Working Set of files - Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio

Hi does anyone know of a plugin for visual studio 2012 that will let me add files to a current working set.
I have a large solution worked on by many people and navigating around it takes me a lot of dev time.
Up to now i've been using bookmarks, but something smarter would be good, the bookmarks seem a bit simple.
Eg. being able to book mark a whole folder would be useful!


Visual Studio hands when adding new file to source control

I have been working in both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 with TFS 2015.
I will often have issues where, when I add a new file, the window pops up to add the file to TFS automatically, but it just sets there. I try to click Cancel, and it just sits there saying "Canceling...". I end up having to kill the process and reopen. It usually works for a little bit after that.
None of my coworkers, using the same versions of VS and TFS, have this issue.
Any help would be appreciated. It is starting to get exhausting to deal with.
Try to clear the version control cache on your machine. It should be located in:
C:\Users\<yourusername>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Team Foundation\. There will be numbered folders (6.0, 7.0, etc) in there, with Cache subfolders. Try deleting all of those.
It's going to be very difficult to give a definitive answer; the best anyone can give you are suggestions.

Visual Studio -.ASPX files take so much longer to load

I am using VS 2010 i am accessing it through remote desktop but when i run some page it is taking alot of time to load,i dont know why is there any quick solution for this?
Try disabling intellitrace in VS2010. There are numerous posts online, discussing this behaviour in VS2010. One of the tips should help you.

Detached/attached NDepend windows in Visual Studio not remembering where they should be

NDepend is a great tool, but I'm having problems with the various windows opened by NDepend in Visual Studio 2010. The don't seem to remember where I stick/attach them. I want the Error List and Query Explorer to be stuck at the bottom, and the CQL Query Edit window to the right and so on. But when I reopen visual studio and the solution, these windows are re-opened in what seems to be default places.
When reopening a solution, I would love for these windows to remember where I put them :) Anyone else having these problems or is it just me? I have a gazillion VS plugins so my environment may be messed up, but I know it's possible to save the window positions in vsix projects...
Thanks for any help! Love NDepend!
Patrick Smacchia from NDepend team writing.
Thanks for the kind word Johan :)
The fact is that NDepend relies on the VS addin API to integrate in VS, and remenbering panels docking state is not an option with this API.
However, we plan to switch to VS extension API, within the year hopefully, and this will solve that issue.

Is there a "Favourites" section or equivalent in Visual Studio to facilitate the location of regularly opened files?

Someone asked the question "I have a Visual Studio solution with many projects; how can I organise them so I can easily find the projects I work most on?" ( Favorite projects in big solution in Visual Studio
My question is similar: I have a (C++) project with many files across many filters and it's cumbersome to locate certain files that I use a lot. Is there a favourites or equivalent that I can reference these oft opened files so that finding them is a breeze?
Your help is much appreciated!
BTW I'm using VS2008 at work and VS2010 at home.
You didn't mention what version of VS you're using, but this add-in looks promising for 2005 and 2008.
Or there's this one for 2010!

How can I stop Visual Studio removing Office files from the solution automatically?

I've been developing a project for a while, and we have started a "documentation" folder in the Visual Studio 2008 solution so that we can keep the developer documentation (and a few other useful files) in there (it's one of Visual Studio's solution folders, rather than a project). We're also using the AnkhSVN plugin so these files get copied to Subversion.
However, every time I save any of the files, Visual Studio automatically removes it from the solution, so I have to add it back in,and then close Word again without saving.
I'd have thought this was a fairly easy problem to solve, but the past three weeks (and reading many spurious results on Google for almost every search query I can think of that might be relevant) seem to have proved me wrong.
Does anyone have any ideas how to stop this behaviour?
I don't know if this still happens with VS2013, but for VS2010 here is a detailed explanation on the cause and a work-around:
Word files disappear from "Solution Items" in VS2010
Are you sure the files are removed and not just hidden? I had a similar thing with non-code files.
Showing and Hiding Hidden Files in Visual Studio 2008
