Visual Studio -.ASPX files take so much longer to load - visual-studio-2010

I am using VS 2010 i am accessing it through remote desktop but when i run some page it is taking alot of time to load,i dont know why is there any quick solution for this?

Try disabling intellitrace in VS2010. There are numerous posts online, discussing this behaviour in VS2010. One of the tips should help you.


Working Set of files - Visual Studio 2012

Hi does anyone know of a plugin for visual studio 2012 that will let me add files to a current working set.
I have a large solution worked on by many people and navigating around it takes me a lot of dev time.
Up to now i've been using bookmarks, but something smarter would be good, the bookmarks seem a bit simple.
Eg. being able to book mark a whole folder would be useful!

Detached/attached NDepend windows in Visual Studio not remembering where they should be

NDepend is a great tool, but I'm having problems with the various windows opened by NDepend in Visual Studio 2010. The don't seem to remember where I stick/attach them. I want the Error List and Query Explorer to be stuck at the bottom, and the CQL Query Edit window to the right and so on. But when I reopen visual studio and the solution, these windows are re-opened in what seems to be default places.
When reopening a solution, I would love for these windows to remember where I put them :) Anyone else having these problems or is it just me? I have a gazillion VS plugins so my environment may be messed up, but I know it's possible to save the window positions in vsix projects...
Thanks for any help! Love NDepend!
Patrick Smacchia from NDepend team writing.
Thanks for the kind word Johan :)
The fact is that NDepend relies on the VS addin API to integrate in VS, and remenbering panels docking state is not an option with this API.
However, we plan to switch to VS extension API, within the year hopefully, and this will solve that issue.

Visual Studio 2010 Patches [Fix]

Someone could tell me where I can find the list (or all) patch already available for Visual Studio 2010.I am finding a lot of problems, and his navigation is very slow. Especially with ASP.NET MVC.
If no such list ready, we can use this post to enumerate the problems and their fixes.
This page should have all the hot fixes
and check out the
its no "fix" but for example, there are replacements for the "add reference" dialog, that are muuuuch faster....
Here's a patch that correct a lot of problems that I've been finding in IntelliSense... It works perfectly for me:

Visual Studio 2008 crashes

When I open a aspx page, it crashes. Doesn't happen when I'm on SAFE MODE. It seems to be connected to Visual SVN. I'm also using Telerik, but telerik seems to work fine.
Clearly, this is a unique problem to your environment and difficult to troubleshoot with light details. I'd obviously recommend trying to uninstall the Visual SVN plug-in and see if that impacts VS stability. If VS stability improves, problem solved; if not, keep removing/uninstalling VS plug-ins to trace the issue.
If you ultimately still have issues with all plug-ins removed, a repair install of VS 2008 may help.
Sorry this help isn't more targeted. Try some trouble hunting and let us know if we can help further.

Is there anything I can do to make "help" load faster in Visual Studio 2008?

Loading Help or clicking F1 in Visual Studio is horribly slow to load and has been on ever PC I have installed it on. Is there any optimizations that can be employed to ease this pain?
This is not the same question as Visual Studio Optimizations I am just trying to solve the problem with help loading.
Visual Studio (at least 2005 and 2008) defaults to searching online help before local help.
Did you install help locally when you installed Visual Studio? If you did, is it configured to search local help before searching online help?
FYI, in VS2005 and VS2008 the settings are located in Tools | Options | Environment | Help | Online.
It is Microsoft's way of reminding you of Benjamin Franklin's famous quote:
“He that can have Patience, can have what he will.”
... as in this case, Help.
Please refer to: Some pointers on increasing VS speed.
EDIT: after re-reading the question I see you were looking for speeding up HELP, not the IDE in general.
