How To download the article content as pdf in joomla 2.5? - joomla

Is there any extension except Phoca PDF.
I want to download the article content by providing it any link to save the content as a pdf file.

You can either download a phocapdf or you can create a view for this as suggested here


Is it possible to avoid downloading a pdf file on website when viewing it?

When I click a link to pdf file on sites, it cannot help download it sometimes.(On FireFox)
I just want to view it.
So, I'm thinking of making web extension which enables to avoid downloading when viewing it.
Is it possible?

Download articles in joomla

Lets say,if I add a new article in joomla website and I want to download that article in pdf file on the front-end of the site. How can I achieve it?
Is it possible if I add a new article in joomla and in the front-end, visitors of the page can download that article in pdf file? How can I do it? Is there any solution to my problem? Thanks a lot.
Yes, it is possible. You can use Phoca PDF.
It is a free extension. Enjoy!

Get featured image from any link (without ever needed to upload files to wordpress image library)

I have a question about wordpress Featured Image. When i need a Featured Image for a post of my wordpress site, i must upload the file to wordpress library and choose to make it display. The question i have today is that, is it possible to add a field in wordpress library that says insert from url to get file from a link that works for Featured Image? Why do i need this option? Because, i want only to add image to Featured Image for a post instead of adding the image to the content of a post, and there won't be full of files in my gallery. I noticed that, this option(insert from url) is only available when i'm adding images to post, but not available for Featured Image. Any solution for this?

How can I create a download link in a joomla article?

I want to create a download link for a PDF file in a Joomla (version 2.5) article. For example, it will be written that please click here to download this file... I already uploaded the file to the media manager and its location is already set. I also already tried to create a link in the article for it. When I click the link, I get an error message of my hosting company. What should I do?
Thank you.
I think that I fixed it. Inside the edit/insert link button (in article page's editor), there is link url field and I type the url as /images/pdf/documentName.pdf and now when I click the link, the pdf document is opened in pdf view format and it is downloadable by default.

To get Virtuemart to produce a custom downloadable PDF/certificate with the buyer's details on it

I am new to joomla and I have a problem:
The challenge is to get Virtuemart to produce a custom downloadable
PDF/certificate with the buyer's details on it.
Virtuemart already have a download after paying ability, but not for
custom created files/pdfs.
Joomla can also already create pdfs from front-end files, so I assume
it is possible to achieve this.
Any suggestions as to how I should go about this will be very much appreciated.
Thank you
I would package this in a custom component, basically you need to:
create a link in Virtuemart that links to the component relating to the order_item
check that order_item is paid
produce the PDF by outputting some page content and putting it through the PDF output of Joomla
I haven't used Joomla's PDF output, it may be just as easy to use FPDF, rosPDF or you could use an existing PDF by installing pdftk (on a VM or dedicated server only)
HTH, Jochen
