expected time is also O(log n) because you have to "pop an element" 1/4 of the time assuming random inputs.
I subsequently thought about it further and figured out how to get constant expected time; indeed, the expected number of comparisons per element becomes 2+o(1). You can see my writeup at .
BTW, the solutions discussed here all require space O(n), since you must save all the elements. A completely different approach, requiring only O(log n) space, gives you an approximation to the median (not the exact median). Sorry I can't post a link (I'm limited to one link per post) but my paper has pointers.
Although wrang-wrang already answered, I wish to describe a modification of your binary search tree method that is sub-linear.
We use a binary search tree that is balanced (AVL/Red-Black/etc), but not super-balanced like you described. So adding an item is O(log n)
One modification to the tree: for every node we also store the number of nodes in its subtree. This doesn't change the complexity. (For a leaf this count would be 1, for a node with two leaf children this would be 3, etc)
We can now access the Kth smallest element in O(log n) using these counts:
def get_kth_item(subtree, k):
left_size = 0 if subtree.left is None else subtree.left.size
if k < left_size:
return get_kth_item(subtree.left, k)
elif k == left_size:
return subtree.value
else: # k > left_size
return get_kth_item(subtree.right, k-1-left_size)
A median is a special case of Kth smallest element (given that you know the size of the set).
So all in all this is another O(log n) solution.
We can difine a min and max heap to store numbers. Additionally, we define a class DynamicArray for the number set, with two functions: Insert and Getmedian. Time to insert a new number is O(lgn), while time to get median is O(1).
This solution is implemented in C++ as the following:
template<typename T> class DynamicArray
void Insert(T num)
if(((minHeap.size() + maxHeap.size()) & 1) == 0)
if(maxHeap.size() > 0 && num < maxHeap[0])
push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
num = maxHeap[0];
pop_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
if(minHeap.size() > 0 && minHeap[0] < num)
push_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
num = minHeap[0];
pop_heap(minHeap.begin(), minHeap.end(), greater<T>());
push_heap(maxHeap.begin(), maxHeap.end(), less<T>());
int GetMedian()
int size = minHeap.size() + maxHeap.size();
if(size == 0)
throw exception("No numbers are available");
T median = 0;
if(size & 1 == 1)
median = minHeap[0];
median = (minHeap[0] + maxHeap[0]) / 2;
return median;
vector<T> minHeap;
vector<T> maxHeap;
For more detailed analysis, please refer to my blog:
1) As with the previous suggestions, keep two heaps and cache their respective sizes. The left heap keeps values below the median, the right heap keeps values above the median. If you simply negate the values in the right heap the smallest value will be at the root so there is no need to create a special data structure.
2) When you add a new number, you determine the new median from the size of your two heaps, the current median, and the two roots of the L&R heaps, which just takes constant time.
3) Call a private threaded method to perform the actual work to perform the insert and update, but return immediately with the new median value. You only need to block until the heap roots are updated. Then, the thread doing the insert just needs to maintain a lock on the traversing grandparent node as it traverses the tree; this will ensue that you can insert and rebalance without blocking other inserting threads working on other sub-branches.
Getting the median becomes a constant time procedure, of course now you may have to wait on synchronization from further adds.
A balanced tree (e.g. R/B tree) with augmented size field should find the median in lg(n) time in the worst case. I think it is in Chapter 14 of the classic Algorithm text book.
To keep the explanation brief, you can efficiently augment a BST to select a key of a specified rank in O(h) by having each node store the number of nodes in its left subtree. If you can guarantee that the tree is balanced, you can reduce this to O(log(n)). Consider using an AVL which is height-balanced (or red-black tree which is roughly balanced), then you can select any key in O(log(n)). When you insert or delete a node into the AVL you can increment or decrement a variable that keeps track of the total number of nodes in the tree to determine the rank of the median which you can then select in O(log(n)).
In order to find the median in linear time you can try this (it just came to my mind). You need to store some values every time you add number to your set, and you won't need sorting. Here it goes.
typedef struct
int number;
int lesser;
int greater;
} record;
int median(record numbers[], int count, int n)
int i;
int a, b;
numbers[count + 1].number = n:
for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
if (n < numbers[i].number)
numbers[count + 1].greater++;
numbers[count + 1].lesser++;
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == 0)
m = numbers[i].number;
for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == -1)
a = numbers[i].number;
if (numbers[i].greater - numbers[i].lesser == 1)
b = numbers[i].number;
m = (a + b) / 2;
return m;
What this does is, each time you add a number to the set, you must now how many "lesser than your number" numbers have, and how many "greater than your number" numbers have. So, if you have a number with the same "lesser than" and "greater than" it means your number is in the very middle of the set, without having to sort it. In the case that you have an even amount of numbers you may have two choices for a median, so you just return the mean of those two. BTW, this is C code, I hope this helps.
